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Anna Berg
Pierz Healy High School
112 Kamnic Street
Pierz MN 56364

Wednesday March 31st, 2021

To whom this may concern,

It is my honor and pleasure to recommend Aurora Herold for the role of the mortician and the
mortician company. I have been friends with Aurora for 10 years. She is an outstanding person
and will do anything to help anyone. Aurora has a good work ethic, and good communication
skills. I would highly recommend Aurora for your position to be a mortician.

Primarily, Aurora has an extremely dedicated work ethic. She knows how to put school and
homework first. She never misses deadlines and understands the importance of getting her
assignments in on time. Aurora has helped me with reading to younger students and she puts as
much effort into helping them as she puts into her assignments. She would help them with
words they did not understand and suggest different ways to learn to read it.

In addition, Aurora has been developing her good communication skills all throughout her
highschool career. She has been involved in Spanish club for 3 years and she actively helps
around the community. She was in 4-H and student counsel. She also has good leadership skills
that will help her throughout her entire lifetime. Aurora has cleaned ditches, volunteered and
her local church bazaar and volunteers to help kids. Aurora is a very respectful person and

Once again it gives me great pleasure to recommend Miss Aurora Herold as a recognized leader
with outstanding communication skills, awesome leadership skills, and a good work ethic.
Please feel free to contact me for any additional information or clarifications regarding Aurora.


Miss Anna Berg

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