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Commercial Geography 015/1

Paper: PART-II (INTERMEDIATE) Roll no…………..

Marks: 60
Time: 2: 10 hours (SUBJECTIVE PART)

NOTE: Attempt any Eighteen (18) short question in all selecting six from Q. 2,
Q. 3 and Q. 4

2. Write short answer of any six parts.
i. Describe the definition of ii. What is meant by secondary
geography according to modern economy activity.
idea (Theory).
iii. Which are main two types of iv. Write name of four major types
forests? of/ group of fish.
v. What is Ranching ? vi. Which are the less populated area
of the word?
vii What is meant by collage viii How does artificial silk got?
industry? .
ix. What is Mediterranean sea
3. Write short answer of any six parts. (2x6=12)
i. Which continent is dominant in ii. Write the importance rubber
the production of tea? producing countries of the world.
iii. Write the types of Iran Ore. iv. Write the importance of mineral
v. In which countries of the world vi. Write the importance most oil
sugar cane is cultivated? producing areas of Saudi Arabia.
vii Write the names of agriculture viii Write the names of nature rubber
system of the world. . producing countries of the world.
ix. Write types of cotton.
4. Write short answer of any six parts. (2x6=12)
i. How many total Distriets of ii. Write about upper Indus river
Pakistan? plain briefly.
iii. Define climate? iv. Describe briefly fertility of soil.
v. write names of nature forests in vi. Write names of kind of canals in
Pakistan. Pakistan.
vii Write a short note on Gawadar viii Write names of four big national
port. . highways in Pakistan.
ix. Write name of four big Pakistani
thermal power houses.

NOTE: Attempt any three questions.
5. What is importance of fishing industry describe Favourable factors for
fishing industry? (08)

6. Discuss about Iron producing countries of the world in detail. (08)

7. Write a detailed note on cotton textile industry in the world. (08)

8. Describe the physical division of Pakistan and explain any tow. (08)

9. Describe the factors of unequal distribution of population in Pakistan. (08)


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