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Name _________________________________________ Date _______________ Class ____________

Chapter 19 • Lesson 1 The Role of Medicines

Enrichment Activity
Too Much Antibiotic Use
Directions Read the following passage. Then complete the activity that follows.

Antibiotics control the spread of disease by killing the bacteria that cause it. However,
some antibiotics aren’t working anymore. Bacteria are becoming stronger than the antibiot-
ics that were once able to kill them. How does this happen?
Bacteria adapt and evolve. Sometimes, bacteria become resistant when patients do not
finish taking a prescription. It can also happen if people take antibiotics when they are not
needed. Below are ways people can reduce the problem of antibiotic resistance.
• Take all of the medication a doctor prescribes, as directed.
• Do not take an antibiotic for a viral infection, such as a cold or the flu.
• Do not take antibiotics prescribed for someone else.

Create a Public Service Announcement

With a partner, create a public service announcement (PSA) for radio that educates the

Chapter 19
public about antibiotic use and its potential dangers. Answer the questions below to help
you organize your ideas for the PSA. Keep the length of the PSA to about 30 seconds. Record
your PSA and share it with the class, or you may perform your PSA live.
1. What idea will you focus on in your PSA?
Copyright © by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.

2. How will you begin your PSA? You need to catch the listener’s attention right away.
Write a catchy first line.

3. What is the most important fact you want to communicate in your PSA?

4. How will you end your PSA? Write a thoughtful last line.

when you really need them to

Chapter 19 Fast Files 9

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