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Teacher: Lydia Breunig Observation#: 2 Date: 3/30/2021

Lesson Reflection Form

Lesson Title: Lead 21 Whole Group

1. As I reflect on the lesson, to what extent were students productively engaged?

I think the students were very engaged. Many were eager to share their responses and
opinions on what we were reading as a group.

2. Did the students learn what I intended? Were my instructional goals and identified standards
met? How do I know?

Yes. They were able to fill out their PCB pages and answer the questions throughout the

3. Did I alter my goals or instructional plan as I taught the lesson? If so, how and why?

Not really. It went as planned- had to redirect a few times.

4. If I had the opportunity to teach the lesson again, what would I do differently? Why?

I would maybe have the students share their summarizing responses to a partner so I could
make sure that they were all doing it and understanding.

5. How do you feel you did in giving feedback to students while you were teaching in the areas
of answering their questions and providing information on their progress?

I think I did well providing positive feedback when they shared their opinions/responses.

6. Any other comments you would like to share?

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