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Warm-up Discussion
1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of
having a pet like Wilbur? Tell about two
advantages and two disadvantages.
2. Which character do you think is the most
caring? Why do you choose that character?
Close Reading Chapter 7

How do Charlotte and Wilbur get along?

Give evidence to support your answer.
Close Reading Chapter 7
What did Wilbur find out in this section?

How do you think this information will

change the story?

How does Wilbur feel at the end of

Chapter 7?
Chapter 8 Discussion
• Why is Mrs. Arable worried about
her daughter?

• Why do you think Fern has the

ability to understand the animals?

• At the end of Chapter 8, Mr. Arable

says, “Maybe our ears aren’t as
sharp as Fern’s”.

• What do you think he means?

Chapter 9 Discussion
• Why does Wilbur want to learn to spin a web?

• Even though Wilbur does not learn how to spin a

web, what does he learn instead?
Chapter 9 Discussion

Wilbur is still worried about being killed at Christmastime.

• Why do you think Charlotte wants to think up a plan on her own?

• Should she let Wilbur help her with the plan?

Making a connection with your life

If you were Fern, would you tell people about talking animals or
would you keep it a secret? Tell why.

If you were Charlotte, what was your plan for saving Wilber?
It's unfair...The pig couldn't help being born small, could it? If I had been very small at birth,
would you have killed me?
Fern, p. 3
A Simple Guide
to Choosing
Quotes From
the Text
To cry loudly in reaction to bad news

"That remains to be seen. But I am going to save you,

and I want you to quiet down immediately. You're carrying
on in a childish way. Stop your crying! I can't
stand hysterics."
settled and not moving

But no--with men it's rush, rush, rush, every

minute. I'm glad I'm a sedentary spider."
not stopping
She said: 'I am sure that every one of us here
in the barn cellar will be gratified to learn that after
four weeks of unremitting effort and patience on the
part of the goose, she now has something to show for it.

What have you learned today?


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