Inventory Control

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Stock Inventory Control

Company: XYZ Company Current Inventory Total On Order Total Backorder Total
Date: 4/9/2021 $ 500,000.00 $ 250,000.00 $ 125,000.00

Item Information Storage Information Purchase Information Current Inventory In Stock On Order Backorder
Inventory ID/ Make/ Supplier Part Reorder Leadtime Reorder Reorder Expected Expected
Name Description Category Status Area Shelf/Bin Supplier Price Units Qty Value Qty Value Date Qty Value
Part Number Buy Number Level (days) Qty Level Delivery Delivery
12123-32 Super Widget Our coolest widget ever Widgets Pre-production Area 1 Shelf 10 Make XYZ Company NA $ 250.00 Each 2000 30 500 2000 $500,000.00 3000 1000 $250,000.00 9/1/2011 10/5/2011 500 $125,000.00 11/15/2011

12145-39 Awesome Gizmo Great gizmo to sell Widgets Released Area 2 Shelf 1 Buy ABC Company A232 $ 325.00 Box 1000 15 200

12324-23 Cool Thingamabob Old Thingamabob Widgets Obsolete Buy 123 Company A34-23-123 $ 232.00 Each 1200

Inventory Control Spreadsheet © 2011 by

Stock Inventory Count Sheet
Company: XYZ Company
Date: 4/9/2021
Performed By: Bob Jones Signature

Item Information Storage Information Purchase Information Actual Inventory

Inventory ID/ Supplier Part
Name Description Area Shelf/ Bin Supplier Units Qty Location Shelf/ Bin Qty Location Shelf/ Bin Qty Location Shelf/ Bin
Part Number Number

12123-32 Super Widget Our coolest widget ever Area 1 Shelf 10 XYZ Company NA Each

12145-39 Awesome Gizmo Great gizmo to sell Area 2 Shelf 1 ABC Company A232 Box
Inventory ID/ Supplier Part
Name Description Area Shelf/ Bin Supplier Units Qty Location Shelf/ Bin Qty Location Shelf/ Bin Qty Location Shelf/ Bin
Part Number Number
Inventory Control Spreadsheet © 2011 by
Company: XYZ Company

Date Location

Raw Material Process

Finished Supplies

Part No. Price Units Material


Counted By Checked By
Supplier List

Supplier Name Product Product Link Description Price Lead Time Contact Name Email Phone # Fax # Street Address City, State ZIP
(website) (days)
Help © 2011 Vertex42 LLC

1. Starting with the Inventory Control worksheet tab, enter your parts or line
items, one per line. Include a name, description and other information.

2. Choose a status for the item. If a part becomes obsolete, change it's status to
Obsolete. You can even hide the row.

3. Include informaiton about the storage location of the parts - typically an area
within the facility and a shelf or bin.

4. Include purchase information for the item such as supplier, supplier part
number, price and ordering/counting units.

5. Set a reorder point for the item. Experience and time will help you optimize
this number.

6. Keep track of your actual inventory. Make sure to detect inventory as you use
- Even with good record keeping, it is necessary to do a physical count
periodically (monthly, quarterly, yearly). Use the Count Sheet tab to help with
- Copy the first few rows of your inventory over to the count sheet. Print out
copies of the sheets. Have the counters count all the items in stock and return
the signed count sheets to you. Use these sheets to update your Current Stock

- Use the inventory labels to label stock when it is received and stored. This will
help people locate the stock when needed, especially during a physical count.

7. When an order is placed, put the information including qty and expected
arrival date in the On Order section. This way you won't order duplicates of

8. If an item is on backorder, use the Backorder section. This will remind you of
potiential supply issues. If this section is not applicable to your business, simply
hide the columns.

9. The Inventory Control sheet will tell you when to order new units based on
your inventory count and reorder point, by highlighting the reorder point red.
Terms of Use
© 2011 Vertex42 LLC. All rights reserved.

This template is considered a copyrighted work under the Unites States and other copyright laws
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** Examples of acceptable private sharing with people who "require access" may include (a)
sharing a budget spreadsheet with a spouse, (b) sharing a project schedule with your project team,
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