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Lesson Plan Template

Teach#: 1
Teacher A: Joselyn Aller Materials: Listed Below
Teacher B: N/A Teach Date: 03/11/2021
Teacher C: N/A Length of Lesson: 1 HOUR
Mentor Teacher: Mara Zapata Grade Level: 4th – 5th
School: FIU Subject: Science
Title of Lesson: Density
Lesson Source: CPALMS
Main Idea: Describe the main activity in the lesson. Understanding density
Concept Statement: Describe the math/science concepts that are the focus of the lesson. What is
density? How do you measure density based on size and mass (volume of
liquid, will it sink, will it float)?
Vocabulary: List key vocabulary and provide pertinent definitions/concepts
Term Definition
Volume The amount of space that a substance or object occupies, or that is enclosed
within a container, especially when great.
Mass The measure of the quantity of matter that a body or an object contains.
Weight The amount or quantity of heaviness or mass.
Density The density, of a substance is its mass per unit volume.
Content Standards
NGSSS/MAFS code Text description of standard
SC.5.P.8.1 Compare and contrast the basic properties of solids, liquids, and gases, such as
mass, volume, color, texture, and temperature.
SC.4.P.8.1 Measure and compare objects and materials based on their physical
properties including: mass, shape, volume, color, hardness, texture, odor,
taste, attraction to magnets.
Performance Objective Objective Evaluation
Develop knowledge on what density is Using the materials given, they demonstrate density
Understand the relationship between mass and Provide an explanation on the relationship between
density mass and density (why one object sank and why
one floated)
Grouping Design
Group Number of Remainder
Class Size: 20 Size: 4 Groups: 5 Students: 0
Grouping Method
Describe how students will be divided into groups of four or less.
Students will be placed in their groups based on what table they decide to sit in when they enter class. Each
table is a different group.

Department of Teaching and Learning  Modesto Maidique Campus  11200 SW 8th St, Miami, FL 33199
SCE 4310: Inquiry-Based Lesson Design Lesson Plan Template

Make a complete list of materials needed for the lesson and include TOTAL quantities necessary.
Include ALL handouts as part of your materials and specific quantities needed.
Materials for small group/
Total Materials for whole class Total individual students
Quantity Item Name Quantity Item Name
5 Tall Drinking Glass N/A N/A
Water (2 cups; 1 for exploration and
10 N/A N/A
one for elaboration)
5 Corn Syrup (1 tbsp) N/A N/A
5 Honey (1 tbsp) N/A N/A
5 Vegetable Oil (1 tbsp) N/A N/A
5 Dishwashing liquid Soap (1 tbsp) N/A N/A
5 Metal Nut/Bolt N/A N/A
5 Small piece of Sponge N/A N/A
5 Plastic Cap N/A N/A
10 Grapes N/A N/A
5 Small Rock N/A N/A
Advanced Preparation
Describe any procedures and/or items that need to be prepared in advance of the lesson.
 Make sure all groups have the proper amount of each liquid (1 cup of water and 1 tbsp for each of
the other liquids).
Read your lesson and determine what handouts, if any, are needed.
Provide all necessary handouts at the end of this lesson plan document, or link to them via a Google Doc.
Title/Name of File Link to File—paste URL below
Density PowerPoint No actual link, but for actual lesson plan there will be.
Density Handout No actual link, but for actual lesson plan there will be.
Refer to the list of safety procedures provided in class. Copy and paste the relevant safety procedures.
If there are no specific safety concerns, write “not applicable”.
 Don’t drink any of the liquids.
Lesson Opening
Write a script for what you will say. You must clearly describe how you will introduce yourself and the
strategy you will use to grab students’ attention throughout the lesson.
 Introduce myself as I do everyday in class.
 Ask the students to look but not touch the materials.
 Start the engagement.

Department of Teaching and Learning  Modesto Maidique Campus  11200 SW 8th St, Miami, FL 33199
SCE 4310: Inquiry-Based Lesson Design Lesson Plan Template

Estimated Time: 5 minutes
Teacher Actions Probing Questions
Describe the teacher’s actions at this point in the List critical questions that will connect prior
lesson. knowledge and get students interested in the topic.
 Teacher will ask questions to find out their  Who likes the pool?
prior knowledge.  When you go into a pool, do you sink or float?
 Teacher will ask questions to engage the o If you use a floaty or a life preserve,
students into the activity. why can’t you go under water?
Student Actions  Based on the materials, what do you think we
Describe the expected student actions/behavior in are going to be working on?
response to what the teacher does.
 Students will be answering the questions
and making connections with their prior
Write a script for what you will say. You must address classroom management (directions for student
 Who likes the pool?
 When you go into a pool, do you sink or float?
o If you use a floaty or a life preserve, why can’t you go under water?
 Based on the materials, what do you think we are going to be working on?
 Dont allow students to touch the materials yet. If they do, tell them that it is not time to explore the

Department of Teaching and Learning  Modesto Maidique Campus  11200 SW 8th St, Miami, FL 33199
SCE 4310: Inquiry-Based Lesson Design Lesson Plan Template

Estimated Time: 15 minutes
Teacher Actions Probing Questions
Describe the teacher’s actions at this point in the List critical questions that will guide students to pay
lesson. close attention to the key components of their
experiences and reflect on them.
 Teacher is going to be walking around the  What do you think are you going to do with
classroom monitoring the groups and asking with the 5 different liquids?
guiding questions.  Why do you think some liquids float above
Student Actions water?
Describe the expected student actions/behavior in  Why do you think some liquid sink below
response to what the teacher does. water?

Clearly describe the following:

 Materials management and distribution
(what materials students will have and how
they will be passed out within student
 Student grouping (number of groups, size of
groups, roles within groups)
 Activity Description (provide step-by-step
description of the activity that addresses
what the teacher and student will do)
 Allow the students to explore the 5
different liquids.
 Students must pour the water into the
 Students must begin to pour the other
four liquids in the glass one by one
o Students should be recording
their observations on a piece of
Write a script for what you will say. You must address classroom management (describe your strategy to
grab students’ attention). Include specific directions for how materials will be handled at this point (e.g.,
directions to collect materials or put them aside for future use).
 Make sure to ask the questions listed above.
 Make sure students are not messing around with the materials.

Department of Teaching and Learning  Modesto Maidique Campus  11200 SW 8th St, Miami, FL 33199
SCE 4310: Inquiry-Based Lesson Design Lesson Plan Template

Estimated Time: 20 minutes
Teacher Actions Probing Questions
Describe the teacher’s actions at this point in the List critical questions that will help students “clarify their
lesson. understanding” and introduce information related to the
lesson concepts and vocabulary.

 Teacher will go over the exploration part  Tell me what did you observe.
of the lesson.  Why do you think this liquid sank?
 Teacher will go over vocabulary words  Why do you think this liquid floated?
and main concepts of Density.
 Teacher will ask the students what they
did and what they found out.
Student Actions Check for Understanding
Describe the expected student actions/behavior
in response to what the teacher does.

Clearly describe the following:

 Process for having student-driven
Describe a strategy you will use to check for
discussions (e.g., students talk with one
understanding during this phase in the lesson. The
another or present findings from explore)
strategy must involve all students.
 Summary of key vocabulary terms with
grade-level appropriate definitions
 Summary of main concepts from the
 Students will have a discussion between  Students will understand
the whole class and the teacher about that liquids have different
their finding. Large Group/Class CFU: densities which is why they
 Students should take notes on their sink or float.
vocabulary words and main concepts.
Write a script for what you will say. You must address classroom management (directions for student
 Class discussion on findings, vocabulary and main concepts.
 Students should not be touching the materials at this point.

Department of Teaching and Learning  Modesto Maidique Campus  11200 SW 8th St, Miami, FL 33199
SCE 4310: Inquiry-Based Lesson Design Lesson Plan Template

Estimated Time: 10 minutes
Teacher Actions Probing Questions
Describe the teacher’s actions at this point in the Critical questions that will help students “extend or
lesson. apply” their newly acquired concepts/skills in new
 Teacher is going to be walking around the  Why did that object float?
classroom monitoring the groups and asking  Why did that object sink?
guiding questions. 
Student Actions
Describe the expected student actions/behavior in
response to what the teacher does.

Clearly describe how you will extend students’

learning by doing one of the following:
 Apply the lesson concept to a real-life
 Apply the lesson concept to a new/different
 Make a generalization
 Allow the students to explore the 5
different objects.
 Students begin to put each object in the
cup of all the liquids one by one.
o Students should be recording
their observations on a piece of
Write a script for what you will say. You must address classroom management (directions for student
behavior) Include specific directions for how any remaining materials will be handled at this point (e.g.,
directions to collect materials), if applicable.
 Ask the questions as you walk around the class.
 Make sure students are not messing around with their materials.
Lesson Closure
Write a script for what you will say to wrap-up the lesson. You must address how you will restate the lesson
 Ask students what they learned.
 Pass out Density handout

Department of Teaching and Learning  Modesto Maidique Campus  11200 SW 8th St, Miami, FL 33199
SCE 4310: Inquiry-Based Lesson Design Lesson Plan Template

Estimated Time: 10 minutes
Formative Assessment
Describe at least 1 strategy you will use to monitor student learning throughout the entire lesson.
Large Group/Class CFU: Understanding of Density and relationship with Volume and Mass.
Summative Assessment
Provide a student copy of the exit slip questions (attach extra pages to this document).
 Students must turn in Density handout.

Department of Teaching and Learning  Modesto Maidique Campus  11200 SW 8th St, Miami, FL 33199

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