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Design of R.C.C.

Bridge Piers of Ladpura Bridge on RMC

Design parameters :
Canal discharge Q = 188.45 cumecs
Clear span between piers = 8 .0 0 m
Thickness of road wa deck slab = 0.8 m
!.".#. of canal $%" of &ridge = '5(.4'
!.".#. of canal )%" of &ridge = '5(.4' m
Canal bed #e*el )%" of &ridge = '5+.'' m
#ace,s "ilt factor -f = 1.00
&earing Capacit of "oil = '5 t%m'
/idth of roadwa slab of bridge = +.5 m
/idth of erb on roadwa bridge = 0 m
Thickness of erb = 0 m
/eight of ailing per m run of bridge = 0.2 ton%m
3ccen of C%# road deck slab from pier ce nter= 0 m
eight of ier upto &ed block top #6# from C&# = 4.1 m
Thickness of &ed block = 0.( m
7rea of bridge oisng pla9orm = 0 m'
/idth of pier 1.5 m
#ength of pier at bed block bo:om le*el = 5 m
#ength of pier at C&# = 5.+ m
#6# of wearing top of road wa deck slab = '58.'' m
#6# of deck slab bearing '52.+' m
#6# of top of foundaon block of ier '5+.'' m
;o of bas of bridge + ;os
#ength of ier at !"# )%" of bridge 5.0+ m
#ength of ier at C&# )%" of bridge 5.+ m
#ength of foundaon block at foundaon #6# 2.5 m
/idth of foundaon block at foundaon #6# 4 m
eight of foundaon block at ier<foong
ier<foong unct 1.5 m
eight of foundaon block at edge of foong 1 m
(i) Foundaon Level of Piers
;ormal depth of scour - =0.42-Q%f 1%+ '.(> m
7ncipated depth of scour around piers = 1.5 -   =
4 .0 4 m

#e*el of foundaon of iers should not be less than 1 m below ancipated depth of scour
#e*el of foundaon = ' 5 1 .+ 8 m
sa ' 5 1 .2 0 m
Evaluaon of fores ang on t!e Pier
(a) Dead "eig!t of super struture
-i /eight
eight of slab
slab with
with wearin
g coat
coat = ((.50
((.50 tonne
-iii /eigh
eightt of ail
gs = 1+.+
0 tonn
#otal $%.&' tonnes
() Live Loads
?a@imum li*e load reacon on pier is obtained when fourth a@le load 11.4 t at center of pier
-i eacon from right span = 1(.20 tonnes
-ii eacon from leA span = 1'.55 tonnes
Total #i*e #oad reaco on the ier from li*e loads = '>.'4 tonnes
Bmpact !actor = 0.'>
"o ?a@imum li*e load reacon with impact = $.&* tonnes
Eentriit+ of live load
eccentricit of #.#. from center of pier about < a@is = '.,, m
eccentricit of #.# from center of pier about D<D a@is = '.-- m

() Braing Fore

Bt is eEual to '0F of total li*e load present on the bridge = 8.+( tonnes
educed le*el of applicaon of braking force = '5>.4' m
eight of appicaon force abo*e bearing le*el = '.100 m
Bncrease in reacon due to braking force = -.&, tonnes

(d) #emperature fore due to sliding frion

eacon on sliding end when loads are placed so as to produc ma@imum reacon at sliding end
#i*e load eacon at sliding end = 14.+' tonnes
Bmpact factor = 0.'>
#i*e load with impact = 18.51 tonnes
)ead #oad reacon = 2>.80 tonnes
Bncrease due to braking force = 1.85 tonnes
Total G 100.45 tonnes
!ricon in sliding bearing - with coeH. of sliding fricon as 0.0+ = .'- tonnes
.#. of point of applicaon = *,$.* m

(e) /ind fore

"ince intensit of wind pressure depends upon t he height of the point abo*e mean retarding surfaceI so
two cases for calculaon of wind forces ha*e been considered
-i /hen le*el of water in the canal is at !.".#.
-ii /hen depth of water is Jero

(i) /!en level of "ater in t!e anal is at F.0.L.

7*erage height of ele*aon area = 1.80 m
Bntensit of wind pressure = 4(.+ kg%m'
3@posed 3le*aon area = 12.10 m'
Total /ind force on structure = '.$% tonnes
.#. of point of applicaon = *,$.* m

/ind force on li*e load

Bntensit of wind force = +00.00 kg%m
#ength of li*e load = length of one span = >.50 m
Total wind force on li*e load = '.85 tonnes
.#. of point of applicaon = *,%.1* m

(ii) /!en dept! of "ater is 2ero

7*erage height of area of ele*aon abo*e bed le*el = 5.00 m
Bntensit of wind pressure = 85.0 kg%sEm
3@posed 3le*aon area = 42.5 sEm
Total wind force on structure = 4.04 tonnes
.#. of point of applicaon = *,,.$* m

/ind force on li*e load

Total wind force on li*e load = '.85 tonnes
.#. of point of applicaon = *,%.1* m

(f) Dead Loads of 0u 0truture

(i) Dead Load of ed lo

lan area = 10.(' "Em
Thickness = 0.( m
/eig!t of ed lo 3 -,.% tonnes

(ii) Dead Load of pier

Dead load of pier 3 *.-' tonnes

(iii) Fore due to uo+an+

lan area at !.".#. = (.(0 "Em
/eight of /ater displaced = '1.1' tonnes
Fore due to uo+an+ allo"ing -,4 up"ard fore 3 .-$ tonnes

(g) Fore on pier due to urrent of "ater

?a@imum 6elocit of Kow -6 = Q% = '.45 m%s
6'= (.0'
?a@imum *alue of depth of scour = 1.5  = 4.04 m
7ssuming *ariaon of 6  to be linear than its *alue at bed le*el = 1.'5
ressure due to water current =  6' where  = '( for pointed ;ose 45 degree angled
ressure at water le*el = 15(.5( kg%m'
ressure at bed le*el = +'.(1 kg%m'
7rea on which pressure acts = 4.80 "Em
Total force due to water current = 0.45 tonnes
eight of center of pressure from bed le*el = 1.>5 m

(!) Fore on pier due to urrent of "ater perpendiular to lengt! of pier

?a@imum *ariaon in direcon of current = '0 0
?a@imum 6elocit at top = 6 sin '0 = 0.84
6'= 0.20
6alue of 6' at bed le*el = 0.0'
7ssuming  = 80 for rectangular shape
ressure at water le*el = 5(.+0 kg%m'
ressure at bed le*el = 1.'2 kg%m'
7rea on which pressure acts = 1(.48 "Em
Total force due to water current = 0.42 tonnes
eight of center of pressure from bed le*el = '.11 m

(i) Fore on pier due to pressure of "ater perpendiular to lengt! of pier "!en "ater 5o"s in alternate 
#ateral !orces on pier when one gate is opened for Kow and adacent one are c losed ! = g `  
`  h = 1.(1 m
7rea under inKuence for water pressure = 14.1+ sEm
Total pressure force ! = g `  
h7= ''.80 tonnes
Center of pressure below water surface p =- B0%7`  
h  L`  

B0= h+-a'L4abLb'%+( a b= 5.4( m+

p= 1.85 m
#e*el of center of pressure abo*e base = '54.5(( m
C!e for stresses in t!e pier at Bed Level "it! R.L. 3 *,.** m
7rea -7 = (.8+ "Em
1.12 m4
1'.1( m4

Case - : /!en Live load on t!e ridge and anal is running at F.0.L.
(i) 6eral dead loads
-a )ead #oad of super structure = 2>.80 tonnes
-b )ead load of bed block = 15.>+ tonnes
-c )ead #oad due to self weight of ier = '+.10 tonnes
-d Bncrease in reacon due to braking = 1.85 tonnes
(ii) Live load "it! impat fator 3 +2.8' tonnes
(iii) Buo+an+ fore ang up"ards 3 <+.12 tonnes
0o 7et veral do"n"ard fore (P) 3 -,,. tonnes

Moment aout 898 a8is

)ue to braking force = 51.8+ t.m
)ue to sliding fricon = 1'.+( t.m
)ue to water current in perpendicular direcon = 1.00 t.m
)ue to water pressure when alternate gates open = +0.20 t.m
#otal Moment (M8) 3 >5.8> t.m
sa %.'' t.m

Moment aout +9+ a8is

)ue to eccentricit of #i*e #oad = '0.80 t.m
)ue to wind force on super structure = +.'5 t.m
)ue to wind force on li*e load = 12.(2 t.m
)ue to water current force in long. )ir = 0.8> t.m
#otal Moment (M+) 3 4'.(0 t.m
sa 1.'' t.m

 P   M  x  M  y

;ow stress =  ( x m )  ( y m )
 A  I  xx  I  yy

?a@imum compressi*e stress M comIma@= >0.'( t%m' N '50 t%m'

?inimum compressi*e stress M comImin= <45.'2  t%m' = <0.45+ ;%mm'
owe*er steel pro*ided in pier will take care of tension.
Case * : /!en Live load on t!e ridge and 7o "ater in anal
(i) 6eral dead loads
-a )ead #oad of super structure = 2>.80 tonnes
-b )ead load of bed block = 15.>+ tonnes
-c )ead #oad due to self weight of ier = '+.10 tonnes
-d Bncrease in reacon due to braking = 1.85 tonnes
(ii) Live load "it! impat fator 3 +2.8' tonnes
0o 7et veral do"n"ard fore (P) 3 -,&.,' tonnes

Moment aout 898 a8is

)ue to braking force = 51.8+ t.m
)ue to sliding fricon = 1'.+( t.m
#otal Moment (M8) 3 (4.1> t.m
sa ,.'' t.m

Moment aout +9+ a8is

)ue to eccentricit of #i*e #oad = '0.80 t.m
)ue to wind force on super structure = +.'5 t.m
)ue to wind force on li*e load = 12.(2 t.m
#otal Moment (M+) 3 41.2' t.m
sa 1*.'' t.m

 P   M  x  M  y

;ow stress =  ( x m )  ( y m )
 A  I  xx  I  yy

?a@imum compressi*e stress M comIma@= 2+.8> t%m' N '50 t%m' ;%mm'

?inimum compressi*e stress M comImin= -Tensile

<'2.44 <0.'24 ;%mm'
t%m' =
owe*er steel pro*ided in pier will take care of tension.
C!e for stresses in t!e pier at foundaon Level "it! R.L. 3 *,-.$' m
7rea -7 = +0.00 "Em
B@@= 40.00 m4
140.(+ m4

Case - : /!en Live load on t!e ridge and anal is running at F.0.L.
(i) 6eral dead loads
-a )ead #oad of super structure = 2>.80 tonnes
-b )ead load of bed block = 15.>+ tonnes
-c )ead #oad due to self weight of ier = '+.10 tonnes
-d Bncrease in reacon due to braking = 1.85 tonnes
(e) Live load "it! impat fator 3 +2.8' tonnes
(f) Buo+an+ fore ang up"ards 3 <+.12 tonnes
(g) Dead load of foundaon lo 3 >8.0' tonnes
0o 7et veral do"n"ard fore (P) 3 *,.1 tonnes
Moment aout 898 a8is
)ue to braking force = (4.54 t.m
)ue to sliding fricon = 1(.>4 t.m
)ue to water current in perpendicular direcon = 1.21 t.m
)ue to water pressure when alternate gates open = (5.+( t.m
#otal Moment (M8) 3 148.55 t.m
sa -1%.'' t.m

Moment aout +9+ a8is

)ue to eccentricit of #i*e #oad = '0.80 t.m
)ue to wind force on super structure = 4.45 t.m
)ue to wind force on li*e load = ''.00 t.m
)ue to water current force in long. )ir = 1.52 t.m
#otal Moment (M+) 3 48.8' t.m
sa 1%.'' t.m

 P   M  x  M  y

;ow stress =  ( x m )  ( y m )
 A  I  xx  I  yy

?a@imum compressi*e stress M comIma@= e t%m' N '5 t%m'
?inimum compressi*e stress M comImin= <0.+1  t%m' = <0.00+ ;%mm' O..
Case * : /!en Live load on t!e ridge and 7o "ater in anal
(i) 6eral dead loads
-a )ead #oad of super structure = 2>.80 tonnes
-b )ead load of bed block = 15.>+ tonnes
-c )ead #oad due to self weight of ier = '+.10 tonnes
-d Bncrease in reacon due to braking = 1.85 tonnes
(e) Live load "it! impat fator 3 +2.8' tonnes
(f) Dead Load of foundaon lo 3 11'.50 tonnes
0o 7et veral do"n"ard fore (P) 3 *$-.'' tonnes

Moment aout 898 a8is

)ue to braking force = (4.54 t.m
)ue to sliding fricon = 1(.>4 t.m
#otal Moment (M8) 3 81.48 t.m
sa &*.'' t.m

Moment aout +9+ a8is

)ue to eccentricit of #i*e #oad = '0.80 t.m
)ue to wind force on super structure = 4.45 t.m
)ue to wind force on li*e load = ''.00 t.m
#otal Moment (M+) 3 42.'5 t.m
sa 1&.'' t.m

 P   M  x  M  y

;ow stress =  ( x m )  ( y m )
 A  I  xx  I  yy
?a@imum compressi*e stress M comIma@= 14.41 t%m' N '5 t%m'
?inimum compressi*e stress M comImin= +.(5 t%m' = 0.0+2 ;%mm' O..

7rea of steel 0.+F of gross seconal area as per B C '1

ro*ide '0 mm dia main reinforcement at spacing of 1>0 mm with es bar 1' mm dia '00 mm c%c
Design of Reinforement for foundaon Blo of Ladpura Bridge of RMC :

&earing capacit of "oil%ock G '5 k;%m'

7ngle of internal fricon of soil mass FG '.' degree
$nit /eight of soil G -&.' k;%m+
Coecient of fricon between soil and concrete
G '.,

Concrete Prade ? '0 with Mcbc G .$ ;%mm'

"teel of Prade !e 415 with Mst *'.' ;%mm'
Design onstants : For M ' onrete and Fe 1-, steel reinforement "e !ave t!e follo"ing :
?odular rao m ='80%+Mcbc= 14.00
bal=1%-1L-Mst%mMcbc= 0.'8>
 bal=1<kbal%+ 0.>04
c=0.5Mcbckbal bal= 0.820 4
a= -1<sin F%-1LsinF= LD
0.+++ C 7
Consider dimensions of foong to be checked G
#ength of column in @<@ dir = 5.+ m
/idth of column in < dir = 1.5 m
#ength of foong base in @<@ dir 2.5 m
/idth of foong base in < dir 4 m
?oment about @<@ direcon = 14>0.00 k;.m < L
?oment about < direcon = 4>0.00 k;.m 2.5
6ercal load on column = '5++.4+ k; 5.+
?a@imum soil pressure at toe = 12'.01 k;%m'
?inimum soil pressure at heel <+.1' k;%m'
ressure intensit under column a@is = 84.45 k;%m'
Bntensit of soil pressure below the column face = 14(.+'8 k;%m'
Canle*er length for bending about crical face = 1.10 m
Total force under canle*er length = 200.+5+ k; ) &
)istance of centroid about crical face = 0.51 m 1.5
&ending moment about crical face = +5>.5> k;.m
/idth of secon at crcal face 1.81+ m
)epth of foong base as reEuired from bending consideraon = 422.(4 mm <D
ro*ide depth of foong base a >00 mm 7" 3 "CO$B;P )3T CBT3BO; 7;) BC '1 )3"BP; CBT3BO;
3Hec*e co*er of reinforcemen (0 mm
Total depth of foong base at column face = >(0 mm
ro*ide total depth of foong base at end = 500 mm
C!e for 0!ear Fore
(a) Pun!ing 0!ear fore :
!or punching shear stress point of *iew the crrical secon occurs at distance d%' from coloumn face.
osion of crical face = 450 mm from coloumn face
3H. #ength of crical plane for punching shear stress = 5.25 m
3H. /idth of crical plane for punching shear stress = 1.>5 m
unching shear force -! = 158(.5( k;
)epth of secon at punching shear line of inKuence = 0.2+44 m
unching shear stress at secon for crical punching shear force= 140.'8' k;%m'
ermissible shear stress in punching shear = ks @ 0.1( Öfck = 215.54 k;%m'
#!e seon is safe from pun!ing s!ear point of vie" ;.<.

(a) ;ne "a+ 0!ear fore :

!or one wa shear stress point of *iew the crical secon occurs at distance d from column face.
osion of crical face for onewa shear = >00 mm from column face
Canle*er length to right of crical plane = 0.' m
Bntensit of pressure at crical plane = 1(2.+44 k;%m'
The secon at crical plane will be trapeJoidal with
Top width of trapeJoid = +.5454545455 m
3Hec*e depth of crical seco 5'+.(+(+(+(+(4 mm
)epth of ;eutral 7@is = kd, = 151.15 mm
/idth of secon at neutral a@is le*el = 4.+(2 m
"hear force at crical secon = 1+5.24 k;
"hear stress at crcal secon = 0.''2 ;%mm'
ermissible shear stress at secon due to direct shear= 0.'8 ;%mm' "econ is safe in direct shear O..

Design for ending #ension :

7rea of steel reEuired for bending -7st = 1>''.1' mm'

7rea of steel wire 1( mm dia = '00.>( mm'
;o of bars reEuired for bendin 10 ;os
ro*ide 1( mm dia ") bars at spacing R 400.0 mm c%c
owe*er pro*ide 1( mm dia bars at spacing '00.0 mm c%c at bo:om of foong
ro*ide same spacing of bars in other direcon also.

7lso pro*ide 1' mm ") bars R '00 mm c%c for temp%shrinkage on top face of foundaon block.

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