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I need a doctor immediately!


a. Listen and Practice!

Dan : I need a doctor immediately!

Tom : Sir, is everything all right?
Dan : My wife just collapsed on the floor!
Tom : I need you to calm down, take deep breaths.
Dan : I’ m sorry, I need the emergency room.
Tom : Sir, I’ m dialing 911 in another line”
Dan : What’ s taking you so long?
Tom : I’ m transfering you right now, just remain calm

b. Answer the questions based on the dialogue above!

1. What is the dialogue talking about?

2. Who is collapsed on the floor?
3. What does Dan need?
4. What is Dan trying to do?
5. Why does Dan disagree dialing 911?


Demonstrative Pronouns “ this,that, these, and those. And pronoun “one and ones”.
● This, That, These, Those are called demonstratives and they are used to show the relative
distance between the speaker and the noun.
● We use this (singular) and these (plural) to refer to something that is here / near.
♦ This is my stethoscope. (singular).
♦ These are their stethoscopes. (plural)
♦ The doctor likes the blue stethoscope. The doctor likes the blue one.
♦ The nurses like the black stethoscopes. The nurses like the black ones.
● We use that (singular) and those (plural) to refer to something that is there / far.
♦ That is my stethoscope. (singular).
♦ Those are their stethoscopes. (plural)
♦ The doctor likes that blue stethoscope. The doctor likes that blue one.
♦ The nurses like those black stethoscopes. The nurses like the black ones.

Excercise :

a. Complete the conversation below using this, that, these, those, one, or ones!

1. A : Excuse me. How much are those thermometers?

B : Which ..................? do you mean .............. ?
A : No, the small .........................
B : Oh, ................ are $59.95
A : Wow! That’ s expensive
2. A : How much is ................... light pen?
B : Which ................ ?
A : The red .........................
B : It’ s $36.99. But ........................ green .................... is only $22.25
A : That’ s not bad. Can I see it, please?

b. Fill these blanks using This,That, These, Those !

1. Can you bring me ............... magazine, I want to read it before I go to bed.
2. My mother likes .............. vase, the one over there. She said she bought it at the bazaar.
3. ............... batteries in my hand are the most powerful.
4. I never liked ............... silk flowers, the ones they sell on the bridge.
5. ............... are my children's toys, I am surprised they are in that basket.
6. Here, take ............... pill and you will feel better by the morning.
7. It's very delicious! In fact, ............... is the best spaghetti I have had in my life.
8. Take the wheel, I am going to take a look at ............... noise in the back.
9. ............... shoes are so old, I didn't even know they were there.
10. I don't feel comfortable at ............... place, I think I will go home.


a. Reading the text carefully!

Safe Patient Handling
Hospitals have high rates of nonfatal occupational injuries and illnesses. On average, U.S. hospitals
recorded 6.4 work-related injuries and illnesses for every 100 full-time employees in 2013, compared
with 3.3 per 100 full-time employees for all U.S. industries combined. In 2013, 34 percent of
recorded hospital worker injuries nationwide that resulted in days away from work were associated
with patient interactions. Safe patient handling programs can reduce injuries such as musculoskeletal
disorders (MSDs). Reducing injuries not only helps workers, but also will improve patient care and
the bottom line. If your hospital is considering developing or refining a comprehensive safe patient
handling program to protect workers and patients, having the right data, evidence, examples, and
tools can help ensure success. OSHA has developed a series of online resources to help you develop
and implement safe patient handling assessments, policies, procedures, programs, training, and
patient education in your hospital.

b. Answer the questions based on the text above!

1. How many are there work-related injuries and ilness for every 100 full-time in U.S in
2. What can reduce injuries such as MSDs?
3. What does MSDs stand for?
4. What should hospital do to develop safe patient handling program?
5. What does OSHA develop to safe patient handling?


a. Match the words in column A with their synonyms an definition in colum B

No A B
1. average a. Hurt

2. compare b. standard or level regarded as ordinary or

3. develop usual

4. employee c. worker
d. to make less
5. ensure
e. make or become better
6. evidence
f. free from danger
7. injure
g. make clear or prove
8. improve
h. make sure guarantee
9. reduce
i. grow large
10. Safe

b. Complete the sentences using the words above !

1. The boy fell and slightly.......... his arm.

2. Tere wasn’ t enough ........... to prove him guilty.
3. I can’ t .........that he will be there in time.
4. The officers and .......... of Gulf & Ship Island Railways own and maintain and hospital
5. The .......... age if the boys in the class is is fifteen.
6. This high carring capacity has worked in several ways to ........... the cost of transportation.
7. He came back from his holiday with greatly
8. She’ d better find a ......... place until they arrive.
9. She has been exercising regularly to ........... her back muscles.
10. .......... your translation with the model traslation on the whiteboard!


Rearrange these sentences into a meaningful paragraph!

1. How do you provide patient safety?

(.........) a. Follow evidence-based principles for hospital design to prove patient safety and quality.

(.........) b. Use good hospital design principles

(.........) c. Prevent patient falls by providing well-designed patient rooms and bathrooms and
creating decentalizes nurse’ s stations that allow easy access to patients.

2. Why is safe patient handling important?

(........) d. Use of lifting equipment is essential to successful safe patient handling program and has
been shown to reduce exposure to manual lifting injures by up to 95%

(.......) e. Safe patient handing programs reduce the risk of injury for both healthcare workers and
patients while improving the quality of patient care


Talk and present in front the class about “ five ways to improve hospital patient safety” !

1. Ensure that leaders establish and sustain a safety culture.

2. Create centralized and coordinated oversight of patient safety
3. Create a common set of safety metrics that relect meanigful outcomes.
4. Increase funding for reseach in patient safety and implementation science.
5. Address safety across the intire care continuum.

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