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An Analysis of English Teacher’s Strategies in Online

Learning Process at Bilingual Class of SMPN 1 Sengkang









A. Background

Teaching English is not easy. With different levels of skill in each

class, teachers must use effective strategies that allow students to learn

more the material. Teachers must be creative in choosing materials and be

able to stimulate student interest. Therefore, the teacher needs to

manipulate several strategies to support the teaching and learning process.

Strategies can make learning “easier, faster, more enjoyable, more self-

directed, more effective, and more transferable to new situations” As

mentioned by Killen in Miller and Stoeckel (2011:288), no one single

teaching strategy is effective all the time for all learners.

Technique is one way that used to achieve the objective. For this

situation, technique is one different ways which can be utilized by teacher

or students to upgrade the language learning. Strategy in language

learning can decide the comprehension of language learning, regardless of

whether positive or negative results. As stated by Oxford (2001: 359) that

“language learning styles and strategies are among the main factors that

help determine how -and how well- the students learn a second or foreign

language”. So, the utilization of learning techniques is one of aspects that

can decide the success of language learning. Teaching strategy is

teacher’s way used in teaching learning process to manipulate the

students in achieving the desired objectives effectively. Teaching

strategies include several procedures systematically that can be

implemented by the teacher to make teaching learning process become

more effective and interested. It makes the students enjoy their learning

process and they are also involved in classroom activities. It will give

significant effect to the students because they are learning by doing. In

this case, teacher’s competence in applying teaching strategy has an

important role in teaching learning process.

The biggest challenge for all of the teachers, especially English

teachers because requires mastery of four skills, listening, speaking,

writing, reading. Since the end of 2019, the world has been rocked with a

coronavirus or COVID-19. As of March 11, 2020, the president of the

Republic Indonesia adopted a policy of temporarily closing the teaching

and learning process at schools and universities urged them to study at

home, and replacing them with online learning to break the chain of

viruses. Minimizing the transmission of infectious diseases, the public

takes action to limit social distancing and also self-quarantine. Social

distancing is a term applied to certain actions that are taken by public

health officials to stop or slow down the spread of a highly contagious

disease (Yuliana, 2020). While quarantine is a system of separating and

limiting the movement of people for some time to prevent transmission of

disease. It lasts long enough to ensure the person has not contacted an

infectious disease.

With that, the teachers inevitably have to apply and adapt to

online learning classes in conveying English material from listening,

speaking, reading, and writing so that the teaching and learning process

can keep going. According to Abbad (2009:398) online learning refers to

the use of information and communication technologies to enable the

access to online learning or teaching resources. A teacher’s confession

that she experienced a little difficulty in implementing online learning

classes because she rarely used it. With a short time and without

training, the teacher must directly apply it. Of course, here the teacher

requires adaptation and also a strategy to teach English.

Online learning has become a wide spread practice over the years

as an integrated technology in education. Previous studies represent its

practice. Sharpe &Benfield (2005) investigated the students’ experience of

online learning at Oxford Brokes University. Generally, participants in the

elective course rated the online modules marginally positive while those in

the required course rated them marginally negative.

Based on the explanation above, the researcher is interest in

observing what strategies use by teachers’ in teaching English with the

online learning method. The researcher try to investigate this with a

research entitled An Analysis of English Teacher’s Strategies in Online

Learning Process at Bilingual Class of SMPN 1 Sengkang”

B. Problem Statement

Based on the background of the study, the researcher formulates some

problems as follow:

1. What are the teacher’ strategies in the process of online learning English

in Billingual class at SMPN 1 Sengkang?

2. What are the reason of teachers to use their strategies on the Bilingual

class at SMPN 1 Sengkang?

C. Objective of The Research

The objectives of the study are list below:

1. To find out the teacher’ strategies in the process of online learning

English in Billingual class at SMPN1 Sengkang.

2. To know the reason of teachers use their strategies in the process of

online learning English in Billingual class at SMPN 1 Sengkang

D. Significance of the Research

1. For the students

By utilizing online learning English methods and appropriate strategy,

the researcher hopes that students will get enjoyable in the teaching and

learning process. The students will not feel constrained in learning

English however they will feel glad to learn since they are placed in an

enjoyable situation.

2. For the teacher

The researcher hopes that the result investigation will be helpful for the

other teacher in applying strategy for teaching English with online

methods. So, the teacher can improve teaching and learning English to

turn out to be more active, effective, and efficient even through online

learning method.

3. For the research

Will give good information related to the teachers’ strategy on the

process online learning English. Also this study provides a favorable

description for further research that wants to study the same case, so this

research becomes helpful data and a valuable reference for the next


E. Scope of the Research

In this research, the researcher focuses on the teacher’s strategy in

teaching English using online learning in bilingual class at SMPN 1



This chapter presents the theoretical framework of the related literature

that relevant to the topic that is about the definition of teaching strategy, kinds of

teaching strategy definition of e-learning, advantages and disadvantages of


A. Previous Related Study

Several studies are relevant to this research, including Fitri Yani (2016)

conducted a research on analysis of teachers’ teaching strategies and students’

different learning styles in English teaching-learning process. Her objective of the

study was to know how the English teachers formulate and implement teaching

strategies in the English teaching-learning process regarding students’ different

learning styles. Based on the result of this study showed that the teachers used

some strategies for covering the differences in students’ learning styles. The

strategies used upon the consideration of students’ character, the learning

objectives would be achieved by student and the characteristic of learning

material. Teaching strategies used by the teacher such as demonstration, videos,

reading text, lecturing/storytelling, cooperative learning, discussion, and games.

In other words it can be concluded that the use of the strategy used is based on the

consideration of different learning preferences and styles. The teacher

accommodates student learning styles by giving different instructions for each

learning style.
Second, Al-maqtri (2014) analyzed how effective is e-learning in teaching

English. His objectives of the study are to answer eight questions about teaching

English with e-learning method. Results of displaying data that students are not

motivated to work with the e-learning. The results also show that students misuse

the Blackboard system in large-scale plagiarism. An online quiz is found to be

more effective than the assignment even though some students dislike it. Some of

the students said they did not have access to the internet. As a result, e-learning

was found not to make learning English better. This finding recommends that

teachers need to increase their knowledge and experience to understand concepts,

implementations using strategies.

Third, Apriyandini (2016) entitled “An Analysis of English Teaching

Strategies at Vocational High School of Art (Case Study at SMK Negeri 8/SMK I

Surakarta in the Academic Year 2015/2016)” this study aimed to investigate the

teaching strategies at the SMK Negeri 8/SMKI Surakarta, to the analyze influence

factors of the teaching strategies, and to describe the implementation of teaching

strategies at the classroom practice. Base on result of the research show that

teachers have six teaching strategies to cover planning, teaching practice and


Fourth, The other research was also done by Wahidah (2015) entitled

“Teachers Strategies in Teaching English at Muslim Wittaya Phuket School” this

study concluded that the teachers applied four kind teaching strategies. This is

also done to help the students to master in learning English. Based on the result of

the research, it can be conclude that there are some strategies especially in
teaching English language. However, the researcher was interested to get more

common data from the English teacher’s strategies.

Fifth, The study of Tifani Anis Saliha, with the tittle “ Teacher’s Strategies

in Teaching Speaking at the Daffodils (Case Study Research At Kampoeng

Inggris-Pare Academic Year 2017” This research is aimed at founding teacher’s

strategies used in teaching speaking and the areas pf knowledge facilitated by the

teacher’s strategies teaching speaking process at the Daffoodils English Course

Kampung Inggris Pare. The result of the research showed the teacher research

showed that teacher used four strategies to make students participated in learning

speaking. The strategy applied by English teacher were appropriate in teaching

speaking at The Daffodils English Course because those strategy had the priority

to make students speaking a lot and make them participated by their responses.

From this study, there is a similar of focus with the research which is

related to teachers’ strategies in the English learning. but these studies only

discuss strategies in face-to-face learning. While the difference in the study

examines the teachers’ strategies in teaching English with online learning classes

during the COVID-19 pandemic.

B. Theoritical Framework

1. Definition of Teaching Strategy

In the study of educational technology, the strategy is included in the

realm of learning design. The development of strategy as a science has

developed starting from the military world and then used in education. In

warfare, s strategy is needed to obtain victory. Likewise with the learning

process, educators must identify all those related to the learning process that

will be carried out. Educators need to know who will be their students, how

different levels of intelligence, from what background they come from, how

they are motivated, and so forth. Haidir and Salim (2012:99) states the word

strategy is often interpreted by technique or method, which is a way to

convey a message in this case subject matter to students to achieve the

stated learning goals. Thus, the word strategy is related to the way, tactics or

methods to do something. MacDonald (1986:514) defines strategy as the art

of carrying out a plan skillfully. Strategy is the art of doing something

skillfully. Strategy as pecifications for selecting and sequencing events and

activities within a lesson. In line with this opinion, David (as quoted in

Sanjaya, 2006) strategy is a method, plan, or series of activities designed to

achieve a particular educational goals.

Meanwhile, if interpreted broadly, “the strategy can include

methods, approaches, the election of sources including the media used in

learning, grouping students, and measurement of success” (Haidir and

Salim, 2012:100). There are four basic strategies in learning

activities that include in the following:

a) Identify and determine the specifications and qualifications of the

behavior and personality changes of students as expected.

b) Choosing a teaching and learning approach system based on people’s

aspirations and views of life.

c) Choosing and determining the procedures, methods, and learning

techniques that are considered the most appropriate and effective so that

they can be used as a guide by the teachers in carrying out their teaching


d) Establishing norms and minimum limits of success or criteria and

standards of success so that it can be used as a guide by the teachers in 11

conducting, evaluating the results of teaching and learning activities

which will then be used as feedback to improve learning. Whereas

teaching is a series of events experienced by a teacher to present and

want change in students’ behavior. It brings changes in thinking, feeling

and student actions. This helps them to adapt to their environment.

Brown (2000:7) states that teaching means guiding and facilitating

learning, enabling the learner to learn, setting the condition of learning.

Teaching can be done without a teacher. They can use anything such as

nature, books, teaching machines, etc. which can act as teachers consider

teaching as a tripolar process which involves:

1) An agent, a source, human or material that tries to produce learning.

2) The objectives to be achieved through the teaching process.

3) Intervening variables consisting of teaching and learning situations. This

may involve physical or human material conditions and teaching methods.

From some of the definitions above, it can be concluded that the

teaching strategy is a method, technique, and tactic used by a teacher to teach

students in the class. Teaching strategies have been designed before, and this

is very necessary so that a learning goal can be achieved, and the material can

be delivered easily.

2. Kinds of Teaching Strategies

a. Cooperative Learning

Cooperative learning comes from the word cooperative it means

maximizing students learning to improve academic and understanding

both individuals and groups as well as helping one another (Trianto,

2009:75). Cooperative learning models is one of supportive learning

contextual learning.

Amri and Ahmadi (2010:90) defines cooperative learning teaching

system as a work or learning system structured group and cooperative

learning is a teaching and learning strategy that emphasizes attitude or

shared behavior in regular workgroups, that is consisting of two or more

people. Furthermore, Wena (2009:94-96) cooperative learning is one of a

group learning model that has rules certain. The basic principle of

cooperative learning is students form small groups and teach others to

achieve common goals, even in this learning smart students teach

students who are not smart without feeling disadvantaged. Cooperative

learning is also a model that prioritizes cooperation among students to

achieve learning goals.

Cooperative learning, this learning can also create interdependence

between students, so learning resources for students are not just teachers

and textbooks but also fellow students.

b. Inquiry Based-Learning

In this case, Haidir and Salim (2012:115) defined the inquiry as a

process of teacher and student interaction at a very high level, between

teacher, student, subject matter, and the environment is very needed.

The inquiry learning process can be marked by the emergence of

differences in views as a result of students’ creative thinking in

studying something.

Steps in inquiry learning:

1) Observing (observation)

2) Classifying using numbers (classify facts)

3) Space-time relationship (connect the time)

4) Predicting (make estimates)

5) Inferring (temporary conlusions)

6) Defining operationally (formulate an operational definition)

7) Formulating hypothesis (make temporary conjectures)

8) nterpreting data (interpret data)

9) Controlling variables (control variables)

10) Experimenting (try out)

11) Communicating (communicating the results or findings obtained)

c. Graphic Organizer

Graphic organizers are information with a visual display that is

designed to benefit students who are having difficulties in organizing

Graphic organizers are also referred to as concepts, cognitive maps, or web

content, which have the same goal: Graphs the organizers are intended to

help students visualize clearly how ideas are organized in a text or surround

a concept. Through the use of graphic organizers, students have a structure

for abstract ideas. Graphic organizers can be categorized in many ways

according to how they organize information: hierarchical, conceptual,

sequential, or cyclical.

Types of graphic organizer:

1) Concept map

2) Flow diagram or sequence chart

3) Compare/contrast or Vena diagram

4) Cause and Effect diagram

5) Main idea and details chart

6) Attribute chart

7) Story map

d. Differentiated Instruction

Hocket (2018) differentiation is a guide to teaching life. Many

teachers practice some form of differentiation for various proactive student

needs. At the same time, differentiation is a complex endeavor that requires

a variety of sophisticated skills develop over time and with practice. This

handbook provides teachers at all levels of expertise with insights and tools

for their professional growth.

According to Hamruni (2009: 8-9), teaching strategies are

classified into five parts, namely:

1) Direct Instruction teaching strategy

Direct instruction teaching strategy is teaching directed by the

teacher directly. This strategy is effective to determine information or to

build a skill step by steps. The direct instruction usually has deductive

character. The superiority of Direct Instruction Teaching Strategy is this

strategy so easy to be planned and used, while the core important weakness

in the developing ability, the process and the attitude that needed in critical

idea and interpersonal relation also learn.

2) Indirect Instruction teaching strategy

Indirect instruction teaching strategy often referred as inquiry,

inductive, problem solving, decision making and invention. Contrary 16 to

direct instruction teaching strategies, indirect instruction teaching strategies

put students as a centers, even though both of them can complement each

other. In this strategy the role of the teacher moves from the speaker to the

facilitator. The teacher manage learning environment and give the students

an opportunity to involve in the environment.

The advantages of Indirect instruction teaching strategies are:

a) Pushing interest and curiosity of the students

b) Creating the alternative and solving the problem

c) Pushing creativity and developing interpersonal skill and the other ability

d) Better understanding

e) Expressing understanding This strategy takes a long time, and the results

are difficult to predict. This strategy in not appropriate if students need a

memory quickly.

3) Interactive teaching strategy

Interactive teaching strategy emphasizes on discussion and share

between the learners. It will encourage of learner to create new an idea or

concept, reacting on experiences, approach and developing alternative

mindset. The superiorities of interactive teaching strategy are students can

improve their social skill and their ability, developing of rational argument.

The weaknesses of this strategy is depend on the creativity of teacher to

arrange and develop the group dynamics

4) Experiential/ empirical teaching strategy

Empirical teaching strategies have orientation in inductive

activities. In this case students as the center. Self reflection about their

experience, is a planning formulation to achieve implementation based on

context. The advantages of this strategy are able to increase student

participation, as well as increase in student analytic aspects. While the

disadvantages of this strategy are a high cost, and takes a long time.

5) Independent teaching strategy

The purposes of independent teaching strategy are developing of

individual initiative, able to develop themselves and students must be active

in learning. The advantage of this strategy is create student respect, while the

disadvantage is that implementation is difficult for young students.

3. Teaching Approach

According to Arvind (2017) there are various approaches which

are used in teaching learning process. The following are the main approaches

of teaching learning:

a. Teacher centered approach

Teacher centered approaches are more traditional in nature,

focusing on the teacher as instructor. They are sometimes referred to as direct

instruction, deductive teaching or expository teaching, and are typified by the

lecture type presentation. In these methods of teaching, the teacher controls

what is to be taught and how students are presented with the information that

they are to lean.

b. Student centered approach

Student centered approaches (sometimes referred to as discovery

learning, inductive learning, or inquiry learning) place a much stronger

emphasis on the learner’s role in the learning process. When you are using

student- centered approaches to teaching, you still set the learning agenda but

you have much less direct control over what and how students learn.

c. Inductive and Deductive approach

In inductive approach students moves towards specified (example) to

general (rules). At first many examples are put forward to student and then he

draws out a conclusion on the basis of these 19 examples. Deductive

approach is opposite to inductive approach because in it first a principle or

rule is put in front of students and then it is clarified by giving examples.

d. Herbartian approach

This approach was provided by Johann Friedrich Herbart. He suggested

that teaching must be actively planned if we were to do it. This approach is

based on the theory of appreciative learning.

4. Teaching Methods

Vikoo (2003), discusses the types of teaching methods and explains that

teaching methods can be presented in three main categories:

a. Cognitive development methods

Here, if the focus of the instructional goals is to develop intellectual

skills in students, then the cognitive development method of teaching is

recommended. This method helps student to understand, analyze, synthesize

and evaluate information. It helps learners develop good cognitive abilities.

Though the cognitive development methods are essentially didactic.

Some of the teaching methods includes:

1) Discussion Method

2) uestioning/Socratic Method

3) Team Teaching Method

4) Talk Chalk/Recitation Method 20

5) Field Trip/Escortion Method

6) Team Teaching Method

b. Affective development methods

This domain includes objectives which describe changes in interest,

attitudes and values. It further deals with the development of appreciation and

adequate adjustment. Education has a lot to give the learner in order to assist

him/her develop in these areas, hence teachers are encouraged to include

learning experiences that are worthwhile, teach in ways that arouse interest

and develop proper attitude in learners. This mode of teaching are basically

Philetic, here students feelings or opinion are aroused.

Some teaching methods under includes:

1) Modelling Method

2) Simulation Method

3) Dramatic Method

4) Simulation Games

5) Role-Playing Method

c. Psychomotor development methods

These are activity based methods of teaching that aim at motor skills

development in learners. This method requires that learners are able to

illustrate, demonstrate, or perform certain skills using their manual dexterity.

It is a heuristic method of teaching that involves inquiry and discovery

methods of teaching.

This method includes:

1) Inquiry Method

2) Discovery Method

3) Process Approach Method

4) Demonstration Method

5) Laboratory/Experimentation Method

6) Programmed Learning Method

7) Dalton Plan/Assignment Method

8) Project Method

9) Microteaching Method

10) Mastery Learning

As already mentioned, there are several methods of teaching; the

following methods will be discussed in this paper:

a) Discussion method Discussion is usually at a higher cognitive level and it

develops critical thinking. Student’s participation is necessary for a

successful classroom discussion. It is a student centered teaching technique

but requires careful planning by the teacher to guide discussion. Successful

discussions are guided by specific teaching goals. It involves a process of

free guided discussion and expression of views and ideas on a given topic,

question or problem by the teacher.

b) Questioning Method

c) Questioning method of teaching aids learners in connecting concepts,

increasing awareness, encouraging creative and imaginative thought,

making inferences etc. Questioning generally helps learners to

explore deeper level of thinking, knowing and understanding.

Questioning, though it is more of a technique than a method of

teaching, it is used during various methods of teaching. Questioning

aids in sensitizing the inquisitive mind of the learner.

d) Role Playing

This method of teaching can be used for solving real life situational

problems. The technique of role lay develops practical professional skills and

functioning knowledge. It enables students in the classroom to act as

stakeholders in an imagined scene. In a play role, the teacher selects an event

that illuminates the topic of study and students are assigned roles, which will

be played out, the role play will be concluded, with a reflection stage that

reinforces the concepts introduced by the role play.

d) Games/Simulation Method

Omieibi-David (2001) conceptualizes simulations as an imitation of

real life situations that requires participants to play a role that involves them

in interaction with other people or with elements of the environment


e) Demonstration Method

A demonstration involves showing, doing or telling the students the

point of emphasis. It is mostly used as a technique within a method of

teaching and a times as a method of teaching itself.

5. Speaking Strategy

Faucette (2001:272) states that speaking strategies can be seen as the

ways in which an individual speaker manages to compensate for this gap

between what she wishes to communicate and her immediately available

linguistics resources. It can thus be assumed that they play a predominantly

reactive role by helping learners to deal with problems with getting their

messages across in the course of communication. However, in the case of

communication classes, the available student environment is surrounding the

mother tongue, therefore teaching and learning strategies must be different.

According to Suchdeva (2011:14), there is a huge need for a paradigm shift in

teaching and learning speaking skills through focus deviations from oral

orientation, training teachers, and develop an appropriate curriculum.

6. Definition of Online Learning

According to Clark & Mayer (2008:11) that interpreted the term,

elearning refers to several elements, where “E” on learning refers to “How”:

how this learning is digitized so that it can be stored in electronic form

“Learning" on e-learning refers to “What”: this learning includes what

content and how to help someone study the knowledge, and “Why” refers to

the goal to help individuals achieve educational build skills related to work

performance. Therefore, it is not surprising that thousands of vendors began

to enter or migrate in the e-learning industry era that offered three important

key elements as shown in the image below (Paul, 2001:18).

7. E-Learning Models

E-learning implementation varies greatly, but all it is based on a

principle the e-learning is hosted as an effort to disseminate information in

the form of learning material through electronic or internet media so that

students can access it anytime and anywhere. The characteristic of elearning

is the creation of a flexible and distributed learning environment. Based on

the definition, e-learning can be divided into four models, namely:

a. Web-Based Learning

Web-based learning is a remote learning system based on

information technology and communication with the web interface (Munir,

2009:231). In the web-based learning, learners do online learning through a

website. They can communicate with each other with colleagues or learners

through the facilities provided by the website. Content Technology Service

b. Computer-Based Learning

Computer-based learning can be defined as a self-learning activity that

can be done by learners using a computer system. Rusman (2009:49) suggests

that computer-based learning is a learning program used in the learning

process using computer software containing titles, goals, learning materials,

and learning evaluations.

c. Virtual Education

Based on the definition of Kurbei (2001:10), the term virtual education

refers to learning activity that occurs in a learning environment where

teachers and learners are separated by distance and time. The teacher provides

learning materials through the use of several methods such as LMS

applications, multimedia materials, internet utilization, or video conferencing.

Learners receive the material and communication by utilizing the same


8. The Role of The Teacher in Online Learning

Heather Fry, Steve Ketteridge, Stephanie Marshall (2009:93)” the

widespread use of e-learning can break down the traditional academic role

into several functions, which can be carried out by more than one person. For

example, having an online class where there are:

a. Lectures, who work with professionals to produce appropriate online


b. E-moderators, who are teaching assistants responsible for organizing

course discussion forums, to stimulate discussion, and to carry out learning

activities based on lecture and reading material (Salmon, 2000).

c. Group facilitators, who work with small groups of students on specified

collaborative activities, and maybe students on the path itself.

d. Technical or administrative, roles are responsible for answering practical

student questions about the technology of courses.

e. Assessors, who can be brought from outside the course to mark student


f. Academic guests, who supply more detailed information on the alley,

may organize courses and give students a feeling of being part of larger


9. Advantages of Online learning

The advantages of e-learning are to provide flexibility, interactivity,

speed, visualization through various advantages of each media (Sudjana,

2005:253). According to L.

Tjokro (2009:187) e-learning has many advantages, namely:

a. It's easier to absorb, meaning it is to use multimedia facilities in the form

of an image, text, animation, sound, and also video.

b. It is more effective in the cost, meaning that it does not need an

instructor, there is no need for a minimum of hearings, can be anywhere,

and so on.

c. It is more concise, meaning that it does not contain a lot of

d. class formality, directly into a subject, subjects that are suitable for

needs. Available in 24 hours per day, meaning is mastery in the material

depending on the spirit and also the absorption of students, can be

monitored, can be tested with e-test.

10. Disadvantages of E-learning

According to L. Gavrilova (2006: 354), lack of e-learning is a learning

using the e-learning model requires more additional equipment (for example

computers, monitors, keyboards, etc.).

The lack of e-learning described by Nursalam (2008:140), among

others, as follows:

a. The lack of interaction between learners and also students or even the

learning themselves.

b. These trends can ignore the academic aspects or also social aspects and

otherwise make the growth of business aspects or commercial.

c. The teaching and learning process tends to be towards training from

education itself.

d. Changed in the role of learners from the beginning of mastering

conventional learning techniques, is now also required to be able to know

the learning techniques using ICT (information, communication, and also


e. The lack of human resources that understand the internet.

f. Lack of mastery in computer language.

g. Access on the adequate computer can be a problem for learning.

h. The learning may be frustrating if it cannot access graphics, images, and

videos due to inadequate equipment (software and hardware).

i. Availability of an infrastructure that can be fulfilled.

11. Concept of Learning English in Bilingual Class

Bilingual class is a learning system that use two type of languages in

each learning process of any subject.

To be able to implement this bilingual class concept there are several

conditions that mus be met, including :

a) The substance of the lesson could be match

b) Level of cognitive development and English language skills of

students.The school must be able to create a conducive learning enironment

to encourage language use meaningful both written and oral.

c) Learning must emphasize problem solving exercises and students are

encouraged to collaborate through interesting and challenging themes.

Schools that have or are preparing bilingual class programs face quite

serious problems, including the unavailability of textbooks in English that are

suitable for schools needs, the unavailability of syllabus in English, the

teacher is not ready to teach with an introduction to English and not yet the

existence of effective bilingual learning models.

12. Process of Learning English in Bilingual Class

The process of learning English in bilingual classes is certainly different

from the learning process of English in regular classes, of course in this

particular class using certain methods to achieve indicators. The process of

approaching English subject in bilingual class requires teacher to be more

creative and innovative, so students do not feel bored and intimidated.

Learning media in English and games that are applied to the teaching and

learning process in bilingual class using city maps teaching English must be

creative, all that is done so students do not get bored and continue to explore

what is in the international language. Well, one of the media learning English

is to use a city map or town map.

Below is an explanation of how to use it and a game that can be used to

provide additional interest to students. Media used : City Map (Town Map)

learning objectives : To Practice Speaking, Vocabulary and Learn Preposition

of Pace.

Here the Procedure:

1) Teacher hanging city map pictures in front the class

2) Student are divided into several groups and are asked to identify the name

of place or building on the map in English.

For example : city park = City Park, Office Post = Post Office,

Station Station. This first activity will help students add their vocabulary

about the places and buildings they usually meet everyday in the city. After

finishing identifying all the places and buildings that are on the map. Each

group representative with the help of the teacher is asked to come to the front

of the class and recite the place or building name in English by showing it on

the map.

B. Conceptual Framework


Observation Interview Dokumentation

Whatsapp Group Video Call

Coding Data Data

Reducion Display

Drawing Conclution

Teacher ’Strategy

Figure 2.1 Conceptual Framework

From the Conseptual Framework above, the researcher will use descriptive

qualitative research, for the first step, the researcher will observation by

whatsapp group. While doing observation, the researcher form the table of

coding. After that, the researcher will interview the teacher by video call or

video convertation about teacher strategy that he/she have implement in the

class. In interview, the researcher will reducion the data that will choose the

main thing, focus on the things that are important and will present the data.

After that, the researcher will drawing the conclusion that have find the

information from the interview and find the teacher strategies. While doing

observation and interview, the researcher make a note, take videos and

photos , and take a screenshoot chat from whatsapp group and video call as

proof of online teaching learning activity.



A. Research Design

In this research, the researcher will use descriptive qualitative

research that focuses on the teacher’s strategy on English online earning at

billingual class. It describes the technique will use by the teacher in SMPN

1 Sengkang. Qualitative research is used to describe and analyze the

abilities, forms, uniqueness, variations of words produced by teachers in e-

learning classes. According to Creswell (2014:2) qualitative research is a

research with an approach to understanding the meaning of individual or

group and exploring social or human problems. Furthermore, Sutopo and

Arief (2010:1) writes that qualitative is a study aimed at doing a

description and analysis of a phenomenon, event, social activity, attitude,

perception of each individual or in a particular group. So it can be

concluded that descriptive qualitative trying to describe a social

phenomenon in the form of words.

B. Research Subject

The kind of this research is cluster sampling which means how to

choose object of research based on individual. In the case, The subject of

this research is a teacher in junior high school, especially English teacher

in first grade of SMPN 1 Sengkang . The researcher takes Billingual class

in which there are 25 students.

C. Research Instrument

In this research the data is collect will using observation, interview,

documentation and questionnaire.

1. Observation

Gor man and Clayton (2005:40) defines observation is a study that

involves a systematic recording of a phenomenon or a certain behavior

that can be observed in the natural environment . In this case, the

researcher will observe the way the teacher teaches English with online

learning classes through whatsapp group that have been made by the


2. Interview

Interview is a conversation that aims to gather information in a

description of the life of the person being interviewed in connection with

the interpretation of the meaning of the ‘described phenomena’ (Kvale,

1996:174). In this case, this interview will conduct to get an oral

response from English teacher. Based on (Edwards & Holland, 2013;

Stuckey, 2013; Gill et al., 2008; Jamshed, 2014; DiCicco-Bloom &

Crabtree, 2006), there are three types of general interviews including;

structured, semi-structured, and unstructured interviews. In this study the

researcher will use structured interview with English teacher at SMPN 1

Sengkang. Interviews will conduct to obtain accurate responses and

information about the strategy that will use in teaching using the online

class method. The function of the interview in this study is to check the

data and ensure that the data is truly valid.

The questions in the interview guide for teacher are about the using

strategy that will apply by teacher in the classroom. The questions will

provide in twelve questions.

3. Documentation

Documentation comes from the word documents, which means

goodswritten items. In carrying out the documentation method,

researchers investigate written objects such as magazines, notes, diaries,

documents, minutes of meetings, regulations and so on (Arikunto,

2010:201). Furthermore, Arikunto (2010:274) writes the documentation

method can be implemented by (a) Guidelines for documentation which

contains the outlines or categories for which you want to look up data.

(b) Check-list research using this documentation method was used by the

researcher to obtain data in the form of photos which would be evidence

that the researcher properly conducts the research. In this case, the

researcher made a note, take videos and photos , and take a screenshoot

chat from whatsapp group as proof of online teaching learning activity.

D. Technique of Data Collection

Data is interpreted as a representation of information or notes on a

collection of facts in the form of text or numeric forms (sequence of

numbers, letters, images, etc.). According to Mohajan (2016:31) normally,

data is structured but does not cover any information for using it in certain

contexts. Data in this research were in the form or written text in the field

notes, and interview transcipt. Data is an important aspect in conducting

qualitative descriptive research students. Here are the details :

First step is the researcher will observe to the teacher when he/she

apply the strategy when learning prosess throught whatsapp group that

make by the teacher. After that the researcher doing video call by

whatssapp with the teacher for interview and got data about the teacher’s

strategy. the instrument of interview guide is available in the Appendix.

After got data from interview, the researcher will classified and analyze

the data from the teacher into the table.

E. Technique of Data Analysis

This study will use qualitative data analysis techniques. Data

analysis in qualitative research is often carried out simultaneously or

together with data collection. Then, Sirajuddin (2010:283) stated that the

data analysis in this study included several steps or stages; coding, data

reduction, data display, and make conclusions or interpretations. More

clearly as follows :

a. Coding

In qualitative research, data coding plays an important role in the

process of data analysis and determining the quality of data

abstraction of research results. Codes in qualitative research are short

words or phrases that symbolically summarize, highlighting the

message, capturing the essence of a portion of data, this encoding can

be based on language or visual data. With simpler language, codes are

short words or phrases that contain the essence of a data segment. In

this research, the researcher can analyze some data that is coded such

as meaning statements, behavior, events, feelings, action of the

informant, and 53 others depend on what contained in the data

segment faced with. In this stage after obtaining data, researcher will

collect data by placing all units that have the same code. This would

like make it easier when reading data, in short with this coding

researcher could be underling significant data that appropriate to the

research topic.

Table 3.1 Coding of teacher and strategy

Source Coding

Teacher Tc

Skill Sk

Strategy St

Material Mt

E-Learning Model Em

b. Data Reduction

Reducing data means summarizing, choosing the main thing, focusing

on the things that are important, as well as being sought theme and

pattern. Thus the reduced data will provide a clearer view, and make it

easier for researchers to conduct further data collection, and look for it

if necessary. Data reduction can be assisted with equipment, such as

computers, notebooks, and so on. In reducing data, the researcher will

be guide by the objectives to be achieve. In this stage, the researcher

will obtain data from interview with the teacher, which shows how the

teacher’s strategies on English online classes.

c. Data Display

After the data is reduced, the next step is presenting data. According

to Miles and Huberman (2014:249), the most frequently used to

present data in qualitative research. With the presentation of data, it

will make it easier to understand what is happening and plan the next

work based on what has been done understand. In this study, the

researcher will display data using an essay, this is the most commonly

use display in qualitative research.

d. Drawing Conclusion

The conclusion is the final stage in data analysis. The conclusion in

qualitative research is new findings that have never before exist.

Findings can be in the form of description or description of an object

before still dim or even dark, so after being investigated becomes

clear. This conclusion can be either a casual relationship or an

interactive, as well as hypothesis or theories. In the conclusion stage,

the researcher start to see and examine all data then tell the story by

making a relationship between the story so that the researcher got the

results and conclusions from the study.


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