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Reading Comprehension (1 – 8)

Identify the text by observing the patient’s response (SOAP), then choose the best answer
from the questions (multiple choice) !

Case : 11/26/2019

Pt 4 hr post op; awakens easily, oriented X3, incision site in front of I earextending down
and around the ear and into neck – approximately 6” inchlength—without dressing. No
swelling or bleeding, bluish discolorizationbelow I ear noted, sutures intact. Jackson-Pratt
drain in I neck below ear with20 ml bloody drainagemeasured. Drain remains secure in
place with suture

and anchored to I anterior chest wall with tape. Pt denied pain but stated

she felt nauseated and promptly vomited 100 ml clear fluid. Pt attempted to get oob to
ambulate to bathroom with assistance, but feel dizzy uponstanding. Assissted to lie down in
bed, and help pt to void in bed. voided 200ml clear, yellow urine in bedpan. Pt encourages to
deep breath and coughqhr, and turn frequently in bed. Lungs sound clear bilaterally, anti

stocking applied to both lower extremities. Explanation has given regardingthese preventive
measures. Pt verbalized understanding _____ Ns. Monika

23.00. Pt continuous to feel nauseates. Compazine 1 mg IV___ Ns Larasati.

23.35. Pt states she’s no longer nauseated. No further vomiting, rating painincisional area as
7/10; on scale 1-10, Medicated with morphin 2mg IV ___ Ns Larasati

23.55. Pt states pain as 1/10. Demonstrated taking deep breath and coughing effectively. ___
Ns Larasati

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