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All of us have contact with some form of artificial intelligence, it is a useful tool that make

our life better, although can it impact our future? or give it a shape? Many people say yes,
in fact it is being very relevant in our days currently, moreover, it is becoming in the base
of our lifestyle inside industries, everyday life indeed especially in how we work and how
we socialize with each other so in my opinion our future will be strongly related with
artificial intelligence, but will it be positive or negative?.
Artificial intelligence will cause our workforce to involve. An important part of the worries
about this topic is the loss of jobs to machines, but the challenge gets in humans because
our responsibility is creating a world in harmony where everyone can adapt to new
technologies and find new ways to work without stop the advanced of science. According
to PWC, 7 million of jobs will be replaced by AI in the UK from 2017-2037, but 7.2
million of jobs could be created. This means that people should be prepared to take these
jobs and instead of stopping the advanced of these new tools.
Will machines become super-intelligent and will humans eventually lose control? This can
be debated but it goes beyond, we must make new political and regulatory laws, with a
correctly government that regulates the use and the ethic limits we are going to good road.
We watch consequence of bad use of AI in the case of Cambridge anality and its impact
over the elections of the united states in 2016 where the president trump contracted this
agency for to carry out his political campaign on social networks tipping the balance in his
Whereas all this happens, we have to see the positive side with introducing of this
technology which that scares people so much, our society will gain hours of productivity
with autonomous transportation and AI with its influence could help our traffic
congestions, by another hand with these issues humans will be able to spend their time in
another ways like family time or work in their selves.
Another important thing is the fact of we can use a tool of AI such as the facial recognition
technology for uncover criminal activity and solve crimes otherwise we would not have
been able to find those responsible for many crimes. In another hand we can put in use this
technology in the justice system where presents many other opportunities, all this without
crossing the individual’s privacy.
At the present time it is difficult say if the Artificial Intelligence could be dangerous or
beneficial because we are in early stage of the process but we can evaluate and compare
positives and negatives aspects of this, for some people the economics benefits are
irrelevant because AI allows that people use it for violate the privacy of others,
independently if it is regulated or not, and by another people AI is the key piece for carry
out society to a next level and reach a lifestyle where everybody have access to a level of
life better without social different, however we have a lot of progress to make and
searching waiting till achieve a real knowledge about all we can do with AI.

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