Histochemistry and The Structure The Skin A Murrel, (Bloch, 1797) (Channiformes, Channidae) - I. Epidermis

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Histochemistry and the structure of the skin of a murrel, Channa striata

(Bloch, 1797) (Channiformes, Channidae). I. Epidermis

Department ofzoology, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi221005, India

Received October 25,1974

MITTAL,A. K., and T. K. BANERJEE.1975. Histochemistry and the structure of the skin of a
murrel, Channa striata (Bloch, 1797) (Channiformes, Channidae). I. Epidermis. Can. J.
Zool.53: 833-843.
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The functional organization and cytochemistry of the epidermis of an air-breathing fish,

Channa striata, is described. In the basal cells a dense population of mitochondria, strong
alkaline phosphatase, and succinic dehydrogenase activity indicates high metabolic activity. In
the outermost layer, polygonal cells showed strong succinic dehydrogenase activity and elabo-
rated sulfated acid mucopolysaccharides and lipids. Mucous cells were also numerous. A new
term, 'sacciform granulated cells,' is proposed for the 'sacciform cells' or 'granular cells.' The
contents of these cells are basic proteins. A thick coat of slime containing mucopolysaccharides,
lipids, and basic proteins is probably important in keeping the skin moist for cutaneous respira-
tion, retarding the rate of water loss by evaporation, facilitating burrowing in the mud and
swimming movement in water, and protecting the skin from bacterial and fungal attacks. A
relatively thin epidermis (32 pm on the general surface, 18 pm at the posterior free margins, and 6
pm below the scales) in conjunction with vascularization of the stratum laxurn probably assists
cutaneous respiration.

MITTAL,A. K . , et T. K. BANERIEE.1975. Histochemistry and the structure ofthe skinof amurrel,

Channa striata (Bloch, 1797) (Channiformes, Channidae). I. Epidermis. Can. J. Zool. 53:
On dicril lbrganisation fonrtionnelle et la cytochimie de I'epiderme chez un poisson i
For personal use only.

respiralion airienne, Cllanna srriafa. Dans les cellules de base. la population de mitochondries
est dense, I'activiti de Fa phosphatase alcaline et de la dishydrogiinase succinique sont 6Ievies.
ce qui indique une activie rniraboliqve importanre. Dans la couche la plus exteme, les ceIlules
polygonales sont te sikge d'une grande activitE de la dkshydrogknase succinique et efaborent des
rnucopolysaccharides acides sulfatks e l des Iipides. Les cellules rnuqueuses sont aussl pksentes
en grand nornbre. On propoge le teme de "cellrtl~ssaccifonnes gwnulkes" en rernplacement des
anciens rermes "cellules saccifonnes" eu "cellules gmnulaires." Le contenu des ces cellules est
constitui. de protiines de base. On observe une epaisse couche visqueuse contenant des
rnucopolysaccharides, des lipides et des protkines de base; cette couche est probablement
importante pour garder la peau hurnide, permettant une bonne respimtion cutanie, pour retarder
la perk d'cau par 6vapomtion et pour faciliter I'enfouissement dans la h u e et les mouvements
natatoires dans I'eau et, enfin, pour protkger la peau contre les infestations par les bactkries et les
champignons. La respiration cutanee est probablement favorisee de plus par un tpiderme
relativernent mince (32 pm en genkral, 18 pm aux bordures posterieures libres et 6 pm sous les
tcailles) associe B la vascularisation du stratum laxurn. [Traduit par le journal]

Introduction The present investigation examines the func-

Channa striata is an air-breathing freshwater tional organization of the epidermis of Channa
fish belonging to the family Channidae, order striata in relation to its peculiar mode of life by
Channiformes (Greenwood et al. 1966). It can examining the cytochemistry of the various epi-
survive for months without water when buried dermal components.
in moist soil (Hora and Pillay 1962). According Materials and Methods
to Giinther (1880), the members of the family Fish of about 11 cm in length were collected from local
Channidae are able to survive droughts, living ponds and rivers at Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh. Skin frag-
in a semifluid mud, or lying torpid below the ments of about 8 x 5 mm were cut from the back be-
hard-baked crusts in the bottom of a tank from tween the dorsal fin and the lateral line and fixed in
Bouin's fluid, Helly's fluid, Regaud's fluid, and 10%
which all trace of water has disappeared. neutral formalin. Ethyl alcohol was used as a dehydrating
agent. Paraffin sections were cut at 5 pm. For lipid
'This investigation was supported by Research Grant histochemistry, tissues were fixed in 10% neutral formalin
No. 38(131)/72 GAU-I1 from the Council of Scientific and form01 calcium; for enzyme studies tissues fixed in
and Industrial Research, Government of India. fresh, cold 1 0 z neutral formalin or cold absolute acetone
834 CAN. J. ZOOL. VOL. 53, 1975

were used, and frozen sections were cut at 15 to 30 pm thick layer covering the outer surface of the
using an American Optical cryostat. distal part of the underlying scale.
Sections were stained with Mallory's triple stain
(Jones 1950), Verhoff's elastin stain (Lillie 1954), and The epidermis may be divided into three
Ehrlich's haematoxylin counter-stained with eosin (H/E). layers: the stratum germinativum (basal layer),
Periodic acid - Schiff's .(PAS) technique (McManus the middle layer, and the outermost layer
1946) with or without prior treatment with saliva/malt (Table 1; Fig. 1).
diastase for I h at 37°C (Lillie and Greco 1947) was used
to demonstrate mucosubstances. The acidic and sulfated Stratum Germinativum
nature of the mucopolysaccharides was determined by This was mainly composed of a single layer
metachromatic reactions with thionin (Pearse 1968),
toluidine blue buffered at pH 2-5 (Tock and Pearse of basal cells (Table 1; Figs. 1, 2, and 3) on a
1965), and alcian blue solutions at pH 0.5-1.0 (Lev and thin basement membrane which was diastase
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Spicer 1964). Acidic and basic proteins were differen- resistant; gave weak positive color reactions for
tiated by the acid solochrome cyanin method (Pearse sulfated acid mucopolysaccharides, phospholi-
1968). Calcium was demonstrated by the alizarin red
S method (Lillie 1954). Heidenhain's iron haematoxylin pids, and calcium; and showed moderate
(Claydon 1955) and Regaud's iron haematoxylin (Lillie alkaline phosphatase activity (Table 2). Re-
1954) were used to stain mitochondria, and nuclear gaud's iron haematoxylin and Heidenhain's iron
deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) was shown by the Feulgen haematoxylin preparations for mitochondria re-
reaction (Pearse 1968). The dihydroxy-dinaphthyl- vealed the presence of darkly stained fine mito-
disulfide (DDD) technique (Barrnett and Seligman 1952),
for the demonstration of bound sulfhydryl groups of chondrial granules in the perinuclear cytoplasm
cysteine, and Papanicolaou's stain (Gurr 1958) for concentrated mainly at the apical ends of the
keratin were also used. Alkaline phosphatase and suc- basal cells (Fig. 2). These areas of the cells
cinic dehydrogenase activity were demonstrated using the showed moderate succinic dehydrogenase acti-
calcium cobalt method (Gomori 1952) and nitro-blue-
tetrazolium (nitro-BT) method (Pearse 1972), respectively. vity and gave strong reactions for alkaline
Sudan black B and Oil red 0 techniques for lipids phosphatase (Fig. 7). The cell membranes were
(Casselman 1959). and the Acid haernatin method (Baker smooth without any differentiation of inter-
1946) for the localization of phospholipids were also cellular cytoplasmic bridges.
Between these cells were found small irregular
For personal use only.

Observations lymphatic spaces which were very often inter-

connected with each other, establishing a well-
The average thickness of the epidermis defined lymphatic plexus. One or two small
covering the outer surface of scale is about 32 lymphocytes (Tables 1 and 2) were invariably
pm. It is thinner (ca. 18 pm) near the posterior found inside these spaces (Figs. 1 and 3).
free margins of the scale and very thin (ca. 6
pm) on the underside of the scale, where it runs Middle Layer
for a short distance and then continues as a This was mainly composed of unicellular
- -

ABBREVIATIONS: BC, basal d l ; DL, basal layer; BM, basement membrane; LS, lymphatic space; MC,
mucous cell; ML. middle layer; OL, outer Iayer; PC, pigment cell: PEC. Polygonal epidermal cell: SGC,
saccirorm granulated cell.
FIG. I . Cross section showing the general organization of the epidermis of Channa striata. Note the
presence of n saccifom granulated cell (arrow) the contents of which appear homogeneous in nature.
[Ehrlich's haematoxylin/eosin. Rouin's fluid fixed tissue.) x 2280. FIG.2. Part of the epidermis showing a
den% population or mitochondria at the apical and perinuclear areas (arrows) of the basal cells. (Regaud's
iron haematoxylin.) x 3420. FIG.3. Epidermis showing mucous cells containing flat basal nuclei. and
opening Lo the surraw by small pores. Nore thc presence of lymphatic spaces (arrows) containing lympho-
cytes between the basal cells. (Ehrlich's haematoxylin/eosin.) x 2280. FIG.4. Epidermis showing saccirom
granular cells (arrows) having granular contents and openina to the surface. (Ehrlich's hacmatoxylin/eosin,
Helly's fluid fixed tissue,) x 2960. FIG.5 . Epidermis showing the presencc of lipids (sta~nedblack) in the
cells of the outermost layer. The peripheral areas OF the glands (arrows) also gave weak positive reactions.
(Sudan black. 2 0 - ~ mfrozen sect ion.) x 1825. FIG.6. Epidermis showing phospholipids at rhc free margins of
the polygonal cells of the outermost layer (arrows) and at the peripheral cytoplasm of mucous cells and
sacciform granulated cells. (Acid haemat in test, 2 h r n frozen section.) x 2780. Frc. 7. Epidermis showing high
alkaline phosphatase activity in the basal ceIls(arrows). Note weak reaction at the peripheral areas of poly-
gonal cells. (Calcium cobalt method for alkalinc phosphatase, 30-pm frozen section.) x 3420. FIG. 8.
Epidermis show~ngmucous celts (~tainedgreenish bIue with a purplish tinge in original) secreting muco-
polysaccharides forming a thick coat on the sudace. (Periodic acid - Schiff's/alcian blue.) x 3420.
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A summary of the cell types and their cytology within different layers of the epidermis of Channa striata

Average dimensions. Dm
- - -

Epidermal layers Cell types Shape Height Width Cytoplasm Nucleus

Basal layer Basal cells Columnar. 7.0 5.0 Homogeneous, slightly Centrally placed, prominent.
(stratum cuboidal o r eosinophilic dilated, oval or spheriml
germinativurn) almost f l a ~ , with welldifferentiated
low cuboidal, chromatin material and
where ~ h c deepIy stained nucleolus
epidermis i s
very thin
Lymphocytes Irregular, 2.9 2.9 Very littlc in amount, Eccentrally placed, round, o
roi~ndo r oval homogeneous. slightly deep1y stained nucIeus ?
basophilic and is thrown without much differentiation ?
into pseudopodia-like o f chromatin material and N
processes nuclcolus 0
Middle layer Polygonal Polygonal
10.0 3.5 Homogeneous, slightly Centrally placed prominent. r
cells eosinophilic round or ova[ with wcll-
differentiafed chromatin
material and deeply W

stained nucleolus
Mucous cells Elongated flask- 30.0 8.5 Homogeneous, Darkly stained, basal, flat VI
shaped or sac- slightly or crescentic, without much
like basophilic differentiation of chromatin
Sacciform 25.0 13.0 Homogeneous, Basal. round or oval with
granulated slightly well-differentiated chromatin
cells basophilic material and nucleolus
Outermost Polygonal Polygonal or 6.0 5.0 Homogeneous, Centrally placed. round or
layer cells roughly slightly oval having well-differentiated
triangular basophilic chromatin material and a
deeply stained nucleolus
Chloride 6.0 2.5 Granular, Basal, spherical or oval,
cells eosinophilic without much differentiation
of chromatin material
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A summary of the cytochemistry of the various components of the epidermis of Channa striatu

Polygonal cells
Serial Cytochemical Basement Basal Middle Outermost Mucous granuIated
No. technique Fixative Section Reference membrane Lymphocytes cells layer layer cells cells
Schiff's Bouin's fluid, Paraffin Pearse 1968 - - - - -
without IOZ neutral
oxidation formal i n
Periodic acid - Bouin's Ruid, Paraffin McManus 1946 +M - +M +M -
Schjif (PAS) I neutral
rormal in
Biastaso/PAS Bouin's fluid, Paraffin Lillie and +M - +M +M -
10% neutral Greco I947
SaIiva/PAS Bouin's fluid. Paraffin Pearse 1964 +M - +M +M -
1% neutral
Alcian blue, Bouin's Ruid, Paraffin Lev and +GB - +GB +++GB -
pH 0.5-1.0 10% neutral Spicer 1964
PASlAB Bouin's fluid, Paraffin Pearsc 1968 +Pur - +Pur + + +GBP -
10x neutral
AE/PAS Bouin's fluid, Parafin Peam 1968 +PUT - +Pur + + +GBP -
10% neutral
Th ion ine Bouin's fluid. Paraffin Parse 1968 +meta + + ortho + + +meta f + +meta + +ortho
10% neutral
abtuidine Bouin's h i d , Paraffin Tock and
Rlue 10% neutral Pearse 1965
pH 2 - +ortho +meta - +ortho
pH 3 + meta + ortho + fmeta - + ortho
pH 4 + meta + +ortho -
+ + +meta + + meta + +ortho
pld 5 + meta 7+ ortho + + +meta + + +meta + +ortho
Mallory's Helly's fluid Paraffin Jones 1950 +B1 + +OR + B1 + B1 +++R
triple stain
Sudan black B 10% neutral Frozen Casselman +B - ++B IkB -
formalin, 1959
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CAN. J. ZOOL. VOL. 53. 1975

glands: the mucous cells and the sacciform or roughly triangular cells (Figs. 1 and 3), each
granulated cells. Between the gland cells were having a flat outer cell boundary. Orifices of
polygonal cells (Tables 1 and 2; Figs. 1 and 3) slime glands from the middle layer were discern-
which were often vertically elongated as a result ible in this layer. Cells showed an accumulation
of the lateral pressure of the glands. Fine inter- of minute sudanophilic granules (Fig. 5). The
cellular spaces were discernible between these free cell margins stained comparatively dark,
cells. Using Heidenhain's and Regaud's methods gave a strong positive reaction for phospholipids
for mitochondria, a few minute black granules (Fig. 6) and succinic dehydrogenase, and showed
were seen inside polygonal cells. They did not moderate alkaline phosphatase activity (Fig. 7).
give positive color reactions for mucopoly- The same areas also gave moderate color reac-
saccharides, lipids, or calcium. Weak succinic tions for calcium and sulfated acid mucopoly-
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dehydrogenase and alkaline phosphatase activi- saccharide (Table 1). Between these polygonal
ties were, however, discernible (Table 2). cells some small mitochondria-rich gland cells,
the chloride cells (Table l), opened to the sur-
Mucous Cells
face by narrow pores. These cells have been
The mucous cells were large (Table l), very described separately by Banerjee and Mittal
often reaching up to the basal layer (Figs. 3, 6,
and 8) and opening on the surface by small
The epidermis of Channa striata was non-
pores through which they voided their secre-
keratinized and did not give positive reactions
tions to form a thick coat over the surface of the with the DDD technique for cysteine-bound
epidermis (Figs. 3 and 8). Because of the heavy
sulfhydryl groups and Papanicolou's stain for
accumulation of secretory products, the cyto-
keratin. Pear-shaped taste buds lying directly
plasm and nucleus formed a thin rim at the
periphery of each cell (Fig. 3). Secretions were on the basement membrane were also present.
basophilic, refringent, vacuolated, and con-
tained strongly acidic sulfated mucopolysac- Discussion
charides (Table 2; Fig. 8). The peripheral areas The following features of the stratum ger-
For personal use only.

of these cells gave positive color reactions for minativum of C. striata are noteworthy. Moder-
calcium, phospholipids (Fig. 6), and alkaline ately high levels of metabolic activity are sug-
phosphatase activity (Table 2). gested by dense populations of mitochondria.
Sacciform Granulated Cells A strong positive alkaline phosphatase test is
These unicellular glands (Table 1; Fig. 1) probably indicative of active cell division
attained voluminous dimensions, often extend- (Bevelander and Johnson 1945; Symons 1955;
ing from the stratum germinativum and opening Mori et al. 1960). Moderate levels of succinic
to the surface by narrow pores (Figs. 4 and 6). dehydrogenase probably indicate comparatively
Secretory contents of these cells showed shrink- low rates of cell division. Because an outer
age in most of the fixatives used and were keratin layer is not formed in this species, the
granular when observed in tissues fixed in rate of cell replacement may be slower than in
Regaud's and Helly's fluid (Fig. 4). In Bouin's species where a keratinized layer is continuously
fluid and 10% neutral formalin the contents sloughed off (Mittal and Banerjee 1974~).
appeared more or less homogeneous and partly A well-defined lymphatic plexus between the
eosinophilic and partly basophilic in haematoxy- cells of the basal layer of the epidermis is
linleosin preparations (Fig. 1). The granular present in C. striata. Mittal and Munshi (1971)
contents were acidophilic and orthochromatic, and Mittal and Banerjee (1974b) also reported
stained bluish black in iron haematoxylin the presence of lymphocytes within well-defined
preparations, and gave strong reaction for basic lymphatic spaces in the epidermis of various
proteins and calcium (Table 2). The thin peri- fishes. Photomicrographic preparations of the
pheral areas of these cells gave positive color epidermis of Cottus pollux, Myoxocephalus sp.
reactions for calcium and phospholipids (Fig. (Sato 1967), and Carassius carassius (Yamada
6), and showed moderate alkaline phosphatase 1968; Henrikson and Matoltsy 1968a) clearly
activity (Table 2). showed the presence of such structures between
the cells of the stratum germinativum, although
Outermost Layer these authors made no reference to them in their
This consisted of a single layer of polygonal descriptions. Percy (1970) described lymphoid
CAN. 1. ZOOL. VOL. 53, 1975

Names proposed by various authors for the sac-like cells having
acidophilic granular contents

Author Nomenclature
Studnicka (1906) Sackforrnige serose Driisen
Rauther (1907) Kornerd~sen
Hase (1911) Offene Kolben
Bhatti (1938) Sac cells
Bertin (1958) Sacciform cells
Sato (1967) Eosinophilic vesicles
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Henrikson and Matoltsy (19686) Granular cells

Mittal and Munshi (1971) Sacciform glands

cells, mainly distributed in the lower layer of priate since the cytoplasmic contents of mito-
epidermis of Carassius auratus. However, he chondria-rich chloride cells found in fish skin
could not establish the presence of lymph spaces are also granular (Banerjee and Mittal 1974;
between the basal cells. Mittal and Munshi Mittal and Banerjee, unpublished data) and the
(1974) reported the enlargement of lymphatic mucous cells in C. striata are also voluminous
spaces which became gorged with lymphocytes and sac-like in outline.
during wound-healing experiments in Rita rita The contents of sacciform granulated cells in
(Siluriformes, Bagridae). C. striata are acidophilic, siderophilic, contain
The epidermis of C. striata is mainly com- basic proteins, and do not give positive reac-
posed of three types of gland cells: the chloride tions for mucopolysaccharides and lipids (Table
cells (Banerjee and Mittal 1974), the mucous 2). Mittal and Banerjee (unpublished data) made
cells, and the sacciform granulated cells. Islam similar observations in the skin of Tetraodon
(1951) reported the complete absence of mucous fluviatilis (Tetraodontiformes, Tetraodontidae).
For personal use only.

glands in the epidermis of another species of the These cells in the epidermis of M. pancalus and
genus Channa (Ophicephalus (Channa) gachua) A. cuchia also show the absence of mucopoly-
and pointed out that the sac cells are the only saccharides (Mittal and Munshi 1971) and in
glandular elements present. His conclusions Blepsias cirrhosus stain more easily with acid
were not based on cytochemical analyses. dyes than basic (Sato 1967). Further investiga-
According to Van Oosten (1957), fishes having tions are needed to fully elucidate their cyto-
scales are provided with few mucous glands. chemical nature.
Mittal and Munshi (1971) described large Mittal and Banerjee (1974~)pointed out that
numbers of mucous cells in Mastacembelus there is an inverse relationship between the
pancalus (Perciformes, Mastacembelidae) and degree of keratinization and the abundance and
Amphipnous cuchia (Synbranchiformes, Am- types of various slime-secreting glands. The
phipnoidae). Both have thin and rudimentary large number of mucous glands and voluminous
scales, with those of A . cuchia imbedded deep sacciform granular cells in the unkeratinized
in the dermis. The present investigation also epidermis of C . striata support this hypothesis.
revealed the presence of many mucous glands in In addition to the various unicellular glands,
the skin of C. striata along with well-developed the epidermis of C. striata is mainly composed
scales (Mittal and Banerjee 1975). Mittal and of numerous polygonal cells. Henrikson and
Munshi (l970), on'the other hand, reported very Matoltsy (1968a), Kitzan and Sweeny (1968),
few mucous glands in a scaleless siluroid fish, and Yamada (1968) demonstrated the presence
Bagarius bagarius (Siluriformes, Sisoridae). Thus, of bundles of long filaments in the cytoplasm of
Van Oosten's (1957) hypothesis is not tenable. similar cells in the epidermis of various fishes and
A new term, sacciform granulated cells, is labelled them 'filament containing cells.' The
proposed for the cells, which are invariably sac- polygonal cells in the outermost layer of the
like in outline having coarse or finely granular epidermis of C. striata showed comparatively
contents. Names proposed by various authors higher succinic dehydrogenase activity than the
for these (Table 3) do not seem to be appro- underlying cells in the epidermis, indicating their

Thickness of the epidermis in various fish and amphibians

Fish or amphibian Reference Av. thickness of the e~idermis.um

Mastacernbelus pancalus Mittal and Munshi

Amphipnous cuchia 119.0
Anguilla anguilla Jakubowski(l960a) 263.3
Misgurunus fossilis Jakubowski (1 958) 338.7
Channa striata Present authors 32.0 (general surface of the scale)
18.0 (posterior free margins of the scale)
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6 . 0 (below the scale)

Bombina bombina Czopek (1955) 22.8
vide Jakubowski
Triturus cristatus
Hyla arborea
Leiopelma hochstetteri
Xenopus laevis
Rana temporaria
Bufo bufo
Pelobates fuscus
Bombina uariegata

metabolically active state. No succinic dehydro- The presence of lipids (Table 2) in the poly-
genase activity was observed in the most super- gonal cells in the outermost epidermal layer of
For personal use only.

ficial layer of the epidermis of B. bagarius (Mittal C. striata is very significant. Mittal and Banerjee
and Banerjee 1974a), which is a dead keratinized (1874a) aEso reported phospholipids in the most
layer. superficial, cornified Iaycr of the epidermis of
The present investigations show sulfated acid 8, hagarius and correlated their presence with
mucopolysaccharides in the polygonal cells of the slowing down of water movement through
the outermost layer of epidermis. Mittal and the skin in accordance with Berenson and Burch
Banerjee (1974a, 1974b) made similar observa- (1951), Blank (1952), Blank et al. (1967), Onken
tions in the epidermis of Notopterus notopterus and Moyer (1963), Blank and Scheuplein (1964),
(Osteoglossiformes, Notopteridae) and B. baga- and Matoltsy et al. (1968), who pointed out that
rius. Kitzan and Sweeny (1968) reported the bound phospholipids may play an important
presence of electron-dense PAS-positive mucous role in retarding the rate of water exchange
granules in the outermost epidermal layer of through the skin.
Protopterus annectens. Yamada (1968) and Slime on the skin of C . striata is mainly com-
Whitear (1970) also reported electron-dense posed of mucus secreted from the mucous
vesicles in the cells of the outer layers of the glands and surface polygonal cells, along with
epidermis of several species of fishes. The basic proteins from the sacciform granulated
presence of mucus in the polygonal filament- cells and lipids from the surface polygonal cells.
containing cells may be an adaptation for the The phospholipid cantent of the slime may link
aquatic mode of life, since mucus has also been the neutral lipids to the mucoid and protein
reported in the epidermal cells of amphibians components (Lewis 1970) to form a thick vis-
(Parakkal and Matoltsy 1964; Farquhar and cous coat. According to Lewis (1970), a shift
Palade 1965) and a turtle (Matoltsy and Huszar towards greater polarity of the mucous lipids
1972). Such granules have not been observed in appears to be an adaptation to aquatic conditions
epidermal cells of terrestrial Squamata (Bryant and may protect the skin from bacterial and
et al. 1967), mammals, or birds (Matoltsy and fungal attacks, as with surface lipids of human
Huszar 1972). skin, described by Rothman (1954). Letterer
842 CAN. J . ZOOL. VOL. 53, 1975

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mucus in snails lessens water loss from the skin ical demonstration of protein bound sulphydryl groups.
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