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Hex Power

 Pulls a meteor out of orbit and drops it on Kang GSA #2
 Lifts a building to drop on Count Nefaria TAV #165
 Destroys one of High Evolutionary's drones that prove impervious to magic  TAV #185
 Slams through a wall TAV #153
 Causes a building to collapse violently  WCA #44
 Causes an entire cliffside to shatter and collapse  WCA #45
 Causes two androids to shatter WCA #86
 Disperses ectoplasmic entities SW #2
 Destroys an adamantium robot WCA #90
 Tears apart a group of dreadnoughts at once AV98 #31
 Fight with Hope Summers creates a huge crater AvX #12
 Hope and Wanda's fight causes a massive explosion that can be seen from orbit and
creates a deep crater AvX:VS #6
 Shatters a church building SW16 #11
o Then reassembles it
 Makes Tyrak lose balance and fall TAV #172
 Causes a knight's lance to wrap around him TAV #200
 Causes projectiles to reverse direction midair  TAV #204
 Manipulates cables into striking TAV #252
 Uses a seat to close a hole in an airplane, then reinforces it  VaSWII #2
 Wraps Reptilla with her own snake-arms and then blocks projectiles  VaSWII #3
 Hovering hex to break her fall WCA #39
 Cancels the momentum of Hawkeye's arrow WCA #42
 Makes it so every bullet in a gun is a dud  WCA #43
o It is somewhat implied this is achieved by retroactively making it so
every bullet loaded was dud WCA #56
 Could make even the most impervious material collapse beneath its own weight  WCA #51
 Makes Iron Man find the right frequency to cure some people  WCA #67
 Generates a powerful electromagnetic charge about water to pull USAgent up  WCA #87
 Stops a cold-generating crystal WCA #88
o This crystal would have eventually blanketed all of North America with
ice WCA #88
 Chokes Spider-Woman in her own web SW 3
 Carries crashing aircrafts TAV Annual #18
 Dispels the light of the Mandarin's White Light Ring FW #7
 Causes a demolished building to collapse inwards, safely  AV98 #28
 Redirects projectiles AvX #0
 Dodges Hope's punch AvX:VS #6
 Disperses Nyx's darkness spell NRH #5
 Draws light from all probabilities into Monica NRH #9
 Hex Sphere sucks up all the explosive force of Black Bolt's shockwave, which would have
destroyed the island of New Attilan QS #6
 Restrains Dark Rider with the last of her strength MTU #43
 Battles with the Enchantress VaSWII #9
 Acts as a hammer-blow of raw energy FW #9
 Knocks out Cable, while pulling other incarnations of him from the time stream  CoC #3
 Knocks out Medusa QS #5
 Folds Phoenix Magik AvX #7
 BFR's Phoenix Namor AvX #7
 Defeats Phoenix Namor AvX #8
 Hurts Phoenix Force Cyclops AvX #11
 Disperses Phoenix Cyclops' flames AvX #11
 With Hope Summers, defeats Dark Phoenix Cyclops AvX #12
 Helps Hope release the Phoenix Force AvX #12
 Reverts a giant mutated cat back to its original form  MTU #43
 Causes Nefaria to feel a mind-numbing burst of pain  TAV #166
 Reveals Dire Wraiths, reverting them back to their original form and leaving them
unable to shapeshift TAV #244
 Changes the probabilities of Wonder Man's neurons, allowing him to break free of
Enchantress' mind control WM #2
 Hexes Thor after he was heavily injured/killed by the Destroyer, which allows Thor to
return to life TH #2
 Hits Templar with a pain hex AV98 #13
 Weakened hex magic helps keep people alive until they can get treatment  AV98 #51
 Clears up someone's cold AV98 #72
 Fixes Captain America's broken jaw in seconds  AV98 #79
 Causes the germs in the Wrecking Crew's stomach to multiply and incubate,
overwhelming their immune system AV98 #80
 Shorts out all of Ultron's circuits at once, and causes the wall behind him to collapse  TAV

o Ultron was had adamantium armored skin TAV #161

 Makes Ultron's molecular rearranger malfunction, causing a rift to appear in his
adamantium armor while also disrupting his circuits TAV #171
 Turns on Grey Gargoyle's jetpack and launches it out of control  TAV #190
 Increases the efficiency of Maelstrom's machine, causing his growth to go out of
control and expand into the infinite TAV #250
 Opens a code-guarded door VaSWII #1
 Walks through automated defenses and short circuits a dude in a suit  VaSWII #1
 Activates the original Human Torch WCA #50
o Deactivates him later WCA #57
 Causes a massive failure in all of Iron Man's automatic systems  WCA #57
 Causes an alien weapon to malfunction  TH #446
 Makes the power packs of a dozen Kree spontaneously combust  FW #1
 Manipulates a computer predictor to get a perfect success rate  FW #3
 Transfers navigation controls from Parallax to a spaceship  FW #3
 Enhances Century's battle-staff to be able to track magical energies  FW #5
 Causes all of the Mandarin's rings to fire at once, causing them to go out of his
control FW #7
 Makes a gun misfire without even visibly hexing it FW #14
 Hexes the natural fatigue and stress in the Recorder's metal body, exploiting every
minute crack and flaw to tear him apart FW #14
 Disrupts Kang's force field AV #3
 Dissembles Cable's gun CoC #3
 Causes every circuit in the Mach-1's armor to fail at once THU #12
 Makes Lady Lark's wings malfunction AV98 #5
 Damages Alkhema's molecular rearranger, getting past her anti-hex force field  AV98 #19
o Limit: Trying to do the same to Ultron while Wanda is exhausted
backfires and makes Ultron more powerful AV98 #22
 Targets the internal molecular rearrangers in adamantium Ultrons  AV98 #20
 Disables MODOK's machines AvX #0
 Fuels a predictive machine for the Avengers vs X-Men conflict  AvX#11
 Surrounds herself with a hex shield that detonates projectiles  FW #7
 Energy shots bounce off her shield and ricochet into enemies  QS #10
 Creates a hex sphere to guard against Modred's spells TAV #186
 Hex sphere shields from magic transmutative spells AV98 #30
 Shields herself and Lockjaw from debris  QS #5
 Casts a protective shield over civilians and Avengers  TH #1
 Shields from Thor's super storm TH #1
 Shields from Man-Bull SW16 #2
Power Interactions
 Reverses a field of non-causality TAV #235
 Breaks down an Ebon Barrier and causing Electro's voltage to feedback into him  TAV #237
 Makes a bewitched scarf and telekinetic power cancel each other out  WCA #79
 Reverses an opponents shrinking power WCA #82
 Shrinks Goliath to Ant-Man size WCA 95
 Reverses Loki's banishment spell upon himself AV #1
 Counters Moonglows spells AV98 #5
 Sends a hex towards Spider-Man as a distress signal - it tracks him and burns through
his webs, then teleports him to her MTU #41
 Warps reality to make it so that she was pregnant with Vision's children  VaSWII #3
o The children did disappear whenever Wanda did not focus on them  WCA #50
o This specifically was done by Wanda desiring so greatly for normality -
represented by a family in her mind - she changed probabilities so that
she ended creating her sons Thomas and William. As her power wasn't
great enough to create true life, she instead unconsciously took two
separated pieces of Mephisto's soul. WCA #53
o They somehow reincarned into Wiccan and Speed A:CC #1
 Breaks Modred's magic holding spell TAV #186
 Alters the composition of an extradimensional barrier, causing it to become liquid  TAV #238
 Reverses the fusion of the Uni-Mind TAV #248
 Makes it so she can punch an intangible woman SW #4
 Frees zombies from the control of Black Talon VaSWII #1
 Restructures reality where that a house that had exploded was not destroyed, thus
resurrecting Wonder Man WCA #56
o Footage of Wonder Man fucking dying and the house exploding  WCA #55
 Holds Wonder Man, Wasp, USAgent and Agatha Harkness in a force field  WCA #56
 In a test conducted to test the nature of her powers, a titanium steel bar with no fault
lines or imperfections in the structure was subjected to Wanda's hex powers. The bar
shattered, and pictures of it a millisecond after Wanda pointed at it were compared
with pictures when it was tested for imperfections hours ago. Except that the pictures
were the same, with Wanda's power having retroactively introduced flaws in the
titanium bar and changing the picture taken hours ago to reflect that. WCA #56
 Stops a raging magical storm AV98 #1
 Slows time around Thor and sends Thor flying into the air UA #4
Energy Manipulation
 Makes insufficient energy sufficient to resurrect Set  WCA Annual #6
 Absorbs Moonglow's magic, and frees the Squadron from mind-control  AV98 #6
 Stops Moses Magnum's release of energy and begins blocking his connection with it  AV98 #9
 Drains some of Pagan's chaos energy  AV98 #15
 Count Nefaria's ionic energy is too alien for her to control  AV98 #34
 Cannot reverse the transformation of Hulks AV98 #39
 Links the Hulk and a bunch of other Hulks, allowing Banner to merge with them  AV98 #40
 Directs Galactus' cosmic energy, though begins losing control  GtD #3
 Reflects cosmic energy GtD #3
 Rusts a twenty ton omnium steel door in seconds, breaking it VaSWII #1
 Tries to age Jen's gamma radioactivity until it's inert, but she gets stronger and
overcomes it AV98 #74
 Uses powers to find people who had seen the direction Vision was headed in  VaSWII #9
 Hex power is used to bridge the gap between Celtic and Asgardian magic, and
restructure reality AV98 #1-2
 Makes Captain America remember his original reality  AV98 #2
 Semi-resurrects Wonder Man AV98 #2
o Wonder Man had died, but kept from crossing over fully into death  AV98 #3
 Summons Wonder Man against Morgan Le Fay, and channels the Avengers strength
into him AV98 #3
 Summons Wonder Man against the Squadron Supreme AV98 #5
 Summons while unconscious AV98 #9
 Fully resurrects Simon AV98 #11
 Opens a portal to Grim Reaper AV98 #11
 Frees the resurrected Avengers from Grim Reaper's control  AV98 #11
 Tracks a mystic presence TH #18
 Scans for mind control AV98 #12
 Hex magic still works through a suppressor-collar  AV98 #51
 Merges Chaos and Order back into the Inbetweener  AV98 #60
 Finds a flaw in Galactus' force field GtD #3
 Opens a hole in reality in Latveria AXIS #8
Limitations and Weaknesses
 Samhain swipes aside her hex with ease VaSW #1
 Power relies on line of sight, so she cannot hex a reactor back to normal  TAV #237
 Needs to gesture to properly use power WCA #52
 Cannot create true life VaSWII #3
 Has no effect on Cupid's arrow MSH #9

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