Delivering Safe Water by Tanker: Technical Notes On Drinking-Water, Sanitation and Hygiene in Emergencies

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Delivering safe water by tanker
Water tankering (also known as water trucking) can be a rapid
means of transporting water to areas in need during the initial
phase of an emergency. Tankering operations, however, are
expensive and relatively time-consuming to administer. This
technical note considers key issues relating to the effective
and efficient use of tankers during an emergency.

Types of tanker example calculation for the number Tanker management

of tankers required is presented.
Water can be carried in a variety Tankering operations can be
of different containers, some Other logistical factors to consider managed in-house or contracted out.
specifically designed for the task include: In either case, good planning and
and others fabricated to meet an supervision will help operations run
• Fuel. Regular supplies are
urgent need (see Figures 12.1 and smoothly.
essential. Consider setting up
a storage tank if supplies are When contracting out, consider the
unreliable. following:
• Drivers. Vehicles are likely to be • Base contract fees on the
more reliable if operated by an quantity and quality of water
experienced driver. Always test delivered not on operating
driving skills before employing time.
drivers and consider providing
• Agree on a method for
advanced driving training if
appraising contractor
Figure 12.1. A purpose-built tanker • Spare parts. All vehicles need
• Clarify responsibility for
maintenance and in emergencies
consumables such as the
this is even more important.
If possible, try to use specially provision of fuel, insurance,
Consider purchasing spares in
designed water tankers. They will be maintenance, the wages of
safer and more reliable. Temporary drivers, etc.
tankers made from flat bed trucks • Maintenance staff. In remote
Where tankering operations are
with portable storage tanks attached areas, it may be difficult to find
run in-house, attention should be
can be dangerous if the tank is not skilled vehicle maintenance staff.
given to basic fleet management
securely fastened. The delivery of You may have to bring them in
including vehicle maintenance, fuel
bottled water may be a short term from elsewhere.
supply and the availability of standby
option, but it is expensive and
vehicles. Driver management can be
inefficient. It also produces a major
a particularly difficult task. Drivers
solid waste problem resulting from
may be unreliable and untrustworthy.
empty, discarded water bottles.
Always monitor their driving skills
and regularly check their record
Logistics book and compare it with records
The number of tankers needed to from fuel suppliers and delivery
supply the required quantity of water records. Frequent spot checks are
during an emergency will depend on Figure 12.2. An improvised tanker useful, particularly at the start of a
a variety of factors. In Box 12.1 an tankering programme.

Delivering safe water by tanker

Operation unloading. They should be regularly

checked as part of the general Box 12.2. Tanker record book
Equipment vehicle maintenance programme to The book should record:
Water tanks should be made of see if they are operating efficiently.
stainless steel or other material The vehicle may need a safe storage • Date
suitable for the storage of drinking container for fuel for the water • Driver’s name
water. The tank should have an pump. • Start and finish time
access port preferably large enough • Start mileage
Hoses and related couplings should • Location, time and mileage at
for a person to enter for cleaning
be stored in a sealed container to point of filling
purposes. The access must be
protect them from contamination. • Location, time and mileage at
covered with a dust-proof lockable
Vehicles should be equipped with point of emptying
cover. There should also be an air-
a chlorine testing kit and the driver • Quantity of water delivered
vent with an outlet that is screened
trained in how to use it. • Rest periods
to prevent dust, insects, birds and
other vermin entering the tank. • Fuel quantity, date added and
Cleaning mileage
Most tankers are fitted with water Water tanks, and when applicable, • Maintenance dates
pumps to speed up loading and pumps must be cleaned before they • Signature of customer
receiving the water
• Signature of person supplying
the water
Box 12.1. Calculating tankering requirements
A community affected by an earthquake requires 200,000 litres of water
a day to be tankered. The water is to be collected from a borehole 10km are used, after major maintenance
from the community. Estimate the number of tankers that will be required and at least every three months.
to deliver the quantity of water required. Details of cleaning methods are
given in Technical Note 3.
• The capacity of each tanker is 5,000 litres.
• Poor road conditions and old equipment means most vehicles will Chlorination
need to be checked every week and require maintenance about every Water in a tanker should be
three weeks. chlorinated to prevent the build-up
• A weekly vehicle service takes about 120 minutes. of organic matter in the tank and to
• A three-weekly vehicle service takes a day. ensure the water delivered is safe
• Each tanker can work 14 hours per day using two drivers. to drink. Chlorination usually takes
place as the tank is filled with water.
Activity times
Filling the tanker: 20 minutes The amount of chlorine to be added
Travel time from borehole to community: 30 minutes will depend on the quality of the
Offloading time for tanker: 20 minutes water, but sufficient should be
Return travel time: 30 minutes added to leave a residual amount of
Net turnaround time: 100 minutes 0.5 mg/l. See Technical Note 11 for
Add 30% for unforeseen activities: 30 minutes more details.
Gross turnaround time: 130 minutes
Chlorine levels should also be
Calculations checked before the water is
The number of trips each tanker can make a day is: discharged. If chlorine levels have
14 x 60/130 = 6.5 (say 6) dropped below 0.2 mg/l, extra
chlorine should be added.
The total volume of water carried by each tanker a day is:
5,000 x 6 = 30,000 litres
Therefore the number of tankers required to deliver sufficient water is: Record-keeping
200,000/30,000 = 6.7 (say 7 tankers) Each tanker should be provided with
a book to record its operation. This
Assume the weekly service can be fitted in with normal working and has
will help with the future planning
no large-scale effect on water delivery.
of tankering operations and for
The three-weekly service requires the truck to be off the road for at least
checking the efficiency of the
a day. Allow an extra truck to replace the one being serviced.
vehicle and its drivers. Box 12.2 lists
So the total number of trucks required is 8. the types of information that should
be recorded.


Delivering safe water by tanker

Figure 12.3. Water tanker filling station

Figure 12.4. Road damage caused by water tankers


Delivering safe water by tanker

Other considerations
Filling points Access roads Delivery points
Try to use filling points close to Water tankers are heavy vehicles Tankering is much more efficient if
the delivery point. Check that the and can quickly damage poorly water can be off-loaded to storage
source has sufficient quantity for constructed roads (see Figure 12.4 tanks rather than allowing people to
your needs and the water quality is on the previous page). Make an collect their water directly from the
acceptable. If the tankering process assessment of the roads before tanker (Figure 12.5). A storage tank
is expected to last some time, set starting to use them and reinforce connected to communal tap stands
up a dedicated water filling point them if necessary. is a common method to use.
(Figure 12.3). Lots of water will be
spilt during the filling process so
provide good drainage.

Figure 12.5. Simple storage and distribution point supplied by water tanker.

Further information
Davis, J. and Lambert, R. (2002) Engineering in Potable Water Hauler Guidelines, http://www.
Emergencies A practical guide for relief workers, 2nd
edition, ITDG Publishing, UK. 80FA-4708-8486-5F6935246FD1/0/

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1211 Geneva 27 URL:

Prepared for WHO by WEDC. Author and Series Editor: Bob Reed.
Editorial contributions, design and illustrations by Rod Shaw
Line illustrations courtesy of WEDC / IFRC. Additional graphics by Ken Chatterton.
Water, Engineering and Development Centre Loughborough University Leicestershire LE11 3TU UK
T: +44 1509 222885 F: +44 1509 211079 E: W:

© World Health Organization 2013. All rights reserved. All reasonable precautions have been taken by the World Health Organization to verify the information contained in
12.4 this publication. However, the published material is being distributed without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. The responsibility for the interpretation and
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