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9/26/2020 Turn off Pivot subtotals [SOLVED]

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Excel Programming / VBA / Macros [SOLVED] Turn off Pivot subtotals

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Turn off Pivot subtotals

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07-27-2017, 04:49 PM #1

Turn off Pivot subtotals
Valued Forum Contributor
Weirdest thing; I've been using the below macro for a couple
Join Date: 12-02-2009 of years with no problem. Today it's still working fine for one
Location: Austin, Tx file, but for another I get an error 1004: "Unable to set the
MS-Off Ver: Excel 2016 Office 365 Subtotals property of the PivotField class" at the area noted
64-Bit below. I can't post the WB because the Pivot is based on a
Posts: 3,400 remote data source and it's privileged information (and
huge). I'd be glad to post an example, but the code works
fine on that data. it fails on the "True" line. Help!

End With
On Error GoTo 0
Set PF = GetBudAcctField(PT)
If Not PF Is Nothing Then
With PF
.Orientation = xlPageField
.Position = 5
End With
End If
With .PivotFields("STRATEGY")
.Orientation = xlPageField
.Position = 5
End With
.ColumnGrand = False
.RowGrand = False
.RepeatAllLabels xlRepeatLabels
.ManualUpdate = False 1/7
9/26/2020 Turn off Pivot subtotals [SOLVED]
.ManualUpdate False
'Turn off subtotals
For Each PF In .PivotFields
'Set index 1 (Automatic) to True,
'so all other values are set to False
PF.Subtotals(1) = True
PF.Subtotals(1) = False
Next PF
End With
Exit Sub
MsgBox "The Open Year Summary can't be refreshed rig
"Please try again later.", vbOKOnly + vbInformation,
WbSrc.Close False
Exit Sub

Last edited by jomili; 07-27-2017 at 04:52 PM. Reason: more detail

I know I'm not stupid, but I suspect I'm a lot stupider than I think I
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07-27-2017, 05:09 PM #2

Re: Turn off Pivot subtotals
Forum Moderator
I've been using the below macro for a couple of years
with no problem
Join Date: 02-19-2009 I suspect, if its been working for years and the only thing
Location: Cibolo, TX different is a new workbook, then don't you think it's the
MS-Off Ver: Excel 2016 workbook and not the code?
Posts: 10,052
If we can't see the workbook (and understandable why), then
it's going to be hard to diagnose any problem.

Regards, Jeff

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07-27-2017, 05:38 PM #3

Re: Turn off Pivot subtotals
Forum Guru

Can you do your pivot table by hand? When this happens to

me, I find there are no values in the pivot or one of the
Join Date: 07-22-2010 2/7
9/26/2020 Turn off Pivot subtotals [SOLVED]
Location: Woodinville, WA names has changed. Do it by hand and see what changed
MS-Off Ver: Office 365 from the last time you did it.
Posts: 15,249

One test is worth a thousand opinions.

Click the * Add Reputation below to say thanks.

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07-28-2017, 07:20 AM #4

Re: Turn off Pivot subtotals
Valued Forum Contributor
Good suggestion, but no joy. If I stop the macro right before
Join Date: 12-02-2009 the "Subtotals" set, then manually go to Design/Subtotals/Do
Location: Austin, Tx Not Show subtotals it works just fine. But if I try the macro to
MS-Off Ver: Excel 2016 Office 365 turn off the subtotals I get the error.
Posts: 3,400 Just tried it this morning again, by isolating the "subtotal"
part of the macro (see code below). Opened WB, made no
changes to the Pivot, manually turned off subtotals,
everything's great. Closed without saving. Reopened, ran
macro below. Error.

I know it's not much help, but I'm attaching screenshots of

the two pivots, each of which is in it's own workbook. The
2017 is the one that's causing trouble.

EDIT: just had a thought. The error occurs on the

"PF.Subtotals(1) = True" line. Maybe there's a PivotField in
the list that doesn't exist in the pivot, so can't be turned to
true. How would I find that?

Sub Filter_Pivot()
Dim PF As PivotField
Dim PI As PivotItem
Dim PT As PivotTable
Set PT = ActiveSheet.PivotTables(1)
With PT
'Turn off subtotals
For Each PF In .PivotFields
'Set index 1 (Automatic) to True,
'so all other values are set to False
PF.Subtotals(1) = True
PF.Subtotals(1) = False
Next PF
End With
End Sub

Sub SpeedOn(Optional StatusBarMsg As String = "Jorge

With Application
.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
.ScreenUpdating = False
.EnableEvents = False
.DisplayAlerts = False
.Cursor = xlWait
.StatusBar = StatusBarMsg
.EnableCancelKey = xlErrorHandler
End With
End Sub
Sub SpeedOff() 3/7
9/26/2020 Turn off Pivot subtotals [SOLVED]
With Application
.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
.ScreenUpdating = True
E bl E t T

Attached Images
Problem Piv.PNG (59.0 KB, 38 views)
Trouble Free Piv.PNG (59.3 KB, 39 views)

Last edited by jomili; 07-28-2017 at 07:23 AM. Reason: Extra thought.

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07-28-2017, 07:36 AM #5

Re: Turn off Pivot subtotals
Forum Guru
Since setting it to True fails, why not use

.Subtotals = Array(False, False, False, False, False

Join Date: 06-27-2016

Location: London
MS-Off Ver: Windows: 2010; Mac:
16.13 (O365) instead of the toggle approach? You can also turn them all off
Posts: 7,083 at once using

Application.CommandBars.ExecuteMso "PivotTableSubtota

as long as you have selected a cell in the pivot table.

Please remember to mark your thread 'Solved' when appropriate.

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07-28-2017, 07:50 AM #6

Re: Turn off Pivot subtotals
Valued Forum Contributor
Tried the first option like this, got the same error:
Join Date: 12-02-2009
Location: Austin, Tx
MS-Off Ver: Excel 2016 Office 365 Sub Filter_Pivot()
Dim PF As PivotField
Dim PI As PivotItem
Posts: 3,400 Dim PT As PivotTable 4/7
9/26/2020 Turn off Pivot subtotals [SOLVED]
Set PT = ActiveSheet.PivotTables(1)
With PT
'Turn off subtotals
For Each PF In .PivotFields
PF.Subtotals = Array(False, False, False, Fa
'Set index 1 (Automatic) to True,
'so all other values are set to False
' PF.Subtotals(1) = True
' PF.Subtotals(1) = False
Next PF
End With
End Sub

Trying this, it works. But why won't the other two work?

Sub Filter_Pivot()
Dim PF As PivotField
Dim PI As PivotItem
Dim PT As PivotTable
Set PT = ActiveSheet.PivotTables(1)
With PT
'Turn off subtotals
Application.CommandBars.ExecuteMso "PivotTableSubtota
' For Each PF In .PivotFields
' PF.Subtotals = Array(False, False, False, Fa
'Set index 1 (Automatic) to True,
'so all other values are set to False
' PF.Subtotals(1) = True
' PF.Subtotals(1) = False
' Next PF
End With
End Sub

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08-21-2019, 02:03 AM #7

Re: Turn off Pivot subtotals
Registered User
when i tried the second option which has the following code
Join Date: 08-21-2019 for Pivot Table donot show subtotals
Location: AZ,USA
MS-Off Ver: 2013
Posts: 3
Application.CommandBars.ExecuteMso "PivotTableSubtota

it is throwing -2147467259 automation error , can you

suggest how to resolve this error

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08-21-2019, 04:14 AM #8 5/7
9/26/2020 Turn off Pivot subtotals [SOLVED]

Re: Turn off Pivot subtotals
Forum Expert
Did you select a cell in the pivot table first, as xlnitwit

Join Date: 08-13-2008

Location: UK
MS-Off Ver: 2016 primarily
Posts: 4,694

Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, at least
it's a change of scenery
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08-21-2019, 10:18 AM #9

Re: Turn off Pivot subtotals
Registered User
yes i did select pivot table it begins from cell 23, not sure of
Join Date: 08-21-2019 xlnitwit method
Location: AZ,USA
MS-Off Ver: 2013
Posts: 3

On Error Resume Next
Set pt = wrkSht.PivotTables("PivotTable1")
On Error GoTo 0

If Not pt Is Nothing Then

Application.CommandBars.ExecuteMso "PivotTab
pt.RowGrand = False
pt.ColumnGrand = False
pt.RowAxisLayout xlTabularRow
pt.RepeatAllLabels xlRepeatLabels
End If

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08-21-2019, 11:28 AM #10

Re: Turn off Pivot subtotals
Valued Forum Contributor
pete22k, can you upload a copy of your pivot workbook so we
Join Date: 12-02-2009 can take a look?
Location: Austin, Tx
MS-Off Ver: Excel 2016 Office 365
Posts: 3,400

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08-21-2019, 05:14 PM #11

Re: Turn off Pivot subtotals 6/7
9/26/2020 Turn off Pivot subtotals [SOLVED]
Registered User
This solution is working fine, i was getting error this place due
Join Date: 08-21-2019 to wrong placement of code. Thanks to xlnitwit who posted
Location: AZ,USA the solution & rorya for giving the pointer
MS-Off Ver: 2013
Posts: 3

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