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Nama : Said Ahmad Farid

NIM : P07220419041
Dosen Pembimbing: Abdul Holik Subaeri, M.Pd

1. Make a conversation between a nurse and a patient. (50 )

1) Patient calls a nurse, state your complaint.
2) Nurse asks what the problem is, and the location of the pain
3) Patient explains the problem and the location of the pain
4) Nurse explains the intervention she/ he will take.

2. Translate the following conversation into indonesia.(50)

Ward nurse
Ward nurses provide care and treatment for patients staying in
hospital wards. They work as part of a team of health professionals
involved in the patients’ treatment.
Ward nurses are usually the main point of contact for patients, and
often act as the patient’s advocate within the team. As well as providing
day-to-day care and treatment for patients, ward nurses also provide
information for the patients and their families to help them understand
their treatment and make informed decisions about their own healthcare.
Ward nurses usually specialise in either child or adult nursing, and
often go onto specialise in particular types of conditions, such as
respiratory conditions or maternity care.
Answer :
(conversation between a nurse and a patient)
Nurse : Good afternoon! What’s the problem?
Patient : Good afternoon! I’ve been having some pain in my joints,
especially the knees.
Nurse : How long have you been having the pain?    
Patient : I’ve been having pain for about one months. It’s been getting
worse recently.
Nurse : Do you have any serious history of joint problems?
Patient : yes,some time ago
Nurse : Are you taking any medicine at the moment?
Patient : No, just an aspirin and oil massege from time to time to kill the
Nurse : Okay. Let me have a look at your knees.

(terjemahan ke bahasa indonesia)

Perawat ruangan memberikan perawatan dan pengobatan untuk pasien
yang tinggal di ruangan rumah sakit. Mereka bekerja sebagai bagian dari
tim profesional kesehatan yang terlibat dalam perawatan pasien.
Perawat bangsal biasanya menjadi titik kontak utama untuk pasien, dan
sering bertindak sebagai penasihat pasien dalam tim. Selain memberikan
perawatan dan perawatan sehari-hari untuk pasien, perawat bangsal juga
memberikan informasi bagi pasien dan keluarganya untuk membantu
mereka memahami perawatan mereka dan membuat keputusan
berdasarkan informasi tentang perawatan kesehatan mereka sendiri.
Perawat lingkungan biasanya berspesialisasi dalam perawatan anak atau
orang dewasa, dan sering kali mengkhususkan diri pada jenis kondisi
tertentu, seperti kondisi pernapasan atau perawatan maternitas

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