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Each year of your career offers you new opportunities and challenges to develop your professional practice. Reflect on
your current assignment and your pedagogical skills in relation to the Teacher Quality Standard, then use the following
tool to list the Professional Development Goals you are considering for this year.

Junior High Professional Growth Plan 2020-2021

Name of the Teacher: Katrina Szumlas Grade-Level: Junior High (7-9)

Subjects Taught: Science

Yearly Goals

During the 2020/21 school year, I would like to improve my teaching and
assessment practices by developing an understanding of visible learning
practices for science, and then implement various recommended
strategies into the classroom. This means connecting learning
experiences and challenging tasks that engage students in science
curriculum and skills more significantly than before. As more studies are
conducted, researchers are finding out more and more about what works
best in science teaching and learning, which is essential in order to
1. What do I want to learn and maximize the small amount of time science teachers have with their
why? students. I strongly believe that the future of the human species is
dependent on science, engineering and technology. Today more than
ever before, students need to be provided with opportunities to develop
skills for collaboration, problem solving, and innovation. Children are our
future, and the planet’s future.
Big Question: What is the best way to educate future scientists, and how
do we educate members of society so that they understand science, even
if they are not going to become scientists themselves? (Almarode, J.,
Fisher, D., Frey, N., & Hattie, J. 2018.)

*Quantitative Answer to this question is stated in Goal #2: Improving

Goal #1: Improving Student Learning, seeing as my goals are connected to one another.
Teaching and
2. How will I know if I reached my ● I will implement at least 1 new/recommended learning strategy,
Assessment Practices
goal? (Quantitative measure) whether it is a surface, deep or transfer activity, per month until
the end of the school year. Seeing as the implementation of
surface, deep, and transfer learning are all vital to the learning
experience, I will rotate between learning processes.

There are two main times throughout the year that I will review if I
reached my goal: First, I will need to be reflective especially of the
lessons I teach which implement strategies where visible learning in
science takes place. Reflective of myself and my teaching practices and
activities, as well as reflective of student learning and engagement
3. When will I review if I reached
throughout the lesson. The second time I will review if I reached my goal
my goal?
is after term exams, especially at the end of the school year (May/June).
This year-end reflection of the implementation of visible learning
strategies in science will allow me to select what teaching practices and
activities work best, and then implement that learning into the following
school year (2021/22).

Almarode, J., Fisher, D., Frey, N., & Hattie, J. 2018. VISIBLE
4. What resources/strategies will I LEARNING FOR SCIENCE, Grades K -12: What Works Best to
need or do I have to reach my Optimize Student Learning.
goal? Professional Development:
Alberta Science Network: Grade 7-9 Virtual Science: Distance
Learning or In-Class (Hybrid) Teacher. February 17, 2021.

It is my goal to learn and implement research-based best practices for

visible learning in science (refer to goal #1). I hope to learn teaching
strategies, as well as new and engaging activities that will improve the
student learning experience. Improving the student learning experience
means that 1) students are able to apply and transfer content based
1. What do I want to learn and learning and process skills developed in science to various aspects of
why? their life, 2) students are aware of and demonstrate soft skills, and 3)
students know what they are learning, why they are learning it, and how
they will know they have learned it. Research shows that students who
have developed well-rounded skills (i.e., scientific knowledge, social
skills, etc.) are more likely to have more and better employment

After careful consideration of the data collected from the T1 exam

results, I have developed the following quantitative goals that I feel are
realistic provided the nature of the online/hybrid school-year. Although I
want 100% of students to achieve a grade ≥ 60% on the cumulative year
end final (passing grade), given that students are not on site, and many
students have recurring online absences, this would not be a realistic
Goal #2: Improving
goal for this year.
Student Learning ● Grade 7(2) T1&T2, then 7C for T3 - 85% of students will achieve
a grade ≥ 60% on the cumulative year end final (passing grade).
2. How will I know if I reached my 60% of the students will achieve marks in the meeting to
goal? (Quantitative measure) excelling range (70-100%). *This data ONLY includes students in
grade 7 taught by me.
● Grade 8 - 75% of students will achieve a grade ≥ 60% on the
cumulative year end final (passing grade). 65% of the students
will achieve marks in the meeting to excelling range (70-100%).
● Grade 9 - 75% of students will achieve a grade ≥ 60% on the
Provincial Achievement Exam. 50% of the students will achieve
marks in the meeting to excelling range (70-100%). *All students
are English Second Language Learners.
Link to supporting data

3. When will I review if I reached *Answer to this question is stated in Goal #1: Improving Teaching and
my goal? Assessment Practices.

4. What resources will I need or *Answer to this question is stated in Goal #1: Improving Teaching and
do I have to reach my goal? Assessment Practices.

When reflecting on the question of if I reached my goals, I did achieve

goal #1 of improving teaching and assessment practices through
developing an understanding of visible learning practices for science, and
then implementing various recommended strategies into the classroom.
In regard to goal #2 of improving student learning, I am on track to reach
my goal in Grade 7 and 9 by May/June, and I have accomplished my goal
in Grade 8, based on the results obtained from the T2 finals. When
reviewing the data, it is evident that student growth in Science is taking
place. Included is a breakdown of the data obtained during the T1 and T2
finals weeks.
● Grade 7 term 1 finals: 79% of students passed the exam, and
52% of students achieved a meeting or excelling grade. When
compared with the term 2 finals, 90% of students passed the
exam, and 55% of students achieved a meeting or excelling

Reflection: Did I reach my goal?

What would I do differently?
Review of goals What’s next? How can I share my
learning with others?
● Grade 8 term 1 finals: 64% of students passed the exam, and
49% of students achieved a meeting or excelling grade. When
compared with the term 2 finals, 84% of students passed the
exam, and 67% of students achieved a meeting or excelling

● Grade 9 term 1 finals: 65% of students passed the exam, and

43% of students achieved a meeting or excelling grade. When
compared with the term 2 finals, 74% of students passed the
exam, and 45% of students achieved a meeting or excelling
grade. *These grades are from 100% government made exams.

When reflecting upon my teaching practices at the beginning of the year,

middle of the year, and now, approaching the end of the year, there were
lessons and activities that went really well, and also lessons and activities
that provided me with an opportunity for growth. Reflecting on the start
of the year, in September and October, I would have done certain lessons
and activities much differently. To be specific, I would have incorporated
more digital activities, and provided more time on task for students. I
would have reduced my time giving direct instruction, and increased
student time on task in break out rooms. After having some time to build
relationships with students, become comfortable with technology, as
well as research effective online teaching strategies, I developed an
understanding of the possibilities for engaging students in an online
setting. In November, I began designing my own interactive online
activities which students enjoyed completing and were actively engaged
with. These activities were basic, like building a digital plant or animal
cell. If I reflect on where I am at now, I have students working in groups in
breakout rooms to gather research all on the same document in a matter
of minutes with no management issues; We are completing STEM
projects as a class; We are using manipulatives like modelling clay to
build models of plants, and mini-marshmallows and toothpicks, to build
molecular models. I am proud of my personal growth as a teacher, and
where I am at with my students in Grades 7- 9. The incorporation of
more time on task for students, specifically with activities they saw value
in and enjoyed, improved student engagement in Science, thus improved
their ability to think critically and apply their learning when writing tests
that required the application of higher order thinking and the ability to
make meaningful connections to past learning.

As for next steps, I am going to continue to grow and improve my

teaching practice, especially by seeking out professional development
opportunities. Currently, I am being challenged with learning how to be
an effective hybrid teacher. Over the past few weeks, I have experienced
growth with hybrid, and I am excited to see the growth that takes place
over the next few months. I believe that the future is dependent on
science, engineering and technology. Students need to be provided with
opportunities to develop skills for collaboration, problem solving, and
innovation. It is important to me to be flexible and find new and
engaging ways to involve students in the sciences, regardless of their
location, at-home or on-campus.

I am excited to get the opportunity to share my learning with future

Science teachers, and work as a team with them during the 2021/22
school-year. Some recommendations I would make to future
online/hybrid science teachers, is to build relationships with the
students. If you establish mutually trusting relationships with students,
and you create a safe space where feedback is welcomed, students will
provide you with mature and respectful feedback, allowing you to tailor
activities to their interests, thus improving their engagement. Also, I have
been collecting textbooks, and other digital resources, and organizing
them in the `Canadian School Science Shared Drive´ for future teachers. I
would love to provide guidance with the materials I have collected for
the High School, along with recommended teaching and assessment
strategies from my research during the 2020/21 school year.

Recommendations to Improve Student Learning in Science

- State clear and specific success criteria
- Scientific vocabulary graphic organizers, regularly check for student
understanding (Frayer Model - examples and non examples)
- Use visuals and mnemonics
- Questioning that requires students to form scientific explanations (i.e.,
“is it an insect” *show a picture*) and apply critical thinking skills/ past
learning to justify their responses with evidence
- Give students opportunities to explore and create multiple
representations of the content (i.e., STEM Challenges, Mars Colony
Design Challenge)
- Jigsaw Learning (i.e., Planets; Physical vs Chemical Changes); Flow Maps
for sequencing (i.e., Stages of Fertilization);
- Students need to practice observing; classifying; communicating;
measuring; hypothesizing; inferring; using variables in experiments*; and
interpreting data
-Test taking skills included as a part of every lesson (i.e., not just having a
test preparation day before the exam)
- Teacher effective feedback, and opportunities for student
self-assessment/ metacognition (i.e., consider the students relationships
between ideas and strategies for selecting an answer, and then help the
student identify different strategies for addressing a task)

About the Year-End Review

At the end of the year, you will need to provide evidence that you have completed your plan. The year-end review of
your professional growth plan is an opportunity to discuss your professional development activities and to showcase
the results of your learning. Typically, you will invite your school administrator/supervisor or the groups of designated
teachers to a meeting during which you will present your completed growth plan and discuss your progress.
Remember, this is not an evaluation of your professional growth plan or your teaching. Rather, it is an opportunity to
discuss your professional practice and describe what you have learned.

The following staff reviewed this Teacher Professional Growth Plan:

Year-End Review Date: ______________________________

Teacher Name: _____________________________________ Date: __________________

Supervisor Name: __________________________________

Supervisor Signature ________________________________ Date:__________________

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