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1. History taking and examination in details

2. Provisional diagnosis and differential diagnosis

3. Investigation and management

4. Causes of URTI

5. Clinical features of Influenza

6. Chest X ray , sputum examination

7. Sequelae of pneumonia


1. What is the provisional diagnosis and why

2. Classification of htn

3. What is malignant htn

4. Postive findings in htn

5. Complications of htn

6. What is cerebrovascular accident

7. Pharmacological treatment of htn and types of drugs

8. Why do you choose that drugs

9. Management of pt

10. Prevention of htn

11. What is the investigation for this pt and why

12. Other name for doppler study


1. Differential diagnosis

2. Investigation of fever
3. Point favour ur diagnosis

4. Dengue fever

5. Investigation to rule out doagnosis

6. Typhoid fever classical sign

7. CComplication of typhoid fever

8. Management of typhoid

9. Finding of typhoid on p/e

10. Investigation of typoid

11. Drug for typhoid

12. Prevention of typhoid

13. Typhoid vaccination


1. History taking and Examination in details

2. Differences between stable and unstable angina

3. What are the Types of Breathlessness and Grades of Dyspnea

4. What are the DD of Chest pain

5. Signs of MI in Examination

6. Investigations and Treatment of MI

7. How do you differentiate Cardiac Angina and Non-Cardiac Angina


1. Classifications of BP

2. Malignant hypertension def and criteria

3. Ddx of this patient

4. What investigations do you want to do on this patient

5. What are positive results in hypertensive patient

6. Complications of htn

7. Presentation of hypertensive encephalopathy

8. What are the pharmacological classifications, drugs in the classifications and full name of
each classification

9. Elaborate on non-pharmacological advice for this patient

10. What is full name of DASH diet

k/c/o DM & HTN

1. Which one btwn htn and dm you most confident? ( die pilih yg kite x confident)

2. What symptoms do you ask in hx for htn pt?

3. What investigation do you want to do?

4. management in htn

5. Classification of drugs and name of drugs in each class

6. Side effect of each drugs classification

7. Advise to htn pt

8. Health promotion for htn pt (Dash diet)


1. Definition of diarrhea

2. What causes diarrhea

3. Drugs that can cause diarrhea

4. What u want to assess

5. What is the investigation

6. What is the use of hanging drop method

7. Why you cannot give antibiotic

8. How to classify dehydration

9. Explain plan ABC

10. How do you manage a food poisoning case

11. Prevention for diarrhea

12. How many times, a child can get diarrhoea in a year (minimum)


1. Tell me more about abdominal pain in typhoid fever.

2. How to rule out abdominal tuberculosis and typhoid fever.

3. On history wise, how do you diagnose typhoid fever.

4. Investigations?

5. What do you find in CBC?

6. Tell me your postive findings on examination?

7. Describe the pulse rate in typhoid fever?

8. Are there any relapse typhoid? In which organ do the typhi disseminate?

9. Management?

10. Prevention?

11. Names of typhoid vaccination?

12. Fever in tyhoid?

13. Diff diagnose for remittent fever?

14. Tell me more on palpation methods?


1.Tell me detail of chief complain(palpitation,weakness)

2.Causes of palpitation

3.Tell me iron metabolism

4.What form iron stores in bone vitamin C helps in the absorption of iron

6.Classification of anemia

7.Health promotion of anemia

8.what is the investigation of vitamin B12 deficiency

9.what drugs can cause hemolysis

10.Which anemia can help from malaria infection

11.treatment of anemia

12.If the patient has pancytopenia,what is your next investigation

13.What can cause of angular stomatitis and cheilosis.


1. Differential diagnosis of fever with chills

2. Drugs for cough & cold (not paracetamol because paracetamol is for fever)

3. Classification of pneumonia

4. Clinical features of pneumonia

5. Danger signs of pneumonia

6. Complication of pneumonia

7. Investigation to be done

8. Management of pneumonia

9. The name of IV antibiotics to be given


1. Why you diagnose as AGE not LRTI? (C/o fever,vomiting diarrhea and cough for 2 days)

2. What relevant history to ask to ptn?

3. Normal amount of passing stools in infant

4. Normal range RR for 3 months old baby

5. Signs of dehydration

6. What investigation to be done?

7. What is the management for AGE? (According to the IMCI guideline)

8. What advise to give to the mother?


1. what h/o should u ask with pt of diabetes (risk factor)

2. how many visits during pregnancy

3. in what weeks of each scanning (dating,nt/anomaly,growth,term)

4. examination that u do during 1st visit

5. routine investigation in 1st tri

6. drugs that u give in 1st tri (including dose)

7. advice to the mother during the visit


1. Different grading of dyspnoea and which one is suitable to use

2. Method of sputum collection

3. Chest x ray ordering

4. Advance investigation to be done.

5 how to categorize patient

6. New drug regimens, malaysia and india . The updated one

7. All systemic examination in tb patient


1. Character of pain for knee

2. Differences between osteoarthritis & RA

3. Ideal BP for old age group

4. Ideal HTN medication for old age group

5. Side effects of each medication

6. What do you do if there is drug compliance

7. Health promotion for HTN


1. Hx taking in neuropathy in details

2. Diff between neuropathy vs PVD

3. How to do sensory examination in PHC. Apparatus. What sensation?

4. Is it needed to test for proprioception? Demo on how do you check for that.

5. Health promotion to the pt (foot inspection etc)

6. How to treat neuropathy

7. Uncontrolled DM. Treatment. Dual therapy, which drug suit?

8. Investigation


1. Type of fever

2. Important history

3. Dengue antigen

4. Malaria symptoms canne

5. Evening rise temp in ? Tb

6. Investigation, test for dengue

7. Managemnt(pcm, drink lots of water)

8. Prevention (wear mask, dont sneeze at people)

9. Symtoms a/w fever (cough)

10. When can administer antibiotic (when sputum yellowish green, indicate bacteria infection)


1. why you diagnose it as URTI?

2. what is the important history to be ask in this patient?

3. what is the thing that bring to a diagnosis of URTI in this child?

4. How to give the antipyretic in child? Dose calculation

5. what drugs would you give for cough in this patient?

6. what prevention should be done in this patient?

7. what is the role of antibiotics in this patient?


1. Definition of anemia

2. Causes of anemia

3. Investigation of anemia

4. ifferent macrocytic,hypochromic normochromic and relate to megaloastic anemia

5. What is nutritional anemia

6. What is ddx

7. What is postural hypertension and how it is taken in detail

8. What to advice to pt

9. What to advice to community regarding anemia


1. what else relevant history should you take if patient come with vomiting

2. can alcohol and smoking cause vomiting

3. can the food poisoning related to work

4. causes of food poisoning

5 .advice that you will give to this patient

6. management

7. if this patient come with gastritis what drug will you give(name)


1. How many visits during pregnancy

2. What you want to do on every visits (complete ANC)

3. Routine investigations

4. Most important inv in urinalysis

5.What is asymptomatic bacteriuria

6. When to do usg scans

7. What test to screen for down syndrome

8. What is triple test

9. Supplements during pregnancy

10. Advice to give mothers

11. How can the mother assess fetal well being at home?

12. Methods of daily fetal kick count.

13. When is TT taken, dose

14. Management of iron def. anemia in pregnancy

15. If patient is nausea/vomiting, can you start iron supplement

16. Health programs in Malaysia for pregnant mothers

17. Health promotion and prevention in pregnancy

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