Logan Welle - Visual Research Chart

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Interesting Visual Places Big Ideas Curiosities/Questions Curricular connections

Noticings (What’s going (Where is this video (How might I connect (These are analytical (How do I translate the
on in this video?) taking place?) what I am seeing to questions that you are curiosities into curricular
something larger?) wondering about) themes and ideas?)

People are talking in a Three Story Coffee on Homework, work, Why do we share spaces Themes of social
coffee shop as the camera January 22nd at 4:15 PM. adulthood, Summer, with strangers without interaction, patterns of
shows the sun hitting the Identity, humanity, getting to know them? humans, human behavior,
coffee sitting on a table. Socializing What do the strangers we sense of environment
Cars are seen driving by encounter do on a regular
slowly in the background. basis? Why are we more
productive when we are
surrounded by people?

My roommate is My house on January Sports, Team pride, How do people choose Human behavior, sense of
celebrating the Chiefs 24th at 5:40PM celebration, Isolation, teams to support? Why identity, environment,
win in the conference Entertainment, media do some sports or social sciences,
championship by himself entertainment rise to psychology, advertising,
on a couch. An open sign popularity, but others marketing
is illuminated above the don’t? How has leisure
TV, and red LED lights entertainment evolved
can be seen from the overtime?

I am studying on my Mizzou’s memorial on Work, School, Virtual How do we express our Science, sociology,
laptop and typing a paper. January 31st at 3:55PM instruction, COVID, identities (stickers, identity,
I am wearing my mask Technology, socializing, clothes, etc.)? What have mental/emotional
and air pods, and people Identity been the effects of wellness, technology,
are talking but you can’t COVID on learning scientific method
make out much of what experiences? How has
anyone is saying. technology impacted the
ways in which students

I am riding my penny Mizzou’s memorial on Work, School, What are ways that Science, Identity,
board on campus in the January 31st at 4:05PM transportation, college, people find joy in small Physical and mental
cold, going from the Hobbies, physical moments? How can you wellness, productivity,
memorial back to my car wellness, identity find the fun in things that happiness, routine,
as quick as I can. feel routine? What measure and track
motivates us to learn new progress over time
skills? Are our passions
and hobbies influenced
more by nature or

I am still riding my penny Mizzou’s memorial on Work, School, What are ways that Science, Identity,
board, but this time the January 31st at 4:06PM transportation, college, people find joy in small Physical and mental
camera is facing me. The Hobbies, physical moments? How can you wellness, productivity,
wind is blowing my hair wellness, identity find the fun in things that happiness, routine,
back, and I am still feel routine? What measure and track
wearing my mask and air motivates us to learn new progress over time
pods. skills? Are our passions
and hobbies influenced
more by nature or

My roommates and I are My bedroom on February Laughing, joy, How do we make Collaboration, classroom
sitting on my bed, 4th at 9:53 PM. socialization, friends/strong environment, fostering
showing each other funny adolescence, technology, connections to others? friendships, mental
videos and pictures that reflecting, isolation due What is a healthy amount wellness, social
we have saved of each to covid of time to reflect on the development, group
other. past? How much of our dynamics, identities
time should be dedicated
to making new
memories? How
important is having a
network of friends for
someone’s mental health?
How has technology
changed the way in which
we store our memories?

My roommate (Nathan) Brandon’s Bedroom on Socialization, video How do people use Mental wellness, identity,
and I are watching our February 15th at 11:21 games, technology, outlets such as video passions, goal setting,
other roommate PM competition, addiction, games to help them Identifying and
(Brandon) play Rocket risk vs reward, unwind? What happens in vocalizing our feelings
league in his room. He procrastination, progress, our brain when we feel and emotions, geometry,
gets scored on and loses, goal setting yourself developing and overcoming adversity
dropping his head in progressing? What steps
disappointment and does someone need to
shame. take to reach their goals?
How can we teach
students how to accept
and grow from failure?

I watch the snow fall My house/neighborhood Weather, seasons, How has global warming Weather patterns, global
from my backdoor. The on February 16th at 2:41 snowfall, housing, impacted the patterns in warming, mental
ground is covered in PM family, shelter weather? How does the wellness, seasons,
snow, as are the cars weather impact mood? environment, qualities of
shown around my How does the weather snow, chemistry, biology
neighborhood. impact human behavior?
What is the reason for
different sizes of
snowflakes or if the snow

I eat my protein bar in my Outside the Three-Story Diet, food, physical How do I determine what Physical/mental wellness,
car before I go do Coffee parking lot on wellness, identity, health, food/diet is best for my diet, food, digestion,
homework in my favorite February 19th at transportation body? How does our energy, how we get
coffee shop. 12:27PM view of ourselves impact energy from food, body
our diets? How has systems, anatomy, gender
society influenced food norms, societal impacts
habits of men vs women?
How has someone’s prior
experiences with food
impacted their
relationship with food

Olivia and I are sitting on Rooftop of Three-Story Diet, food, physical How does caffeine affect Science: Nutrition,
the rooftop drinking Coffee on February 22nd wellness, work, my energy level? To what Digestion, Energy, body
coffee, eating breakfast, at 11:08am homework extent does my diet systems, effects of
and doing homework. impact my health? To caffeine, chemical
what extent does my diet reactions, brain activity
impact my mental health?
How do our identities
intersect with the foods
and beverages we choose
to consume?

I am penny boarding on a Remembrance Lake Park Physics, forces, nature What improvements Science: Physics of a
trail close to my home in in Blue Springs, MO on preservation, parks, could be made to my skateboard, simple
Blue Springs. It is a February 27th at 5:27pm exercise, life cycles, penny board to change machines, forces, nature,
cloudy evening. Most of biology my riding experience? seasons, living vs non-
the trees are dead and the Why does my penny living, plant life
grass has a layer of sticks board bend in the middle
and a couple leaves on instead of staying rigid? Math: Force equations,
them. What is the history of speed calculations,
parks and land calculate calories burned,
preservation in the US? measure qualities of the
What did this area look penny board
like 1000 years ago?
I stopped my evening run Niflong Park on March Convection, Volume, If hot air rises in cooler Science: Convection,
to take a video of a hot 3rd at 5:04 PM Density, chemistry, air, is there a correlation Volume, Density,
air balloon that was pressure, particles, state between a warmer chemistry, pressure,
taking off at a nearby of matter temperature and the particles, solid vs liquid
park. The balloon is speed of the rising air? vs gas,
slowly rising, hovering What is the history of hot
over a small pond. air balloons? When were
hot air balloons invented?
Are hot air balloons
practical means of

I am recording a couple West Lafayette on March Skateboarding, tricks, What interests do Skateboard vocabulary,
of new friends 14th at 6:07 PM. hobbies, student interests, students have that they terms and tricks, Students
skateboarding on the schema, identity can bring to the could write about topics
classroom? of their choosing
Purdue campus. We pass
by some trees on our
right, and cars in the
street on our left.

I record a video of the University of Missouri at Higher education, Why are the columns so Write fictional stories
columns at Mizzou. I was the columns on March writing, reading, important to Mizzou when given a partial/
sitting down doing some 22nd at 4:40 PM. journalism students? Can we incomplete setting, do a
consider the columns as VTS on sculptures or
homework on the first
art, and what do they statues
sunny day in a while. represent?

I was walking downtown Columbia Original News, writing, reporting, How do media sources Have students analyze
when a newspaper story Downtown on March 24th journalism draw our attention? What marketing of different
caught my eye. The at 11:18 am. are some marketing companies, have students
strategies that we can create their own
headline read: “Social
learn about? advertisements or
Life Returns”. headlines

Over spring break, I took Panama City Beach, 5 senses/noticing’s How do we choose to Use descriptive writing to
a video of our daily Florida on March 28th at describe the things that paint a picture- partner
hangout spot on the 2:35 PM. we see? activity where one
student reads what they
beach. You can see the
wrote, and the other
waves crashing down on student has to draw a
two boys playing football picture based on the
in the water. As I pan to descriptions
the right, Brandon is still
setting up his towel on
the sand for a day of

I record a video of the Panama City Beach, 5 senses/noticing’s I think most people love Have students write a
sunset on the beach. Florida on March 29th at sunsets, but why? What poem about what beauty
7:09 PM. qualifies something as means to them, and if we
beautiful? can find beauty in all

Brandon is playing A minigolf place in Setting and creating rules, Why do we celebrate Students can write rules
minigolf at pirate’s cove Panama City Beach on sports/activities, birthdays? Do all cultures and procedures for a task
on his 21st birthday. We April 1st at 3:47 PM. celebration of a birthday, celebrate birthdays, or are or game of their choice. It
etc. there some that don’t? can be a real game or a
have a rule that you must
Why do we create rules make-believe game.
play the ball where it lies, and procedures?
even if that means the
ball goes out of bounds.
Brandon is struggling to
hit the ball out of the
grass and back on to the

Our car broke down on Side of the interstate, Storytelling, memories, How do our memories Word/vocabulary lists for
the way back home from somewhere between emotional responses work in retaining some cars/ create a series of
Panama City Beach. We Tennessee and Kentucky stories, but not others? steps to complete a task,
on April 3rd at 6:28 PM. How can we retell stories have students work on
were about 10 hours into
in engaging ways? public speaking by
a 16-hour drive when our sharing a crazy,
alternator died. This unbelievable story that
video was taken moments happened to them (real or
after it happened. fictional).

Hours after our car broke A gas station in Learning opportunities, What do we rely on Read/learn about cars,
down, we were able to Clarksville at 11:11 PM helpfulness of others, working every day that reflect on things that we
get it towed to a on April 3rd. businesses, cars, how we may take for granted? may take for granted, and
engine parts work What skills do we need to write thank you letters to
mechanic who replaced
together learn in order to be self- people that are helpful to
the alternator in only 2 sufficient? us.
hours. This video was
taken at the gas station,
where we topped off the
oil and the engine coolant
before we carefully drove
our way back home
through the night and into
the early morning.

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