The Product Prospectus 1

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a. For my product I will be doing a slideshow on what I can do to keep everyone safe from
i. The purpose of this product is to get everyone involved so I can keep everyone
safe from the virus.
ii. This product will basically just be a presentation. In that presentation will be an app
that will be like a health check. I will explain how to use it and what you need to do.
iii. Basically I want this to help with the spread of covid in the workplace.
The process
a. The process of this is I will show a presentation and you all will download an app on your
phone and we will do health checks everyday.
i. You just need to download an app on your phone.
ii. I will show you my presentation, make sure you all have your phones, you all will
download the app, then you will all create an account and join my server.
b. Analyze the process
i. The easiest and most enjoyable aspect of my creation is going to be when people
are able to come to work healthy and able to understand the app more.
ii. The most difficult thing in this will be honesty like just be honest on how you're
feeling. I will try my best to get the right information.
iii. I will be able to run this app all by myself it is an easy process to go through.
a. Reflection
i. My next step is making the slideshow then after that I will make my product.
b. I’m alright with this, not really excited but I’ll make it work.
i. Reasons for this is I don’t know how well it will all work out but I guess we will see.

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