Viva 2

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1. Common triggering factors.

2. C/f

3. Asthma Action Plan

4. How to give MDIs

5. Investigation & reasons

6. Mx (non-pharmaco&pharmaco)

Abdominal Pain

- present case

- ddx pain at umbilicus, epigastric, right iliac fossa in female

- positive finding you suspect for typhoid fever

-investigation for typhoid


Age vs food poisoning (hx part)

How to differentiate each bacterial food poisoning

Staph vs bacillus

viral vs bacteria poisoning

Degree dehydration

Imc 4 red flag sign dehydration

Plan abc
Prevention food poisoning



- hx taking

- pe

- investigation

- ECG findings


- MOA for every class of drug

- non pharmaco treatment

- prevention

- define

- classify

- target organ damage

- tracking bp


1. Important history in immunisation

2. Vaccination schedule (Malaysia)

3. Contraindications to vaccine

4. Dose, route and site of injection of vaccines

5. Cold chain, what is it, temperature

6. Vaccine vial monitor

7. Max age for MMR, BCG, DPT

8. How long can you use BCG, OPV once vial is opened


-significant history in this patient.

-significant findings in PE.

-causes of anemia.

-examples of iron rich food?


-bone marrow study.

-management (based on severity & stage of pregnancy).

-prevention(food fortification, etc)


-Question to be asked

-Chief complaint-loose motion etc

-Nature of each symptom

-Classification-based on causes

-Examination-signs of dehydration



-ORS content

-How to prevent AGE


1. Anaemia


- what can expect in Per abdomen n cvs

- Management (parenteral iv detail sikit)


1. Ear pain

- other relevant hx

- common causes in children and adult

- investigation

- management

2. UTI

- causes of UTI

- investigation

- non-pharmaco tx

- pharmco tx

3. Anemia in pregnancy

- so which treatment you prefer for that pt

- how parenteral therapy administered ?

- how much iron requirement ?

- tell everything complications of maternal antenatal postnatal puerperium and also Natal outcome

- what if mother at 38 w comes with anemia ? What action ?



1. Common triggering factors.

2. C/f

3. Asthma Action Plan

4. How to give MDIs

5. Investigation & reasons

6. Mx (non-pharmaco&pharmaco)

Abdominal Pain

- present case

- ddx pain at umbilicus, epigastric, right iliac fossa in female

- positive finding you suspect for typhoid fever

-investigation for typhoid



-what questions we wanna ask in 1st trimester and what physical examinations

-how does calcium and iron affect fetus in 1st trimester

-different between emesis and hyperemesis gravidarum



- hx taking
- pe

- investigation

- ECG findings


- MOA for every class of drug

- non pharmaco treatment

- prevention

- define

- classify

- target organ damage

- tracking bp


1. Important history in immunisation

2. Vaccination schedule (Malaysia)

3. Contraindications to vaccine

4. Dose, route and site of injection of vaccines

5. Cold chain, what is it, temperature

6. Vaccine vial monitor

7. Max age for MMR, BCG, DPT

8. How long can you use BCG, OPV once vial is opened

-significant history in this patient.

-significant findings in PE.

-causes of anemia.

-examples of iron rich food?


-bone marrow study.

-management (based on severity & stage of pregnancy).

-prevention(food fortification, etc)


-Question to be asked

-Chief complaint-loose motion etc

-Nature of each symptom

-Classification-based on causes

-Examination-signs of dehydration



-ORS content

-How to prevent AGE


-history taking of diabetes mellitus


-freq of follow up

-class of drug




1. Anaemia


- what can expect in Per abdomen n cvs

- Management (parenteral iv detail sikit)

2. Diabtes Mellitus

-common presentation of DM

-special feature in DM (vasculitis n etc)

-how to diagnosed DM? (4 criteria of DM)

-normal & diabetic range of PP2Hr OGTT, RBS, HbA1c, Fasting BG

-Name the group and give examples of oral hypoglycaemic drugs

-When to start insulin? (Indication)

-complication of DM (DKA, Micro and macrovascular)

-Presentation of DKA patient

-investigation of DKA

-Management of DKA


1. Ear pain

- other relevant hx
- common causes in children and adult

- investigation

- management

2. UTI

- causes of UTI

- investigation

- non-pharmaco tx

- pharmco tx

3. Anemia in pregnancy

- so which treatment you prefer for that pt

- how parenteral therapy administered ?

- how much iron requirement ?

- tell everything complications of maternal antenatal postnatal puerperium and also Natal outcome

- what if mother at 38 w comes with anemia ? What action ?

4. PNC

- causes of abdominal pain after delivery

- for pnc check up, what investigation you want to do? (Start from vital to PE)

- when uterus return to normal size?

- history taking in pnc during follow up

- what it indicates when pt have fever and foul smelling lochia & its management

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