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Agreement between a company and a caterer for running a canteen in the factory

for its staff

AN AGREEMENT made this………………day of………………20………between A B

Co. Ltd., a company incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956, and having its
registered office at hereinafter called "the Company", (which expression shall, unless
repugnant to context, be deemed to include its successors and assigns) of the ONE PART
and X Y Catering Services Pvt. Ltd., a company incorporated under the Companies Act,
1956 and having its registered office at hereinafter called "the Caterer" (which expression
shall unless repugnant to context, be deemed to include its successors and assigns) of the

(1)The company was in search of a good caterer to manage and run a canteen for the staff
of its factory at .................. hereinafter referred to as "the said premises".

(2) The caterer has offered its services to manage and run the said canteen,

(1) Subject to the conditions of these presents, the company permits the caterer to manage
and run the canteen in the said premises for a period of ………………years
from………………day of which may be extended from time to time for such period and
on such terms and conditions as may be mutually agreed upon by the parties herein.

(2) The caterer shall supply to the employees and other persons, good and wholesome
food according to menu as per Schedule hereunder written and shall charge from the
employees the rates mentioned therein.

(3) The caterer shall at his own expenses use high class crockery, cutlery and utensils and
shall ensure that the crockery, cutlery and utensils are properly and hygienically cleaned.

(4) The quality of foodstuff, beverages and other refreshments to be supplied by the
caterer shall be of good standard to the satisfaction of the company. The company may
nominate any person to inspect the foodstuff, etc. brought or prepared by the employees
of the caterer to be supplied to the employees and other persons in the canteen, who shall
have the power to inspect the canteen and direct the removal therefrom of any article of
foodstuff, etc. which in his opinion be considered as unsuitable for consumption and the
caterer shall carryout such direction.

(5) The caterer shall maintain and keep the canteen and washing places in the said
premises in a clean and hygienic condition to the satisfaction of the company. The caterer
shall provide proper receptacles for throwing refuse from the canteen and shall arrange
for prompt and proper removal of such refuse from the canteen every day.

(6) The caterer shall keep the canteen open on the days and during such hours, as the
company may fix.

(7) The caterer shall at his expenses employ the employees, cooks and other persons for
running the canteen. The caterer shall employ such persons in the canteen, who are
honest, courteous, observe personal cleanliness and free from contagious diseases. If the
inspecting official nominated by the company finds that any employee or servant
employed by the caterer is guilty of misconduct or not observing personal cleanliness or
suffering from any contagious disease, the company may direct the caterer to remove
such employee or servant, and the caterer shall carry out such direction.

(8) The caterer shall not use the premises otherwise for the purpose of running the
canteen. The caterer shall not allow his employees, servants or other persons to stay in
the premises.
(9) The electric and water installation in the premises shall be maintained by the
company, but the electricity and water charges shall be borne by the caterer.

(10) The caterer shall comply with municipal and other regulations, rules and bye-laws
relating to preparation and sale of foodstuff, drinks and refreshments and shall obtain the
necessary licences in his own and bye-laws name and at his own expenses.

(11) The caterer shall not make any structural alterations, or additions of any kind, either
temporary or permanent to the said premises, without the previous consent in writing of
the company. Any such structure shall on expiration or sooner determination of this
agreement shall become the property of the company without any payment to the caterer.

(12) The caterer shall pay a sum of Rs . ……………… per month to the company for the
permission hereby granted, which sum shall be payable in advance on or before
the………………day of each month

(13) The caterer shall not assign, underlet or otherwise part with the catering rights
hereby granted by the company or any part thereof to any person, without the consent of
the company in writing.

(14) The caterer shall be liable for and make good any loss or damage caused by any act
or default on the part of his servants or employees, to the said premises and/or the
company's property therein permitted to be used by the caterer and listed in Annexure A
to this agreement.

(15) The company shall not be responsible for any damage or loss occurring to any
furniture, utensils, crockery, cutlery or other goods or articles kept in the said premises by
the caterer.

(16) Upon breach of any terms and conditions of this Agreement by the caterer, or if the
quality of the articles served in the canteen or the management of the canteen is
considered to be unsatisfactory by the company, the company shall be entitled to
terminate this agreement by giving one month's notice in writing and the caterer shall not
be entitled to any compensation in case of such termination.

(17) The caterer shall keep a complaint- cum-suggestion book in a conspicuous place in
the canteen, in which the customers may record their complaints/suggestions. The copy
of the complaints/suggestions recorded in the said complaint- cum-suggestion book shall
be sent by the caterer to the company every month.

(18) On the expiry or earlier determination of this agreement, the caterer and his servants,
employees, agents, etc. shall vacate the premises provided he shall be entitled to remove
the furniture, crockery,
cutlery, utensils and other articles belonging to it, without in any way causing any
damage or loss to the said premises.

(19) All matters, questions, disputes or differences whatsoever arising between the parties
touching the construction, meaning, operation or effect of this Agreement or out of or
relating to this agreement or breach thereof, shall be settled by arbitration in accordance
with the rules of the Indian Council of Arbitration.

(20) The stamp duty on this agreement shall be borne by the

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have signed this agreement in manner hereinafter
appearing on the day and year first above written.

WITNESSES Signed and delivered by A B Co. Ltd., the within

named company by Shri………………its duly authorized
1. official
Signed and delivered by X Y Catering Services Pvt, Ltd., the within named caterer by
Shri………………its duly
2. authorised official
Agreement between a company and security service company for providing security
services to the company's property

THIS AGREEMENT made at………………on this………………day of 20 .... . between

A B Co. Ltd., a company incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956 and having its
registered office at ................ (hereinafter referred to as "the Employer", which
expression shall unless repugnant to the context or meaning thereof be deemed to mean
and include its successors and assigns) of the ONE PART and A B Security Guards (P)
Ltd., a company incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956 and having its registered
office at .......... (hereinafter referred to as "the Company" which expression shall unless it
be repugnant to the context or meaning thereof be deemed to mean and include its
successors and assigns) of the OTHER PART.


(1) The employer is having its factory at………………hereinafter referred to as "the said
factory" and it wants to employ security guards to provide security services to the said

(2) The company, who is experienced in providing security services to the industrial units
and other organisations has offered to provide security services to the Employer at the
said factory and the employer has agreed to avail the said services being provided by the


(1) The company shall provide………………security guards to keep ward and watch and
protection of the said factory as per the employer's requirement. The security guards
provided by the company will be for twenty-four hours in the shift of 8 hours and shall
provide complete security arrangement and protection of the said factory round the clock.

(2) The employer shall give the watchmen's hut constructed on the gate of the said
factory to the security guards and the said guards shall check all the vehicles and
personnel entering into and going out of the said factory as per the instructions issued by
the employer's representative from time to time and shall maintain proper record of the
vehicles and personnel coming and going out of the factory.

(3) The company at its own expenses shall provide its security guards with necessary
uniform, arms, outfit. etc. required for the effective discharge of security services to the

(4) The company shall ensure that the security guards provided by it maintain perfect
discipline and behaviour and they shall riot in any manner cause any interference,
annoyance, nuisance to the management of the employer or its business or work or its
officers/ employees/other contractors.

(5) The company agrees and undertakes that the security services provided by the
security guards shall be to the entire satisfaction of the employer and the company will
make it clear to the security guards that the latter are employees of the company and they
shall have no claims against the employer and the employer shall not be liable to wages,
salary, compensation and any statutory benefits due to the security guards under the
labour law and other legislation and the company shall be responsible for providing such
amenities to its employees admissible under the law/rules/service conditions.

(6) The company will indemnify the employer against any claim, loss, damage occurred,
or caused to the employer due to wilful acts or omissions or carelessness or negligence of
the security guards employed by the company, while on duty.

(7) The employer shall pay a sum of Rs ………………(Rupees .................. only) per
security guard per month and a sum of Rs. .........per security guard for three national
holidays for the services security provided by the company on submission of the bill by
the company by services 10th day of the following month. The employer shall not make
any payment to the security guards and payment will be made to the company only.

(8) The company will obtain licence, if any, required under the local or central laws for
providing security services to the employer.

(9) The employer shall be entitled to supervise the services provided by the company and
if it finds that the conduct, behaviour and performance of work of any of its security
guard is unsatisfactory, it
may issue directions to the company to immediately recall the particular person and
substitute him by another and the company shall comply with such directions issued by
the employer forthwith.

(10) This agreement will be for a period of one year from the date of execution of these
presents. The employer shall, in the event of the company committing any breach of any
of the terms and conditions of this agreement or if the services provided by the company
is considered to be unsatisfactory by the employer or for any other reason considered by
the employer as sufficient, be entitled to terminate this agreement by giving one month's
notice in writing and the company shall not be entitled to any compensation in case of
such termination. The company may also terminate this Agreement by giving one
month's notice in writing to the employer.

(11) On expiry or earlier determination of this agreement, the company and the security
guards shall vacate the factory premises, without in any way causing any damage to the
said premises and the factory's property therein.

(12) In case of any dispute or difference arising between the parties of disputes under this
agreement, the decision of will be final and binding and the company will not be entitled
to lodge any claim against the decision of the said Shri ..........

(13) The stamp duty on this agreement and duplicate thereof shall be………………borne
by the company. The original shall be retained by the employer and the company shall
retain the duplicate.

(14) Unless otherwise agreed upon, the respective addresses for communication in
respect of any matter relating to this agreement shall be as under:
For the Employer ...........................................................
For the Company ............................................................

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused their common seal to be affixed to
these presents and the duplicate, the day and year first hereinabove written.

WITNESSES The common seal of A B Co. Ltd., the within named employer, is hereunto
affixed pursuant to the

1. resolution of its Board of Directors passed at the meeting held on .........

2. The common seal of A B Security Guards (P) Ltd., the within named company is
hereunto affixed pursuant to the resolution of its Board of Directors passed at the meeting
held on ........
Agreement between a company and a contractor for construction of body of the
company's staff buses

THIS AGREEMENT made at………………this………………day of………………

20…………… between A Y Co. Ltd., a company incorporated under the Companies Act,
1956 and having its registered office at………………(hereinafter referred to as "the
company", which expression shall unless it be repugnant to the subject or context include
its successors and assigns) of ONE PART and X Y Auto Works Pvt. Ltd., a company
incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956 and having its registered office at .........
(hereinafter referred to as "the Contractors", which expression shall unless it be repugnant
to the subject or context include its successors and assigns) of the OTHER PART.


(1) The company has purchased………………chassis from………………and wants to

get the bodies of the said chassis constructed for carrying the company employees from
different places to the factory's office.

(2) The contractors, who are doing the business of making bus bodies, have offered their
service to construct the bodies of the said chassis as per the specifications; and

(3) The company has agreed to accept the offer made by the contractors on the terms and
conditions hereunder mentioned.


(1) The contractors agree for the construction of the bus bodies of the type hereinafter
specified for carrying or transporting the company's employees at the cost of Rs
………………per bus body.

(2) The contractors shall construct the bus bodies in accordance with the specifications
described in Schedule I to this Agreement.

(3) The cost of the work includes cost for the supply of all the materials, components
required for the job, fabrication, testing, commissioning of the vehicles, transporting the
chassis to the workshop and delivery of the vans at the company's premises.

(4) The contractors shall complete the work within………………months from the date of
these presents. If the work is not completed within the stipulated time, the contractors
will be liable to pay liquidated damages at the rate of Rs………………per week. The
company may deduct the said liquidated damages from any amount payable to the
contractors under this Agreement.

(5) The company shall pay………………% of the amount payable for the work against
delivery and testing of the vans. The remaining amount of .......% shall be retained by the
employer and be payable after a period of 12 months defects liability period.

(6) The bus bodies shall be constructed in accordance with the rules laid down by
transport authorities at

(7) The work shall be guaranteed for a period of 12 months from the date of delivery of
the bus bodies against poor workmanship or bad quality of materials and for satisfactory
running of bus body along with the bus. If any defect is found by the company within the
said period of twelve months, the contractors shall rectify the said defects within a period
of one week from the date of receipt of the notice issued by the company in this regard. If
the contractors fail to rectify the defects as pointed out by the company within fifteen
days from the date of reporting to the contractors, the company shall be entitled to have
such defects cured by such other agencies, as it may deem fit, at the entire risk and cost of
the contractors and utilise the retention money or such other sums as may be payable to
the contractors pursuant to this agreement and pay the balance, if any, on the expiry of
two months after the defects liability period mentioned above. Provided that in the event
of the said retention money being inadequate to meet such costs and expenses incurred by
the company for curing the defects, the contractors shall within seven days of a demand
in writing made by the company make good the deficit, failing which the contractors
shall be liable to pay the same together with the interest at the rate of 15% p.a.

(8) The contractors will deposit a sum of Rs . ………………with the company within a
period of one week from these presents as security deposit for the due fulfilment of the
contract. The said security deposit will be repayable to the contractors together with the
payment of retention money, after defects liability period. The security deposit will not
carry any interest.

(9) The contractors shall insure the chassis for Rs………………at their own expenses
against destruction or damage by fire, flood, etc. and keep insured until the possession of
the buses duly completed in all respects is handed over to the company.

(10) This agreement shall be executed in duplicate. The original of agreement shall be
retained by the company and the duplicate by the contractors,

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have caused these presents and the said duplicate
to be signed on their behalf by their duly authorised executives, the day and year first
hereinabove written.

WITNESSES Signed and delivered by A Y Co. Ltd. by the hands of

1 Shri………………its duly authorised executive

Signed and delivered by X Y Auto Works Pvt. Ltd. By

2. the hands of Shri………………its duly authorised executive

Agreement between a company and the contractors for the maintenance of
computers for a fixed period

THIS AGREEMENT made at………………on this………………day of………………

20……… between X Y Co. Ltd., a company incorporated under the Companies Act,
1956 and having its registered office at ........... (hereinafter referred to as "the Company",
which expression shall, unless it be repugnant to the context or meaning thereof, be
deemed tomean and include its successors and assigns) of the ONE PART and Alpha
Computers Pvt. Ltd., a company incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956 and having
its registered office at ........... hereinafter referred to as "the Alpha", which expression
shall, unless it be repugnant to the context or meaning thereof, be deemed to mean and
include its successors and assigns) of the OTHER PART.


(1) The company has purchased 5 computers, the details of which have been given in the
Schedule hereunder written, hereinafter referred by company to as "the said Computers"
from Alpha on………………and Alpha offered free service of the said computers for a
period of one year from the date of purchase of the said computers.

(2) After the expiry of free service period, the company has requested Alpha to provide
service of the said computers for a period of one year, which Alpha has agreed to provide
on the terms and conditions hereinafter contained.



(1) Alpha will provide at the company's office all labour, parts and material that it deems
necessary to maintain in good operating condition the said computers. Replacement parts
shall be new or their equivalent, replaced parts become the property of Alpha. Services
provided by Alpha include and are limited to the following:

(a) Preventive maintenance is maintenance and includes cleaning, adjusting, lubricating,

inspecting, testing and calibrating procedures designed to endure proper operation, reduce
product failure and/or
extend useful product life. This maintenance will be performed according to the
procedures and at the frequencies recommended the company. Preventive maintenance
will be performed at company office at the company's facility during the contract period
(regular business days/hours), as mutually agreed or coincident with remedial
maintenance, by authorised Alpha's service representative. Preventive maintenance is
limited to two regular work days unless, at the discretion of Alpha, additional days are
necessary to complete the preventive maintenance, such days not to exceed five working
days. Remedial maintenance during a preventive maintenance that requires additional
days will be charged as remedial maintenance call or at the current hourly rate if all
remedial calls have been used.

(b) Remedial maintenance is unscheduled maintenance at the company's facility.

Remedial maintenance includes the diagnosis and correction of product malfunctions and
failures. Remedies may consist of temporary procedures to be followed by the company
while a permanent remedy is being sought. Remedial maintenance will commence during
the period of this agreement and will continue uninterrupted as long as reasonable
progress is being made or until the product(s) is/are operational. If Alpha determines that
additional parts or resources are required, service will resume as soon as these parts or
resources are available. After all remedial maintenance calls have been used, additional
remedial maintenance will be allowed at the current Alpha hourly rate.

(c) Assembly repair is unscheduled repair of returnable assembly level components

(printed circuit boards, power supplies, switching units, etc.) at Alpha's factory.
Assembly repair includes the diagnosis and correction of product malfunctions and
failures. Assembly repair will commence during the period of coverage and will continue
uninterrupted as long as reasonable progress is being made or until the product(s) is/are
operational. If Alpha determines that additional parts or resources are required, service
will resume as soon as these parts or resources are available. The number of repairs of
assemblies related to equipment covered under this agreement is unlimited.

(2) The periods of coverage specified below shall uniformly apply to all products covered
by this Agreement. The company may request a change in the specified periods of
coverage at any time. Such change is subject to written approval by Alpha.
Monday through Friday 7.30 A.M. to 4.00 P.M.
(excluding Alpha holidays)
Saturday N/A To N/A
Sunday N/A To N/A

(3) The response time is 48 hours. Alpha shall respond to a request for remedial
maintenance or technical support within the specified response time measured in clock
hours. Availability of Alpha personnel and telephone answering service is limited to the
specified period of coverage. "Response Time" is defined as the duration of time
necessary for Alpha personnel to initiate action upon a specified company request and
advise the company of either action to take to complete that particular request or action to
take to provide Alpha with additional information needed to assist in such company's
request completion, or the embarkation of Alpha personnel for arrival at the company's
equipment site.

(4) Alpha shall be under no obligation to furnish support service under this agreement
should repair be required because of:

(i) improper use;

(ii) natural disasters such as flood or earthquake;

(iii) strikes, riots or acts of war or nuclear disaster;

(iv) repairs, maintenance, modifications or relocation and reinstallation made by other

than Alpha personnel or without Alpha's supervision and approval;

(v) unusual shock or electrical damage, neglect, air-conditioning failure, humidity control
failure, a corrosive atmosphere harmful to electronic circuitry, damage during
transportation by the company or causes other than ordinary use; and

(vi) failure by company to maintain the site specifications recommended by Alpha. If

support services are required as a result of the causes stated above, such service shall be
provided at Alpha standard service rates for labour, travel and material in effect at the
time of service. Alpha may also, at its option, terminate this agreement as a result of the
causes stated above. Termination is subject to the guidelines specified under Item 8 of
this Agreement.

(5) Alpha may, at its option, with no additional charge to the company, make
modifications to improve the operation and/or reliability of the products being serviced
under this agreement.

(6) If the company intends to relocate the products covered under this agreement, it shall
give Alpha sixty days written notice prior to any relocation of products covered by
on-site support services being provided under this agreement. The products moved to a
location within the country of original installation shall continue to be serviced under this
agreement. The response time and charges will be adjusted to reflect the new location.
Products moved outside the country of original installation may continue to be serviced
under this agreement, at the option of Alpha. The services to be provided and charges for
such services shall be subject to mutual agreement. For installed products which will
continue to be serviced, Alpha at its option, shall supervise the dismantling and packing
of the product and shall inspect and reinstal the products at the new location. These
services, if provided, shall be at additional charge based on Alpha's standard service rates
in effect at the time. The company shall furnish all labour and materials for the
dismantling, packing and placement of the products during relocation.
(7) Alpha's services do not include:

(i) operating supplies and consummables;

(ii) refinishing the products or furnishing materials for that purpose;

(iii) electrical work external to the products;

(iv) maintenance of accessories, attachments or products not specified herein or on

subsequent orders; or

(v) any other services not specifically described herein.

(8) This agreement shall be for a period of one year from the date of these presents,
unless terminated by either party on not less than ninety days written notice (given prior
to the expiration of the successive period then in effect).

(9) The company shall pay a sum of Rs………………per month per computer for
services provided by Alpha. The said charges are exclusive of State and local use, sales,
property (ad valorem) and similar taxes. The company shall pay such taxes and when
applicable such taxes will appear as separate items on Alpha's invoice.

(10) The Alpha shall submit invoice for charges in advance or as soon as it becomes
applicable. Any administration charge will be invoiced in advance as soon as it becomes
applicable. Invoices for other charges will be submitted as the charges are incurred.
Unless otherwise stated in writing by Alpha, the company shall pay all invoices
submitted under this agreement within twenty days from date of invoice.

(11 ) Any attempt to assign or transfer any of the rights, duties, or obligations herein shall
render such attempted assignment or transfer null and void.

(12) Alpha reserves the right to withhold without liability, but with prior written notice,
any services authorised by the company under this agreement, if the company is
delinquent in payment for any services, and to change the credit terms herein when, in
Alpha's opinion, the financial condition or previous payment record of the company so

(13) In the event of any proceedings, voluntary or involuntary, in bankruptcy or

insolvency or winding-up by or against the company or in the event of the appointment,
with or without the company's consent of an assignee for the benefit of creditors, or of a
receiver, Alpha may elect to cancel the unfulfilled part of this Agreement without refund
or liability for said unfulfilled part.

(14) Alpha's failure to exercise any of its rights hereunder shall not constitute or be
deemed waiver or forfeiture of such rights.

(15) Any notice required to be given hereunder shall be given in writing at the address of
each party set forth within or to such other address either party may substitute by written
notice to the other.

(16) All disputes and differences of any kind whatever arising out of or in connection
with this agreement shall be referred to the arbitration and final decision of an arbitrator
to be agreed upon and appointed by the parties or in case of disagreement as to the
appointment of a single arbitrator, to the appointment of two arbitrators, one to be
appointed by each party and if there are two arbitrators, they shall before taking upon
themselves the burden of reference appoint an umpire. The arbitrator or
arbitrators, as the case may be, shall make his or their award within one year or such
further extended time as may be decided by him or them, as the case may be, with the
consent of the parties the date of entering on the reference. This submission to the
arbitrators shall be deemed to be a submission to arbitration within the meaning of the
Indian Arbitration Act, 1940 or any statutory modification thereof. The award of
arbitrator or arbitrators, as the case may be, shall be final and binding on the parties.
(17) This agreement shall be executed in duplicate. The original shall be retained by the
company and duplicate by the Alpha.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have executed these presents on the day and year
hereinabove written and in the manner hereinafter mentioned.

WITNESSES Signed and delivered by X Y Co. Ltd., the within

1. named company, by its Managing Director Shri .........

2. Signed and delivered by Alpha Computers Pvt. Ltd., the within named Alpha, by its
Marketing Director Shri .....................
Separation agreement between husband and wife

THIS AGREEMENT made at………………on this………………day of………………

20………... between A, son of B, resident of………………(hereinafter called "the
husband") of the ONE PART and Smt. X his wife (hereinafter called "the wife") of the


(1) The husband and wife are living separately due to differences and disputes having
arisen between them; and

(2) They want to live separate, apart from each other and intend to live separate at all
times hereafter unless there is any reconciliation.


(1) The parties shall live separately and apart from each other and no party shall have any
right. authority over the other or shall institute any legal proceeding for restitution of
conjugal rights or otherwise.

(2) The husband shall during the life time of the wife pay to her a sum of
Rs………………p.m. for her maintenance and the maintenance of the children.
However, if the wife does not lead a chaste life, the husband shall be entitled to stop the
payment of maintenance allowance after giving her notice.

(3) The wife shall be entitled to the custody and guardianship of the children of the
marriage, namely C and D now aged………………years and years, respectively. The
wife shall maintain and educate the said children until they shall respectively attain the
age of majority. The husband shall not be liable for any claim or demands of the children
and the wife shall keep the husband indemnified from and against all claims and demands
in respect of such children.

(4) The wife shall pay for and discharge all liabilities or debts incurred by her after the
date of these presents, whether for maintenance, support or otherwise and the husband
shall not be liable for the same. The wife indemnify and keep indemnified the husband
against all claims, actions and demands on that account and if the husband has to pay any
sum on account of the liabilities of debts incurred by the wife, he is entitled to deduct the
same from the amount payable to the wife under this agreement.

(5) The wife may remove all her wearing apparel, jewellery and other personal effects,
etc. belonging to her from the husband's place and retain the said goods as her separate

(6) The husband may have the access to the children at every Sunday between 7.00 A.M.
to 9.00 P.M. He may have the sole society of the children in the said timings on the said

(7) Notwithstanding anything contained in this agreement, it is expressly agreed that if at

any time hereafter, the parties live together as husband and wife with mutual consent,
then in that case, the said sum payable to the wife under this agreement shall no longer be
payable and the agreements hereinabove contained shall become void.

(8) This agreement shall be revoked by the death of the either the husband or wife.

(9) This agreement shall be executed in duplicate. The original shall be retained by the
husband and duplicate by the wife,

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have set their respective hands to these presents
and a duplicate hereof on the day and year first hereinabove written.

WITNESSES Signed and delivered by the within named husband A


2. Signed and delivered by the within named wife Smt X

Agreement between building owner and an artist

THIS AGREEMENT made at………………this………………day of………………

20…………… between A S/o B residing at………………(hereinafter referred to as "the
Artist") of the ONE PART and C S/o D residing at………………(hereinafter referred to
as "the Owner") of the SECOND PART.


(1) The owner is desirous of getting a mural prepared for his drawing room of his

(2) The artist, who is carrying on his business under the name and style of "Kala
Sangam" at……… has offered his willingness to prepare a mural for the owners and has
submitted a design for a mural of the size 5' x 5' as per the design and details submitted to
the owners more particularly described in Schedule I written hereinunder (which designs
and mural are hereinafter collectively referred to as the "said work") at a cost of
Rs . .........................

(3)The owner has agreed to avail the services of the artist.


(1) The artist will prepare and execute the mural as per design, dimension and detail
described in Schedule I written hereinunder, shall instal the same at the place provided by
the owner in the drawing room of his bungalow at ..............

(2) The said work will be completed within a period of 1 month from the date of these

(3) The cost of Rs. 1,00,000 for the said work is all inclusive that is cost of materials,
transport charges, taxes, octroi and all other charges and expenses, that may be necessary
and payable by the artist in respect of the said work.

(4) The payment for the said work shall be made in the following manner viz.:

(a) Rs. 20,000 At the time of execution of this agreement

(b) Rs. 20,000 After the plaster mould is prepared and submitted to the owner for his

(c) Rs. 50,000 After the mural complete in all respects is installed at the site.

(5) The artist shall use stone-ware ceramic of blue colour backed at a temperature
of……………… C and mural shall be of the size of 5' x 5' as per design and magnetic
submitted to the owner.

(6) The owner may nominate an artist or architect to supervise the said works and the
decision of the said artist or architect shall be final as to the quality of the materials used,
and the execution of the mural and shall be binding on the artist.

(7) The artist undertakes to guarantee that the colour of the mural shall not change from
panel to panel and will remain intact without any defect and joints will not be perceptible.

(8) The artist shall at his own expense make such modifications to the mural as may be
necessary to fix or place the same in the place provided for in the drawing room of the
owner's bungalow.

(9) The artist shall, at his own cost, rectify any defect either in the quality of the material
and/or in the mural, if found or detected within a period of one year from the date of its
installation. The artist shall
undertake the rectification work within a period of 10 days from the date of receipt of the
notice by the owner in this regard.

(10) If the artist fails to complete the said works within the period aforesaid or such
extended time, the artist shall be liable to refund the amount paid by the owner to him in
full and the artist shall also be liable to pay Rs. 10,000 to the owner as liquidated

(11) The stamp duty on this agreement and duplicate thereof shall be borne by the artist.
The original shall be retained by the owner and the duplicate by the artist.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties to this agreement have signed on the day, month
and year first above written.

WITNESSES Signed and delivered by the within named owner A


2. Signed and delivered by the within named artist C

Agreement to state a case for court's opinion under Order XXXVI Rules 1, 2, CPC

THIS AGREEMENT made at………………this………………day of………………

20………… between A, son of B, resident of………………of the ONE PART and C
Son of D resident of………………


(1) There is a dispute between the parties hereto, full particulars of which have been
stated in the Schedule hereunder written.

(2) The parties are interested in the decision of the following questions arising out of the
said dispute viz.



(3)The estimated value of the property in dispute is Rs………………

(4) The parties have agreed that a case be stated for the opinion of the court under section
90 and Order XXXVI of the Code of Civil Procedure.


(1) That the case stated in the Schedule hereunder written be referred to the court having
jurisdiction for opinion on the questions hereinabove mentioned.

(2) That if the finding of the court on either of the above questions be in favour of the
said A in respect of any sum of money in dispute in para 1 of the Schedule, then the said
C shall pay to said A such sum of money as determined by the court.

IN WITNESS whereto, the parties hereto have set their hands to these presents on the
date, month and year hereinabove written


WITNESSES Signed and delivered by A


2. Signed and delivered by C

Agreement with the Government for acquisition of land under the Land Acquisition
Act, 1894

THIS AGREEMENT made at………………this………………day of………………

20…………… between………………a company registered under Companies Act, 1956
and having its registered office at………………(hereinafter called "the company" which
expression shall unless it be repugnant to the context or meaning thereof, be deemed to
mean and include its uccessors and assigns) of the ONE PART and the Governor of the
State of………………(hereinafter called the "State Government" which expression shall
unless it be repugnant to the context or meaning thereof, be deemed to mean and include
its successors and assigns) of the OTHER PART.


(1)The company has applied to the State Government for the acquisition of land under the
provisions of the Land Acquisition Act, 1894 (hereinafter called "the said Act") of the
piece and parcel of land
containing………………acres or thereabout situate in the village of in the
Tehsil…………District ………………and more particularly described in the Schedule I
hereto and delineated in the plan hereunto annexed.

(2) The State Government being satisfied by an enquiry held under section 40 of the said
Act that the proposed acquisition is needed for the purpose described in the Schedule 11
hereto, (hereinafter called "the said purposes"), and the said purposes are likely to prove
useful to the public, has consented to acquire the piece or parcel of land hereinabove
described on behalf of the company.

(3) The State Government has required the company to enter into an agreement as
required under the provisions of section 41 of the said Act.



(1) The company shall pay to the State Government or such person or persons as the State
Government may appoint in this behalf in respect of the said land, all sums of money as
shall be awarded by the collector under the Land Acquisition Act, 1894 or by any court to
which reference under Part III of the said Act may be made, or by the court or courts
including the High Court or the Supreme Court to which an appeal from the award of the
said court may be preferred and all costs, charges and expenses of the proceedings in the
aforesaid courts or otherwise incidental to the proposed acquisition are payable in respect
thereof under the provisions of the said Act.

(2) The company shall deposit with the collector such sum or sums of money payable
under the last preceding clause, within seven days of receiving the demand in this behalf
from the collector, failing which the said Government may, without prejudice to any
other remedy, recover the amount spent or the expenses incurred from the company as
arrears of land revenue and may also rescind or withdraw from the proceedings in
acquisition and all losses resulting therefrom shall be borne by and be to the account of
the company.

(3) In case of urgency where possession of the said land is proposed to be taken under
section 17 of the said Act before an award has been made under section 17 of the said
Act, the company shall deposit with the collector free of interest, such amount not more
than two-third of the approximate amount of compensation payable in respect of the said
land as determined under clause (ii) of sub-rule (2) of rule 4 of the Land Acquisition
(Companies) Rules, 1963 and within the time, as specified by the collector in this behalf.

(4) The company agrees and undertakes that if the amount or compensation of the
acquisition of the said land or any part thereof is enhanced or is held to be more than the
amount assessed by the
collector under the said Act or by court to which a reference under Part III of the said Act
may be made or by the court or courts including the High Court or Supreme Court to
which an appeal from the award of the said court may be preferred, it shall pay to the
State Government such further amount on account of the said land or any part thereof
together with all incidental charges within one month of the demand therefor, failing
which the amount due shall be recoverable from the company as arrears of land revenue.

(5) On payment by the company of all demands under the foregoing first clause or in the
discretion of the State Government on deposit by the company of all estimated amount as
provided in the second clause, the State Government shall hand over the possession of the
said land to the company and shall execute and to add such acts and deeds as may be
necessary and proper for efficiently vesting the same in the company.

(6) The said land shall be used by the company for the said purposes and without the
sanction in writing of the State Government first hand and obtained for no other purpose,

(7) The company shall erect and complete all works in accordance with the particulars
specified in Schedule III, (hereinafter called "the said works"), within three years from
the date on which the possession of the said land shall have been given to the company. If
the said works are not completed within the said period of three years, the State
Government may extend the time for that purpose, in its discretion, by a period not
exceeding one year at a time, so however that the total period of extension shall not
exceed three years.

(8) If the said works are not completed within three years or such extended time, as the
State Government may grant In its discretion, the State Government may summarily
reenter upon and take possession of the said land, together with buildings thereon,
whether such buildings were erected before or after transfer of the applicant to the
company and thereupon the interest of the company in the said land and buildings shall
absolutely cease and determine.

(9) On taking such possession, the State Government may sell or otherwise deal with the
said land and buildings as it may think proper:

(a) If the State Government sells the land with the buildings, the State Government, after
deducting the expenses incurred in connection with the taking possession and sale of such
land and buildings, shall pay the proceeds to the company;

(b) If the State Government retains the said land and buildings thereon, the State
Government shall repay to the company the market value as on the day of re-entry of all
the buildings erected by the company and all sums paid by the company in respect of
acquisition of the said land as provided in the foregoing first clause (less the statutory
allowance of fifteen per cent and less any amount paid by the company on account of
trees and buildings which are not in existence at the time of resumption) but will not
repay any sums paid by the company on account of costs, charges and expenses;

(c) If the State Government sells the buildings only, then the State Government after
deducting the expenses of taking possession and selling, pay the balance of the proceeds
of sale to the company together with the sum received from the company in respect of the
acquisition of the said land (less the statutory allowance of fifteen per cent and less any
amount received from the company on account of trees and buildings which are not in
existence at the time of resumption) but will not repay any sums paid by the company on
account of costs, charges and expenses.

(10) If the company does not require the said land or any part or parts thereof for the said
purposes, then the company will forthwith relinquish and restore the same after removing
all buildings and structures to the State Government at a price equal to the amount paid
by it under the said Act.

(11) If the company utilises only a portion of the said land for the said purposes and the
State Government is satisfied that the company can utilise the portion of the land used by
it, even after resumption of the unutilised part thereof, the State Government may make
an order declaring the transfer of the unutilised portion of the said land as null and void,
whereupon such unutilised portion shall revert back to the State Government and
directing that an amount equal to one-fourth of such portion of the amount paid by the
company as cost of acquisition, as is relatable to the unutilised portion shall be forfeited
to the State Government as damages and that balance amount shall be refunded to the
company and the order so made by the State Government shall be final and binding.
Provided that the State Government before making an order under this clause will give an
opportunity of being heard in the matter.

(12) If the company commits the breach of any of the terms and conditions of this
agreement, the State Government will be entitled to declare the transfer of the said land to
the company as null and void, whereupon the said land shall revert back to the State
Government and an amount equal to one-fourth of the amount paid by the company to the
State Government as the cost of acquisition, shall be forfeited to the State Government as
damages and the balance shall be refunded to the company. Provided that the State
Government before making an order under this clause will give an opportunity of being
heard in the matter.

(13) In case the said land or any part thereof reverts back to the State Government in
terms of clause (11) or (12) of this agreement, the occupation of the company over the
land in question shall be deemed to be unauthorised within the meaning of………………
Public Premises (Eviction of Unauthorised Occupants) Act and the State Government
may without prejudice to any other right or remedy, effect re-entry in accordance with the
provisions of the said Act and the Rules made

(14) The company shall not transfer the said land or any part thereof by sale, lease,
mortgage, gift or otherwise without the previous permission of the State Government.

(15) If any dispute or difference arises touching or concerning the subject-matter of this
agreement or any covenant or clause or things therein contained, the same shall be
referred to the Secretary to the
State Government in………………Department, and opinion and decision of the said
Secretary upon such dispute or difference shall be final and conclusive and binding on the
parties hereto.

Schedule I
All that piece or parcel of land situated in the village of ........... Tehsil………………
District……… containing an area of………………sq. ft. equivalent to………………
meters comprising Survey No.
................. Plots No ………………bounded on the
and called or known as premises No . ………………

Schedule II
Purposes for which the said land shall be used
Schedule III
(i) Name and nature of the work.
(ii) Plans and specifications of the work.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the company has caused its common seal to be affixed to
these presents and the State Government has caused these presents to be signed by its
duly authorised official.

WITNESSES The common seal of………………has been hereunto affixed pursuant to

the resolution of its

1. Board of Directors passed at the meeting held on……………… in the presence of its
two Directors viz. Shri………………and………………who have in token thereof
subscribed their signature hereto
2. Signed and delivered by the State Government by the hand of Shri………………
Secretary to Government, Department of………………its duly authorised official

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