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Foreman in Your

Data Center

Lukáš Zapletal
● Introduction
– Provisioning
– Configuration
– Monitoring
● History and Technology
● Architecture and Installation
● Demo: Foreman Basics
● Customizing foreman
– Automating with CLI + API
– Plugins (Bootdisk, Discovery, Docker, Katello, Chef, Salt, Hooks, Remote Execution)
● Demo: Foreman Plugins
Foreman's Realm
Managing the Lifecycle of your
● Provision new machines or containers to
(almost) anything
– Bare metal, oVirt, libvirt, VMware, Docker, EC2,
Rackspace, Digital Ocean, OpenStack, etc.
● If we don't support it today, we can via new
● Provisioning types:
– PXE - via PXELinux and kickstart, preseed, AutoYAST, etc
– Image-based - cloning, configured over SSH or user data (cloudinit)
● For virtualization provider, we create the VM
● For everything we orchestrate related services through Smart Proxies
– FreeIPA Realm - Configuration Management
● Puppet ● Automatic registration & setup of
clients, including autosigning
● Via plugins:
● Defining:
– Chef ● Classes / states

● Parameters / pillars

– Salt ● Inventory data:

● Facts / Grains

– Ansible ● results of configuration runs

● Generic Report API with graphs/trends:
– System Inventories
– Reports from runs
– Generic reports: ABRT, OpenSCAP
● Context sensitive search:
– Not full-text (SQL level)
– Keyword completion
– Works across whole application
Distributed Architecture
● Smart Proxies located locally on Foreman itself or
independent – (orchestration)
● Large organizations and/or multi-tenancy:
– Organizations (Divisions)
– Locations
● Strong RBAC model
– Users / Groups
– Permissions / Filters
● LDAP / MS-AD integration

Project started in July 2009
● Initial set of features: Puppet + PXE provisioning
● 213 unique contributors (winter 2015)
● Core team sponsored by Red Hat (GMT +10 -8)
● Translated to 13 languages
● Healthy and friendly community
● Reported usage: Red Hat, CERN, EMC, Citrix, DHL,
BBC, Digg, Good Data, Mozilla, eBay/Paypal (100,000
Foreman itself
– Ruby on Rails application
– Targeted on UNIX platforms, Ruby 1.9+
– Steep learning curve (git clone, bundle install)
● Smart Proxy
– Ruby / Sinatra application
– Minimum dependencies
– Quick start (git clone, bundle install)
– On all Ruby 1.8+ platforms (incl. MS Windows)
● Repositories for RHEL/Fedora, Debian/Ubuntu
● Puppet-based installer
● Sane defaults for POC deployments
● Able to install, configure and manage:
– Foreman app
– Smart-proxies
– Services: DNS, DHCP, TFTP, Puppet
– Selected plugins

# foreman-installer -h | wc -l
Demo: Foreman Basics
● Customize Foreman to support your workflows!
– Configuration options in UI: Adminster → Settings
– Smart proxy configuration values (features)
– Automation with API + CLI
– Foreman Plugins
– Smart Proxy Plugins
– Foreman Hooks Plugin
● Full UI coverage
● All of our API is documented
● Documentation DSL generates dynamic Ruby
● Full RESTful API
– Docs at /apidoc on your Foreman server
– Also available at
Hammer CLI
● On par with UI
● Username/Password authentication
● Easy to use, great for working in shell

hammer salt-key list

Rich ecosystem of existing plugins

More Info:

Bootdisk plugin
● Small hybrid ISO downloaded from Host UI page
● Unknown or pre-registred hosts boot chainloads from
Foreman without PXE/TFTP
● Generic image
– iPXE-based, DHCP required
● Host image
– iPXE-based, DHCP not required
● Full host image
– SYSLINUX-based, DHCP required, OS specific
Discovery plugin
● Unknown host boots via DHCP/PXE
– Becomes available in Foreman as a “Discovered Host”
– Workflow remains the same
– Discovery image is RHEL7/CentOS7-based
● Provision with as few as NO clicks
– Automatic provisioning via rules on arbitrary facts:
● cpu_count < 8 → web server host group
● cpu_count >= 8 → db box host group
Discovery plugin
● Metal as a Service – PXE installation
Discovery plugin
● PXE-less (un)attended workflow (supports EFI)
Docker plugin
● Manage many docker hosts
● Deploy new containers easily & view their
status, logs, etc
● Multiple registry support & integration with
Katello plugin
● Content Lifecycle Management
● Sync RPM, Docker, and Puppet content
● Spin repositories with filters using Content Views
Katello plugin
● Manage through a lifecycle
– Dev → QA → Production (Environments)
● Patch Management
– Emergency Patches
– Errata Reports
● And much more!
Hooks plugin
● Hooks
– Triggered on actions: on action, do X
● host create/update/delete, build complete, etc.
● X could be anything
– add to nagios
– send an email
● Can be shell, python, ruby, etc.
– More info:
Salt plugin
● Bootstrapping nodes
● Full interface to keys/autosign
● Define states, pillars via ext_node and ext_pillar
● Import reports (state.highstate results) and
grains into Foreman
Chef plugin
● Automatic bootstrapping of clients
● Import reports and attributes into Foreman
● Decomission nodes from Chef server when
deleted in Foreman
Remote execution plugin
● Arbitrary commands on hosts
● Job Templates
– Based on Foreman Templating engine
– Input parameters
● Collected data available (Facts)
● Multiple providers architecture:
– SSH (via Smart Proxies)
Writing Foreman Plugins
● Foreman:
– Rails Engine
– Extra Foreman API (plugin registration)
– Distributed as a Ruby GEM
– Template and HOWTO available
● Smart Proxy:
– Sinatra app (REST API)
– Small plugin registration API
– Distributed as a Ruby GEM
What Next?
● Visit us
● If you do something cool with Foreman, let us know!
● Find us:
– IRC:
● #theforeman
● #theforeman-dev
– Mailing Lists on Google groups
● foreman-users
● foreman-dev
Demo: Foreman Plugins

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