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Projectile Motion

and Quadratic
For this project you will be creating your very own catapult, launching three
different items from the catapult, and determining the quadratic function that models the
path of each projectile.
You will need to turn in:
 Complete lab (this packet) with all questions and self-reflection completed.
 Self-evaluation rubric

Part 1: Thinking about quadratic

What are two forms for writing quadratic equations?

Standard Form Vertex Form

When might it be useful to have the equation in standard form?

When might it be useful to have the equation in vertex form?

1) For the quadratic function shown in this graph, write the equation in both standard form and
vertex form.
2) The height of a punted football can be modeled with the quadratic function
y=−0.01 x 2 +1.18 x+2. The horizontal distance in feet from the point of impact with the
kicker’s foot is x, and h is the height of the ball in feet.

a) Find the vertex of the graph of the function.

b) What is the maximum height of the punt? What is the horizontal distance from the
kicker when the maximum height is reached?

c) The nearest defensive player is 5 ft horizontally from the point of impact. How high
must the player reach to block the punt?

d) Suppose the ball was not blocked and continued on its path. How far down the field
would it continue before it hit the ground?

e) The linear equation y=1.13 x +2 could model the path of the football shown in the graph
above. Why is this not a good model for this situation?

Part 2: Building the Catapult

Materials needed:
• 7 craft sticks
• 4 rubberbands
• Bottle cap or washer
• Hot glue

1. Stack five sticks together and wrap a rubber band around each end.
2. Take the remaining two sticks and wrap a rubber band around only one end.
3. Slide the first bundle of five sticks in between the two sticks in the second bundle, as pictured.
4. Criss cross a rubber band where the two bundles meet to hold your catapult together.
5. Glue the bottle cap or washer to the top stick.
6. Test your catapult and adjust as necessary.
7. Insert a picture of your catapult in this space.

Our Catapult
Part 3: Experiment and Mathematics
Choose 3 things to launch from your catapult. You will need to bring these items. They will not
be provided for you. All three items will need to fit on a bottle cap. List the three items here:

Getting Ready
Place the catapult on the ground and lay out a tape measure or meter sticks so that the catapult is
at distance 0. Have another meter stick ready to measure the height of the launch. One team
member should be ready to mark the point of the vertex of the parabola. One team member
should be ready to mark the landing point of the projectile.

Predict which projectile will go the farthest and explain why you think so.

Predict which projectile will have the greatest height and explain why you think so.

The Experiment and the Results

Projectile 1: __________________ (ex: marshmallow)

1. Measure the horizontal and vertical distance of the vertex of the parabola, and the distance of
the landing point of the projectile during the launch. Make sure you record the point where the
projectile first hits the ground rather than where it lands. Projectiles bounce after they hit the
ground which can skew your results.

2. Repeat this procedure for three launches with this projectile, recording your measurements

3. Once you have completed 3 trials, average each value. The average measurements of the three
trials will be the values you use for your calculations.

Trial 1 x y Trial 2 x y
Starting Point 0 Starting Point 0
Vertex Vertex
Landing Point Landing Point

Trial 3 x y Average (mean) x y

Starting Point 0 Starting Point 0
Vertex Vertex
Landing Point Landing Point

x is the horizontal distance, y is the vertical distance.

Use the values from the table of average values above for your calculations on the next page.

1. Use vertex form to find the quadratic equation that models the path of projectile 1.
2. Re-write the equation in standard form.

Projectile 2: __________________ (ex: marshmallow)

1. Measure the horizontal and vertical distance of the vertex of the parabola, and the horizontal
distance of the landing point of the projectile during the launch. Make sure you record the point
where the projectile first hits the ground rather than where it lands. Projectiles bounce after they
hit the ground which can skew your results.

2. Repeat this procedure for three launches with this projectile, recording your measurements

3. Once you have completed 3 trials, average each value. The average measurements of the three
trials will be the values you use for your calculations.

Trial 1 x y Trial 2 x y
Starting Point 0 Starting Point 0
Vertex Vertex
Landing Point Landing Point
Trial 3 x y Average (mean) x y
Starting Point 0 Starting Point 0
Vertex Vertex
Landing Point Landing Point

x is the horizontal distance, y is the vertical distance.

Use the values from the table of average values above for your calculations on the next page.

1. Use vertex form to find the quadratic equation that models the path of projectile 2.

2. Re-write the equation in standard form.

Projectile 3: __________________ (ex: marshmallow)

1. Measure the horizontal and vertical distance of the vertex of the parabola, and the distance of
the landing point of the projectile during the launch. Make sure you record the point where the
projectile first hits the ground rather than where it lands. Projectiles bounce after they hit the
ground which can skew your results.

2. Repeat this procedure for three launches with this projectile, recording your measurements

3. Once you have completed 3 trials, average each value. The average measurements of the three
trials will be the values you use for your calculations.

Trial 1 x y Trial 2 x y
Starting Point 0 Starting Point 0
Vertex Vertex
Landing Point Landing Point

Trial 3 x y Average (mean) x y

Starting Point 0 Starting Point 0
Vertex Vertex
Landing Point Landing Point

x is the horizontal distance, y is the vertical distance.

Use the values from the table of average values above for your calculations on the next page.
1. Use vertex form to find the quadratic equation that models the path of projectile 3.

2. Re-write the equation in standard form.

Graphing the Launch

Use to graph the equations that you wrote for all three projectiles. Put the graph in
the space below. Be sure to create a key to identify each parabola with the proper projectile.
Equation for Projectile 1:
Equation for Projectile 2:
Equation for Projectile 3:
Part 4: The Justification
Were your equations correct? In this space, justify how you know whether they were correct.
Include a discussion of factors that could have introduced error into your results.
Part 5: Reflection
1.) What was the most challenging part of this project? Why?

2.) What improvements could be made to this project?

3.) How would you rate your effort on this project? Explain why you rated yourself this way.
(Scale of 1-5, 5 being the most effort).
1 2 3 4 5

4.) How would you rate the effort of your teammates? Use the same scale.

Partner #1: ________________ 1 2 3 4 5

Partner #2: ________________1 2 3 4 5

5.) What part of the project did you learn the most from?

6.) What was your favorite part of this project?

Criterion D: Applying Mathematics in Real-Life
Task Specific Descriptors
0 You did not reach any standard described above.
You are able to: I am able to:
 Identify some relevant real-life elements.  Identify some important information (Starting point of each projectile, the vertex and landing point
of each projectile.)
1-2  Apply math strategies to find solution but with
limited success.  Apply math strategies to find solution but with limited success.

You are able to: I am able to:

 Identify all relevant real-life elements.  Identify all important information to solve each problem (Starting point of each projectile, the
vertex and landing point of each projectile.)
 Apply math strategies to reach solution.
 Apply math strategies to reach a solution. (Quadratic equation to model each projectile)
3-4  Describe, maybe incorrectly, that your solution
makes sense.  Describe, maybe incorrectly, that my quadratic equation makes sense.

 Select adequate math strategies to model real life  Select adequate math strategies to model projectile motion with a quadratic equation for each
situations with some success. projectile.

You are able to: I am able to:

 Identify all relevant real-life elements.  Identify all important information to solve each problem (Starting point of each projectile, the
vertex and landing point of each projectile.)
 Apply math strategies to reach a valid solution.
 Apply math strategies to reach a valid solution. (Quadratic equation to model each projectile)
 Discuss correctly that your solution makes sense.
5-6  Discuss correctly that my solution makes sense by including a balance of factors and support
 Select adequate math strategies to model real life (evidence) of my solution.
 Select adequate math strategies to model projectile motion with a quadratic equation for each

You are able to: I am able to:

 Identify all relevant real-life elements.  Identify all important information to solve each problem. (Starting point of each projectile, the
vertex and landing point of each projectile.)
 Apply math strategies to reach a correct solution.
 Apply math strategies to reach a correct solution. (Quadratic equation to model each projectile.)
7-8  Explain correctly why your solution makes sense.
 Explain correctly why my solution makes sense by including a detailed account of my process and
 Select adequate math strategies to model real life the reasons or causes behind doing it that way.
 Select adequate math strategies to model real life situations.

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