Firefighting Presentation 1

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Jackson Grangaard
- Why I chose firefighting
- Research Topic
- Product
- Product Reflection
- Closing
- Questions
Why I chose Firefighting
■ I think the main reason why I chose Firefighting is because I’ve
always had a idea of what being a firefighter would look like and I
thought it would be an interesting job opportunity to participate
in and help people in dangerous situations.
Research Topic and Essay
● Prevention of PTSD within Firefighters: What different ways are to
prevent PTSD within Firefighters and what ways are there to help
them out?
○ There are some many ways that can help firefighters out with PTSD
and some examples would be: going to get help to talk about what
they’re feeling, firefighters can also go out in the community and have
tours to talk about what they go through to get the stress off of their
Process of Product
- My product needed to be something information and at the same time it
can help with my research essay.
My Product
Product Reflection
- Reflection
- I chose this as my product because I thought this was the best way of
helping out firefighters when in stressful times
What I’ve learned within Firefighting
- I have gained a ton of knowledge in Firefighting, like for example, all the
main equipment when firefighters are on the line of duty.
- All the things a firefighter does
Future Plans
I plan to attend LATI for fire/med services in the fall of 2021.
Special thanks
- Mr. Rudebusch
- Helping with my project overall
- Helping me pick a relevant topic to research
- Dustin Beebe
- Teaching me about the tips and equipment for my project
- Panel Members
- Listening to the project

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