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Date Thursday Lesson Title Aliens and Astronauts Grade Level 1

March 18, 2021
Time in Lesson Subject Lesson #
20 - 25 min Physical Education 45
Developed by
Rick Simms

Learner Outcomes from the Program of Studies

What are the SPECIFIC outcomes to be addressed in this lesson?

Physical Education – Grade 1 (from RVS Real Time Reporting PE Learner Outcomes):
C2 Demonstrate etiquette & fair play.
C3 Demonstrate teamwork
D1 Put forth effort.
D2 Follow Safety Rules and routines.

Objective in student-friendly language Assessment Strategies

What will students understand/experience/appreciate as a result of this What will I accept as evidence of learning/development? Have I employed
lesson? formative assessment? Do I make use of prior assessments in this lesson?

By the end of this lesson students will understand the value of fair play and give Formative Assessment – Assessment As Learning
their best effort. Student Observations Post Cool Down Questionnaire – Thumbs
“I can give my best effort.” “I can play fairly and follow safety rules and up/middle/down if you thought you were giving your best effort and playing
routines.” fair?

Resources Personalization/Differentiation
What materials/resources/technology will be required? How will you attend to the needs of ALL learners in this lesson?

Positive attitude, gym voice. Tagging instruments, bean bags and cones. Look for cues of misunderstanding. Slow speech with instructions. Demonstrate
actions about how the game works.

Adapted from Wiggins, Grant & J. McTighe (1998)


How will you ACTIVATE prior knowledge and ENGAGE them in the lesson and how does this lesson connect to prior lessons?

Utilize previous Phys-Ed language and cues such as “Home Base”, “Checks” and “1, 2, 3 Huh!” to ensure understanding of expectations and to follow students
understood structure of past of Phys-Ed classes. – Students enter gym and run warm up laps as they normally do.

Learning/Activity Sequence
How will students ENGAGE, EXPLORE, EXPLAIN, ELABORATE, and/or EVALUATE their understandings of the outcomes.

What is the TEACHER doing? What is your plan for the body of the What are the STUDENTS doing? How are they engaged while you are
Approx. time
lesson? What steps are taken during the lesson? teaching the lesson?

Have students enter gym and run 5 warm up laps and to meet on Run warm up laps 3 min
outside black line of center circle.
Collect tagging instruments, bean bags and cones.
Initiate student Checks while instructing for deep breathing. Respond to checks, Deep breathing 2 min
Introduce Game – Aliens and Astronauts. Sitting at circle and listening to game instructions. 2 min

Choose 2-5 kids to be it and give them each a tagging instrument. Asking clarifying Questions.
(these are the aliens). Everyone else is an astronaut.
Scatter the beanbags all around the gym and hold onto the empty bin.
If an astronaut is tagged by an alien, they must go to the black hole
(the black circle in the middle of the gym floor with cones around it to
mark off the circle.
To save an astronaut from the black hole, another astronaut must slide
(NOT THROW), a beanbag into the black hole and an astronaut must
pick it up. The astronaut must then leave the black hole (holding the
beanbag high up over their head – to show that they have been freed)
and must bring the beanbag back to the teacher (who is holding the
beanbag bin and constantly re-circulating the beanbags around the
Once the astronaut has given his beanbag back to the teacher, they
rejoin the game.

Astronauts can only hold one beanbag at a time.

Aliens CANNOT follow the teacher and just wait to tag a returning
Adapted from Wiggins, Grant & J. McTighe (1998)
Aliens CAN guard, but not go inside, the black hole, and CAN try and
block beanbags with their feet, and KICK THEM away, to keep them
from the astronauts.


Play game – changing taggers as time permits. Play game fairly and give best effort. 15 min

Lead Cool Down Breathing and stretches Copy Mr. Simms with Cool down and stretches to get called to line up 3 min
to go back to class.

How will you ensure students walk away with a sense of understanding the PURPOSE of the lesson and its IMPORTANCE to their learning?

Post-Game Cool Down Questionnaire – Thumbs up/middle/down if you thought you were giving your best effort.
Brief post game discussion – Who can share why they think it is important to BE HONEST AND PLAY FAR and give your best effort?
In your self- reflection of your lesson, please consider the following questions:
1. What went well in your lesson? What were the strengths of the lesson?
2. What are the areas that need to be refined? What might you do differently next time?
3. What are your next steps to further develop/ refine this lesson? How will you continue to grow in your practice? What actions will you take?

These are additional questions that can help guide your response to the three self– reflection questions.
 How do you feel your students experienced this lesson?
 How were they able to make explicit and self-evaluate their growing understanding, skills and/or knowledge?
 How did you employ formative assessment for/of/as learning?
 Were you successful in reaching all students? How do you know? How did you accommodate for diverse learners and those requiring accommodations?
 Were there opportunities to address Indigenous, multicultural and interdisciplinary activities and knowledge?

Students seemed to really enjoy the game. Some were challenged with instructions and following the rules – ensure to set very clear expectations at the onset and
be firm with what happens should students not follow the instructions – Firm while stile friendly and fair.
It would be super nice to have a little extra time to set up the gym prior to the lesson. Grade 1’s have a lot of energy and sometimes can get really unfocused and
off task if not directly engaged at all times. Set up times could go a little more smooth – next time engage student helpers.
Gym is always too short and academic expectations seem to take away from the kids (and my) desire to sometimes just have a bunch of fun while learning
Keeping a clipboard of the class list prepped with assessment outlines and expectations helps. Allowed me to make quick anecdotal notes and checks as necessary.

Adapted from Wiggins, Grant & J. McTighe (1998)

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