Bio Resume

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Bio Resume
My name is Tyler Stewart Main. I was raised in Tide Head, New Brunswick. I was not

too fond of public school. However, I was active in after-school activities as I participated in

track and field (Discus, long jump, and hundred-metre sprint), and I had Taekwondo practice in

the evening. However, in the tenth grade, I got a job and spent most of my time free time there. I

worked at Atlantic Superstore for 30+ hours a week as my parents never allowed me to say no to

a shift or a call-in. As such, I never had much time for extra-curricular activities. I had to quit

track and field, Taekwondo, and stopped hanging out with friends because I did not have the

time. I gained weight as a result, and my marks at school went down. My father wanted to work

all the shifts given to me. It did not help that he worked at the store, too. So, he would say yes for

me, so I did not get an option. From the outside, my family looked like any other family: a mom,

dad, son, daughter, and a dog. However, my parents would argue, and my home life was not a

positive space. My father would remark upon my ability and made discouraging comments. By

the time I finished high school, I was an angry teenager who had no guidance, purpose, or idea of

what I would do with my life.

Because of my poor marks in high school, I went back for another year at a lower course

load. I took a few math courses because those were my lowest marks. I did that for a year but

still did not know what I wanted to do with my life afterwards. I continued my job at Superstore

and gained a full-time employee's responsibilities without the benefits or pay increase. During

this time, I had to learn how to organize people, write a schedule, and speak to people in a

positive manner if they did anything wrong as not to escalate an incident. However, I was still an

angry person, but I got better at hiding it. After a couple of years, I was offered the assistant

manager position in the produce department, and I knew I had to go back to school. I applied to

Community College Campbellton New Brunswick (CCNB) to upgrade my science and English
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courses. It took three years to complete, and I had to figure out what I wanted to do with my life.

I originally tried for a dental hygienist, but I was not accepted. Afterwards, I went for nursing. I

had a meeting with the head of the nursing department at the University of New Brunswick

(UNB). They told me because I was a mature student (twenty-three at the time), I had to take a

year of university, achieve a 3.5GPA, or above, before I could even be considered for the

program. I decided to take my year at St. Thomas University in Fredericton, New Brunswick. I

got accepted and started my first year of university when I was twenty-four.

At St. Thomas university, I met the most amazing professors who not only changed my

career trajectory but my worldview. These professors showed genuine interest in my progress.

They were always there to help me if I was confused about anything. This was quite different

from my high school experience as it felt that most teachers wrote me off as a lost cause and

even told my parents I should get used to flipping burgers for my life. I found myself more

interested in my education and more willing to ask for help. These experiences made me

question what happened in my life and question what my life would be like if I had these positive

role models earlier. I decided that I wanted to teach in a high school environment and be a

positive role model for students. I want to encourage them to move forward and do their best. I

want to be there for the one-on-one help. Students come from a multitude of backgrounds and

experience many difficulties in their life, and the same, like myself, have difficulty forming

strong relationships with people. Despite being a teacher is not a life-time goal of mine, it is a

goal that I want to accomplish so I can give students what I did not have until later in life.

Currently, I have experience working and volunteering at Serious Fun Childcare in New

Maryland, New Brunswick. I worked with the after-school class (5-12), and I have experience

managing children and speaking calmly, but effectively, to students of this age. I learned that you
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do not need to raise your voice. By speaking in a firm voice, you can get students' attention, and

they will behave if you explain why they need to behave or make it into a game. An example of

this would be to play music and ask the class if they can speak quieter than the sound of the

music. In addition, I did two guest lectures in science, technology, and society classes, speaking

about the environmental impacts of the car shredder. I discovered that I enjoy spending time with

students and teaching. These experiences only strengthened my want to become a teacher. A

current academic goal is to finish my Bachelor of Education degree at Crandall university while

maintaining my grades. Through all my experiences, I developed a simple philosophy that no

matter who you are or where you are in your life, you make an impact. So, it might as well be a

positive experience. This goes along with my experiences. As a future teacher, it is my

inspiration to be a positive role model for my students.

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