Lesson Two/ Past Simple Tense

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Lesson Two/ Past Simple Tense

01 Use the words to write information questions with the correct form of DID:

1- When/ you/ wake up A-When did you wake up?

2-What time/ Earl/eat breakfast

A- What time did Earl eat breakfast?

3-How/ Josh and Lisa/ get to school everyday

A- How did Josh and Lisa get to school yesterday?

4-Where/ Anna/ work

A- Where did Anna work?

02 Underline the correct verb to complete the sentence:

1-Julie ate/ eats lunch late yesterday.

2-I go/ went to work late this morning.

3-They take/took A Spanish class three months ago.

4-We built/ build our house in 2008.

5-You could/ can cook when you lived alone.

03 Write the past form of the followings:

1- go went

2-understand understood

3-Be was/ were

4-Put put

5-Discover discovered

6-Hang Hung

04 Negate the following statement:

1-James Cook reached the South Pole. James Cook did not reach the South Pole.

2-Marco Polo explored Austria. He did not explore Austria.

3- John Donne was an American poet. He was not an American poet.

4-Charles Dickens wrote Jane Eyre. He did not write Jane Eyre.

06 Read the paragraph carefully and then try to find the positive sentences in past simple tense.

William Shakespeare was an English poet, playwright and actor of the Renaissance era. He was an important
member of the King’s Men company of theatrical players from roughly 1594 onward. Shakespeare married
Anne Hathaway on November 28, 1582, in Worcester, in Canterbury Province. Hathaway was from Shottery, a
small village a mile west of Stratford. Shakespeare was 18 and Anne was 26, and, as it turns out, pregnant.
Their first child, a daughter they named Susanna, was born on May 26, 1583. Two years later, on February 2,
1585, twins Hamnet and Judith were born. Hamnet later died of unknown causes at age 11. Shakespeare
earned a living as an actor and a playwright in London and possibly had several plays produced. By 1599,
Shakespeare and his business partners built their own theater on the south bank of the Thames River, which
they called the Globe Theater.

1-William Shakespeare was an English poet, playwright and actor of the Renaissance era.

2-He was an important member of the King’s Men company of theatrical players from roughly 1594 onward.

3-Shakespeare married Anne Hathaway on November 28, 1582, in Worcester, in Canterbury Province.

4-Hathaway was from Shottery, a small village a mile west of Stratford.

5-Shakespeare was 18 and Anne was 26,

6-they named Susanna,

7- Two years later, on February 2, 1585, twins Hamnet and Judith were born.

8-Hamnet later died of unknown causes at age 11.

9-Shakespeare earned a living as an actor and a playwright in London and possibly had several plays produced.
By 1599, Shakespeare and his business partners built their own theater on the south bank of the Thames River

10 they called the Globe Theater.

07 What did you do during Newroz break holidays?

During the so called Kurds’ celebration, I went out for a picnic with my family members for three days. For the
first day, we decided to go to Sarsang in Dohuk. There we stayed for one day. The following day, we all
decided to go to Akre to stay in my grandparents’ house. There, we learned that it was one of my cousins’
engagement party. Thus, my father decided to stay there for two days. After being engaged, we were all
invited by my cousin’s financé’s family. Then, we came back home and all were really excited and at the same
time exhausted. This was the story of my Newroz break Holidays.

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