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listen and speak (© Match the health problems (2-f) with the symptoms (1-6). 1 have a spliting headache, feel dizzy {2 food poisoning depression 2 have trouble sleeping, cant unwind or relax hay fever 5 have stomach cramps, fel nauseous, have diahoes migraine 4 eel lethargic lacking n energy, pessimistic e insormia 5 have watery eyes, sneeze a ot, feel breathless f atever 6 have 2 high temperature, shiver and sweat [© What advice would you give someone suffering from these problems? Ce) A Listening - Getting the right healthcare 1 €€2 Listen and match each speaker (a-d) with a picture (1-4). 2. €@2 Can you remember what each person wants? Note your answers, then listen again and check. 2 s2mething for a, headache b d 3. €3 Now listen and match each reply (1-4) with the correct speaker (a-d) in Exercise 1. a oe 3 4 18 Social and Travel Sy 4 4 €4@8 Listen again to each reply and answer these questions. 2 What doe MIU stand for? How much do the headache tablets cost? What does a new patient check-up involve? B Listening - Registering at a doctor's men surgery: Citizens of many Ruropean 1 {ii29 Beata is a student from Germany. She is registering at ‘countries ae entitled to free or Cranfield House Surgery. Listen and complete the steps in the lacotaned media tema registration process. throughout Europe, with the Step 1 filin a form European Heath insurance Card Step 2 complete @ card (RHIC), Citizens from outside the Step 3 AVE Benne Check EU may have to pay for treatment ‘ifthey become il while 2 (49 Listen again and answer the questions. aig 2 What documents does she need to provide? What additional information does she have to prowde? C Listening - Finding out about health services 1 #29 Listen to the receptionist tell Beata about the range of services offered at the medical practice. Number the services listed on the leaflet in the order she mentions them. 2 885 Read the statements below. Then listen again and write T (true) or F (false) for each statement. a You can only make an appoiniment by Cranfield House Surgery phone. .F a Soe P b sy yu can see a dacorn es tan 26 O Greene as a ane ee You have to call before ten thirty if you want a He Oo lome visits pt ae OO Gibperecttees a Ed pearance avert - to give advice by phone. Oia Fed £ There isa Well Person Clinic tice a week. [7] Making an appointment po There i no special nic for people with hay Fi fever. C1 Repeat prescriptions Bn fh You have to ask two days in advance for a ap a Bt recanted 3 Now correct the false statements. or31 732 8900 D Listening - At the doctor's 1 #429 Listen to two patients, Anne and Brian, describe their 3. #188 A few weeks later Beata symptoms to the doctor. Write A (Anne) or B (Brian) next to isn’t feeling very well. She goes each symptom below. to see her doctor. Listen and tick 1 can't switch off [i] ¥ the symptoms she menti 2 is very lethargic C] thas trouble sleeping [1] 3 is shivering and sweating [] feels nauseous 4 has trouble sleeping [] has stomach camps C] 5 has a high temperature C] has diarhoea C] 6 feels tense and intable [-] has been sick 7 feels weak and dizzy ‘has a high temperature (] 2. €@ What do you think could be the matter with each 4 Look at Beata’s symptoms. What person? Listen to the doctor's diagnosis and complete his do you think is wrong with her? notes. 5. €9 Now listen to the doctor's ‘Anne Bertrand diagnosis. Answer the questions. Problem: depression a Whats wrong with Beata? Treatment: Nitrepan -weele course Mass dre 100 pf en gree : Return visit Yes/No [If yes, when 1 fi Brian Kinaston Problem: Learning tip Treatment: Cardesole 5. week course. tis not always possible to : : ‘understand everything frst time. 230mg tablets, 3x per day before omg tablets, Ix before er ene cae Return visit Yes/No [If yes, when 1 have understood, especially ithe {information is important. A good ‘eohnique isto repeat the important Information back to the speaker E Speaking - Understanding the diagnosis Speaking strategy: Checking 2 You can also use these expressions when you want to check you understand you have understood. 1 Look at this extract from Beata’s Peete sy oud eS ies Right, s0 you'e saying | have to How does she check she has understood correctly? ‘Speak up! Doctor: Il give you a prescription for 3 Cima ‘ fe gine you are at the doctor's. Listen to the doctor's some tablets. Theyte very good. instructions (a-e) and respond each time by checking you Take two every four hours and understand. it should sort itself out n afew es i You hear: & Beata: OK, 50 need to take two tablets ‘Tia ic GreAeGONY te TAIT ad skp ake ‘every four hous. i out, Take tno tablets three times a day, before meals ‘You say: Right so you're sayjng | have to take tuo tablets three times 4 day before meals 20 @ Social and Travel Sound smart Using stress to correct misumnerstandings 1 E69 stressing certain words isa useful way of correcting someone if they have misheard or misunderstood what you have sai, Listen to these ‘two conversations and notice how the words in bold have more sess. 'K: So you have to take two tablets once a day? B: No, the doctor said take two tablets twice a day. 1 Did you say your left ankle was swollen? B: No, i's my right ankle, 2. € Now listen and use the information below to correct each speaker. Sess the important words in ‘your reply. | Example { You hear: a | “So you'te saying | have to take three of these? So, your next appointment is on Friday ak | “That's ight. Every four hours! five thir? ‘You say: No, W's on Friday ab six thirty 2 Friday 630pm after each meal three times a day 4 ight arm a biood test Ciass bonus Half the dass are doco the other hal are patents i? Saree Patients: Think of @ heath problem. Find a doctor and oto the BBC Learing English website and type ‘healt ‘alan your symptoms. Then listen careful othe in the search box. Press enter, then choose a link that doctor's diagnosis, and repeat back any instructions to interests you. lk Listen tothe story’ and check for any make sue you understand Vit several doctors ond video materia oo. Complete any exercses. You could uiho gives the best iagnasis and advice ako go to the Voice of Ameria SpedalEngish website to COCO: _Listen to each patient describe a heath watch o Isten to more health stories problem, Make a diagnosis and prescbe sore ftp / medicine, Gveinstricions on taking the medicine. ‘itp /anwwvoanens.corn/specalenglh/ Make sue your paren understand leary Can-do checklist; ee 7 se Tick whet you can do Cando) {Need more practice | can enquire effectively about and register for healthcare services. | can listen to a doctor's diagnosis and check | have understood, {can use stress to correct misunderstandings 24 Units Fidllke to book a check-up, please lim not registered at your practice lim here to have a blood tes ve had a spliting headache all moming. Its kiling me. ve had & high temperature for a while now. Heel dizzy and nauseous, | have stomach ciamps and darthoea. I can't seem to switch off limvery lethargic. feel weak and dizzy Sa | need to take two spoonfuls, twice @ day? So you mean I should finish the course? might We try to see everyone within two days. We can ft you in a 4 pn. YOU need to fil i ths frm. Just drop in anytime. We do vaccinations as wel We have special dinics for diabetes sufferers. itsallin this leafet You have @ mild case of the flu. | think you're suffering from depression. ‘Teke a couple of tablets every four hours or so. That should get i of it See me ina month

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