DR Geeta Pangi Hypertension

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1. Other relevant history

2. Regulation of blood pressure
3. Preventive measure
4. How to manage
5. What is DASH
6. What can you comment about this
patient blood pressure? (Controlled or
not), why you said so?

1. Present the case
2. What signs would you see
3. What investigation would you do
4. What result would you find in
spirometry? And how to diagnose based
on spirometry?
5. What type of lung disease?
6. How would you manage this patient?
7. Health promotion?

1. Present case (uncontrolled DM currently
on metformin 500mg bd)
2. Problem list of patient
3. Investigations
4. Management of DM (pharmacological &
non pharmacological)

1. Important history in ANC
2. Baseline investigations
3. Prevention in ANC

1. Important of each element in history
taking based on this case
2. Important of ANC
3. Investigation that must be done when
4. Why this case you diagnose her to have
5. Health promotion and preventive
6. Management (non-pharmacological and


1. Other relevant history
2. Advice to the ANC patient
3. What to be done at 2nd trimester
4. Drugs in pregnancy and dosage
5. Contraceptive method
6. Diagnosis


1. What are significant history in case of
patient of DM that you want to ask
system wise and how you want to
examine them
2. What investigations you want to do
3. Investigations to check for neuropathy?
4. What drugs you want to give to this
patient besides metformin? Because
currently he is on metformin 500mg BD
but his RBS is high and he is k/c/o DM
since last 10 years
5. Other treatment for this patient?

1. What to ask in headache
2. Investigations
3. Non pharmacological treatment
4. Pharmacological dose and side effects
5. Which drugs to use if patient have HTN &

1. What are the triggering factors?
2. How does it different from other
respiratory disease
3. What do you expect for asthmatic patient
to have in physical examination
4. How do you know patient only take
reliever inhaler not others
5. What are your plan to treat this patient
6. Health promotion and prevention
1. History about bleeding (colour, pad,
frequency), HOPI: dx of placenta previa
by USG or not, any bleeding before, any
trauma, sign of infection, pain abdomen
2. Physical examination (significant: pallor,
bp, respi rate, abdominal, etc.)
3. Investigations done in PHC
4. Management (bed rest, refer to higher
center by ambulance)
5. What to do to cut time in higher center :
blood sampling
6. Advice for her before she came as
emergency case : avoid sexual
intercourse in 1st trimester, bed rest , no
heavy work

1. Relevant history and PE
2. Define asthma, pathophysiology of
3. What are the cardiac findings?
4. Types? (Refer Murtagh)
5. Differential diagnosis
6. Investigation (Jgn lupa IgE level)
7. Treatment
8. Drugs for hypersensitivity
9. Types of hypersensitive reaction
10. Prevention (PPE, avoid trigger)
11. Can we give ICS to obese patient? (Yes
but at low dose)

1. Causes of diarrhea
2. Chronic disease/drugs causing diarrhea
3. Signs and symptoms of dehydration
4. Classification of dehydration
5. Investigation
6. Treatment of diarrhea
7. Component of ORS
8. Prevention of diarrhea
9. Anti-motility drugs
10. Vaccine for diarrhea
11. What antibiotic can be prescribe for

1. History to ask (lochia, fever, abdominal
2. Relevant examination
3. Investigations
4. What to ask in history relevant to PPH
5. What to ask in history relevant to
6. Management for PPH
7. Management of 3rd stage labour
8. Advices to the mother

1. Relevant history. What to ask?
2. Findings in examination
3. Type of anemia
4. Investigation in anemia
5. Treatment for all stages of anemia
6. Complications on anemia
7. First medication to give to patient before
iron tablet is given?
8. Advices for the patient
9. Health promotion and prevention in

1. Relevant history. What to ask?
2. What investigation is done in first visit?
3. What investigation do you want to do in
second trimester?
4. Special investigations in ANC?
5. How long do you have to prescribe
calcium tablets for?
6. High risk pregnancy
7. Treatment for anemia in pregnancy
8. Advices for the patient (Health promotion
and prevention)
9. Diet: Which type of food for protein, iron,
calcium? (Give examples for each)
10. What is normal pregnancy
1. Present case
2. Positive findings in physical examination
3. Investigation for fever
4. Management for fever
5. Type of fever
6. Definition of continous fever. And its
7. Type of fever in pneumonia
8. Type of fever in malaria.
9. Sign and symptom in malaria
10. Dengue prevention
11. Sign & symptom of dengue
12. Management of dengue
13. Classical sign of typhoid.
14. What is diagnostic value for widal test?

1. Present case
2. What important positive findings in
history and examination
3. What relevant investigation
4. How do you manage the patient (non-
5. Group of drug with example
6. Type of insulin
7. What are complications the
complications of DM
8. Clinical signs of DKA
9. How to manage DKA
10. Advise and prevention

1. Present case
2. Diagnosis for your case
3. What are the findings based on the case
that show OA
4. How do you manage want to manage this
5. Dd(x) for this case with features to
differentiate it from OA
6. What specific investigation do you want
to do to confirm OA/RA/Gout?
7. Other types of arthritis
8. Features of tubercular arthritis
9. Prevention for OA

1. Important history and PE findings in
asthma patient
2. Clinical features in asthma
3. Types of dyspnea
4. Dyspnea in asthma patient
5. Types of additional sound on lungs
6. Types of rhonchi in asthma
7. What is status asthmaticus?
8. Investigation
9. Importance of CBC in asthma
10. Management
11. Preventive
12. Complications
13. Advise to patient /health promotion

1. History & examination
2. Classical sign of anemia
3. Types of dyspnea (what in anemia)
4. Sign of ccf (anasarka)
5. Investigations
6. Peripheral smear
7. Management (pharmacology, non-
8. What to give with iron tablets (vitamin c ,
b-complex, folic acid)
9. Prevention of anemia

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