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Author Title Bought Read

Lisa Lister Love your Lady Landscape ✔

Lisa Lister Code Red ✔ ✔

Celu Amberstone Blessings of the Blood

Natalie Angier Woman: An Intimate Geography ✔

Sera Beak Red Hot and Holy ✔

Francesca Lia Block Guarding the Moon ✔

Jeanne Elizabeth Blum Woman Heal Thyself ✔

Anita Diamant The Red Tent ✔ ✔

Uma Dinsmore-Tuli Yoni Shakti

Riane Eisler The Chalice and the Blade ✔

Clarissa Pinkola Estes Women Who Run with the Wolves ✔

Janice Gates Yogini ✔

Judy Grahn Blood, Bread, and Roses ✔

Miranda Gray Red Moon

Holly Grigg-Spall Sweetening the Pill

Greeta Iyengar Yoga: A Gem for Women ✔

Andoea Judith Eastern Body, Western Mind

Tami Lynn Kent Wild Feminine

Chris Knight Blood Relations

Susan Lark Menstrual Cramps

Caitlin Moran How to be a Woman ✔

Sue Monk Kidd The Secret Life of Bees

Inga Musicio Cunt ✔

Esther Harding Women’s Mysteries, Ancient and Modern ✔

Christiane Northrup Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom

Christiane Northrup Mother-Daughter Wisdom ✔

Lara Owen Honouring Menstruation

Rachel Patterson Moon Magic ✔

Lucy Pearce Moon Time ✔

Alexandra Pope The Pill

Alexandra Pope The Wild Genie

Susan Rako No More Periods? ✔

Janice Raymond Women as Wombs ✔

Ani Richardson Nutrition for a Happy, Healthy Period

Ani Richardson Love or Diet ✔

Penelope Shuttle The Wise Wound ✔

Kisma Stephanich Sister Moon Lodge ✔

Gabrielle Roth Maps to Ecstasy ✔

Maya Tiwari Women’s Power to Heal through Inner Medicine ✔

Alicia Vitti Womancode ✔

Barbara Walker The Woman’s Encyclopaedia of Myths and ✔


Meggan Watterson A Sacred Manual for Getting Spiritually Naked ✔

Susun Weed Healing Wise ✔ ✔

Claudia Welch Balance Your Hormones, Balance Your Life ✔

David Wolfe Naked Chocolate ✔

Shauna Aura Knight Ritual Facilitation

Shauna Aura Knight The Leader Within

Chrisina Baldwin Calling the Circle

Ruth Barrett Women’s Rites, Women’s Mysteries

Crystal Blanton Bridging the Gap

Judy Harrow Spiritual Mentoring

Joanne Giannino Meetings at the Moon

Melinda Morris Perrin Goddess Gatherings

Patricia Monaghan The Goddess Companion: Daily Meditations on

the Feminine Spirit

Julie Loar Goddesses for Every Day

Caitlin Matthews A Celtic Devotional: Daily Prayers and Blessings

Elizabeth Roberts Earth Prayers: 365 Prayers, Poems, and

Invocations from Around the World

Caitlin Matthews The Celtic Spirit: Daily Meditations for the

Turning Year

Deborah Blake A Year and a Day of Everyday Witchcraft: 366

Ways to Witchify Your Life

Heatherash Amara Warrior Goddess Training: Becoming the

Woman You Are Meant To Be

Sherry R. Anderson The Feminine Face of God: Unfolding of the

Sacred in Women

Angeles Arrien The Second Half of Life

Jessie Ayani The Lineage of the Codes of Light

Jalaja Bonheim Aphrodite’s Daughters

Sylvia Brinton Perera Descent to the Goddess

Sedonia Cahill Ceremonial Circle

Anne Cameron Daughters of Copper Woman

Joseph Campbell Goddesses Mysteries of the Feminine Divine

Rufus. C Camphausen The Yoni – Sacred Symbol of Female Creative


Pema Chodron When Things Fall Apart

D.J. Conway Maiden Mother Crone

Elizabeth Davies Womans Wheel of Life: Thirteen Archetypes of


Judith Duerk Circle of Stones – A Woman’s Journey to


Judith Duerk I Sit Listening to the Wind

Elinor Gadon The Once and Future Goddess – of the Sacred

Female and Her Re-Emergence

Demetra George Mysteries of the Dark Moon

Adele Getty Goddess Mother of Living Nature

Donna Henes The Queen of My Self: Stepping Into

Sovereignty in Midlife

Bonnie J Horrigan Red Moon Passage (menopause)

Michele Jamal Shapeshifters

Leslie Kenton Passage To Power – One Woman’s Journey

through Menopause

Sue Kidd Monk The Dance of the Dissident Daughter

Jean Markale Reverence of the Divine Feminine From the

Paleolithic To the Present

Jean Markale The Great Goddess

Kathleen McGowan Book of Love

Jane Meredith Journey to the Dark Goddess

Jane Meredith Rituals of Celebration: Honouring the Seasons

of Life

Patricia Monaghan Goddess Path: Myths, Invocations & Rituals

Ajit Mookerjee Kali the Feminine Force

Burleigh Muten Return of the Great Goddess

Caroline Myss Sacred Contracts – Awakening Your Divine ✔


Vicki Noble Shakti Woman

Vicki Noble The Double Goddess: Women Sharing Power

Clarissa Pinkola Estes The Power of the Crone: Myths & Stories of the
Wise Woman Archetype

Jamie Sams The Thirteen Original Clan Mothers: Your

Sacred Path to Discovering the Gifts, Talents,
and Abilities of the Feminine

Daniela Schenke Kuan Yin

Jean Shinoda Boien Goddess In Older Women

Edan Sky The Natural Time Calendar

Starhawk Spiral Dance

Starhawk The Fifth Sacred Thing

Rev. Dr. Karen Tate Goddess Calling: Inspirational Messages &

Meditations of Sacred Feminine Liberation

We’Moon Collective We’Moon “10: Gaia Rhythms for Womyn

Marianne Williamson A Woman’s Worth

Marion Woodman Dancing in the Flames: The Dark Goddess And

the New Mythology

Women to look into

● Carol Christ
● Merlin Stone
● Riane Eisler
● Marija Gimbutas
● Starhawk
● Z. Budapest
● Patricia Mongahan
● Monica Sjoo
● Hallie Iglehart
● Cynthia Eller
● Charlene Spretnak
● Karen Tate
● Elizabeth Fisher & Shirley Ranck
● Shekinah Mountainwater
● Diane Stein
● Vicki Noble
● Barbara Ardinger
● Barbara Walker
● Nancy Vedder-Shults

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