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It was 5:30 p.

m when the scorching heat of the sun and the cool breeze
caressed the faces of the exciting and happy beach goers. The bright
sky was dotted with white clouds like candy oss that spread out here
and there while the grainy golden sand stretched across the beautiful
beach. The varied footprints of the happy visitors created on the beach
were being wiped of the happy visitors created on the beach were being
wiped off with the incoming waves. The happy shrieking of the seagulls
lled the air while the gentle lapping of the waves excited the visitors
walking on the shore.

The hustle bustle and the general chatter of the people enjoying the
summer on the beach lled the air. Shops and cafes lined the beach. The
scent of the coffee wafted through the air, followed by the greasy touch
of smoking bacon, making the visitors queasy in the summer heat. The
young children occupied themselves with making miniature castles out
of grainy, golden sand using colourful toys while the group of teenage
boys enthusiastically played Volleyball. Energy pumped their muscles
as they sprinted on the beach with their eyes glued on the ball. Their
careless behaviour scattered sand on the people passing by. There was
an eager group of spectators who were effectively cheering the players.
The loud thud of the ball when being hit by the hand accompanied by
the encouragement of the spectators mixed to make a loud noise that
scared the birds away. A bevy of girls were sitting in one corner and
their giggles, gossips and laughter rang loud in the beach.

In one lonely corner of the beach, few anglers with their shing rods
and boats waited patiently for a good catch. Beads of perspiration
dotted their pale, serious face as they were concentrating very hard on
their shing rod to get a good catch. Strong, towering waves with white
foam laced at its side hit the sandy shore. The surfers carefully
balanced themselves as they stretched out on their narrow surfboards.
They joyfully crashed and dived onto the crest of the giant waves.
Snorkelers geared up with their equipment to see the underworld. They
frantically moved along the shallow part of the beach to try and catch a
glimpse of the beauties of the underwater world. Doing this, they
resembled mysterious creatures wading in the water.

The seashells lled the coastline. There were many of them and were
available in a myriad of sizes and colours. The young slowly sprinted on
the coastline to nd more unique seashells while parents sat and looked
far at their kids running and playing joyfully. Some people sat on beach
lounge chairs enjoying drinks and looking out at the horizon. Far out in



the sky, the view of the red ball of burning re in between the clouds
made everyone cheerful and happy. Also, the sight of small and huge
ships moving far away was incredible. Some planes ew right above our
heads faster than a peregrine falcon. All in all, this created a
marvellous experience for everyone.

The sun slowly dipped into the horizon. The rich opulent colours of red
and purple was a contrast to the prior cool aqua blue as the setting sun
made its nal performance for the day. The cacophony of the beautiful
birds chirped boisterously as they clustered in the trees back to their
nests. This was parallel to the bustling traf c of vehicles and people
rushing by on roads back to their homes. The shades of lilac and mauve
lled the sky heralding the night sky. Gradually, the glistening moon
hung ceremoniously among the bright white stars. As people left the
beach, the beach became lonely and there was complete silence and
stillness on the beach.


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