Lung Cancer Screening. Patient Selection and Implementation. 2020

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L u n g C a n c e r S c re e n i n g

Patient Selection and Implementation

Nina A. Thomas, MDa, Nichole T. Tanner, MD, MSCRa,b,*

 Lung cancer  Screening  Patient selection  Risk prediction  Shared decision making
 Implementation science

 The goal of lung cancer (LC) screening is to detect early-stage LC in patients at high risk for LC who
are healthy enough to undergo evaluation and successful treatment, while minimizing adverse ef-
fects of screening.
 Several randomized controlled trials have demonstrated lung-cancer mortality benefit of screening
for LC with low-dose computed tomography in select patients.
 Professional societies and the US Preventive Services Task Force recommend LC screening in in-
dividuals based on age, smoking history, and ability to undergo curative treatment of a screen-
detected LC.
 Patient selection for LC screening may be improved with the use of validated risk prediction calcu-
lators, which incorporate additional risk factors for LC.
 Implementation of LC screening requires multidisciplinary input to ensure that the essential compo-
nents of a LC screening program are incorporated.

INTRODUCTION professional societies, outlined components

necessary for an effective LC screening program.5
The combined 5-year survival for lung cancer (LC) This article focuses on patient selection for and
remains low, at 18%, because most patients pre- implementation of LC screening.
sent with advanced disease at the time of diag-
nosis.1 In those with early-stage disease, EVIDENCE FOR LUNG CANCER SCREENING
however, the 5-year survival is as high as 80%,
making early detection ideal.2 The results of the The Prostate, Lung, Colorectal and Ovarian
National Lung Screening Trial (NLST) provided (PLCO) Cancer Screening Trial was the first large
the evidence for screening, with annual low-dose randomized trial to examine LC screening with
computed tomography (LDCT) demonstrating a the use of chest radiography versus usual care.
20% reduction in LC mortality.3 Due to these re- Screening with chest x-ray did not result in a sig-
sults, the US Preventive Services Task Force nificant decrease in LC incidence or mortality.
(USPSTF) provided a grade B recommendation There were also similar rates of stage and histol-
in favor of screening, and the Centers for Medicare ogy between the 2 groups.6 This study provided
and Medicaid Services (CMS) approved LC definitive evidence that screening with chest
screening in their eligible beneficiaries.4 Both the x-ray is not effective.
USPSTF and CMS highlight the importance of Following the PLCO, there have been several
proper patient selection and, in conjunction with cohort studies evaluating outcomes from

Division of Pulmonary, Critical Care, Allergy and Sleep Medicine, Medical University of South Carolina, 96
Jonathan Lucas Street, CSB Suite 816, MSC 630, Charleston, SC 29425, USA; b Health Equity and Rural Outreach
Innovation Center (HEROIC), Ralph H. Johnson Veterans Affairs Hospital, 109 Bee Street, Charleston, SC
29401, USA
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address:

Clin Chest Med 41 (2020) 87–97
0272-5231/20/Ó 2019 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
88 Thomas & Tanner

screening with computed tomography (CT) that Finally, the Multicentric Italian Lung Detection
suggested a benefit to LDCT screening but were trial was a single-center trial that included 4099
inconclusive in the absence of a comparator smokers, ages 49 years and older, with a greater
arm.7–9 In addition, there were several randomized than 20 pack-year smoking history, and random-
controlled trials (RCTs) of LDCT that failed to ized them to annual CT, biennial CT, or usual
demonstrate mortality benefit due to their lack of care.17 The relative risk (RR) for dying of LC was
power and low enrollment.10–13 The largest and lower in the biennial CT and annual CT groups
most often cited RCTs are highlighted. compared with the usual care group, but all-
The NLST randomized 53,454 patients at high cause mortality did not significantly differ when
risk for developing LC to chest x-ray versus comparing the combined screening groups with
LDCT annually for 3 years. Inclusion criteria to the usual care group.
define individuals at high risk of developing LC
included (1) ages 55 years to 74 years, (2) history PATIENT SELECTION FOR LUNG CANCER
of cigarette smoking of at least 30 pack-years, SCREENING
and (3) if former smokers, whether they had quit Current Lung Cancer Screening
within the last 15 years. There was no usual care Recommendations
group in this study. The trial met its predetermined
endpoint of a 20% reduction in LC-related mortal- Several professional societies have endorsed LC
ity in the LDCT arm with a number needed to screening in the United States, each having slightly
screen of 320 to prevent 1 LC death.3,14 These different age criteria for patient selection and some
findings provided the impetus for broad-based including other risk factors. Table 1 summarizes
implementation of LC screening programs in the the current recommendations for patient selection
United States. for LC screening based on different professional
Simultaneous to the NLST, the Dutch-Belgian societies.
Randomized Lung Screening Trial (NELSON) was
another large randomized trial in the Netherlands US Preventive Screening Task Force
and Belgium that aimed to show that screening In 2013, largely based on the results of the
with LDCT would decrease 10-year mortality. Pa- NLST, the USPSTF recommended screening
tient eligibility included analysis. The NELSON trial for LC with LDCT in a high-risk population. The
randomized 15,822 participants to LDCT or usual criteria recommended for screening remained
care and found a mortality benefit with a 26% reduc- mostly true to inclusion criteria for the NLST.
tion in LC mortality.15 This study was unique As a result of the Cancer Intervention and Sur-
compared with the NLST and many other previous veillance Modeling Network for health care
trials in that all pulmonary nodules were monitored research, however, the age criterion for inclu-
with 3-dimensional volumetric analysis. Nodules sion was increased from 55 years to 74 years
were characterized by nodule size and volume to 55 years to 80 years to balance the benefits
doubling time, which was found to be more accurate of screening with the risk of false-positive
than the 2-dimensional monitoring of nodules. The results.4
participants were also followed at longer intervals,
at 1 year, 3 years, and 5.5 years from enrollment.
National Comprehensive Cancer Network
This method of risk stratification for LC screening
was novel in that it included patients’ CT findings The National Comprehensive Cancer Network
as a part of their risk assessment for LC.16 (NCCN) was the first major organization to recom-
The Detection and Screening of Early Lung Can- mend and develop official guidelines for LC
cer by Novel Imaging Technology and Molecular screening. The NCCN recommends screening
Essays trial was an RCT comparing usual care with LDCT for 2 separate groups of individuals
with LDCT annually for 5 years. This Italian study, felt to be at high risk for developing LC. The first
which was not powered to detect a difference be- group are those meeting the age and smoking his-
tween the 2 groups, randomized 2472 men to tory criteria for NLST inclusion. The second group,
LDCT or usual care. Eligible participants ages 60 given a category 2A recommendation, includes
years to 74 years with at least a 20 pack-year younger individuals (ages 50 years and older)
smoking history were followed for a median of with lighter smoking histories (minimum 20 pack
8 years. Although more early-stage and years) and an additional risk factor for LC. Addi-
advanced-stage LCs were discovered in the tional risk factors include a personal history of can-
LDCT arm, there was no significant stage shift cer or lung disease, family history of LC, radon
compared with the usual care arm and there was exposure, or occupational exposure to carcino-
no difference in LC or all-cause mortality.13 gens. The inclusion of these additional risk factors
Patient selection and implementation 89

Table 1
Recommendations for lung cancer screening

Guideline Inclusion Criteria Exclusion Criteria When to Stop Screening

NLST  Age 55–74 y  History of LC
 30 pack-year smoking  Chest imaging within
history 18 mo
 Quit smoking <15 y ago  Hemoptysis, weight
loss >7 kg
USPSTF  Age 55–80 y  Condition limits life  Stopped smoking for 15 y
 30 pack-year smoking expectancy  Age 80
history  Unable or unwilling  Unable to undergo
 Quit smoking <15 y ago to undergo screening/ evaluation/treatment
CMS  Age 55–77 y  Condition limiting life  Stopped smoking for 15 y
 30 pack-year smoking expectancy  Age 80
history  Unable or unwilling  Unable to undergo
 Quit smoking <15 y ago to undergo screening/ evaluation/treatment
NCCN Group 1
 Age 55–74 y
 30 pack-year smoking
 Quit smoking <15 y ago
Group 2
 Age 50
 20 pack-year smoking
 One additional risk factor
(personal cancer history,
family history, exposure,
chronic lung disease)
CHEST  Age 55–77 y  History of LC
 30 pack-year smoking  Chest imaging within
history 18 mo
 Quit smoking <15 y ago  Hemoptysis weight
loss >7 kg
AATS Group 1
 Age 55–79 y
 30 pack-year smoking
 Quit smoking <15 y ago
Group 2
 LC survivors without
recurrence after 4 y of
Group 3
 Age 50–79 y
 20 pack-year smoking
 Additional comorbidities
that produce a 5% risk of
developing LC within 5 y

was based on previous studies, which showed as- calculated mean RR of 1.59 for development of
sociation with higher risk for LC.18 LC.19–21 Among these patients with occupational
Occupational carcinogens, such as arsenic, exposures, smokers have an even higher risk for
chromium, asbestos, nickel, cadmium, beryllium, developing LC. A 2005 meta-analysis showed that
silica, diesel fumes, coal smoke, and soot, have a the amount of radon exposure had a linear
90 Thomas & Tanner

relationship with the risk of development of LC, 33%.26 This suggests that continued surveillance
which again was even higher in smokers.22 Patients with annual LDCT after the third scan may lead
with a personal history of cancer, whether lung pri- to greater mortality reduction if said cancers had
mary, head and neck, lymphoma, or other been diagnosed at earlier stages. Thus, the AATS
smoking-related cancers, also have increased risk recommends the higher age cutoff of 79 years
of developing LC due to both genetic susceptibility old, because risk of LC increases linearly with
and treatment, including radiation and alkylating the age and the average life expectancy in the
chemotherapy agents.23 Although there is no spe- United States is 78.6 years, with an additional
cific genetic syndrome associated with LC, a family 9 years for Americans who reach age 79 years.
history of a first-degree relative with LC portends an The AATS also specifically recommends annual
RR of 1.8 (95% CI, 1.6–2.0) of developing LC.24 screening with LDCT for LC survivors starting
Finally, underlying lung disease, specifically COPD 5 years after treatment, because these patients
and pulmonary fibrosis, have been associated maintain a high risk for recurrence or secondary
with higher risk for developing LC.21 LC and were excluded from most trials. Addition-
ally, they recommend screening for patients ages
American College of s Physicians (CHEST) 50 years to 79 years with a 20 pack-year smoking
history and an additional risk factor that produces
American College of Chest Physicians (CHEST)
at least a 5% risk of developing LC over the next
guidelines for patient selection for LC are in line
5 years. They do recommend the use of clinical
with the NLST entry criteria, including patients
risk calculators to assist in determining patient
ages 55 years to 77 years, patients who have
smoked at least 30 pack-years or more, and pa-
tients who are current smokers or have quit within
the past 15 years. This differs from the age cutoff Risk Prediction Models for Patient Selection
of 80 years recommended by the USPSTF but is
Following the publication of the NLST, there have
reflective of what is covered by the CMS. The
been several investigations into developing and
guidelines do remark on the improved efficiency
validating risk prediction calculators to be more
of identifying high-risk patients using risk predic-
efficient (eg, find more cancers while screening
tion calculators; however, they do not currently
less people) than the selection criteria of age and
recommend using these calculators to qualify
smoking history. By enriching the pool of patients
high-risk patients who do not meet the NLST
screened for LC, there is the potential to both
criteria for LC screening. This is attributed to the
reduce the number of false positives and the num-
idea that the risk factors included in many of these
ber needed to screen. Furthermore, providing a
calculators also portend a higher risk of death from
person with an individual risk of developing LC
competing comorbidities or morbidity from evalu-
can be beneficial in facilitating informed decision
ation of the nodules, mitigating the benefit and
making around LC screening.
increasing the harm of LC screening in this popu-
In the United States, the number of screen-
lation. Additionally, for patients who meet these
eligible patients from 2010 to 2015 decreased by
criteria, but have comorbidities that disallow
1.5 million. The decrease in number of patients
them to tolerate evaluation or treatment of early-
with a 5-year LC risk of at least 2%, however,
stage cancer, or substantially decrease life expec-
was only 0.8 million, suggesting there are patients
tancy, the guidelines recommend against
at high risk of developing LC who are not being
screened.27 Beyond age and smoking history,
other risk factors identified to increase risk of LC
American Association for Thoracic Surgery
include family history, ethnicity, level of education,
The American Association for Thoracic Surgery socioeconomic status, body mass index (BMI),
(AATS) recommendations for inclusion in LC chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD),
screening also reflect the inclusion criteria for the personal history of cancer, and smoking intensity.
NLST, with the main difference of age cutoff from Although many models have been developed,
ages 55 years to 79 years. Although the NLST external validation and comparison of these
screened patients with LDCT annually for 3 years, models to each other are somewhat limited. A
the risk of developing LC after 3 years does not study from Ten Haaf and colleagues,28 published
decrease. By the end of follow-up in the trial, in 2017, compared the performance of 9 of the
5 years after the third annual screen, the percent- more prevalent risk models on the NLST and
age of stage I LCs detected had decreased from PLCO trial populations.
63% to 50% whereas the rate of diagnosis of Table 2 identifies the 9 different risk models,
stage IIIB/IV LC had increased from 21% to their inclusion risk factors, and the prediction
Patient selection and implementation 91

Table 2
Comparison of seven risk prediction models

Model Predicted Outcome Prediction Time Frame Risk Factors Included

Bach model LC incidence 1y Age, gender, smoking
duration, years since
cessation, asbestos
Liverpool Lung Project LC incidence 5y Age, gender, smoking
duration, personal
history of LC, personal
history of pneumonia,
asbestos exposure
PLCOm2012 LC incidence 6y Age, race, education,
BMI, COPD, personal
history of cancer,
family history of LC,
smoking status,
smoking duration,
smoking intensity,
years since cessation
TSCE lung incidence LC incidence 1 y (iterative) Age, gender, smoking
model status, smoking
duration, smoking
intensity, years since
Knoke model LC death 1 y (iterative) Age, gender, smoking
status, smoking
duration, smoking
intensity, years since
TSCE lung cancer LC death 1 y (iterative) Age, gender, smoking
death model status, smoking
duration, smoking
intensity, years since
TSCE Nurses’ Health LC death 1 y (iterative) Age, gender, smoking
Study/Health status, smoking
Professionals duration, smoking
Follow-Up Study intensity, years since
lung cancer death cessation
Adapted from Ten Haaf K, Jeon J, Tammemagi MC, et al. Risk prediction models for selection of lung cancer screening
candidates: A retrospective validation study. PLoS Med. 2017;14(4):e1002277; with permission.

time frame. All these models outperformed the screening is at least a 1.5% 6-year risk. The study
NLST eligibility criteria with higher sensitivity for concluded that LC risk prediction models, when
all models and higher specificity for some models. considering their specific riskh thresholds, outper-
Fig. 1 compares the sensitivity and specificity of form current recommended LC screening
the different models to the NLST criteria. The criteria.28
PLCOm2012, Bach, and two-stage clonal expan- Although these risk models performed best,
sion (TSCE) incidence models had the best overall they can be somewhat time consuming and com-
performance in that order with highest sensitivity plex to use. The Pittsburgh Predictor model is a
and specificity for prediction 6-year LC incidence. 4-factor risk model that is less complicated to
These 3 models had the best discriminative perfor- use. The factors included are duration of smoking,
mance (based on areas under the curve >0.68– smoking status, smoking intensity, and age. In a
0.77) when coupled with specific risk thresholds. study from Wilson and Weissfeld29 in 2016, the
For example, the PLCOm2012 risk threshold for Pittsburgh Predictor represented risk equally to
92 Thomas & Tanner

Fig. 1. Sensitivity, specificity, and risk thresholds for risk prediction models. Risk prediction models for selection of
LC screening candidates: a retrospective validation study. CPS, american cancer society cancer prevention studies;
LLP, liverpool lung project; NHS/HPFS- nurses health study/health professionals’ follow-up study; SCE, two-stage
clonal expansion. (From Ten Haaf K, Jeon J, Tammemagi MC, et al. Risk prediction models for selection of lung
cancer screening candidates: A retrospective validation study. PLoS Med. 2017;14(4):e1002277.)

the Bach and PLCOm2012 models but with a small result, as outlined by the American College of
reduction in prediction accuracy. The investigators Radiology structured reporting Lung-RADS
suggested that this simpler model may facilitate criteria, can improve risk prediction over the next
implementation of prediction models as part of 3 years to 6 years and reduce cost and radiation
standard procedures without hindering use. exposure. An easy-to-use, spreadsheet risk calcu-
Most risk models do not incorporate the actual lator that incorporates the PLCOm2012 risk calcu-
findings on LDCT into the risk calculation. As refer- lator and recent LC screening results is available
enced previously, the NELSON trial demonstrated online, called the Brock model (https://brocku.
that radiologic features, such as volume-doubling ca/lung-cancer-risk-calculator).31,32
time and 3-dimensional volumetric analysis, was
associated with increased incidence of LC over Who Is Currently Being Screened for Lung
5 years.16 Subsequently, the COSMOS trial Cancer Screening?
demonstrated that certain nodule features on an
initial LDCT screen predicted LC risk on subse- The United States is the only country that has
quent screens. The predictive radiologic features implemented LC screening nationally. Although
included the presence of emphysema, nodule Canada recommends screening high-risk individ-
type (solid, partial solid, nonsolid, and noncalci- uals, an organized program has not yet been
fied), and nodule size greater than 8 mm.30 established and European countries do not yet
In 2019, Tammemägi and colleagues31 demon- recommend organized LC screening. This wide
strated that patients with increased risk calculated variability derives from the complexity of patient
by PLCOm2012 of at least 2.6% with an initial nega- selection for LC screening. The goal of LC
tive CT scan warrant continued annual screening screening is to identify patients at high risk for
because their risk of developing LC did not fall LC who are healthy enough to undergo evaluation
below 1.5% despite 3 negative CT scans. They and successful treatment of early-stage cancer,
also showed that using a PLCOm2012 adjusted while minimizing adverse effects of screening.
model that includes the initial LDCT screening Despite growing implementation efforts, the up-
take for LC screening in the United States has
Patient selection and implementation 93

been low, with estimates ranging from 1.9% to 4% Planning

of eligible persons undergoing screening.27,33,34
Given the immense reallocation of resources and
Although it may be that LC screening is novel
changes in workload that will be involved in start-
and adoption efforts are early, there are several
ing a new LC screening program, planning is para-
other potential barriers to uptake, including the pa-
mount to success. The ATS/CHEST recommends
tient population. This is the first time selection for a
creation of a multidisciplinary steering committee
cancer screening test has been linked to a health
to help facilitate working relationships and proper
behavior. When compared with never smokers
communication channels among the necessary
and former smokers, current smokers are less
members of different clinical expertise. The com-
educated, less likely to identify a primary health
mittee should include representation from pulmo-
care provider, and less likely to want to be
nary, radiology, thoracic surgery, interventional
screened for LC or undergo surgery for a screen-
radiology, and medical and radiation oncology as
detected cancer.35 Smokers experience stigma
well as primary care. The committee should
and self-blame related to LC diagnosis and this
engage PCPs to help educate and solicit feedback
may have an impact on screening uptake.36
or concerns prior to implementing a system. They
also should engage local leadership and program
IMPLEMENTATION OF LUNG CANCER marketing to discuss possible costs and require-
SCREENING ments from each department as well as careful
marketing strategies, especially if direct-to-
Since the 2013 USPSTF recommendation for LC
consumer marketing is planned.
screening, implementation of organized, formal
LC screening programs has been met with signif-
icant challenges. In a study evaluating imple- Implementation
mentation of LC screening in the US veteran ATS/CHEST emphasizes 9 core components
population, Kinsinger and colleagues37 found necessary for proper implementation of an LC
that only 57.7% of patients offered LC screening screening program39:
agreed and only 86% completed their first LDCT.
Reasons patients did not pursue screening 1. Who is offered LC screening?
included concerns about the need for screening,  Lung cancer screening should be offered in
exposure to radiation, psychological distress, general to those meeting USPSTF criteria.
and the effort required to attend screening ex- This includes current and former smokers
aminations. A qualitative comparison study of 3 having quit within the past 15 years ages 55
Veterans Affairs hospital sites helped identify to 80 years with a minimum 30 pack year his-
certain barriers to implementation. One barrier tory. Consideration should be given based on
identified was the management and distribution possible payers. For example, CMS offers
of workload. Solutions included hiring a dedi- reimbursement up to age 77 while some pri-
cated LC screening coordinator and additional vate insurers offer reimbursement up to 80
staff with protected time for screening work, uti- years of age.
lizing registries to monitor results, and facilitating  Screening should only be offered to those
communication of results using multidisciplinary healthy enough to derive benefit. In the
committees. Primary care physician (PCP) buy- NLST, all participants were asymptomatic
in was another barrier identified, which show- and medically fit to undergo curative surgery
cases the need for education involving current for a screen-detected cancer. One study has
research and guidelines, regular feedback suggested that those who cannot undergo
addressing PCP concerns, and plans for follow- surgery will have worse outcomes.40 Many
up of screening results. Education about LC patients eligible for LCS are at high risk for
screening should be multifaceted, with the goal other disease due to their smoking histories,
of encouraging PCP buy-in while discouraging including coronary artery disease, respiratory
unwarranted screening of low-risk patients, disease, and other cancers. The very habit
where harm outweighs benefit at an increased that makes them eligible for LC screening
cost to the health care system.38 puts them at risk from dying from other dis-
The American Thoracic Society (ATS) and ease. How to incorporate competing causes
CHEST published a policy statement to assist in of death and comorbid conditions into pa-
the implementation of new LC screening programs tient selection is an area of active research.41
in clinical practice. It focuses on 3 necessary  Programs should collect data regarding
stages: planning, implementation, and enrolled patients’ risk of developing cancer.
maintenance.5 2. How often and for how long to screen?
94 Thomas & Tanner

 Screening should be offered until patients  Collect data on use, outcomes, surveillance,
reach the upper age limit of screening (age further imaging, and procedures.
80 years, per USPSTF), until they are greater 7. Shared decision making (SDM)
than 15 years out from quitting smoking or  Discuss benefits and harms of screening
until they are no longer healthy enough to un- prior to enrollment in person.
dergo screening.  Should include information regarding the fre-
 Electronic medical record tools can be uti- quency of finding a nodule (25%–50% of
lized to identify eligibility and set reminders screens) and likelihood of benign findings
for follow-up. (90% of nodules)
 Human review by midlevel providers is useful  Should include information about the detec-
to determine eligibility, counsel low-risk pa- tion of nodules and subsequent evaluation
tients, and follow-up results. that may be needed, including possible
3. How is the CT performed? harms for evaluation or treatment and
 American College of Radiology technical possible patient distress
specifications: noncontrast, helical CT with  An SDM visit currently is required by CMS for
radiation dose less than or equal to3 mGy, reimbursement. Providers should be
less than or equal to 2.5-mm slice thickness adequately educated to identify appropriate
(1 mm preferred) patients for screening, discuss the benefits
4. Lung nodule identification and harms of screening, and counsel pa-
 Each program should have a policy on size tients who do not qualify for screening, that
and characteristics of a nodule used to label is, low-risk patients.
it positive.  Providers should be prepared to counsel pa-
 Data should be collected regarding size, tients on the importance of adherence to
characteristics, and number of positive annual LDCT screening and the risks, bene-
nodules. fits, and the patient’s willingness to undergo
5. Structured reporting appropriate diagnostic or therapeutic
 A structured and standardized reporting sys- procedures.
tem should be used, for example Lung-  Discussions regarding who should perform
RADS. the SDM visit should occur during the plan-
 Data should be collected on reporting. ning stage. Some programs rely on PCPs to
6. Lung nodule management algorithms facilitate the discussion. The benefit is that
 Identify which providers are responsible for they may already have an established rela-
results and further management (PCP vs tionship with the patient. They have less
pulmonologist). expertise, however, regarding the nuances
 Can dichotomize low-risk small nodules of evaluation and treatment and are time
less than or equal to 8 mm to PCP or limited in their visit. Another option is using
screening coordinators and higher-risk midlevel providers, such as screening coor-
nodules greater than or equal to 8 mm or dinators dedicated to SDM with adequate
growing nodules to specialists expertise, but this could result in an addi-
 Develop lung nodule care pathways. tional visit for the patient.
 ACCP and British Thoracic Society have al-  Supplemental materials available for pro-
gorithms for nodule management. viders/patients, including paper and Web-
 Available multidisciplinary specialties to re- based decision aids (see http://
view nodules and establish further evaluation
or management plans (many have a tumor 8. Smoking cessation corollary
board conference)  LC screening is a potential teachable
 Tracking nodule follow-up with registries and moment for current smokers and tobacco
a designated coordinator dependence is a predictor of higher LC inci-
 Resources should be available to further dence and mortality.42
characterize or diagnose nodules, like posi-  The benefit of LCS is enhanced with tobacco
tron emission tomography, nonsurgical or cessation.43
minimally invasive procedures, and surgical  Integrated smoking cessation programs
evaluation. either on-site or established referral
 A system of communication of results and  Best strategy is not known but can include
follow-up plans with the patient that is timely written or phone counseling, medication
and sensitive with delivery (this includes lung treatment, and/or motivational interviewing
nodule results as well as incidental findings) by trained providers.
Patient selection and implementation 95

 Collect data on smoking cessation interven- SUMMARY

tions offered and success.
 The SDM visit also should include sufficient There is strong evidence for LC screening with
counseling on tobacco cessation. Providers LDCT; however, proper patient selection is
should be trained in motivational interviewing necessary to ensure optimal benefit with minimal
skills and should be knowledgeable about re- harm. Although age and smoking criteria are the
sources available as well as pharmacologic most common metrics used to identify those
and nonpharmacologic treatment. eligible for screening, ensuring that an individual
is also well enough to undergo curative treat-
Maintenance ment and is willing to participate in repeat annual
screening is important. There are several risk
9. Data collection and maintenance prediction calculators that have been shown
 Data should be collected, including elements more efficient in selecting patients for LC
from previous 8 components, and outcomes, screening that also can be utilized to convey per-
including details of cancer diagnoses and sonal risk to individuals for LC screening during
complications. SDM. Although these are promising, risk-based
 Annual review of data and quality patient selection currently is not recommended
improvement routinely. As hospital systems and practices
 Annual summary of data should be submitted consider implementing LC screening, careful
to an oversight body with authority to multidisciplinary planning is warranted up-front
credential. to achieve all components necessary for an
 Must meet following metrics: effective LC screening program.
1. Appropriateness of screening greater
than or equal to 90% DISCLOSURES
2. Adherence to structured reporting greater
than or equal to 90% The authors have nothing to disclose.
3. Appropriateness of nodule evaluation
4. Adherence with smoking cessation REFERENCES
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