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What is Cerebral
Cerebral Palsy or PC for short is a congenital
disorder of movement, mucle tone, or postrue.
Cp is also an abnormal brain growth, it is more
common before birth. Symptops include
exaggerated reflecses, rigid limbs, and long
term treatment includes physical, drugs, and
some times sergery and is rare there is fewer
than 200,000 cases in the US per year.
what is important about
Spastic hemiplegia
Spastic Hemiplegia is a neuromucular condition of spasticity that results in the
mucles on one side of the body is always contrated.
examples of an Ankle Foot
Orthosis already made.
Drawing +
For this design I am going to use silicone rubber and  then
make the part that would rap around your lower cafe and the
bottem of your foot and then the sole, then add velcro and
then there they could wear a sock underneath.

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