The Art of Making Leather Cases-Vol 1 (PDFDrive)

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Volume ONE Perel At SToHLMAN 7) a = - [a a 7 IS e y aa 2 a = a ae aa A PEW OF THE C FEATURED IN THIS BOOK TUBULAR CASES FORMING LEATHER CASES STE EN-STEP INSTRUCTIONS, The ART of faking —__ EATHER., CASES ceceee s+ Volume I AvSroutman This Volume introduces you to the various methods of makcing patterns and the many techniques of farming leathers over wooden farms and odd shaped articles. Obviously, wo cannot include a case for every object made within the pags of this volume. We have tried to select a wide variety of items of different shapes and sizes, to include as many construction techniques as possible, When reading the text, accompa ying each illustration, be sure to ena febserve the many rnocatluns on the sketch. To conzorve space, we {ry to get es much, instructional infor maton “on ach ‘page posible. a “abe” ‘oa sketches ‘Estab Shading and suppting onthe illustrations indicate grain and Be sure wo read the text Sides" of ‘the Of the leather Becompanyine each sketch ro pe Tie ARTS faki ng__ “ SLEATHER., CASES AUSrounan “This wil be © continvaton of VOLUME |. Ic will begin with the making of handles, Thove wil be at least eighisen styls. VOLUME: will sso {ature much zipper information: How to inital zippers in various cats, C how to, shorten "your wn zipper from zipper sloek VOLUME Il will sho furnish perterns!and contruction techaleues ‘or: Bos type cass, Tolletiy, Travel, Knitting, Guitar, Briotcaves,ané many ‘ATHIRD VOLUME wil bo required to show how to maka various cases for carbines 1 ‘sai for break-down shotguns, tc. Special techniques wil itustrate how to form ti ine sing pioce of heavy leather for the scope mounted rile cases, Additional inytructc will bona for attaching rifle cos 10 your ead “Thos wil be the most complete books over published! on the ART of MAKING LEATHER. CASES! The knowledge presented should enable you ta make a leathor cass for any article ‘you with 12 carry ar protect. You will learn to properly make cases for durability and they {Nill bo professional rian. The step by stop drawings er carefully, v ‘nd pain fawly iluetrnea each stago of construction Hoprtutly, answered, incresve your Ietharcraft Knowledke, make your leatherwork more profitable and enjoyable, ‘— EATHER,, CASES .........\olineI Au STOHLMAN All of the projects shown in this book are completely sewn by hand (with the exception of three. One; laced. Twvo; by buckstitching) using the methods and techniques shown in the book pictured below. This book shows all of the tools required for hand sewing. It contains necessary information for the successful making of leather cases. Therefore, . .to avoid duplication and the unnecessary adcition of pages, we refer you to this book where a leather case is to be sown, Wo will indicate the type of joint to be sewn, and the page No, of this book on which the stitching instructions are shawn. We will designate the above book withthe letters: HS. Thus, as an example, when a leather case is to be sewn with a “miter joint” our instructional copy will include: (see Hi page 22). This simply means that on paye 22 of “The ART of HAND SEWING Leather", complete instructons ae given on how to sew the miter joint. This will eliminate excessive copy in this book and enable us to devote more space for comprhensive illustrations and instructions on the making of LEATHER CASES, Copyright 1979, Tandy Leather Co., Fort Worth, Tasos INTRODUCTION We will not go into the history of making leather cates. ean got this information from oneyelopedias. Our purpose, here, to tereh you how to make a leather case for almost any article you wish to carry or protect. Full Size cutting patterns are given where practeal, and suggestions for altering Patterns to fita larger, smatier, of simitar item will be indicated LEATHER: The weight (thickness) of leather, is meaurad in ounces, 1 02. leather is equal to 1/64" in thickness, 4 oz. leather equels 1/16" in thickness. Boz. leather equals 1/8” in thickness, Thoretora, when an ec cal (or Soe, leather it should be about 3/32" in thickness. The desination: 78.02. means qh leather can be slighely fess than, and Up to, 1/8” thiknas, Th wide Tounces) and typer oF different leathers are importunt in the construction of leather cases. largely determined by re purpose of the cae, Cres receiving rough abuse and ‘stress. naturally shauld have heavier and firmer laathers in their construction. Certain types of sewing stitches and constuc- tion details will also increase their life and usefulness. We will endeavor to clearly illustrate all of these, with the projects shown. ATTACHMENTS: Also, of great importance, is the proper attachment of handles, strap carriers, buckles, loops, etc. These items, poorly asembled, can lead toan early break-down of an otherwise useful and atractive case. We will show you various methods, and why and where they should ke wed. CASING THE LEATHER: Proper “casing’” (moisture content) of leathers (such as vegetable tanned, used in carving and stamping designs) tobe shaped over an article, or wood form, is very important. The leather should be thoroughly immersed in water until the air bubbles stop rising, This can be from 10 minutes to an hour or more, Yau cannot get it too wat! It is then enclosed in a plastic bag {or air-tight container) fora few houts or overnight, 30 that it “sweats” and the moisture thoroughly saturates all ofthe leather fibars, Before using, it must then be removed from the big and placed on the bonch {grain sida up) so that most af the surface moisture con evaporate, Through experience only, you will learn when it i “just rit” for forming . . a8 it will streteh and compress easily. . much 25 modeling ley. WAND SHOE Tack HAND SHOE TACKS: Throughout this book we show how tacks are used to hold parts of the case together, to aid in sewing the joints, These tacks should be avaitable in most shoe-findings stores or sadclery supply outlets Any small ‘tack will suffice. Any metal {other than brass, copper, siver, etc.| wil leave a dark stain on damp leather due to chemical reaction. This will be of no concern if the tacks are placed in the sewing channels, a the stitching will Bon. cover the marks (see pags 20). This can be totally sliminated by coating the ‘tacks with metal lacquer or shellac, nevune SIZE {t is our hope that the knowledge and instructions presented in this book will ensble you to successfully make leather cases that are both useful and attrac \ tive, . .be it for fun, personal satisfaction, or profit. Join me, then, in MAKING LEATHER CASES. At Stohlman (ETHODS of CONTAINING STRAPS on CASES ‘ A. simple meshod of containing strane. on 1/8” longer than the width of 1 strap simply threads through the slots. Punch out the slots with a proper size bag punch, Or, punch holes and cut out theslot between them as shown at right, Other methods of containing leather straps are shown below. The loop (keeper) strips are usually cut of lighter weight leather, and narrower, than the strap to be contained, It is good practice to cut a long strip of “loop-stock” when several loops are required. You can then edae and burnish the total length of the strip much easier and faster than short pieces. Then, you simply cut off the length Of loops as required, wien corring our ‘ioe efor Always ag note oh anew ALTERNATE METHODS OM HEAVY LearueRs, EDGER, LTE RNOTE SEO sae ater She Sans 5 reas es cet coo method if much outward Loop aimars Beat mn toe Bee ney FLATTER. 3 auars sive yP Bele Slots are eut in the case (same width as loop). Loop ends enter sl spread outward and rivet to case, Will withstand much strain. Shield-shaped decor loop ends sewn to case. Is strong and enhances general appearance of the case, This mothod can be used close to edge of case where Tae there is no room for rivet. RESID: End (1) goes in slot and yer Hike rivets to case. End (2) goes to opposite slot and rivets, To determine the length ofthe loop (for examples AC) moisten the This is good to use when the strip and form over the strap by strap runs horizontally, and pressing down firmly and rubbing the case weight is pulli on the bone folder as shown above. end (1), see below. “tote 1a Exnmpue ©) q Loop foe view bes (ERAMPLE B) ‘ mopar _ a ier? arene River HOLE (SI OENTED To determine the length of the loop that goes through the slots To “block” (shape) the loop, insert a serap {example B-opposite page) moisten loop-stock; punch rivet hole in of leather of the same thickness and wath fone end. Push it into one slot and insert rivet post in hole and as the strap to be used. Tap with ahammar through hole in case to hold the end. Place strap in position, fold to. “square-up". Allow to dry before rom loop-stock over strap and down through next slet.Pull down snug. oving_sorap leather. All loops should be Mari position af apnacite rivet hele with pencil or awl, Punch hole: locke! in hic manne, whether svt, loop end. Rivet both ends in place. sewn, or glued. ‘On light cases, where no grat stress is exerted pe and. rivats or stivchar are not deere, ‘Gut the loop with winged tabs as shown ate. To determine length of loop between the tad wings, pull loop stock over ‘strap and down through slots. Place a mark (A) at each side directly under the case BLocKeD LOOP. Unfold the tab wings (shown above) and “block” the loop. When dry, glue the tabs to leather, shown ave the case with strong bonding ciment. tut the loop, wi To install, mois tab ne e winged tabs, from the ‘TO install, moisten ‘This is 2 good method to use ifthe cas isto same leather thickness Wings, fold in and push be lined. into slots, as tha loop-stock, ‘There may be an instance where you wish to install a loop close to the edge to be included with other sewing. Or, you may wish a loop installed on the side of a narrow case, Here, we show how the loop can go into the slot (inside case) ‘Here a loop is installed to a nar- and back out between the miter joint. Stitches socure DNUSUAL LOOP INSTALLATIONS | [2 stay coud tn uad tocrate ends; trim off after sewing. abject). For decorative effect, the ends of the loops are sewn as shown, Eup of Loop-st0ce BETWeRn MITER JOINT METHODS of ATTACHING DEES as RINGS Ee Brecine yee 7 aE er | SLOT Fea ie] EDGE LEATHERS +} [seen ea mr STRADDLE EDGE FIER } 2S ( err meme single slot. ip goos 7 8 enter, Sob dees beth ence ge sithersingle_or mltigle into slot and spread out- _ward, . fiveting to case, as shown. the crass: section views Here the loop strip is riveted ben th thicknesses, Ends of loop strip should be rounded, dee Sebi, Juers SER BET TEENS Youether before punching rivet hole, and sewing. Special MOTE: RAWHIDE For MAXIMUM STRENGTH CRAVIHIDE can be used, in place of leather, for attaching . dees. It must be thoroughly Sn AHES in water to cut and For las bulk inside sive. Cut slighty, wider tn of the case, ends of it will shrink when dry, the loop strips fee and/or sew before it should be skived. completely dry. Shields can be cut on both ends of the strap {for straddle type assem- bly) for more decorative effect. Sew through both shia and case, the slot, Sewing aero tho loop strin shown above) is not recommended i alot ‘of pull will be on the dee, Stitching weakens the leather much as a pater. This method serves the same stor V Aircore a te ample at left, 5, When the pull is against has less bulk inside ‘the slot, bath loop strip ends go through slot and fold down, away from the direction of pull. Rivet as shown, end, Asse Punch the slot, in the case, even with the horizontal bar of the ated postage stamp. It is doa, Dermisibl, though, if ! fy great stress is not 1 expected, ATTACHING DEES with the SHIELD and TAB | the appowance of @ rivet is not objectionable, extra strength 10. the attachment can be added ‘with a conor rivat going ‘through ail bathers, in lace of tha one instep 2, “This woulé only be eo- for projscts e- caving extremely hard tse. a Position shield as Fold shield down and in Stiton ‘frst stitches (and aco. Rivet in place.” iteh “first stitches Ca E Z teat) over odgom & See race 11 ror DEE AtracHMeNT AnD Webuery siwevb size, Seine tstven ABER ana tvs es Goins Bente paces skive vt ‘Thexness | os suxsn SIDE AT MED ‘AREAS: FOR BUCKLE ATTALHMENT SER PAGE 8 ACTUAL SIZE . CUTTING PATTERNS ‘Cut the shield and tabs to the suggested cowhide weights shown on the patterns. The shapes of the shields can vary to suit individual taste or space requirements. savin ces ATTACHING BUCKLES and BILLETS 2, page 6. Adding the sth Sow asin Sep 3 filers ‘strong ren theca as ‘Page | ae By. and is. ao re fessional a down and sew to ease, shown at left, ced, for on, ‘ann ve sniny oy loogening ait being or ting dy the ‘examples. ATTACHING BUCKLES and BILLETS ~ Continued ‘NOTE? Vinon using buckles where a leether loop (keeper) is reauired. tho oly wil have sg oe aaa pan 8) eM no) ae eer em open ae at Fold the around buckle and “ronue. Slide the loop in place. ey eae > eters 1 mi the ter ori (6 T2, h ooo 4 Pull ‘the threads tight. Change ends: : 7 of thread, passing inside loop and befor reno pate, double twist to form knot (C). Pull fight Gut oft the thread Stab av holes in | with heavy waxed DO NOT, ... ivet billet ‘or buckle tabs on the out side of the cae, as showin the illustration! The pull and tise will ve solely on the rivet, subjecting it to the pos: sibility of pulling it through the leather. Cut this billet as shown ‘the pattern (above). Punc a slot and pull billet through from the back side, ti can be glued down; no rivets or required. This is a good method to use jing the project. | This is poor construction and wnpro- fessional in appearance, tee other rivet. They come in a variety of sizes ond lengths and should be used where strength and durability is required. & SETTING the RIVETS NOTE? ae “wT [RAPID RWETS (speepy) T 6 eigre v have great holding power meer 4 and will stand more abuse than any ‘These rivets come by 2 variety of ‘names and sizes, They are simple ‘to use and remarkably strong for hotding power. They are good for light and medium duty cas, ‘These rivets can be - ‘swatting with @ ham potteee dee Setter retains the ‘domed Appearance of the cap and should be used, re the project for riveting. Push the coppar rivet through the hole from face side, then turn face side dawn on metal block. Place burr on rivet (as above) and place hole in Fivet setter over the rivet end. Drive the burr down tight against the leather. NOTE: if the leather is damp, place a sheet of paper between it and the matal block. This will prevent chemical reaction, staining the leather. ‘Simply push the post through hole from the bosk side, place cap on post, place rivet setter on cap and’ strike with the mallet, Two or three sharp blows will set the rivet. Be sure to use the proper length posts: Too short; cap will nt hold, Too ona: post vill ber. .et wil not set properly, and will probably pull apert, NOT RECOMMERDED FOR USE ON CASES FACING STRESS... AND REQUIRING DURABILITY, TUBULAR RIVET spur River Cut rivet off close to burr with side, or end ae Place concave racess of setter on burr. Hold perpendicular and strike tool forcefully, turning to loft and right as you strike, This spreads end of rivet over burr, at ‘the same time rounding its end, A few additional blows with a hammer can be used to flatten +the rivet end abit, if desired. The head of acop- pearance. we “SET” RIVET, AND BURR. 10 SETTING SNAPS sere DURABLE DOT: ond “ BABY DOT fasteners When the snap components are put i he the setter spreads the posts Mee ee eon a f evalet and cap) and locks the iy Fr nth bat yp setter 1 dis snaps. The Baby Dot is a smaller the «DURABLE and BABY DOT. aay, i version of the Durable Dot and is used on lighter weight loathers and The ANVIL has a con- generally, on smaller cases, cap rests in the con = Nv cave, {f the sno pot isto ona 8 ill not “set” pro: If post Is too short, thicknes a puny Some ot ie around. the hole ean be removed ES, ond of sorter in Cap roses in Anvil lade, or ever a hock op D of post and strike concave. Post goes tu, Hold with lire, With rawhide mallet to through Teather Set‘tveporsr Always docket over na eas tice eee caiman a= SETTING SNAP IN EXTRA HEAVY LEATHER Often times you may wish to install a snap or rivet to a case that is already assembled, or have forgotten to install one before seven. We offer this simple solution, , .to a seemingly impos- IER, Note When leather is too thick, and eyelet posts cis Fey fad Sond etm be “set” EA te te het turn be sewn to the heavy leather t ‘sini Gut a strip of tether long enough to reach ‘area, Punch a hole snug enough (not {igh} fo hold the snap port, Cuts notch out from this hole. Insert @ block of wood in case, punch hole in notched end of sti can vo hole, in case down over snap: post. Hold firmly and withdraw the leather strip, The post will slip out of the notch, Inert strap between wood and bese of snap. “Set” the shap in the usual manner, 1f the cap post (or socket not long enough flor hewy leather, “set” the socket with the eyelet part (in place of cap) to light lather. Glue to heavy lather and sew. ue mis oF EAR 7 Lentier Spr, Le nygecn Teas FoR, sunaaiiine® “eDoES BURNISHING EDGES ‘Throughout the book we are constantly referring to Mourmished™ edger. Burnished ecigos add the finish touches and professional look to any project. All praad toae pels be Lane Supril a we mean the er should first evel wees" (rounded) with an edge tool (edger) of the proper size for the leather thickness; the largest size for heavier leathers. The edge is then moistened with’the sponge, dipped in water, and briskly rubbed with cloth, bone folder or slicker, to compress the fibers. The edge can further be embellished by adding dye, as illustrated on this page. Most of the project's ‘edges in this book were dyed dark brown, However, black or colored dyes may be used. When, in the book, we mention: “BURNISH THE EDGE", , it should be accomplished as above and by following the steps below. A wrt ns [Fox porrenins roots g@™ ‘mt TE Canes Gam atta [eon Dying ears Round the edge 1 be burnished, ourmishea (2 Lay on edge of bench, Dip felt in dye and pull molten, ‘snd. rub "vigor! quickly ‘alona the edae. ‘e- Ously baekcand forth. moisten; rub again. eReREH 23 PIREES UNDER CLAMP ‘Throughout the book, we show many ‘examples using wooden forms to aid in the making of leather cases. They iplify case construction, as well as ring a fitting case. They not difficult to make, nor require a ree of Seip Nore a _Bpagggrue parce vad" Sofe'woon i secommonded : as it is easier to saw and shape, For burnishing edges of very ight leathers, moisten ig, lay on ¢ smooth, hard surface ard rub briskly with a doth, . sing the tips of the Sings prosel tmiy ain te 8. Two or more blocks of wood can be glued together to make up the required thickness for a case. If clamps are not available, use books to “set” the glue, Use the white glue (available at cratts or buildin supply store) a3 it dries fast; bonds securely. It comes under many brand names, Blocks can be neiled together, but presplan their position so you will ‘not be saving into the nails, ©. Detain ces, complet | sibg nb vith th swith the resp, The pareffin for easer re , tack strips of wood top must not be moval whan case is to your bench tohelp hold — smaller in circum- completed, See tip on the blook while sawing, forance thn the ap 3 ‘om. MAKING and INSTALLING BELT LOOPS ‘To avoid continued renitition throushout thi book, wo wil, Mlustrate some simple and proctical methods of instaling bel I Sey eu ‘small cases. The variety of examples will enable you to add suitable loops to any of your projects, to be worn ‘on the belt, You'll note the examples areal! hand sewn, Rivets can be used at some of the stress points if desired. We avoid the use of total rivet construction, as rivets inthe wrong paces aa ras ia Rice oe ee a it is unprofessional in appeerance, ‘This is the simplest method This loop is formed by of all, , just cut slots forthe — simply folding the belt, ‘Slots should be cut 9 beck of the case over. bit longer than the width of Allow ample length for the belt. This caro will ride tho” belt width. The shud against the user and bottom will have to be Rot slide freely on the belt nerrowor than’ stitch- ing’ tine. (at sides) for the pocket. This must be’ sewn before sewing This loop can be used This loop is sewn when you want the belt in two" sages, Yo fit tight within the Tun ta Toop. Itis not as good 2s shown at right) example” (D)" asthe and” sem across stitching at top receives the top end Then most of the stress. This fold down and sew the bot- loop must be sewn tom, ft must be sewn tothe before sewing on the caw before soning on the pocket, pocket, Snuc FIT | sour, | LOOSE FIT ‘ i i at WEEMERS oF Ber WIDER THAN BELT ADDED STRENGTH sey Seek Where space permits, much The location of the belt loops Alll loops should be sewn with a piece of — strength can be added to determinss where the case vill scrap leather under them. Loops should be the loop by two rows of ride. Itisdeirable to have some moistened and formed with @ bone folder, stitching at the top, and caves ride hightr then others; over the scrap leather, Illustrations above — falding the tab at bottom. dapenling on ter pupos. show how to make a snug, or aloase fitting ‘Sew as shown. belt loop. 3 POCKET KNIFE CASE — Making the Pattern ‘The instructions for making this simple case [and pattern) can be applied to other cases, For thie reason, we are going Into more detail than may appew necesary, 3: a ‘we want you to adopt the techniques and procedures for making pattems, Once s pattorn is made jt should be saved, as it will be a guide for making othor pattrns. Flolt the, knite \ee"tide“and Now draw a fine for the top of Cut arcund the out: Gtaw around its the ease. It should be lower than ine of the pattern, siting Gack GE the wp of te knife, soitcm be anddown the comer puttin’. Back Of grasped. ‘Top tine should extend fold” Fold pate Souch the edge t.arrow (Al; outline fromstapi, over and "trace Fold and piece of heavy i ‘The sides andi bottom irows(D) round the outing paper in lace back of knife SE outline from — SNould ba about “double. the fo theottompopor, in center of fold and_ draw width of arrows (B). Examolg: — Broven lines (ED i around tt vith a pencil. Traced We (B) ts 2", (D) should be” gicato' cut of Outline should be equal on ‘bot ‘Arrows {G} indicate widest pari patern or the bet sides of the fold. ‘of case outline. Top cponing loop. should not be narrower than the widest part. PATTERN. conte Fold pattern again. Now Make the pattern cut (inci- Trim the pattem (step 7). Unfold _ pattern fold top where you wish cated in step 6) and inserta Mark on the pattern; fold and cut as shown: ‘the belt to ride, Broken scrap of leather equaling ine, gain side, weight (oz,) above, line indicates area to cut, your belt width. {E) indi» of leather and item for cates necessary trimming of which it was made, This will belt loop. Allow 14” below aid in making additional so case can be sown at belt; trim off at (F). cases Pattern i complet, ‘the edge, 4 uRNisH EDGES aie POCKET KNIFE CASE - Assembly vie 1S es Pr'cont ‘Submerge a ems in water for a few ‘moments. not required, Place da icita i peation wna alana tose. 3 Pinch around edges with pliers to establish Remove the krife; unfold the lexther. ‘a sewing line, Do not pinch too close Fold loop (at pattem mark) over serap Cut the leather from@ against knife, or case will be too tight. leather and ww end. Place in stitching oz. cowhide. Burnish if smooth jawed pliers are not available, horse, as shown |right) to sew, Tap the edges indicated. grind the sorrations off of a regular pair. stiteh os with hammer, sgeage siaer FORE SINE wirk FLAP Whatton ew RAppins 0 prev inate ese Use No. 6 overstich wheel together, an llores. Groase_ shorpty ne folder, not too tight against knife, Trim excess 1/8” away from the BONOT Misra sn PUA. UNTIL “Tm excess LN" 0 mR Seine nt PATTERNS LAN sewnic i ae a ; 4 wELTLOOP: PATTERN. nay positions, With knife in cae, fold and place knife ® © pl ila ion of si ae Fara aut “Gut the leather from 6 oz, cowhide Ke up mare in the tt eRe follow steps 9 and 10. Lay out fat fold than paper, ths i Menbert and trim flap as shown. Sew belt loop why snap is not installed ote Goes Ce reeoen meee lar! vr ge 13 fc r try ane Starnn neat eee nee cage 09 in stabs 12 through 4a positions. i neaw raver AMUNTING KNIFE CASES Some of the same proceclures, used in the pocket Knife cave, applied to malcing patterns for the hunting knife cases. However, iere is relatively little thickness 10 the blade, step 1 on poge 14 can be eliminated. oe aoe te] fa] art rename paper. Lay Keni 18" away from center fold, as Plato enife blade in patiorn, Pencils marc undar Cue Out pattern and Stesnee Blade should. be at leet 1/3" fold, as chown. Fold over and fe away from cantar fold, as esther ‘race ‘around the edge to the May {fom canter fold asleather lower Paper. Cut out the folds. Peril a mark on each side Peete inte MP "of thahandle, as indicated above [eee] ERE ‘sean Lennie, wor AND Sweewees oe eeu ii Series a nee is Romove the knife. Noisten the loop area Fold attern over Alt and gover co form the belt 2 sorap of leather loop. Pencil marks [S| Gouge sewing chan: should show at top. ‘nels, and sew to case, Draw down from Unfold the loop; pattern Gut the case from 67 oz these (A) to form should resemble sketch at left. cowhiele, Punch @ rivit hole the belt loop. See Cut pattern in, to handle (centered) es shown above, page 13 for belt marks {es shown}, Pattern can Cut a safety strap {rom 6 02, Joop suggestions. bbe widened (B) at fold to give cowhide, 14°" wide and about more belt support if desired. 6” long. Install snap in one end, Burnish edges, HUNTING KNIFE CASES ~ Continued Fragimenten Once agin, fold | ie, Sat tt op together and trim off wees, Moisten the case, especially well on the Unfold the case, note the impression flesh side (inside), Fold over knife, (A) of the blade edge. Scribe a paral: against top of blade. Hold in position el mark (B) 3/8” outside the impres- and firmly press top leather all along sion. Trim excess leather off on this blade ede. ‘This will leave its impres: line, We want the stitching at least sion on the flesh side of the %” from blade. 3oeage TEN ont way toning Fie G} ions thetbede loop, ie tap tay tound the overutitch and “wheel". Place in stitching hore, as hawn’ fanle. Mark sngp with knife inside, and sew. Burnish the edge, ‘nthe tri or then. wer HoLe unfold strap Install the snap cap. Put Now punch a small hole just remove knife, Do not sop safety strap back inside inside the stitches, asshown, strap loop, align holes, and Install _ small coppsr rive, Prag rivet ia Ronigene insert a rivet post of and rivet in place, The and punch a rivet hole in it. proper length. Slipa metal purpose of this rivet s 19 Point the strap end and burnish riveting piece under strap, protect the stitches from ‘the edges, and iraide belt loop: at the blade. Bey soppy, shown above, Rivet ‘the the fiat ll a, SEE PAGE 10 FOR See (INSTALLING RIVETS: ar SEE PASE 2t FOR DETALS HUNTING KNIFE CASES ~ Adéditronal Suggestions te ‘Oram Sipe The cut of the patterns (above) shows how the cases (below) will ride on the belt. Always cut out paper patterns before cutting the leather. NOT Raoneeeee This method of attaching a safety strap is not recom: slit st shame ne Meas Ba eat eel) toile blade as it enters and wit subjecting it ning it! It shoul be re re aa a8 with examples shown on page 17. . ‘that when ‘unsnapped ean itcan swing away from the lade, The pattern at right shows, the apnronimare shioe for the aki” Stylo” sheath, Slots ae cat, in Sefrts, ‘Sow sheath toger,Yld and make" paper pati shit at reaturod Senet ®-——p_! Bi For knives. with short guards. In- stall snap in wide and, Taper, strep 4" Snap This method can be used when the oe eal knife has a long (eee: PUL tighets Capes locate position of Sition rivetholeforstrap. Apo t FRINGE: Sa PT " Thee ie Rimiatel an toy i ": burr eae: Sue ‘the pattern. Cut the ends long and Be pet cae lestues wel paral! together” Cut trim after fitting around the Kaifo 4g Mingo with a knite, handle, FORMING CASES - Folding Knife 1gin instructions on forming rectly over the article to be properly for results. ‘the caved ee teavne See page 3 for casing instructions. ‘or this project, use 6-7 oz, cowhide. Remember. . .have Hy smallest end of the article at the bottom, ‘Tor oF pucker TRE OF Foubing nine Crease firmly, odd a tack and bagin ‘working ot next comer Ifthe lather resists forming, it may be too ry... ‘rail too wet Ack! moisture o allow Drive @ couple of tacks in the crease tit a bit if too wet, Continue and into board. Begin working a working the lather until it respon, orner, pushing fimly againat the Addd a tack at the ret eels on Hold the leather down firmly against the sides of the knife. Begin pushing leather aginst the bottom of the knife with the bone folder. Work back and forth and crease along the end, up tight against the knife. . .this will be the main line. If properly cased, the leather will readily respond. iin with the bone ii Bear nid ‘that the cise must not be narrower at ‘the top, than the bottom, or the knife ‘cannot withdraw from the case, (continued) FOLDING KNIFE CASE ~ Continued payor Tia rte Hehe DO NOT allow tacks to touch any part of the leather other than the crease, or they will make black (unremovable) marks {see page 3 for explanation). Be sure to put tacks in orease. they will stain Jeather hare, but the stitching wil ‘oor the marks, Cutout the paper When dry, remove tacks, Burnish pocket Lay knife and pocket on paper and caw allen Tun out fl Sy edge. Trim edge 1/8" away from creas. ground the out Sr eee en venminy soared Se ccutiee: ree lee Ge pe we want the backlesther instructions) Trin line. ‘oversize, Lines (B) indicate wiclth of bet q tenor man arons oop, which must be narrower than the "lines (C), \ sewing line of the case. TRIM EXCESS al cee Place knife and pocket on Plice in sttthing howe ond sew, Cut the leather from 6-7 oz.cowhide, back piece, and mark around with knife i case, Trim off exces Be sure tevcut it oversize [step 10) to the pocket edge to the back and bumish the edge, Cast is insure having ample, Burnish 2s indi- pigca. Apply cement and complete. cated. Moisten, and fold belt loop adhere in place, Back plece over, Sew in place. edge should protrude. NOTE: If desired, back piece can be trimmed off flush with pocket edge after cementing, A sewingchennal cn then be gouged 20 ‘on back side to recess stitching, FOLDING KNIFE CASE - With Flap We will show you how to add a flap to the case presented fn page 19. Fallow all instructions (pages 19-20) from 1 through 9. The packet will be completed, at this point, as shown in the photo at left. ronmen poeKeT Feom STEP 9 on Page 20 © Lay knife and pocket on paper; draw outline. Draw a line (A) 1/8” outside pocket. taper in flush with top ode of pookot. Draw lines IB) strsight up from dutside edges Gut out the tem ond fold over sa pe an etre (0) {0 shape the. flop. Mere position of snaps. press through paper to imprint eather! - Complete the emo a thown in stops 13 and 14, page 20, Fold flap over knife, locate position of flap snap an install NOTE: Never. install a they Punch a hole. ‘Cur our the back Snap from postions shown on ‘and. install the piece from 6-7 stud part of 07. cowhide, Sew eee snap to case. a belt loop in fold, than paper, You could be "Set" against a place. Burnish we mieneee metal surface. the flap edges. ae at ame should usvally bo cut longo, ‘to compenate for this, “ MAKING” COPPER RIVETS FROM ELECTRICAL MOUSE WIRING PROM PAGE I? take Sivan 1d ow ie es i ame \ When small copper rivets Place in a vise Punch, or stab with Turn over and nip Bur the erd by ap are not available, strip the and burr one awl, a small hole (see rivet off fairlyciose ping witha smal ham- insulation from a piece of end. Form as step 16, page 17). In- to leather, Place on mer, This serves same house wiring. Snip off a round as pos- sert your wire rivet riveting surface, Purpose as rivet on short piece. sible, in place. page 17, a PLIERS CASES ‘These cases are formed in the same manner as those on pages 19 and 20. We present them to show the same technique applied co 8 different article, with ackled sug: gestions, hoping they will be useful for any similar type case you wish to make. Properly cased leather is of m- portance, ..s¢e page 3. weayy PAPER ee f Ea] Here, the pattern makingpro: cadure is the same asstep 1, page 19. Draw arcurd plies and mark for top of pocket. ‘see ox Draw the pattern outine (A) “7 7s6étr — followingthe “rule-of-thumb” instructions on page 19. pues = eS el Se WS ‘Cut our leather; case it. Place over pliers, on 2 board ane begin Srorking the leathor at the bottom. The formang instructions are ibn teal to steps 2 through 9 on pages 19 and 20. Sew the belt loop in place... steps 11 and 12, page a 4) 20. Complete the case as instructed with steps 13 Bae, pest and 14 on page 20. ASSEMBLY Place pliers and pocket on paper and make pattern same as step 10, page 20. Line (A) is 1/8” outside pocket edge. Lines (B) form belt loop which must be narrower than pan fines, Mark position of pocket top OTE: syav rip sazery Staae sHoult Be Se INSTALLED BE rORE aoe SEWING BELT Laur! When desiring safety strap, it can simply be incorporated in the top of the pocket when making the pattern. Do not install the safety strap snap until the case has been completed, ‘and the plicss inserted, for proper location, If you desire the article to fit looser in the case, cut a cardboard template (firm, illustration board 1/16" thick) to outline shape of article, Scotch tape it to the article (here, pliers) and form the leather over both. This method can apply to most any article. | FORMING CASES ~ Over Wooden Forms Decide an the number ef bullets for your case. Lay them out on the bench, with rims touching each other. Make measurements shown, and cut a block Gf wood to the suggested dimensions. This for free mavern ther over wooden forms, is the simplest and most practical metiod of The loather can be thaped to.exact dimonsions, and any numbe jade on the form all of identical size. Here we will begin with {ealiber .38-revolver). Have some 6 oz, cowhide already cased lows clearance within the case Of the cartridges. Plywood. (of various thicknesses) ‘DOUBLE FLAP CARTRIDGE CASE kono iw oP. DuLoAD FMM BOtrom a oe aN makes good forms. If thickness is not quite enough, you simply glue a piece \ Of cardboard, or leather (of proper thickness) to the block to equal desired thickness. Cut the cased leather and shape over the form with bone folder. Tack in place; allow to dry on the wood form, 2] oz. Fold end of paper Cut the back from 6 cowhide. positions of case edges (A) from step 5, on flesh side. Make and sew a belt loop bet: Trim excess 1/8 from, the creases at sides, “Wheel” for sewing. Burnish open ends. In- stall the snaps %" from the ediges, GRAN SBE Mark [crt 508 Cement the case to over cave and mark woen these marks. the back, bet wim Tine (B) about Bing al edges marks" (A). Align %" beyond edge of feigah, Seve in plas snap. Repeat oppo- and burish sides, site end. is] ‘Gut @ paper pattern tne ‘width of the case and 9 full 2" longer at each fond. Place the cave (with form) cantorad on paper and mark all four edges (A) as shown at right, Ne alan ce oes eel Deposit SHES aE FM ne. Fold flaps up, lo- cate snap positions and install. Remove form, Case is com: plete, CARTRIDGE CASE -Drop Pouch This is another form of cartridge case that will uti same wooden form on page 23, Follow previous instuction for shaping the cases. Since the bottam of this cirtidge jeket is enclosed, adiditional leather is needed in this area, lake this case from 6 oz. cowhide, Case the leather for the Burnish all edges of pocket, ‘and ond and sides of back piece, Fit pocket to back Pioco and locate position of sowing channel at bottom of pocket. Gouge sewing channel in back piece, and install snap, as shown, Fiap ss pet 24 uh pocket. form. Trim 1/8” trom tacked crease, ‘and burnish eriges. . same as step 9 on page 20. Tor sewing. fal Cement pocket in place with wood form inside. Sew to back around the sides and bottom, with stitching coming out channel of the back side. a ‘Snap_case togeth- er, Turn around and hold a belt position you the case to Mark for loop. belt (CLOSED CASE Gut the back piece to width of pocket, and tong ough’ to. fold around, as in cos. section view. Always cut flap ends amply tong. NOTE: Pocket is show here trimmed, burnished, “wheeled” for Sewing and ready to install. After sewing, fold the pocket in against the back piece. Wood form is ‘Unsnap case and sew belt loop in place Remove the wood is complete. Fold ap over tight, Lo: cate snp positon, mark for ‘rim. Trim, burish end and install snap. TORECEIVE CRRIRIDGES INTO YOURHAND. UNSNAP FLAP pap GUIDE THE POCKET town want AND ‘over TWO-LEVEL SHELL CASE AT However, the pockets are reversad 9 the shells de pot fall Got when dropped down. Make a wood form. shape the pockets, follaw instructions below. Cut all parts from 6-7 oz, cowhide. seg ered ove are! C alo tor most rifle cartridges. Since rifle sholls taper, can be tapered also. Prepare packets rexdy for assembly as shown on opposite page. Cut the "beck pices to Pocket width and about 11%" ong: be Sure’'to have onaugh for flap. Tho sketch at ight suggests how to determine tho length of the back piece, ‘Since we want the top of the shells to protrude from the pocket, cut pattern as shown. Mark a top line directly on the wood, Shape the cased leather over the form, with the top of the pocket on the mark on the wood form. Shape over the form as previously instructed. Teck in place. Make two. ‘Ta coneRs To wt Beet Install snap in end of back piece. 8 Init woe form in pocket, fold over, plae tend aan Position (above). Mark top edges of pocket. This mark also Signpost 10 end. on flesh site, sorves a8 a guide to position the top of the bel loop, Wich Halts On batler * Gouge MUST be installed BEFORE pocket No. 2! Unfoll, and sew eee belt loop to the back, rosiTion oF swap Remove the wood fom from first posket, putit in second pocket, and cam Leave form in second ent in place, Sew around Pocket. Place shells in first ‘the pocket, Double stitch pocket and fold together, over the ends of both tightly, to locate position Pockets. of snap. Mark for any ‘woor roan trimming of flap. Install wane reeser snap. B Ie ptae. Nf EDGES AFTER SEWING SHELLS ot ier Poker Bottom Drop CARTRIDGE CASE “This bett cate is designed for speedy rernoval of tile caridges,- your hand (iram dhe bosom! upon ralears of tt ie later fled over the ye. Cased leather isnot required, If & ‘wooden tuck-catel h (shown in photoh, i re lable, use @ Durable Dot fastener. in which case the ‘isp wil have to be longer. sour V9" To fy Sie ince the cartridges should fall freely from the case, the wood form should ‘above. The Body of the case can be cut from 6 or. "10-02, cownie, 25 they should be su etm nasneren alti eut FA] Gut the width of the case to the exact dimensiors shown in the sketch {total tength. Cut it tong enough to wep wound form ot i with Cut two end pieces (9-10 oz. cowhide) ane for flap. Place end near bottom, ai shown, end fold tghtly around to seme size 3 ends of wood form. the form. Where the sewing channels termini, at bottom, mark tho caso ‘Gouge sewing channel ;do not “wheel”. (on back) at each side, The sewing channals, on the case, will torminate at Tack to ends of the form &s shown, those marks, Mark back side for belt loop. buragie A parenssit Dor SHIP : oe SeMING . } esi oF Foxe f FOP SMe Coment case ediges to the end pieces, Feld flap up, mark for snap and instal in position (stap 3}. Sew through Trim fap edge, Edge and burnish sewn leathers at 45 degree angle. exes and the flap, Case is Spe oa... _ Although this is not 2 miter joint: Remove wood fom. See page 37, i af ering Masia is Ore: (see HS, dificult to remove page 22). 10 SHELL CARTRIDGE CASE This case is similar in construction to the shown on the opposite page. It differs in thai more box-shaped and’ the rifle cartridges removed from the top. It holds 10 shells but can be made for 6 shells by simply reducing the thickness by Devyre sami Thennees = ape were ADD ie! 10 i DOUBLE SHELL “THICKNESS Make the wood form same height as the ‘cartridyes, Ald 1/8" 10 the width, and 1/16" to thickness as suggested, Cut the ‘case from 6 oz, cowhide, the ends from 9-10 0x, Ee har right. Pursue the following tions: Place wood form (i ieee ear eee ee From (G)to (0) is We maethen OCS thickness of form. Gow (Ol go) Remainder is for lap, + & . Tey ROUND ALL CARERS Cut end pieces to same size as block, = Prepare as suggested, and tack to ends of Ack 'Wev'one wood form, Be sure to gouge channels and PBLLING: burnish for a LEFT and @ RIGHT, Place in stitching horse, Of seus sew through leathers at of CORMNELS. a 45° degree angle. Although this is not a Fold flap, locate snap and (I ES] miter joint, an is install, Trim and shape the Moisten fold areas and exactly the same; (see lap, Edge and bumish all Gouge sewing channels crease sharply with ts pase ae Ne sion. See oa. 37 br (grain side) only as far as hammerorbone folder. swine a ¥ ue i“ ridges wi folds {C). Install belt loop © Glue the case leather S Atal around ‘oorners — saribows dicen: between folds (C) and (8). to the end pieces. Align bottom. the edges, nth MAGAZINE BOX CASE (On Rircn CanTRiDans ‘This case presents a different technique in forming the Botton of the pocket. We offer it to Increase yout know: ledge of case making. The same principles can be applied to larger casos, of box-type construction. On heaier Veer the edge {step 8) can be beveled to form the miter joint, ira Once again, the wood form is out larger than the article, Wo ius trate the form as rectangular, ‘though the article has 0 tapered end, Th form can be mato is taper, if desired. We offer it, as shown, to. simplify our instue tions, Cut the leather from 6 02. cowhide, . .case a pivse for the pocket before baginning, oat mameracene Next, shape the sides tight against the form, Crease sharply with the bone folder. . this will Since the top of the magazine box should protrude, for easy removal, ‘cut the top of pocket as above. ‘Mark two lines (A) down from cor- ners, and the width of the form. These will be cut in the leather pocket. With our rule-of-thumb: “double the thickness” (step 1, page 19) cut the pattern 2” all around, as this form is about 1” thick, ‘Actually, the thicker the icle) the less this rule 1%" would be is always best to enough, Through experience you will learn how to cut patterns, for various articles, to have enough covering and ample at the edges for sewing. At the top of the pocket, youl note we have tumed the pettern up at the sides, , .to add some protection for the maga- zine box when encased. Cut the cased leather from pattern (step 2). Lay wood form on a board, place pocket in position and press bottom tight against form. Tack in place, Now make cuts on ends (A) flush with the outside of the bottom leather (as above), Cut down to the side creases. be the sewingline, Tack in place, Fold ends (A) inward and care: fully cut off, paraeling edgos of bottom leather, Trim, as re: quired, s0 leathers are flush and abut eich other, MAGAZINE BOX CASE - Continued Allow to dry thoroughly; Now, with overstitch wheel, mark remove tacks. Trim off both'edges (at bottom cuts) 3/32" (\ 1/8" from crease. from cut, where sides meet bot- tom, Clamp in stitching horse with Burnish poctt alge and inal sip, Cutt side, tow as with @ back piece to width of pocket with amy miter joint (soe FS, page 22). Tom Tor fot aed ap, Gena oH (Alt top ot pocket, Gouge fod (6) Fol flap over to locate position of snap. ‘Trim Map as required. Buinish «Al odgos;iotall the snap. Case is complete, Remove the wood form. i you have diffcuty removing wood form, ‘se page 37, Moisten folds and Cement pocket in position shown crease sharply with —_ in step 9. “Wheel” sewing marks bone folder, or ham- around pocket. Place form in mer. Sew a‘belt loop pocket, clamp in stitching horse to the beck side, and sow. Bottom Drop MAGAZINE BOX CASE SAME WOOD FORM AS. SEW BELT oor SEWING CHANREL Gnowm ou oprosire. again Drips. no i HAND ae nie > Sars, on 9/1004, cownioe = Yura noire "TReKEB to Fon Borfom “amma aay Be used NOTE * The leathers and assembly procedures ate iden- tical to those shown for the cartridge case on page 26, re] SHOTGUN SHELL CASE FoR BELT AND SHOULDER CARRY ‘The construction of this case will be similar to that with the wood forms. However, the shotgun box itself will be used for the form, instead. Leave the sholls in the cardboard box. Make this case from 8-9 o7, cowhide, or heavier, if desired. (a Make all of the measurements of the shotgun» shell box as indicated at right. To these measurements, you will have to add the leather thickness indicated by the solid black marks (A) on the skateh at left, a Carefully study the pattern sketch at left. The shaded areas indicate the exact, dimensions of the «hell box. You'll note the top of th ond, ard the rot, are flush with the edgo of the pattern, ‘The black, sll marks with the later (A) RPE PAT TERN show all of the areas where the thickness of th lthor must be aided othe Te pattern. This dimension must be included on each ideo al of he ols, a he fhickness of the leather will tao this up when fled, Lay ot your patton, on pana’ being careful to addtall OF the euppection scsomparyng th stot FO <5 Sgn ow ‘SRtreH Eaunts: Learner THcaNe SS. Re-check all of your pattern dimensions. Carefully cut out he leather, SEE PAGE 3 FOR Make the small comer cuts (large arrows) and gouge an the fold lines a Sueaesrions ‘aw accurately as possible, GOUGING FOLDS , é eee ate yon oe tal, a thom ot Tek ik ‘stitching holes with No. 6 over: stitch heel. I a buckle isto be ° ‘used, punch @ %" slot in front pe OL woul Rd ‘there would be nothing to push ‘against (fr closing) if tho shell box was only half full, Use-a 4" buckle ora tuck catch, SHOTGUN SHELL CASE - Continued Tun leather back to flesh side and bevel all Ply badd stadt d arrows) with 45 deoreo anole, This is done with the Fi jeather on a hard. smooth si Ogee ae ieee anae rae Bevolltig makes tit miter Joint Moiston all folels and crease sharply by t ping with hammer, install a wide belo the back. ‘tiach dees "to. Shoultser atep. Sew or vert poke 09 the front, See page 8 for attaching buckles. Now, apply cement to all of the beveled ede Set hs box on the bottom and fold ends and sides up, carellly aigning and adhering the beveled edges. ae eit ea ame le to come out in opposite chan- jap. Pull thro nel (see HS, page 22). Keap shell box up tight, 10 toate position ce oh en within the case. If it will not fit in the F buck hole. Only eo ott ror stig aU Seb Be sea heie babar, Your (t miter joints) should show inside kkneas. Burnish edges after sewing. the edges wore burnished. eat le @- BOX SHOTGUN SHELL CARRIER This caso was made for 12 ga. shotgun shells, «for the box dimensions shown at right. If your boxer differ in measurements, the patterns will have to be altered accordingly. This case has a soft lewther gusset that permits the case to lay relatively fat for storage. Cutting patterns are shown (% se) on the ‘opposite page. Carving design patterns (fo: bids) on pages 34-35, GUSSET : UT ton, 6/6 ot, uearieR : Lanco~ Gtr GecRSiN Ok SIMTUN LEATHERS ( Take a sheet of heavy paper (atout 11° x11") and mark it off in 1” squares, Carefully draw your pattern on this, from x | dimensions shown on the redueed putern an poste: page Brown the position of the hand sitana. Nar te fad ine Gin hadi) and ied ation of testy Ae nish. mark for te top edo of the gist a ast ide Cu et the ost Re pert tet te eae aoe are a ore SESERCE"AURE gr "two. hanclle stiffeners, Care ond nop cage dened AWEC@EERRGS — Re-check all dimensions: trim t raqurgd: aug evra conn where indicated: “wheel” for wing, Geage fod m hand Edge fina ‘burnish areas shown on stoties at fof. at out He ue Ioather. Vou are ready to star sanBly. Apply rubber cement to flesh side of handle stiffener and corresponding areas on side piece. Cement in position, aligning EXCESS UAH A TOP ‘edges. Be sure sewing channels, of both ‘Wet the fold and pull tightly ‘Trim the excess, Gouge a sewing f i ‘over the handle stiffener. channel, inline with channel on —— Glue in place and tap with stiffener, Do not “wheel” ths harm ‘channel. Place in stitching horse and sew. Turn project over and edge the folded Now, mark the sides forthe gusset Sew over ends of the folded piecs, ond. any uneveness and burnish top. Apply rubber eament to one on back side. Angle awl, if top of handle. Complete the athor Ba fo eve ae sary, to bring stitches out in the _carriar side in the same manner. 3/8” in from the edge. channel on back side, 32 4-BOX SHOTGUN SHELL CARRIER - Continued el adhering gusset at one side, Continue around opposite side, When satisfied at mark, Force Broun comer, with alignment, pen femly with bone fold, Sotgtand 3 et Align ic Trim excess. all round gusset, Now apply cement to other edge of ausset and side (step 7). ‘Begin ‘Scie: mart perience. will teach you where to” make adjust ments. Follow step: 8 through 12 to pa complete the cas CARRIER SIDE (07 Phan 9000 connor (CARVING DESIGNS FoR 4-B0x SHOTGUN SHELL CARRIER ~ PACK 32 \coesmees CARVING DESIGNS FOR £-B0X SHOTGUN SHELL CARRIER ~ PAGE 32 ity, the photo patterns, snd compe wih Your the ik “FIGURE C BARTS a "AICTORIAL GARY Al Stohlman, for detailed instructions on stamping birds feathers, etc, ST” TRACING PATTERN ID Cldentification ) CASE ‘This is on ideal case for the traveler oF sportsman ho wishes his identification, licenses, game tags, etc, reallly available on the belt, It can be made larger, if desired, by increasing the length and Ey meh of the patterns, The patterns presonted will take up to ‘atta Meaw aM When dey, remove tac and [HJ cur gut tnejeatner parts,includ- Maiston the pocket area (wee partorn} on both in ato ean ing. the pocket Torming teat im position and jie (8) equal tothe wath oF of packer. ils. Crease shop; theca th shown above. Install shape to front i ‘your Shape the bottom edige as et Fray feta, and ara Prepare the divider (see pattern) With forming leather still in and cement edges to the pocket — eayg the forming leather inside the pécket, moisten otiom of ca edges, aligning with marks (Al. Sew- pocket, Place in stitching horse ancl at! fold tightly around scrap ing line edge should be exposed. sew. Trim any uneven edges; burnish, leather, Nock divider ee down, ‘and gue edge to inside of case. Fold the flap over and locate posi- With the foning leather till in tons of the snaps by pushing ly pce. bt a ni, against pocket snaps (at arrows). lunk entire project in water & Place in stitching horse and sew, This will imprint location of snaps moments, Remove and curve to as above. This stitching forms the on inside of flap, Install snaps. tbody shape, Allow to dry; remove belt loop, forming leathers, Case is complete, 36 —_— ‘Sketch (left) shows how shells can be separated, Simply cut a section of ‘the dividers from the orig: inal box, If not available, make them as instructed at right. Removing WOODEN FORMS: CUTTING PATTERNS for TDGASS hte ID CASE PATTERN Cor FMom foe. 70 Bex. DIVIDER PATTERN cur Fmam 4 0x. COWHIDE Before placing forms in cases, rub al side surfaces with paratfin, 2 des armuresy 77 PLAYING CARD CASE ‘The conetruotion of this cas is similar to, she careidy cs on Here, we do not use a wood form. «tho cise ie Ie'mad airectiy over the playing card pack Also, the ab sour the flap nag ‘ess bulk. The design, on this case, was made wath swivel knife cuts Oo The card suits were dyed red and ee cine in white with Cova dye. Cut the case from 4 02, cowhide. SLiontey ay fou. BorTom OnNERS SEWING CHANNEL. ‘Cut two end pieces trom 89 oz. cowhide to the exact Ginsansions of the playiy ait ‘box ends. Gouge sewing channel; do not “wheel”. See other notations above, Leave playing cards in their paper box. be senate ——al TIP: Rpacagrrna” 7 TEL Sons em cats es wal gu ledbreaty Scae SGetpatin on ahr pe Bee el lines equaling the total ‘icin no ead on, Dm fold line (A). Distance between (A) and (8) is thickness ‘of box plus ane thickness of case leather, Draw fold fine (C). Distance between (C| and {D) is thickness of box plus two thicknesses of case leether, @ the Trim the flap tab to dimensions suggested above. The in 3/8" measurement will be the width of the tab loop (see Oe eee step 6). The distance between arrows (A) should be at sine neck of the tab, This is to hold the loop. SctaP oF hau fetrnar 40) Space" COE Lay out the slots, measuring Cut out @ tab loop, from 4 02, en ‘from marks, Use a No. ‘eather, Install in slots and ee Cut the leather and gouge folds. Moisten 0" punch out out ends of al folds and crease sharply with bone folder, slots, Width of slots should for determining ie Fold case around card box, flap down be thickness of 4 oz, leather. ling instructions of this type of Uight, and mark as shown to locate pos Be sure slots are centered, loop. tion of loop. 38 PLAYING CARD CASE — Contitued| ones, ain Now gouge sewing channels at each edge, up to fold (C). Use No. 7 overstitch wheel. Burnish edges inclicated above. (8 Now, pacerey rubber cement to éll sewn, Begin assembly at the Bottom, Center the end pieces between the folds, and flush with the outside of th ioilhe sory sharply at crease, ‘Adhere end pices to bck, aligning eles, Place laying cards and box tn ae Fold ron down, ering fags all ees aa propery ligne, ross with bons far BES P ERE in stitching horse (with cards in- After sewing, burnish edges. Now —Tocose the case, pull tab down ide) and sew, This is the seme as the open caso and top of card box. through ie forsing tho joint, (see HS, page 28) for sewing rap of card box cea at off, or “flared” (A) through. oer comers. ‘Ae toon HS, 63) allowed on, The bos tlt ey When through, it will spread for sowing with small ovorstitch wheels; within the case. ‘TW alas alll ag wa! eo banth s lighter threads, tional protection far the cards. closed. Case i complete, Sa CIGAR CASE ‘This case is made exactly as with the Playing Cord Case ebeve and on the opposite page, Fallow the same procedures, using the same weight of leathers, Sha this aasa Ta looger, it areas for many billfold and similar designs. Many Craftaids, or portions of them, are suitable fore lecorating small cases. When carving or stamping casos, always ieecie ts alae eae cardvoard to brovent stretch. After removing the cardboard, LWAYS re-check Spar Seen to be sure the fitting has not been al 4 belied: a belt loop can be sewn ou = back of ¢ .before sewing in the end pieces. CIGARETTE CASES Topo cases are constructed exactly as with te oaying ae ae fight ore! the cigarett ite pack ‘wth eigarete de nd. the light cardboard remains inside. Cigets from a new pack are simply transferred to the leather case. With the rectangular casa (left) the Loop is made longer, as the opening of the pack is on the long side. Wi the flip top case (right) keep the top closed while making the leather case. When complete, cit the flip ‘top aff of the box with a sharp knife, NOTE: For the “soft (paper) cigarette packs, make a wood form to the ‘exact size, Follow all previous instructions. . .make and sew the case over ‘the wood form. pees) ES maa ae MPa re are. fot teoed segetnen Tu ease nate over te iret mak gut mane sn, This case takes fess bulk, especialy Hf ut from 2-27 Sr teaiher, as: Ki yal Coe Paki, Sv ieather ed, es it does not fe beaigh aera beta ee tation The dimen sions, on this pattern, are for approximately 2:2% oz. it heavier leather is used. . the dimensions ot (A) and (aha have to be increased accordingly. STUDY ALL OF THE NOTATIONS ON THE PATTERN f fi Lay a bape on paper. The shaded areas indicate the ‘The edges are flush at the top of rine front i side. Draw the fold lines, Use @ square to all lines accurate, The black — with col letter a indicete the fold lags are 1/32" see wt a Pek (0! ‘thickness of leather). Fold lines (B) are 1/16” wider the pack thickness (or double thickness of leather). ie determine ee wie to cn } ends, see notation at top of sketch. Ti vickness of cigarette be aed castre aeceore a 1e Case are cut ae" an waventh side. - i Now carefully transfer your pattern to the flash side of the leather. Corrections can be | panei oe ‘on the flesh side, and be un-noticed when the case is comp! 40 Alternate CIGARETTE CASE — Continued ny MET wave aN EVEN Eins ar Waser’ oo Sy im leather grain side up and seribe a light guide I Turn leather to flesh side, Make light 3/6" from the edge of the ged. With divider, mark pox fogs on folds (ee page 88 for gouging tions of lacing slits (or holes). You must have an even number. light leather). Moisten all folds and an spacings until you do. Punch holes or use cing chisel (shown hore. if crease shay. It not gougd, - a P ani chisel, center it on the line, Slits (or holes) must match on both leather against a straight edge, folds with hammer 5 oe paral in of ial loops tn step 4, pa, Test own on ote, era, wa have curved thaloopabit.. for style, Fold bottom tab in; side over i. Wark through the last two slits, jeedle goes Pull lint ht, Outside view Continue Pru tae alse te ond ioe Fale invond Go ee tay thay 12 iy wih through all of the el of lace. UE tls a Fold case together. Push needle, from inside, out Ist slit of each piece. Note bot- tom teb goes between end pieces. ae Leave loose loop inside (right). Come back ‘through top slits oe under Toop; this locks end. Use aid. fowork sack out ofleoe, Feo aise Bee 5 Pull tight; cut off, Re- "Sle cigarate pick in pest teciog ‘opporte —Inaort a hard ur. e&® al de. Noite °\. end. Small pliors face inside caw folds and "sh fi in acing othar ond and taplacingfat. Fre om 4 SNUFF BOX CASE -~ No.1 Wo will show you three methods of malcing 4 Snuff Box case. With this Case (No. 1) we offer some new construction Sechniques. These same principles can be applied to make cases for similar items; camoro lenses, jowolry bores, ot, Use heavier leather for larger cases of this typ. Carcully follow all of the instructions and notations. To begin, cut a strip of 4 oz. cowhideas wide as the thickness of the Snuff Box. Trimit to abut the ends, and tightly adhere it with cel. lophane tape around the edge of the Snuff Box. This added thickness insures room for ‘abut edgos and sow together (B). will be the top opening of the case. punwien apoe Now cut another strip of leather to same width, as in step 1. Cut 3/8" longer to overlap and join as in (C), step 1, Burnish both sides, Use same divider setting (step 2) and seribe a line down total length, Cut in two. BI ne swam, (esr avpsrua) Now, take the piece (with divider setting) and install a Belt Snap in the center. DO NOT allow any part of snap in sewing channel, as mua ‘the box within the leather case. aa. eee Sie bata {ut a strip the same width as -, and fold tightly around box {see HS, page 21). If you prefer not to sew, cut the strip 3/8” longer, sive ends and glue together (€) above. Edges should be flush with snuff bex. Burnished edge semen ue ‘Set dividers, and scribe a line com: pletely around the project, bout inthe center, BURK SHED #968 After cutting in two, skive ends on flesh sides, Gouge sewing channel (gain side) 3/32" from (unburnished) edges, of both pcses. Do-not "whoo!" the channels, Now glu Be tip to cas with ‘cement. Begin at joint, pul tightly arourd. Sewin Seed oe ould be fu ih previous leather. Glue overlap... Proper skiving will eliminate bulges, Burnished edge should be in center cof casa, ..on seribed line, SNUFF BOX CASE -No.1- Continued woman Rens somite eee Now, with remaining stripy @p- Pace project on leather | Bay ply glue only to overlap ends. and. trace around the Gouge sowing channels : Fike oxo ul at pons ove: mation, Cut aut toe. marc enc ome (10) Wah, sutton iges together. circles; front and back, A stitch Cie oe he eid Memiyseulleohcy sound compeos ean be wed for at Sancta eR : ‘case and adhere overlap, Perfect circles. dasirad. ee should correspond, Satine mentee oes iy laine Neato eet eae 5/8" Note: The glued end cowhide 5/8” are the nuff box withiny cua) wide from C7 a share nly to the Nidth of the case, for length and sew around the BACK hide, about 1” lng. In . which does not include SIDE FIRST. . “THis Is stall snap cap 5/8" from fiely around the front and back pieces. Gougea — IMPORTANT. Keep end. Snap to ca, ‘ont side. This light channel on each end, as shown above. Hold case tightly stitches in channels. Sew over the hinge piecs, as shown. Sew completely end next to front sic Gouge sewing channel; glue in place lasabove. stitching will alo catch the other end of the hinge, together and glue to overlap area, around the back piece. Open case and remove snutf box: Sew first edge of belt loop at the top. Stitching wil come aut inside the case. Fold balt loop down and sew bottomedge, ‘The reason the belt loop is seven last, is that it would be in the way when sewing through ‘the back sida, step 12, Casa is complete TereR Borror cup LARGE €Dom BEVELER = mt eur Loor To finish the sewn edges, bevel with a lrg bovoler. (See es Bae Specia, Note: ishing ‘and “wheeling SEE Pace a9 vow sewn edges.) 0 HoLD SNUFF Bi GhS6 A SITTEHING HORSE, | Te sew THe BELT £00P / SNUFF BOX CASE ~ Wo. 2 ie teal Read’ all of the text a accompanying illustrations. case No. 1 the pocket pattern (swap ee 39) ,Gut sop of pattern doop. orm de come leuiiny a pull nut boxe idest part. This heavier side piece that encircles the snuff box. Tope a leather strip antes DISTANCE DETWeEN FOLDS 16 ADIN OF SDE PIEEL, PLUS Yo" jctions that are all notations on the jefore beginning, tape a strip of leather around the snuff box, as shown with + Cut all parts from 6 oz, cowhide, Ke piece ‘howyn “above. Sov belt loop to beck With Snuff box in postion, glue’ pocket i pace Shed Sem ala, in exces and compete in step 12, page 29. ‘Make the pocket pat tem ay placing nut edge pen strip of 910 oz, cowhide 1/16" wider cf than thickness of snuff box, Poe one end on fine and pull snugly around 20x to locate cutoff of other ond: Adhere parts toy snuff box ins From step 1, abate moran above]. Cut out the pocket and back pi all sewing ‘chames (shown in ee a sake h from edges. “Wheel pocket and back piece only. Burnish ed: stall sap | in pocket. so folds in back piece. Sew a belt loop to back, Exploded view, at right, shows how parts assemble. Apply “coment to edges ony. 44 Pocket and be piece, Complete as in Bond 7 on pogo 27. Cart complote, enone myiten 3 FLASHLIGHT CASE E Since all flashlights are not of the same sizeor dimen- Slane wee aaniiee ive se aescaal sian eae Ve al isaia?eoporiont Cat die latory fom 7c Place lashlight on a large a . Sheet of puper, and traco all cowhide. ‘around the outline. Hold the Nyugnres canny ee ipemencller Say BY 8801 take te ae rogirOX (7 POCKET: Make the 1 \ Ben an ae syren LE] pattorn ss shown at \ Side of fahigh ost oe Dip top a rasp. down tose seh Arrows (AD icate diameter of Hine (arows A). Bier stral ‘iden Draw lion eh with botiom, Nake a mart at position you wish the belt loop to fold. Toper pattern in, from top of pocket, Arron 6) lente belt toop must be nar rower then beck pice. itch. indicate diameter of the shaft. Add ft to these dimensions pocket is drying, moisten belt loop, fold and me beck placa, Now, tn pa oe 1/8" away dee eee (tacked), (step 9, pogo Cus gut tha porket and bask poe, Bumish top for ee igo of pocket, Hold under water a fevr mo: ments; ay aang” will not be required, Place pocket in yf oiltion, sur tab unos aston. With bane folder, work leather down around the switch, Work sic down; crease sharply, Tack to board. nc risce } Place flash ight in pock- Ps peer in Hie cea ‘old bottom tal 1 oir: oan pt: sie ine if La tion of rivet hole. he ww both sides, Trim ? sosnon Punch hole, trim Ed mh eter excess; burnish — edges, oe EruaLe off any excess. oo Waray Case is complete, EYE GLASSES CASE ‘Since the frames of most eyeglasses vary insize, shape, and dimension, cut- eg patterns ara impossible to orem rar towers we have woad ont a procedure whereby you can, make a pattern for altuost any style of eve glasses case. We will uso a stanclard pair of glasses, with actual size drawings, and show you how to make the patterns for your ovn gases, Fallow fame dizections given to make 4 cue fray sit os of gas frames. Study the directions, they apply to any par of slases, Use 67 0 MAKE THE PATTERN: cowhide for the case. STUDY THEDIAGRAM, caneruiey FOLLOW THE STEP-BY-STEP INSTRUCTIONS VIEW LOOKING DOWN ON GLASSES: INEM FOLDED Lay ges, ot down, on pagar a tee tage Hot pon renee the underside of folded ane paces Th These dimensions will be used in. making your patterns, (A| equals ‘outside of bridge to inside of ear piece. Hold glasses together, (B) equals total thickness of folded Unto er placa, mai at bridge of mows, LOCATING THE SNaI {Locate stp postion 18" below (2). ©08 ©®@ © i ain “ ewes Mew Site ae! Non | © senor meg mt Oem ain tr) 1 patting Sa Setroasiee ; oat 318" out trom Lay tracing pape ever patern and redri tine! (8149118 ® Flop tracing. align (4) with (6). ‘Tranier tines (@){9) ome trom ol the ewe, + © sssrange ie tom Senne tan ate @ srgprean nenats (at _ Add 1/8" to Map and round the ores, © cervetiees ay. @ igi in hae cormtting ee Seu instructions on pattern above, than centieua wath stope 15) an con i {SWAP POSITION CHES 100 (LO3E 70 EDGE, SET SWAP BACK in FROM EDGE (Unt 6) 0°10 2" 46 EVE GLASSES CASE- Assembly ‘These numbers appear in the shaded areas. on the sketch {opposite page). fully mark boom fot peeannh sh aeeenaan? sig Fri Ns This is the bridge filler. It shuts fa bn cory prevents the case from being te, Burish edges indi erushed. catod on skate Moisten the gouges, and make sharp folds, gunais rage Rou FAP. Oprasire SDE More: rHs ISTHE Git FILERS TO BACK Bach erb8 OF FILLER hs Gut itor 62. climersions. shown pris cute ee thicke (eather Trpunn core a Now fold front up and glu once e tte. Mites to Geek etn ae ‘ons_proviousiy. marked in stop 1. Tap" with hammer. Make fe Sie otal Bets Snow, te he Singha an ont and These are the side ‘with strong bonding cement. Trim backside, shown above. filler (21) to fit over base of snap, if necessary. fillers. Cut these fillers from patterns on the opposite page. They should! also Sew the ends, Trim Moisten inside the top, Fut glasses in bee thicie as. with (21). They ‘any uneveness and case with ear pieces OUTSIDE the front cannot be made of wood, {edge andl burnish well, leather. Fold orer, locate position of snap ‘cap and install, Case is complete, ned) ZY i], Photo shows case carved, fili- ® i) greed with gold leather back- ing, and piping sewn bet- ween the carved leather and the lining, Piping is made with a strip of leather, both edges skived, folded and glued to- gether. ASSEMBLY PROCEDURE? ‘1Carve, stamp, filigree the design, 2-Apply leather finish, working into all filigreed areas. 3-Glue backing to filigree, glue piping around edges. 4-Cement thin lining leather (oversize) inside. 5-Sew top edge of front; sew around sides and flap from filler (22) to (22), Trim off excass lining, next to stitching, 6-Continue assembly as with steps 2 through 6 above. Photo showing How glasses fit in case, Hf carving design is used. ‘curve and stemp before step 2, a7 a TRAVELING SECRETARY CASE This i 2 vory handy cave to, cary in the glove mpertment of your car, or in’ your luggage Stile traveling. te"has @ wilting tablet, place for envelopes, stamps, and pon or pencil. . all in a ‘compoct packags. It can be made to fit any size writing pad. Simply follow the instructions betow. Cut the cover from 6 oz. cowhide. 2-2% oz. eather is su for the lining. The project can be assem! hand sewing or buckstitching. ‘See the book: “How to BUCKSTITCH” by Al Stohiman, for many buckstitching ideas. The es ee for this case were taken from Craftaids. 2780 and 2787. Purchase » small tablet of desired size preferably with a cardboard back. Measure: thickness-lengtn-width, AER ena sition mie Simeren Witice Stamp IM Daca, RUBHER ComenT PROJECT 1 ERD BEARD Cut out the cover. Make deep gouges on fold lines (Flesh side). Moisten folds; orease sharply by tapping with hammer. Punch snap holes in flap, fold case together and mark through holes to locate snap positions on lower piaca. If project is to be carved or decorated. . .do so at this time. 48 ments carefully. Be Sure. fold. tines. are Square with top and bottom lines. Woe” ibaa tse aan ‘The outside dimensions (step 2) will dso be the sie of the lining pattern, Mark position of pen holder, within fold tings, Mark envelope pocket top, from fold line to within 4" of side, Fit Pad Holder just inside fold lines, 1/16" on eech side, Stamp Pocket fits 1/16” from fold and extends to side and bottom, Pad Holder and Stamp Pocket will be cut from 2:2% o, lining leather. . same as lining for cover. ponte Cut tho fining lenthar slightly oversize, Place on cover and carefully pres eetses in gouged fold lines, to establish their locations on the fining leather. Cut out the Pad Holder and Stamp Pocket (see step 3). TRAVELING SECRETARY CASE ~ Continued ‘srane Fee, Cut slits in lining leather for pen and top of envelope pocket (see step 3 for location), Cement ends of Pad Holder; set down 5/16” from top edge. Sew ends to lining. ‘Cement only the sides and bottom edges of Stamp Pocket to lining. Sew the end (shown) to within Ya"'of the bottom, Study the sketch above, DONOT sor CEMENT AT SHADES AAAS Install Now, turn cover and lining flesh sides up and ‘apply uber coment to all areas except shaded areas (above|. Turn lining to grain side up and adhere to cover, Bo sure fold lines atv properly ali. Also, bbe sure you how 6/16" shove pod holder (step 6). NOTE: To aid in property aligning and adhering, place wax papers betwoen lining and cover, as shown. Adhere center section first, when in proper position. Slowly remave wax papers to adhere the outer sections, rener Moisten the fining leather (bet- ween folds) for the pen holder, and insert a pen or pencil into the slit, Force it in tostretch the leather. . .to accomodate the pen. Allow to dry with pen in place. Insert cardboard back of tablet under Pad Holder and pull ail the way down, to install tablet. If necessary, trim width of cardboard back. Rub all cemented areas with the bone folder, Trim off excess lining, Sew, or buckstitch around the progct, Burish the edges. Install the flap snaps. Moisten lining at folds and creaie sharply. Fold and snap together to "set” the folds, When dry, apply leather finish. sur Fokker money fi aac sineny ores To make stamps easily cowsible, cut 2 piece of fining leather and fold as shown, Slip assembly into Stamp Pocket, 49 CHECK BOOK CASE Specific patterns are given for this exe, as most checks and restos: fare the samo size. If you have different messurements, than thos shown, you will have to enlarge or reduce the patterns accordingly. The cover can be hand sewn, or buckstitched (as shown), For full buckstitching instructions, see the book: “How to BUCKSTITCH" by Al Stohlman, The carving design is from Craftad No. 2683, Coment the posi ets to. the lining as shown at right. Ce ‘he exact areas). Be sure TW COVER, pockets and cover di- mensions match. Ali a EIASTR all edges, Trim whora required. Tapcemented Carve cover design. Gouge folds on flesh areas, with hammer to side. Cement lining to cover. . .pen cl "set" adhosion. cut-out centers over gouges. Crease saa ing in gouges (see pattern (2) for areas FRONT to cement). Trim excess. eeukes Turn cover over and scribe a lig me 3.1/8" from each side. This will be your stitch. {fhe raleet is to be sewn, ihe a This view. shows Fo ean eae ge late Gn oppose line should bo gouged for sewing cham howstitches side, Check the measurements inside to be [er buclstitching, seo “How to BUCK — fhauld appntintie. sure stitches will catch the pocket edges. TITAS bok $3 emit of sy re 50 CHECK BOOK CASE - Cortinued tnd tn eat of eee Slip cover of register into Slip checkbook into pocket. Trim iat the, Sah pase wana st Kt for ager carton, Tt no CUTTING PATTERNS rom BREE SSE ONS CASE (S) stave agras suow WieKe pocKers ComENT, “SEE IMsreueTions | FO Line CSE SIlP 2) SIE PAG (2) puta comenrne kueree 1 Sever, “ur our. na) Ap py, ewrecne an grog Sip Bee BU Oni tw THe cenren. ee CEE Spy AS HbCATED tty GHMDED AREA.» DOMME APT Bore ES | SUEP I). iT our SLOT ‘SEE STEP 1) comucres CHECK HOOK, HSE HATCHET CASE ‘This vory usoful caso is designed to protect the cutting edge of the fhavehot, o: well as protesting the user om acidetal ext Te 3 abo designed to be worn on the belt for comfortsble carrying, allowing jom of both hands. The following instructionsshould beobserved to make a case for any hatchet, This ale “rough-out” {flesh side) with recessed border for Buckstitching, This technique is ay explained in the book: “How to BUCKSTITCH’, by Al man. Begin making the pattern as shown at right. Lay the hatchet ‘on a large sheet of paper, draw around its outline, Be sure to allow enough length for: Blade Cover, Flap, and Safety Strap. Mark posi- tion’ of top of the handle {dotted tine). Bottom of satoty stra Shoutd come straight out trom this, Study. all of the. dimensions and notations on the sketch at right. 2) Gut out the pattern (step 1). Lay hatchet in place and fold blade cover ‘over, Fold should be about %"* aviay from blade. Mark position of snap in center of handle and on same level as top cut of safety strap (nearest handle). Sketch line (dot: ted) for trimming. . .extending 1" beyond the snap position, Bl Cut blade cover pattern and fold over hatchet again, Fold safety strap over, locate snap position, Trim off (dotted line) about beyond the snap position. Now, fold flop over Sketch the shape (bro: ken ine) of the flap, gra: fully pointing down to the center of the handle, Allow 1K" beyond the top of the handle cover, which was marked on patiern instep 1 WOODEN FORM NDLE cover. TOR OF HyNDLE Boven Caran Ser5 SAFETY stHar ur f Warewer cUTLINE, ‘Top OF HANDLE COVER. YOUR PATTERN SHOULD NOW. LOOK Lie THIS. BI shaping the handle cover, make a wood form, it NOTE. This will be the inside (flesh side) of the case +» «unless you wish the flesh side to be the outside, ‘as with the one shown in photo above. 52 cor so longer than the handle, Add 1/8 to each jimension shown, Rasp of the top edges to round them, Make ‘a mark (from pattern) on the form, to indicate the top of the handle cover, Be sure the top of the form s not smellor thin the bottom, anane COVERS marenar CASE — Continued _, Be Shape against form sila trated. Now mark a line, for trimming, down the canter Remove leather ‘and cut off on this line, ‘The purpose of this type fitting is that it would be asa asst fit (without splitting the ith) fon thakataon. oie Ibe eg coupe fmm 78.08: cowhide Make a cut at bottom, Beginning about "from end of handle, Round the top a bit, as illustrated. “Case” the leat (explained on page 3), Center the cased leather on wood form, with top at mark. Begin shaping at bottom comer, forcing the leather Now, turn the leathar Se a Beal srg atthe seg a leather on form and re-tit aera maar ee (aaron ioe rouse FOR sappur avtacuount BILLey toon (asen or oe) Remove handle corer fom the ‘oi and butrish the top ep. in Aiter sewing, turn leather back to Cut the case from 8-9 02. cow: stall snap, in center, Tee! m (step 5). Trin sides and bottom 1/8" tro ight side and re-fit on form, Tap hid. fro Hitched oreo. with hammer. Shape Ba bottom and sides with hone folder, sides. Carve ecen‘placn, an allow toa) time: Burnigh edger shown in cma ance buck pd thoroughly before removing. heavy line. Sew a belt loop to should be in same place as pattern, Place ‘the back, about 2" down from in stitching horse and sew cover to the flap fold. ‘back. (continued) HATCHET CASE — Continued IA uname, After sewing, trim off oaths Unde ia on Hey ee ae a Put Sita i case. Install fe sides. Burns ‘ snap on blade cover, 14” Remove wooden form. If from end. Moisten the fold Ou! Safety stan roomy is ae to re seh fad over and tap: position of sap. move, see ‘ ply with hammer to : "set" the fold, Install snap cap to safety strap. Fold flap over and locate position of snap. Install snap in flap, Case iscomplate, Sf making 2 HAND-AXE CASE ...... Without the Hand-Axe Bi END ACTUML SIZE TRACINGS, WOODEN FORM — LEATHER CRE pois ty Cilarderdpey ATE ree: MADE RiOM, tou anew Tae Case woaten Oo This case was made for a friend who (because of circumstances) could not got the axe to us. This project illustrates how cases can be made without having the actual article to work with. We requested the tracing outlines of the SIDE—-EDGE—END. . .as twas presented (above left. From this, the wooden form, and the — (1) case were made. Though never having seen the Hand-Axe, we ——s Zyesyces come reas “Seectae. NOTE: are told the case fits perfectly. Follow the procedures given, To determine the size of the wood form, for the beginning at right. handle part, draw a tine (A) next to the tracing, Next, craw 4 line (B) 1/8” avey from the widest part.” Arrows (C) indicate lines should be paral all the way up, Add line (D) forthe top of the 54 handle cover. 2 Now, cut out the core of Bl jour wood form from 1/8" Cut two side poses from plywood or — Glue thim all eneer,imaonite; or other Shin other matorial ea) that they (ho side era Tiatorial” Soe sharied area shove.” pieces) plus the 1/8" vonost will equal shown’ shove tai oo shee Ehe total thicknoss of pattern (step 1). Mako the pattern, fol- Towns 5 on page @ rounded on pages 53 and (below). Sew a loop an the anes, nw. Stora. BACKSIDE VIEW ‘Beur Loae A loop of 7-8 oz. cowhide is formed over a scrap of leather slightly exceeding thickness and width of the flank cincha billet Edges ao alued to back of case stitching catches loop edges This should be done at stop 1a page 63. Complete, the case as insructed in saps 12 trough 18 Attaching the HATCHET CASE to a Saddle Taira a the form a bit at the ‘end, Round the sides and bottom that will be tho front of the Run a strap through belt loo, © er strap around flank cme ting (below), Pull of the case for the cincha billet. This out all slick, buckle over the prevents case from flopping. top of the straps, mcs giuet anda rion FOLDING CAMP -SAW CASE The making of amy onto gonaray follows the me meni: ‘the Length, Width. and Thickness of the ate. Allow extra width on inka Saco ae removed fror Here we will show how to make cases for ‘two similar ee of of FOLDING CAMPSANS, ‘Te iret te case should be made from 8-9 ox. cowhide, for durabilit on and fasting service, ‘The extra blade tonpartent ea be at ron 6-7 oz, cowhide, Se mne wara 98 Ai quae ‘Pace ia. monn nnn nari Making the pattorn hore it essentially the same as instructed on pp 18 tps} SSugh &. Arrows (al indicate the wridest pare of the paren, Top opening sud not be narrower, geen ns rn asi PL LOSE Cut blade compartinont leathar to. length showin above, and of ample wigth, Rubber coment one edge to form os illustrated above ramany Now make a wood form for the blade ra weet compartment, Cut from 1/8" masonite, same length as blades, Cut out the case, snolean leather on flesh si Fold over saw and locate (eh the widest part of the 4s Mark for trim: saw frame, Edge of case mi hould be at least /2" mm a Trim any excess; (él Turn project over. Moisten leather and shape against equalize both sides. the wood form at side and bottom, Trim 36" away from form. FOLDING CAMP-SAW CASE - Continued Eee Place the blade Lay case out flat, Now compartment on draw a firm line (A) %" Remove form from blade compart. top of the folded from the light line, as ‘ment; burnish edges, Prepare sewing case, %" from the shown above. thane Install snap about 1" from folded edge, Scribe the op, in the cater, a light guide line, as shown, Be sure line is parallel to the edae. F445 3104 Meroe cornet Straighten folded edge of blade comparsment, Turn flosh side up and coment adge to lino (A). from step 8. Sew this edge to as indicated above, After sewing [step 10) fold compartment ‘over wood form, and complete sewing It to the case. Remove the wood form, Sowa belt Nar Place saw inside case. Fold flag, additional Locate position of snap and install, Case Fold case together: sew outside eclyes. iscomplete, Trim and burnish. THESE CASES Cin BF CARRIED On EADLE AS WTA HATCHET... SEE Past 58 ANOTHER moves on tie ASSEMBLY PROCEDURE: This blade compartmant sys at both sds and FOLDING bottom, so shape leather over wooden form, instal snap, Sew to CAMP-SAW saw pocket. Shape saw pocket over wood form, Sew belt loo9 to back of case, Sew pocket to case, NOTE: Wooden forms should taper toward the bottom, uae waren puape COMPARTMENT | Gee. cownide 8/9oe, coun foun, ‘ wo From 2 x 4 construction lumber, eut the tool rack’ to dimensions above. Glue a piece of masonite on top_and drill holes completely through 2x 4. Giue masonite to bottom to provent tools falling through. Sand and varnish. Fasten snaps to 2' 4 on both sides, Je" up, from bottom (see suggestions above). Cut a handle from 9-10 oz. cow- ‘etvon coe hide. . 4 x 8”. Punch a hole in oa ane each end. Burnish both islaett | SemRAESKY ends into slots on top. Fold out and tivet_or use chicago screws, No. 7 punch inthe leather, © responding diameter hole masonite stiffener. Carve; SKE fa THICKNESS ‘ore ebees Mr ‘the cover from 9-10 02. cowhide. imp design. Turn to flesh side, gouge fold lines (A): Turn tograinside, Punch %4” slots (B). Punch holes (C) for ‘rivets, ‘or chicago screws. Check diameter 6f fasteners you desiretouse, Simplified CARRYING CASE rom LmATWEKERAPT STAMPING TOOLS 2° x4 construction lumber, with a top and bottom of 1/8" masonite. Holes should be chilled to fit individual tools, to hold them in an upright position, The leather covering fits over the tool rack and snaps at the bottom sides, protecting the tools as well as making an attractive carrying case. The project can be laced (shown) or hand sewn, as illustrated in the doublestep 7. The cutting ancl caring patterns are shown on the oppo: site page ¥% actual size. Draw 1" squares on e sheet of paper nota the lines to make the pattems acutal size, us Se Aa Cut a stiffener from 1/8" masonite 2%" x 10 7/8". Cut: slots. and “art hols forresponing to thote in Step 2, Glue to top with strong bonding sure to align slots, ment. Be holes, a 4 ? Bl Gouge fold lines and skive off ‘Cut two gussets from 7-8 oz, cowhide, Carve — design. thickness, Moisten gouges, fold outward, as shown, Use rubber cament and glue ‘gussets inside ends of the cover. ‘Our example s lece with 1/8" acing «double logp stitch, If projet sto fe sown, gouge all channos before zsombly. Simplified CARRYING CASE — Continued f To punch the lacing slits ‘Sevring channels should (I ee ae ee ee of ‘ano be gouged eae wood inside the , to ju ee ee aan tenis tir tara saad oman becienat ie 0) 7c oat a ‘to be burnished, Lace around gusset Bunun all edges after ‘on rack, Punch holes, install snaps. bet is complete, sides and top only. If desired. . . facing can go completely around project. CAPIERA CASE Kova TeLe-1nsTAMATIC 608 This is a simple box-type case, similar to others paviousty shown inthe boo ‘The exception is the “dust provectors” added {0 each se of ‘Ai, this case has.a lining leather 40 ald in pretocting the camera. With this projet we will show you how to add these two features, Since the outlines of this camera have no protrusions, asimple block of wood is used to facilitate making the cave. It is easier to make cases over rigid forms. Subsequent cases can then bemaie for the same camera with no ado expenditure of time, Label each form with name, etc, of the article for furure identification, ‘The firststep isto mako the wood form, Carefully ‘measure the camara and add to the dimensions, as indicated on skatoh at ft, pst en rome . is arpa hbo ee j Sen, RARE STSPs ° LBD gre arena ror of cm, sh with thre fern a the top. Hore shouldbe carved down to allow easier access to the camera, The langth of the tap is of personal preter: tance, In any case, must be long enough to ‘extend ‘A 10 4" beyond the snap position con the front, Now, cutout the leather. Cut ‘two side piece: and the cos from 67 2, cowhide, Cut out two dust protactor (see pattem). Once again, lay out your pattern on a sheet of paper. The shaded areas indicate the position of the wooden form. Carefully study the sketch, The black, solid marks at (A) show all of the areas where the thickness of the leather, . plus the thickness of the lining, . .must be ‘edded to the pattern, Clearly mark the fold lines. Arrows {B) show where pattern widens (at top and flap) to accomodate the dust protectors. This with will be the same as the thickness of the dust protector leather, Length of protectors equals distance between folds, Recheck dimensions with pattern. Turn leather flesh side up and make gouges at the folds, Turn feather grain sicle up and gouge sewing channels camo rind ale pieces, . .about 3/32" from edges, “Whoal"” the case only. Gouge sewing channel on Straight edge of dust protectors. Burnish only the edges indicsted on above skatch, 60 = Inetamatis 608 ~ Continued pet 9 ‘smallest Turn lamin to ot sides and bevel all edges {shows to a 45 degree angle sina the Turn leathers back to grain sic. Install snap to the front. Sew French, Edger seo step 5, page 31). This prepares belt loop to the back. If you wish to carn copes a the leathers for the miter joint, shoulder strep, install 4" dee astemblies to side pieces, ttn = ‘Trim off any exces Sig, Hand > IE Bae the. tee ‘Sow only tote nde ary Now, cut the lining leather to the same width aa the fe. FeSne and a ene to oe ur 9f coven Sh ‘the Same areas as ied the parts with the 45 degree angle. Rubber foment the linings to. case and sides, being. careful to align edges. The dust protectors do not require lining. Sew to edge of dust protector. Steb next hole angling up in channel of dust protector, Also seb through semehole | : to inside of eae, Bring throad (A) to - ‘outside, Thread (B) comes out in duit Sew down front, across bottom, andl up protoctor, Pll stich tight, back, to point shown above. Bring thread {a} “ Sep are es miter joint. Stab awl in same hole, only come out inside [yas come = een ease. Run thread’ (B) to inside of case. epee ne Moisten the folds of the ease, in: Pull stitch tight. side and out. Tap folds with ham- mer to make sharp folds, Apply cement to all beveled edges. Fold case around form adhere edges of sides to the case. Adhere dust protectors in place (above). Bogin sewing in corner of front af [14] Continue sewing, to next dust pro- tector, it previous instructions, ,_ stitches com to sen dust protector. Complete side channels. This is a miter sewing case, Burnish miter, joints, joint (see HS, page 22). ‘Grose flap, locate and install snap, Re- Sew dust protector, Do not sew over ends, Thread tay comes to outside, Stab in same (a) holo bring tvead (8) Yo inside of cas i tight, move wood form, Case is complete. a FLL C10) ¢ FLIP-FLASH CASE ‘This cae is identical in construction to thecamera case on page 60, excopt fe is not lined. This wi ‘ttc Sh Sete the front, she top ot the ancey ana Which’ was sewn to'secure the lining. This easo is made cary an extra roll of film and two area units. These were assem: bled as shown at right, to determine thesize of the wood form, The broken lines indicate total dimensions of Height Wilth: Thickness. Make the wood form as previously described. A plug is used, under the film, so the case will not have to be offet (see below). Make the case as deseribed on pages 60 and Ese thi 7. Do not sewing channel around flap, ve top of front and top of side pieces. Omit stops 8 and 9, 61. Sew around the case, following steps 10 through 13, = 61. Continue with step 1 below. ‘two holes. Stab Bedi sowing at opposite dist protector wo holes. shown Conznve sewing as prev outy ne PEuannes holes to come Gutinside case, Sangam, Cominvesewe Take one more sti lust protector. Cut ‘SHOULDER STRAP \ sp, 13, page et) Pull sete sunvisy epats ay AveNe Dees To cases, 17 5 a Sineue marreR 7 rach SaoucpeR Stay BY MAKING. 5. eRe. wn INSP WHEN sing ow Bett Beh on Aver -BUEKLS TO STRAS. film to top of case, plug of leather, as Photo shows dees also attached to back sides of cases, at bottoms. These aid in tying to with saddle strings, to keep from flopping, They should be in- stolled at step 7 on page 61 To install the film plug, apply cement to bottom and side of case (inside) with a brush. Push plug down inside case, tightly against bottom and side. Do not disturb until glue has dried. A leather divider can be cut to fit between flip-flash units, giving them added protection. CAMERA CASE - Instamatic 404 and the shaping of the forning block. Follow the instructions, beginning below, to understand how we arrived at the shape anc dimensions of the forming block. ‘This case was made of 7-8 oz. cowhide and lined with 1%-2 oz. leather. The dust protectors (at sides of top) were cut from 8-9 oz, cowhide, and installed the same as the case on page 60. You'll note that the forming block is made 1/8” larger than_all “dimensions of the camera to allow clearance. "The block can be made from. stordand 4x 4 lumber, or laminated with smaller pieces, Uw ine or soft wood for easier shaping. Tor view or campan }1_ ADDITIONAL SHAPING OF THE FORMING BL AND FORMING BLOCK Lo men ADVANCE euom nex emouk

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