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2. Thermostat throttling range is 3.0 deg F which is on higher side.

This high throttling

range decreases the load 3-8% in total capacity.

2. Selection of the Throttling Range value is solely dependent upon the Designer’s
discretion, as indicated in HAP’s Help Content section titled “Thermostat Setpoints”.
What it states are two distinct school of thoughts. One requires entering a Throttling
Range value that reflects the actual controls of the Thermostat where the Room
Temperature floats. The other require using a Throttling Range value of “0” simulating
the worst case estimates producing the largest coil loads (if all other input parameters
are held constant). Just as an additional note for the latter school of thought, a value of
“0” can’t be used because the Equipment Heat Extraction Transfer Functions (as
stated in HAP’s Help Content section titled “Principles of the Transfer Function Load
Method” and in “ASHRAE Load Calculations Applications Manual” describing the Heat
Balance Method utilized by HAP in performing Cooling Load Calculations) require a
finite value of the Throttling Range. Concluding the response to the comment, even if a
Throttling Range value of “0.1” (to simulate an ideal case of Thermostat Controlling),
the Coil’s Total Cooling Load value would increase to 3186 tons (as per the comments
Upper Value of the Percentage range of 8%), still falling short by 414 tons from the
approximately 3600 tons Coil’s Total Cooling Load value computed by YH Associates.

Thermostat Data Page 1 of 4

Thermostat Data

The Thermostats data view contains information about zone thermostat controls, the zone diversity factor and
direct exhaust air. Data for one zone is shown at a time. The upper portion of the data view is used to control the
display of zone data:
1. All Zone Tstats Set the Same specifies whether one set of data will apply to all zones in the system, or
whether data will be defined on a zone-by-zone basis. When this box is checked, only one set of thermostat,
diversity factor and direct exhaust data will be defined and it will apply to all zones in the system. When this box
is not checked, a separate set of data will appear for each zone in the system.
2. Zone Controls. The Zone Name identifies the zone whose data is currently shown in the data view. In the
figure above, data for the D107-Classroom zone is shown. The zone name is part of a drop-down list which can
be used to display data for any other zone in the system. Or, you can press the right and left arrow buttons
above the zone name to step forward or backward sequentially through your list of zones. The zone number is
shown above the zone name to provide reference. Note that when the "All Zone Tstats set the same" box is
checked, the zone name will be "All Zones" indicating common data for all zones is shown. Also note that the
zone name cannot be modified in this data view. It can only be modified on the Space Assignments data view.
The remaining items on this screen describe thermostat controls, the diversity factor and direct exhaust air:
1. Thermostat Setpoints define the settings for cooling and heating for both the occupied and unoccupied period.
The throttling range for the thermostat is also specified.
2. Diversity Factor defines whether different lighting and occupant load levels should be used for zone sizing and
system sizing purposes.
3. Direct Exhaust Air inputs describe air directly exhausted from the zone by devices such as laboratory hoods,
kitchen hoods and toilet exhausts.
4. Thermostat Schedule specifies the periods of the day during which occupied and unoccupied thermostat
setpoints are used. This item also influences how the system operates at different times of day.

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Thermostat Data Page 2 of 4

5. Unoccupied Cooling specifies whether cooling is permitted during "unoccupied" system operation periods.
Thermostat Setpoints
Five input items are used to describe thermostat settings for a zone:
a. Cooling setpoint, occupied period.
b. Cooling setpoint, unoccupied period.
c. Heating setpoint, occupied period.
d. Heating setpoint, unoccupied period.
e. Thermostat throttling range.
Thermostat Setpoints describe the thermostat controls for cooling and heating during the "occupied" and
"unoccupied" operating periods. During the "occupied" period, air systems generally operate to ventilate and
condition the building. During the "unoccupied" period, air systems generally operate in an on-demand mode to
provide conditioning only as needed. Because temperature levels maintained in the building tend to vary between
the "occupied" and "unoccupied" periods, the program allows separate cooling and heating setpoints to be
defined for each period. The times of day when "occupied" and "unoccupied" periods occur will be specified in the
Thermostat Schedule item at the bottom of this data view.
Throttling Range. The setpoints are used in conjunction with the thermostat throttling range to simulate
thermostat behavior using a simple proportional model of cooling and heating control. The size of the throttling
range is usually determined by the type of thermostat used.
Example: Consider the following thermostat settings:
Cooling setpoint = 74 F
Heating setpoint = 70 F
Throttling range = 4 F
For cooling the system maintains the zone between 74 F and 78 F. Therefore the cooling setpoint defines the
lower limit of the cooling range. Setpoint plus throttling range defines the upper limit of the range. When the zone
air temperature is at 74 F, the thermostat is calling for minimum cooling. When the zone air temperature is 78 F,
the thermostat is calling for maximum cooling. Between 74 F and 78F, the call for cooling increases in proportion
to zone temperature.
For heating the system maintains the zone between 70 F and 66 F. Therefore the heating setpoint defines the
upper limit of the heating range. Setpoint minus throttling range defines the lower limit of the range. When the
zone air temperature is 70 F, the thermostat is calling for minimum heating. When the zone air temperature is 66
F, the thermostat is calling for maximum heating. Between 70 F and 66 F the call for heating increases in
proportion to zone temperature.
When the zone air temperature is between 74 F and 70 F, there is no call for cooling or heating. The zone
temperature floats in the deadband between cooling and heating setpoints.
Application Information. There are two schools of thought concerning how the thermostat throttling range
should be used in system design applications.
One school holds that the actual controls which will be used in the system must be considered. Therefore, the
actual throttling range of the thermostat is specified. As a result, zone air temperatures vary within the thermostat
throttling range and are not held constant at the setpoint.
The other school of thought holds that controls should be idealized for a system design calculation to produce
worst case estimates of cooling and heating. Therefore, no throttling range should be specified. Because the
ASHRAE Transfer Function/Heat Extraction calculations cannot be performed without a finite throttling range,
adherents to this philosophy specify a throttling range of 0.1 F or 0.1 C. With this approach, larger coil loads are
produced to keep the zones within close proximity to the cooling and heating setpoints.
Zone Diversity Factor
The diversity factor is used to change lighting and occupant loads for the two stages of system design
calculations. When calculating required zone airflow rates, HAP will calculate lighting and occupant loads
according to the user's original space and schedule specifications. When simulating system operation to
determine cooling and heating coil loads, the program provides the option of adjusting lighting and people loads to
lower levels using the diversity factor.
During coil simulation calculations for the design cooling analysis, the occupant and lighting loads will be
multiplied by the diversity factor for each zone served by the system. For example, if the occupant heat gain

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Principles of the Transfer Function Load Method Page 7 of 10

Considering Figures 2 and 3 together we can see that the Transfer Function Method allows us to consider the
transient heat transfer process involved in first transferring heat through the wall and then converting the heat
gain into a room load.
As already mentioned for the lighting example, the Transfer Function Method can be used to calculate loads for
any sequence of heat gains encountered. For a wall or roof this means that for any pattern of ambient
temperatures and solar flux as well as any wall or roof construction, accurate loads can be computed. Since
weather conditions vary significantly from season to season and at different latitudes, this flexibility is essential for
computing accurate loads in all situations.
G. Heat Extraction Method Principles
The Transfer Function Method also provides procedures for calculating how HVAC equipment removes heat from
rooms in the building. This is referred to as the equipment "heat extraction rate". The procedures discussed in the
preceding sections calculate loads assuming room temperature is maintained at a fixed level. However, in actual
practice room temperatures vary within the thermostat throttling range, between cooling and heating setpoints,
and when setpoints are set-up or set-back during unoccupied periods. The float of room temperature has a
significant influence on the cooling or heating provided by the equipment. These considerations are also essential
when computing pulldown and warm-up loads resulting from the change from unoccupied to occupied period
thermostat setpoints.
Heat extraction procedures are involved in the system analysis process as follows:
1. Zone loads are computed using the heat gain and room transfer function principles outlined in the preceding
sections. These loads are calculated assuming the HVAC equipment operates 24 hours a day and maintains a
fixed zone temperature. Results of this calculation are reported as zone sensible load components on program
reports. Zone sensible loads are also used to determine zone and system supply airflow rates.
2. Operation of the air handling system is then simulated using the zone load data and heat extraction procedures
to determine how the equipment and thermostats respond to loads and extract or add heat to the zones. The
zone temperature varies within the thermostat throttling range during operation, or within the deadband

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Principles of the Transfer Function Load Method Page 8 of 10

between cooling and heating setpoints. These simulation procedures are ultimately used to determine the total
system heat extraction and the resulting system coil loads.
Heat extraction procedures make use of a simple model of thermostat and equipment control, and a "Space Air
Transfer Function" to determine how the thermostat and equipment respond to room loads. This section describes
the basic procedures used in this analysis.
First of all, the heat extraction method uses the following simple linear model for the thermostat control:
ERt = Wt + S Tr,t
ERt = Heat extraction for time t, BTU/h or W.
Wt = Intercept for linear control profile BTU/h or W.
S = Slope of linear control profile, BTU/h-F or W/K.
Tt = Room temperature for time t, F or C.

Figure 4 illustrates thermostat control and heat extraction behavior for a situation in which the cooling setpoint is
72 F, the heating setpoint is 70 F and a 4 F throttling range is used. Within the cooling setpoint throttling range (72
F to 76 F), the thermostat calls for cooling and the HVAC equipment heat extraction is a linear function of zone
temperature. Above the upper end of the throttling range, the heat extraction rate is fixed at its maximum value.
Within the heating setpoint throttling range (70 F to 66 F), the thermostat calls for heating and the HVAC
equipment heat addition rate is a linear function of zone temperature. Below the lower end of the throttling range,
heat addition is fixed at its maximum value.
Between the thermostat setpoints (70 F to 72 F), the thermostat does not call for cooling or heating. However, if
air is still being introduced into a zone, some amount of uncontrolled heat extraction or heat addition will be

Using this model, the equipment heat extraction rate and the room air temperature are related by the "Space Air
Transfer Function Equation" which has the following appearance.

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po(ERo - Qo) + p1(ER1 - Q1) = go(Trc - Tro)

+ g1(Trc - Tr1) + g2(Trc - Tr2)
In this equation:
1. ER represents heat extraction values.
2. Q represents a zone sensible load.
3. Trc is the assumed constant room temperature used to calculate loads from heat gains.
4. Tr is the actual room temperature considering heat extraction behavior.
5. po, p1, go, g1, g2 are space air transfer function coefficients. Reference coefficients are published by ASHRAE.
Before using the coefficients in calculations, they are modified based on the building construction weight, the
envelope U-value and area for a zone and the zone infiltration rate.
6. The subscripts for each component of the equation refer to different hours. 0 refers to the current hour. 1 refers
to the previous hour. 2 refers to two hours previous.
In words, the Space Air Transfer Function Equation says that the heat extraction rate for the current hour depends
on the load for the current hour and previous hour, the heat extraction rate in the previous hour, and the room
temperatures during previous hours. The equation therefore accounts for the fact that as room temperature and
heat extraction rates vary, heat builds up and is discharged by the building mass and air mass for the zone.
To determine the heat extraction rate for a zone, the thermostat equation and the space air transfer function
equation must be solved simultaneously using known values of the thermostat setpoint, its throttling range, the
maximum and minimum equipment heat extraction rates (ERmax, ERmin, EAmin, EAmax), zone sensible loads and
room temperatures for preceding hours.
To illustrate the results of this procedure, Figure 5 shows load, heat extraction and room temperature profiles for a
scenario in which HVAC equipment operates for the period 8am to 10pm, and is off for the remaining hours of the
day. The figure shows the cooling load profile calculated using the room transfer function procedures and
assuming a constant room temperature. The actual room temperature profile shows that during the 8am to 10pm
operating period, the equipment maintains the zone within the thermostat throttling range of 72 F to 76 F. During
the off hours, the zone temperature floats above the throttling range. During this period, heat is accumulated in
the building mass. When the equipment operating period begins at 8am, this accumulated heat is removed in
addition to the hourly cooling loads. This results in a pulldown component of the load.

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