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Member ID
Mohammad Hamza Khan 39525

Anika Munir 39971

Kanza Khan 39616

Raja Haris Pervaiz 39789

Marium Azmat 37514

Executive summary
FREELINE consultancy is an online platform that deals with mental illness. we diagnose and
treat people with anxiety, depression, panic attack, OCD patients, drug abusers. We are the
expert of mental health that provide career and relationship counseling to people.
Market need
We are the solution to the problem faced by society. Free line consultancy is a new market
entrant and therefore requires some informative structure of advertisements. As to initiate this
venture we approach the appropriate clients and targeted audience through selected means. As
our target audience mostly lies among the age group of 18-29, where a major phase of depression
occurs in almost every person’s life. This specific audience is majorly involved in cyber firms,
social platforms, and other consultancy mediums and seeks solutions for their problems daily.
Opportunity size
Our target market is niche and upper class and our services not only benefit the people to show
the right path to life but we also open hundreds of opportunities for doctors to get on board with
us and provide their expert services to our customers.
Our solution
Online platforms in Pakistan are unable to gain the trust of the people but we are here to show
our expertise and we will provide the first session as a trial without any charges to gain the trust
of the consumers.
Go to market strategy
To determine our pursuit we selected a few marketing campaigns that might allow a vast
audience to experience our existence. Social media is the best marketing platform to attract the
youth highly engaged in this social media platform will get to know about our services.
Company description
FREELINE consultancy is an online platform who deals with mental illness. we diagnose and
treat people with anxiety, depression, panic attack, OCD patients, drug abusers. We are the
expert of mental health that provide career and relationship counseling to people. We are the
solution to the problem faced by society.
Our aim
In the emerging world, we have entered into a life full of stress and difficulties. With the
advancement of the world, teenagers are losing the right path and they have engaged themselves
in a wrong activity but we “THE FREELINE COMPANY” aims to provide peace to your life.
we have the best experts in the world to show you the light in the world of darkness.

What business are we in?

We are the experts of mental health and we are here to ease the life of the people of all ages.

Competitive advantage
The competitive advantage of our business is that we are providing excellent service at
home without the need for anyone to visit the mental health hospital and give others the chance
to judge. People can browse us we provide video and chat support to answer your problems and
the conversation is kept secret. The best advantage of FREELINE consultancy is people don’t
have to wait hours in the line of hospitals, your appointment is just a click away and our expert
services are available for you day and night.

Industry analysis
The cyber operating industry in Pakistan is growing at a greater pace and has numerous
opportunities to leverage the business and industry itself. Pakistan has 7.6 million of its
population that lies in the age group of 17-29 and is the active users of services provided through
the web. 2020 is expected to observe a $1 billion benchmark to be set by the online industry of
Pakistan. Particularly health care services charge on a prepayment basis, however, only 15%
transactions occur on a prepayment basis and the other 85% is based on cash on delivery.
The e-commerce industry is now growing at a larger pace, within 2 years the subscribers
have risen to 52 million from 44.5 million. The estimated growth rate for 2019 was 16.85%, this
ratio suggests the trend to increase with a multiplier in the future, however, the growth rate also
suggests that increasing opportunities might have increased competition and new entrants.
Therefore, keeping counter effects in foresight, the possibility of new entrants can be a
permanent challenge and might keep a business in prolonged vulnerability.
There are several platforms offering web solutions to doctors, psychiatrist and career
consultants to practice their job with a low premium charged by the platform provider. This
opportunity has grown so far that the leading name has taken the best practitioners on board.,,, and provide an opportunity for
stakeholders (i.e., patients and healthcare professionals) to engage with each other in virtual
environments to discuss health-related issues.
Initially, online agencies began with specialized sources of fields, for instance, there were
separate agencies for career, human resource, medical, and psychology. However, nowadays
specialization is massively replaced by diversification, and agencies are bringing multi-capable
practitioners at one platform to keep the clients tied to one subscription fee and prevent them
from getting off the website.
A report culminated in the impacts of the digitalization of health services, where stats
stated over 15.46% of the online assistance seekers step in to get psychological abutment (Ittefaq
& Iqbal 2018). As a result, our entrepreneurial stance can target the 15.46% population to seek
their interests in the new venture to take place. In the same way, endeavors will be made keeping
the entire population in mind to enlarge the opportunistic ground.

Market analysis
The market of Pakistan for mental health care services has a very huge gap. Many competitors
exist in the market but they are not providing the services that we going to offer. Taskeen
sehatmand Pakistan is an online website that serves the market with psychological services but
they don’t do it online rather they send the client an address where they will be treated whereas
many Facebook pages are running to consult people with mental issues and for career counseling
but they are not experts. Our online portal will allow costumer and our psychiatrists to
communicate easily without the need to leave your home. Our target market is age mainly
between 14 to 36 because the study has shown that this age group faces mental issues especially
teenagers in Pakistan within this age group is detected for drug abuse. Many students are lost in a
path where they are unable to decide which career to choose.
To fulfill the market gap and to fulfill the needs of people in Pakistan and work for the
better mental health of our teenagers is our aim.
Competitors analysis
Taskeen sehatmand Pakistan (provide home address no online consultancy)
Living with anxiety ( only target anxiety people)
Relive now ( online Pakistan mental consultancy)

The economics of the business

To analyze our business. The factors that can be contributing to the diversity and relationship of
our firms with our labors, and services in the business. An idea for people how to apply practical
information in their jobs to achieve the targets.





1. January 123 3,500 430,500

2. February 250 3,500 875,000

3. March 489 3,500 1,711,500

4. April 499 3,500 1,746,500

5. May 694 3,500 2,429,000

6. June 850 3,500 2,975,000

9. Septembe 1,002 3,500 3,507,000


7. July 1,098 3,500 3,843,000

10. October 1,116 3,500 3,906,000

8. August 1,209 3,500 4,231,500

11. November 1,380 3,500 4,830,000

12. December 1,290 3,500 4,515,000

Total Sales =

Year 1:
Sales Revenue = No. of customers and consumers * Average price of services
Sales Revenue = 10,000 * 3,500
Sales Revenue = 35,000,000

Year 1:
Profit = Sales - Total cost
Profit = 35,000,000 - 487,000
Profit = 34,513,000

Fixed and variable cost


Security deposits Rs.50,000/ Electricity cost Rs.80,000/

LAN Rs.20,000/ Expenses Rs.17,000/

Consulting fees Rs.100,000/ Development cost Rs.200,000/


Basic office supplies Rs.20,000/

Total cost = Fixed Cost + Variable Cost
Total cost = 190,000 + 297,000
Total cost = Rs.487,000/


Operating leverage is a cost-accounting formula that measures the degree to which a firm or
project can increase operating income by increasing revenue.

A business that generates sales with a high gross margin and low variable costs has high
operating leverage. If fixed costs are higher in proportion to variable cost, a company will
generate a high operating leverage ratio and the firm will generate a larger profit from each
incremental sale. A larger proportion of variable costs, on the other hand, will generate a low
operating leverage ratio and the firm will generate a smaller profit from each incremental sale.
In other words, high fixed costs mean a higher leverage ratio that turns into higher profits as
sales increase. This is the financial use of the ratio, but it can be extended to managerial

Ratio Analysis:
Operating leverage = Fixed cost / Total cost
Operating leverage = 190,000 / 487,000
Operating leverage = 0.39 * 100
Operating leverage = 39% ( Company can make more money from each additional sale while
keeping its fixed costs intact )
1. Easily measure the impact of changes in sales which lead to a change in the
profits of the company.
2. High operating leverage can make more money from each additional sale if the
firm doesn't have to increase costs to produce more sales.
3. Larger volatility in the operating earnings and share prices.

The start-up cost that we need is to be around Rs.500,000/. The following table shows all the
costs associated with security deposits, basic office supplies, collateral materials, (LAN) Local
Area Network, Website hosting, types of equipment, and other necessary technology to
comfortably access the psychologist.


Security deposits Rs.50,000/

Basic office supplies Rs.20,000/

Collateral materials ( Print, Design) Rs.14,000/

Other expense equipments Rs.17,000/

License Rs.12,000/

LAN ( LOCAL AREA Rs.50,000/


Website hosting Rs.35,000/

Consulting fees and expense Rs.100,000/

Software Rs.200,000/

Total = Rs.500,000/


Break-even point= (Fixed Cost) / ( 1-(Variable Cost/Sales)

Break-even point= ( 190,000 ) / ( 1 - ( 297,000 / 35,000,000 )
Break-even point= ( 190,000 ) / ( 1 - 8.48^-3 )
Break-even point= 190,000 / 0.991514285
Break-even point= 191626.0842

Marketing plan
Free line consultancy is a new market entrant and therefore requires some informative
structure of advertisements. As to initiate this venture we need to approach the appropriate
clients and targeted audience through selected means. As our target audience mostly lies among
the age group of 18-29, where a major phase of depression occurs in almost every person’s life.
This specific audience is majorly involved in cyber firms, social platforms, and other
consultancy mediums and seeks solutions for their problems daily. To determine our pursuit we
selected a few marketing campaigns that might allow a vast audience to experience our
Nowadays, a lot of online health service providers are increasing their sources of income
by allowing advertisements on their website. As a result, we can use their platform to spread
awareness. This specific campaign is dignifying as the key campaign for our company, due to the
already available targeted audience. These websites have a daily footfall of people seeking
medical care and assistance. Advertisements on these platforms might make us approach the
right audience without getting loopholes in promotional campaigns to avoid wastage of time and
A lot of consultants, we are taking onboard, have their own in-house treatment centers,
and proper social media platforms. With the motive of another source of income, most of the
consultants tend to promote their extra services over this platform and might bring a sufficient
number of clients to meet their targets, automatically this will make us meet our targets. A
discount or limit can be offered to these doctors within the commission to make them promote
free line consultancy using their relations.
Word of mouth is another major source of promotion of any activity or product with
proper experience and opinion. A culture of having career counselors on board in universities
and colleges is being provoked to avoid students having hard times with their academics causing
cognitive pressure. These counselors can be hired on a commission basis to promote our
assistance services if they need to consult anything after hours. This will help us reach another
significant number of audiences with fewer resources being incurred, as the majority of the
population in 18-29 is designated as students or a part-time employee.
Posting banners in educational institutions, medical centers, and freeways. As a lot of
people pass through these gate walks daily and numerous promotional campaigns are posted on
walk sides to make them aware of the new market offering. This will not just make them try the
service but the better experience will make them carry good word of mouth to their colleagues,
friends, and peers. Good recommendations are also a better source of making service a popularly
used medium for personal assistance.
Customers who are rigid to their loyalty won’t easily give up their already consuming
subscription. Therefore, to make them attracted special offers are required. For instance,
establishing an advice center with our service that will guide our clients for free if they need any
further advice, as otherwise, they will just be getting the typical cognitive support. Anything
attached as an extra or complementary to the product makes it attractive and worth trying. This
will at least de freeze the mindset that is stuck with one consumer platform.
Design and development plan
In the app development, our main focus is all about brainstorming and storytelling of app
design. Features and characteristics to include in our app so it will be more likable to use among
people easily. The app has all it takes to be more productive for both us and the users this is our
way to prosper. In Pakistan, because there is no such platform that will provide you with such

1. Define app's Onlookers: Our app will be used by psychologists and clients to talk freely.
2. App concept: The most accessible video calling system in our app that will be helpful for
us to maintain the rightful use of our service.
3. Assess app content: Web content is for the clients who rate the app throughout the
4. Set goals for the app: To provide our clients with the best services all over their
5. A platform for making apps: RIKSOF is an award-winning company for making apps to
help us stand out from the competition.

Development status and tasks

The users will see their information which is only accessible to them only. Each client has its
record of information on his progress and when the session is about to start the code will be the
mark for the whole session.

Moreover, to create awareness of our app we use Facebook, twitter, and Instagram pages
so that people will easily get to know more about us and our services. So that we can
easily reap the result before the launch.

Challenges and risks

1. Uncertainty of the future: Analyzing the trends is key to a changing climate
2. Technology: Consultants must cope up with new advancements in mobile app
development and cloud system.
3. Embrace change: To invest in the best kind of advice is the right way to face any
1. Data breaches: By taking major preventative actions to ensure the data you use for
your work I save from cyberattacks.
2. LAN (Local Area Network) issues: Network can cause issues and the situation
will both be regretted by the client and the psychologist.
3. Unhappy clients: Make sure only professionals (psychologists and consultants)
are in your business who provide the services to clients because if they are not
satisfied with your services they probably will move on to other options.

Projected development cost

The development cost is estimated to be around Rs. 200,000/.
Why do we need this development cost?

1. App infrastructure services (servers, hosting, domains).

2. Assembling the app architecture: monolithic vs. microservices architecture (the latter
uses more technical resources, but is also more efficient in the long run).
3. Databases used for data storage (user data, photo, and video content, etc.).
4. Assembling back-end infrastructure (especially for further app scalability).
5. API and third-party service integration (e.g. payments, maps, analytics, etc.).
6. App administration (complex web portals or CMS for app management).
7. Development tools and libraries used.
8. Data encryption to transfer data.
9. Regular app updates and bug fixes.
10. Video or audio streaming functionality. (Lastovetska,2019)

Consultants and Psychologists are a major threat because they know almost everything
about our firm and can easily part ways with us. Thus, they can even threaten us and we
can even end up worse off than ever before.

Trade secrets also are known as Proprietary information can include methods strategies,
salary structure, and client information. If the information is out by some of the people in
the firm that will become a threat to the the people infirm who can access this
information may be required to sign restrictive covenants.

Operational plan
We are operating online consulting Firm in which our main part is our website and our
facilitators the operations that we need to run the business are:
Order Management and Fulfillment: Now the question rises how we will manage the orders
and fulfill them so we will have a modern website in this we will offer a lot of consulting
services at different fees and with specialized consultants. In our website front page, it will have
a proper form our customers will fill it and it will mention about specified service they want,
then our team will contact him/her for further assistance about how our application works and
how they can choose a consultant.
Customer Management:
Our customer service department provides prompt services to the customer and our helpline is
always open to solve the queries of the customers. We treat people with therapies not with
medicines until it is necessarily required. Customer best healthy is the priority of freeline
consultancy. we have the very strong check and balance on our sessions with our customers we
will take daily feedback from our customers and facilitators also and we will update our
customer related to our new offers, our new course, and small workshops
Production strategy The production strategy will include:
Quality control To maintain our quality we have best facilitators and we have international
facilitators for an elite class our team will arrange small workshops on different topics every
Customer service we will take feedback from our customers and will work over it.
Office Location:
Our head office will be located in zamzama phase 5
Suppliers of Products and Services:
Our suppliers for computers laptop will be the local distributor for office interior and design
We will hire psychologists and psychiatrists and educational consultants from different
institutions following the specific criteria for hiring
Website Changes and Maintenance:
Our website is our main part of Business because we are online consultancy our website will be
made by a very known software house in this we will also buy hosting and domains of our
We will hire specific IT experts for running our website in our office we will have a separate
department for handling Our IT problems and things
The main features will be:
 Company information
 Courses Information
 Facilitators Profiles
 Registration Forms
 Customer Experience feedback videos
 Contact information

Financial Projection
Cost Assumptions
Product Cost Selling price
Stress Session (experience) 2500 3500
Stress Session (undergraduates) 200 1000
mental illness ( anxiety, 1000 1500
depression, Obsessive-compulsive
disorder, and drug abuse)
psychiatrist sessions 3000 4000
Educational counseling 500 1000
*Cost figures are assumed

Website Cost Assumptions

Website development 100000

Domain and Space 50000

Total 150,000

Equipment Cost Assumptions

Laptops 200000

Furniture 100000

Accessories 20000

Total 320,000
Income Statement

Sales 3500000

COGS 487000

Gross Profit 3013000

Less: Operating Expense

Marketing & Selling 90000

Admin 10000
Salaries Exp 1000000
Rent 500000

Utilities 100000
Depreciation (Equip + Furn) 50000
EBT 1263000
Less: Taxes (10%) 126300
Net Income 1136700


Return On Assets 2.4185%

Gross Profit Margin 8.60%

Net Profit Margin 3.2477%

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