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Evaluación de impacto ambiental

Fase 1 contextualización de la evaluación de impacto ambiental

Julieth Patricia Muñoz López

Cod: 1083914296

Presentado a:

Liliana Roció Beltrán

Grupo: 358032_17

Universidad abierta y a distancia Unad

Escuela de ciencias agrícolas, pecuarias y medio ambiente Ecapma

Ingeniería Ambiental
Febrero 2020

By defining what an environmental impact is, which I personally define as a change

that is caused on a condition or characteristic of the environment as a result of a
project, work or activity that can be beneficial or harmful, then in that way we can
define the environmental impact assessment as a preventive process, aimed at
identifying the environmental consequences of the execution and operation of a
human activity in order to establish preventive and control measures that make the
development of the activity possible without harming or harming the least possible to
the environment.

The evaluation of environmental projects is developed to fulfill the decision making in

a continuous process from the projection stage to the final stage, seeing the pros and
cons that have emerged where their main reason is sustainability maximizing wealth,
utility, resources and minimize the impact, but the big flaw that presents this type of
system is the exclusion of the costs of the environmental scheme where it affects the
life cycle of the building taking into account that they do not have a balance between
development and environment.

To improve the situation must take action measures such as how to recycle in a
building as the use of environmentally friendly materials in construction thinking of a
dynamic design for those who are going to acquire is also giving the possibility that
this has the certification with the environment and if possible, with renewable energy
helping the environment with solar panels.

Thanks to the systems created for the environmental evaluation in a project this one
called BREEAM a system used by many countries and modified throughout the years
to give a better care to the environment we realize that by means of this one we accede
to two very important tools that are the evaluation and qualification where the
performance of the alternatives presented in the ecodesign is evaluated while
simultaneously they qualify the performance of the construction with stars.
By means of the article sustainable construction they raise us the importance that have
the tools of environmental evaluation in any type of project, since we are managing
with a great environmental impact not only to short but to long term where they do not
have a viable solution to the destruction of the environment where it was constructed,
leaving of side the sustainable and friendly constructions with the environment,
considering that these new modifications in the construction should have included but
cover in the market many more years behind.

On the other hand, the studies of environmental impact make a fundamental part of
the Evaluation of the Environmental Impact, since in this study the environmental
impacts that can be caused in the execution of a project are established, that is to say
that of them information is obtained that allows to evaluate the possible effects derived
from the project on the environment. (Sevier, 2016)


Sevier, E. (8 de Diciembre de 2016). Sustainable construction—The role of

environmental assessment tools. Obtenido de

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