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Journal of Reproductive Health, 11 (2), 2020: 163-177

DOI: 10.22435 / kespro.v11i2.3799.163-177



The effect of anemia among pregnant women to low birth weight babies:
A meta-analysis in various countries from 2015 to 2019

Aditianti *, Sri Poedji Hastoety Djaiman

Functional Implementing Unit - Stunting Prevention Innovation Research

and Development Center for Public Health Efforts Health Research and
Development Agency, Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia

E-mail: aditianti@yahoo.com

Manuscripts for 9 September 2020; review 21 September 2020; approved to be published December 29, 2020


Background: The prevalence of low birth weight (LBW) in Indonesia shows a decrease, but the risk factor for
anemia in pregnant women has increased sharply and this has an impact on increasing the prevalence of LBW.
Objective: This study aimed to determine the risk of anemia in pregnant women to the prevalence of LBW in
several countries.
Methods: This study was a meta-analysis using PRISMA. Eleven of the 122,000 studies met criteria for the
analysis. Presentation of the data used a forest plot with a random effect statistical model.
Results: The combined odds ratio (OR) showed that the effect of anemia in pregnant women on LBW was 1.49 times
higher than that of non-anemia mothers (95% CI: 1.26-4.60; p <0.001). The variance was 53.7%. The results of the funnel
plots from 11 studies were not evenly distributed so that the information obtained was homogeneous, focusing more on
the middle value.
Conclusion: There was an effect of anemia in pregnant women with the prevalence of LBW. Detection of anemia in
pregnant women needs to be done as early as possible by involving the role of health workers and cadres. Outreach
activities for young women at schools and Posyandu must be carried out regularly and continuously.

Keywords: Anemia, LBW, Pregnancy


Background: The prevalence of low birth weight (LBW) in Indonesia shows a decrease, but the risk factor for anemia in
pregnant women has increased sharply and this has an impact on the increase in the incidence of LBW.
Destination: This study aims to determine the risk of anemia for pregnant women to the incidence of LBW in several
Method: This study is a meta-analysis using PRISMA. Eleven of the 122,000 studies met the criteria for
analysis. Presentation of data using a forest plot with a statistical model random effect.
Result: Big odds ratio ( OR) combined showed that the effect of anemic pregnant women on LBW was 1.49 times higher than that
of non-anemia mothers (95% CI: 1.26-4.60; p <0.001). The amount of the variant is 53.7 percent. The results of the funnel plots of
the 11 studies are not evenly distributed so that the information obtained is homogeneous, focusing more on the middle value.

Conclusion: There is an effect of anemia in pregnant women with the incidence of LBW. Detection of anemia in pregnant
women needs to be done as early as possible by involving the role of health workers and cadres. Outreach for young
women in schools and posyandu must be carried out regularly and continuously

Keywords: Anemia, LBW, Pregnancy

The Effect of Anemia in Pregnant Women on… (Aditianti and Sri Poedji Hastoety Djaiman)

PRELIMINARY babies born with normal weight. 9

According to WHO, babies with low birth
Low birth weight (LBW) is still a health
weight generally experience poor
problem for mothers and children in
long-term life processes. If you do not die
developing countries and is an indicator to
at the beginning of birth, LBW babies have
predict infant mortality, stunting, and a risk of growing and developing more
disease in adulthood. 1 World Health slowly than babies born with normal
Organization ( WHO) defines LBW as babies weight. 4 In the same article, it was also
born weighing ≤2,500 grams. 2 In stated that there were developmental
developing and developed countries, disorders and individuals with a history of
babies with low birth weight (<2,500 LBW had high risk factors for developing
grams) are one of the main factors that hypertension, heart disease, and diabetes
can affect neonatal mortality, mortality. post-neonatal
after reaching the age of 40 years. 4
as well as
morbidity in children. 3 According to WHO A study conducted by Mitao in 2015 in North
Neonatal mortality is 20 times more due to Tanzania stated that the factors related to the
LBW than normal weight infants. 4 United incidence of LBW were maternal height, time of
Nations Children's Fund ( UNICEF) stated
visit antenatal care
that LBW is the highest predictor of infant
(ANC) first, number of ANC visits, iron
mortality, especially in the first month
supplementation, calcium supplements,
since the child is born. 5 maternal education, all diseases during
pregnancy, and hypertension. 9Study which
conducted by Rajashree in 2015 in Karnataka, India
According to UNICEF, the prevalence of LBW
reported that there are multidimensional factors
globally reaches almost 15 percent. More
that cause the birth of LBW babies, namely:
than half of the babies with LBW were born maternal age, literacy rate, birth spacing, daytime
in West Africa and Central Africa. In 2019 the rest during pregnancy, low maternal weight gain
prevalence of LBW in Southeast Asia is 14.9 during pregnancy, and blood hemoglobin (Hb)
percent and the prevalence in Indonesia is levels. 10
10 percent. 5 Based on data from Basic Health
Sutan in his 2014 study in Malaysia concluded
Research (Riskesdas), the prevalence of LBW
that LBW can be caused by internal factors of
in Indonesia shows a decreasing trend,
the mother (nutritional status, age, parity, poor
namely in 2010 it was 11.1 percent, in 2013
pregnancy history, previous pregnancy).
the prevalence was 10.2 percent, and in
give birth LBW, and
2018 it again decreased to
abortion / miscarriage) and maternal external
6.2 percent. 6,7,8 However, this is not in line with
factors (economic status, poor ANC care, fetal
the global target which targets the prevalence
condition). 11 In 2016, the Kamariyah and
of LBW babies to experience a decline
Musyarofah study conducted in Surabaya
2.7 percent per year up to year reported that maternal nutrition before and
2025. 2
during pregnancy can affect the birth weight of
the baby, such as macro nutrient deficiency
Body weight is one indicator of a
(chronic lack of energy) as indicated by the
newborn's health. Basically, babies with
upper arm circumference indicator <23.5cm. 12 A
low birth weight that is less than 2500
2016 study in India stated that anemia in
grams have a higher risk of experiencing
pregnant women is associated with an
preterm birth, yellow birth, and have increased risk of postpartum hemorrhage, low
lower scores for skin color, heart rate, birth weight and perinatal mortality. 13
reflex, muscle tone, and respiration
(APGAR) compared to

Author correspondence
( aditianti@yahoo.com )

© ISSN Health Research and Development Agency:

2354-8762 (electronic); ISSN: 2087-703X (print)

164 Journal of Reproductive Health, 11 (2), 2020

The Effect of Anemia in Pregnant Women on… (Aditianti and Sri Poedji Hastoety Djaiman)

The same thing was expressed by Tabrizi and as well as several other countries. This
Barjesteh in a study in Iran in 2018, namely analysis aims to determine the risk of
that low blood Hb levels during pregnancy are maternal anemia during pregnancy for
associated with low birth weight. Maternal LBW babies in several countries.
blood hemoglobin has a positive relationship
with measurement of weight, length, and head
circumference in newborns. 14 While
According to a prospective study of anemia
in pregnancy conducted by Kaur in 2015 in This article is prepared using a meta-analysis
India, the maternal hemoglobin level has a method, namely a quantitative, formal,
positive association with measurements of epidemiological research design that is used to
the weight, length and head circumference systematically assess using previous research. 16 In
of newborns. 15 Prevalence of anemia other words, meta-analysis is a quantitative
on mother pregnant show approach by combining several studies with the
A significant increase in the last decade, the same size of association, which aims to obtain a
results of the 2013 Riskesdas showed the combined size of association. This meta-analysis
prevalence of anemia in pregnant women study uses the method Preferred Reporting
was 37 percent and the 2018 Riskesdas
showed an increase to 48.9 percent. 8), (9)
Items for Systematic reviews and
Although LBW in infants has shown a decrease, MetaAnalyses ( PRISM). 17 This method is
the prevalence of anemia in pregnant women used because it is systematic and makes it
shows an increasing trend. The strong influence easier to extract data. There are 4 phases
between anemia of pregnant women on low birth carried out, that is identification, screening,
weight encourages the need for information on eligibility, and fall within the criteria as
how big the problem is in Indonesia described in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Flow chart PRISMA (Moher D. et.al, 2009) 17

Journal of Reproductive Health, 11 (2), 2020 165

The Effect of Anemia in Pregnant Women on… (Aditianti and Sri Poedji Hastoety Djaiman)

This analysis does not differentiate between I 2 below 50 percent, all research results are
sources of reference search sources ( database considered homogeneous. Conversely, if I 2 above
reference) and language. Article search strategy 50 percent, all research results are considered
using keywords: maternal anemia, low birth heterogeneous.
weight, upper 2014. Source database is google
scholar and pubmed. Once obtained The results of the meta-analysis are presented in forest plot,

a number of articles, then checked to see the same each study was shown the same effect, taken by size
or multiple articles. If the same article is found, then point estimate and convidence interval 95 percent
the article is excluded so that there is only one which corresponds to the size of the association.
article with the same title and content. The next step Reference bias test is carried out using funnel plot,
is to conduct a feasibility study on whether the
article matches the inclusion criteria that have been that is to see the distribution from effect size study
set, if it does not comply with the inclusion / by comparing between the research precision plots ( standard
eligibility criteria that have been set, then the article error) with effect size
is excluded or not included in the next analysis. The all studies analyzed. The data is said to be
inclusion criteria used were multiple pregnancy; biased when the value effect size not spread
association sizes are not the same; born with symmetrically in a triangle funnel plot. Data
congenital defects, and the baby is stillborn. analysis using software Stata version 12.0
Meanwhile, the exclusion criteria for this study were
not lab research and articles related to animal
subjects. Reference searches were conducted from
January 2019 to December 2019.
Based on keywords "Maternal anemia and
low birth weight upper 2014 ", Obtained
122,000 articles for further selection based on the
Methods are used to maintain reference year of publication. By choosing a publication
quality quorum by method checklist. year ranging from 2014 to 2019, 17,600 articles
There are 5 indicator that used were obtained. Further tracing was carried out by
depending on the subsections, namely (1) the selecting articles that matched the substance of
abstract includes: objectives, data sources, review the analysis, from 17,600 which were in
methods, results, conclusions; (2) introduction accordance with the topic of analysis, there were
includes: magnitude of the problem, rationalization, 82 articles that were relevant. Of the 82 articles,
expectations; (3) methodology includes reference eight of them were duplicated so that they were
search, reference selection, reference validity excluded from the article collection, henceforth
testing, abstraction
data, characteristics research, done filtering again
qualitative data; (4) the results include an overview based on the inclusion criteria (single birth,
of the analysis flow, study characteristics, normal birth, and the child is still alive),
quantitative analysis data; (5) discussion includes excluded the exclusion criteria (studies related to
conclusions from key findings. References that do experimental animals and clinical studies), which
not meet the quality are not included in the analysis. ended with the acquisition of 38 articles.

The results of the meta-analysis are presented in forest plot, Of the 38 articles, there were 15 articles that
namely the distribution description effect were included in the meta-analysis because
size of all the research results analyzed. The they had the same size of association, the size
statistical model used refers to its width of the association used was value. odd ratio
confidence interval ( CI), if the combined CI (OR). Most of the articles have no data outcome
cuts all the CIs of the analyzed study on exposure so it is not possible to calculate
results, the statistical model used is fixed OR. There were four articles that were
effect model, however, if the combined CIs excluded from being analyzed because confident
do not cut all the CIs from the analyzed interval which is not good or has an upper
study results then it will be used and lower limit of the width and has poor
random effect model. For look reference validity. The process of filtering
The homogeneity or heterogeneity of the research which is the articles can be seen in Figure 2.
source of the analysis is seen from the value I 2. When

166 Journal of Reproductive Health, 11 (2), 2020

The Effect of Anemia in Pregnant Women on… (Aditianti and Sri Poedji Hastoety Djaiman)


104,400 outside the year limit


14,518 does not correspond

to the substance analyzed


8 duplications

36 excluding the inclusion criteria:
- not born twins
- born with stillbirth
- defects


23 association sizes are not the same

Enter criteria

4 the contribution of the deviation is too large and

testing the validity of the reference is not good


Figure 2. Reference selection process using the PRISMA method

Eleven articles that can be analyzed were three and two articles. Acquisition of articles
obtained from various reference sources from each journal is summarized in the Table
with the most journals coming from BMJ 1.
Global Health and PLOS ONE, namely

Table 1. Number of references and journal sources

No. Journal source Number of references

1 Asian Pacific Journal of Reproduction 1

2 International Journal of Pediatrics 1
3 American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 1
4 BMJ Global Health 3
6 Pakistan Armed Forces Medical Journal 1
7 Indonesian Nutrition Media 1
8 International Journal of Medical Science and Public Health 1

Journal of Reproductive Health, 11 (2), 2020 167

The Effect of Anemia in Pregnant Women on… (Aditianti and Sri Poedji Hastoety Djaiman)

Table 2. Characteristics of articles on the effect of anemia in pregnant women with LBW

Birth weight
No. Author Title Year Location Sample Subject Design Study results
1 Mitao M, et al 9 Risk factors and adverse 2015 Tanzania 37,799 Mother and baby Retrospective Number of samples LBW related factors:

perinatal outcome North born cohort ( data Normal: anemia, preeclampsia,
associated with low birth secondary) 33,792 premature birth, heavy
weight in Northern LBW: 4,007 pregnant mother's body
Tanzania: a registry-
based retrospective
cohort study
2 Bhaskar RK, et al 18 A case control study on 2015 Nepal 159 cases; Mother and baby Case control Average LBW related factors:
risk factors associated East 159 birth controls birth weight: iron supplementation,
with low birth weight Case group: illness during pregnancy,
babies in Eastern Nepal 2.126.73 grams The first ANC, and the number
Control group: ANC visit
3.083.65 grams

3 Zerfu, et al 19 Dietary diversity during 2016 Ethiopia 374 Mother and baby Retrospective Average The pregnant mother
pregnancy is associated born cohort birth weight: consuming more than 4

Journal of Reproductive Health, 11 (2), 2020

with reduced risk of Inadequate food groups during
maternal anemia, group: pregnancy has risks
preterm delivery, and 2.690.9 ± 20.65 lower for
low birth weight in a gram have anemia during
prospective cohort study Adequate pregnancy and reduce
in rural Ethiopia group: risk of having a child born
3.192.3 ± 33.3 LBW and premature

4 Nair M, et al 13 Association between 2016 Assam, 1,007 Mother and baby Retrospective Pregnant women
maternal anemia and India born cohort related to anemia
Pregnancy outcomes: a increased risk
cohort study in Assam, postpartum haemorrhage
India (PPH), LBW, and perinatal

168 Journal of Reproductive Health, 11 (2), 2020

The Effect of Anemia in Pregnant Women on… (Aditianti and Sri Poedji Hastoety Djaiman)

Birth weight
No. Author Title Year Location Sample Subject Design Study results
5 Kattula D, et al The first 1000 days of 2014 South India 497 Mother and Community- Percentage High morbidity in
life: prenatal and baby born based birth birth weight: poor areas of India in the
postnatal risk factors for cohort Normal: first 1000 days of life is

Journal of Reproductive Health, 11 (2), 2020

morbidity and growth in a 82.86% mainly due to
birth cohort in LBW: prenatal factors and
southern India 17.14% gastrointestinal and disease
6 Masukume G et al Risk factors and birth 2015 Zealand 5,069 Mother and Retrospective Percentage Anemia, especially ones
outcomes of anemia in New, baby born cohort LBW from mother occurs early in pregnancy,
early pregnancy in a Australia, anemia: 7.3% at risk for childbirth
Nulliparous Cohort English and Percentage
Ireland LBW from mother
non anemia:
7 Feresu SA, et al 22 Risk factors for low 2015 Zimbabwe 3,110 Mother and Cross- Percentage LBW associated with
birthweight in baby born sectional ( LBW data: nutrition, reproduction, medical,
Zimbabwean Women: A. secondary 16.7%) and obstetric factors
secondary data analysis
8 Adane, AA, et al 23 Adverse birth outcomes 2014 Ethiopia 481 Mother and Cross- Number of samples Prevalence of LBW births from
among deliveries at baby born sectional mothers who are less good (stillbirth, anemia: 12
Gondar University ( hospital- preterm birth, and low
Hospital, Northwest based) birth weight) is still high
Ethiopia Number of samples become a health problem
LBW from mother In the main community in
non anemia: the area, birth weight was
42 associated with ANC
and hypertension

9 Anwar R 24 Impact of maternal 2019 Karachi, 643 Cohort A low maternal blood

Mother and Number of samples
anemia on perinatal Pakistan baby born LBW: 168 Hb level increases
outcome the risk of birth
preterm, infant LBW, APGAR
score <5 at 1 minute and the
IUD ( intrauterine fetal

Journal of Reproductive Health, 11 (2), 2020 169

The Effect of Anemia in Pregnant Women on… (Aditianti and Sri Poedji Hastoety Djaiman)

Birth weight
No. Author Title Year Location Sample Subject Design Study results
10 Fajriana et al 25 Risk factors are 2018 Surabaya, 22 cases; Mother and Case control Pregnant women who gave birth to
associated with Indonesia 22 controls baby born premature babies had a 6.2 times
the incidence of low birth greater risk of experiencing LBW,

weight babies in Kecamatan while pregnant women who had
Semampir Surabaya KEK had a 6.6 times greater risk of
experiencing LBW.

11 Rajashree K, et al 10 Study on the factors 2015 Karnataka, 131 Mother and Cross- Percentage by weight The cause of LBW is
associated with low birth India baby born sectional born: multidimensional: age, number
weight among newborns ( hospital- Normal: 69% literacy, birth spacing, daytime rest
delivered in a tertiarycare based) LBW: 31% during pregnancy, maternal weight
hospital, Shimoga, gain during pregnancy, and Hb
Karnataka levels.

Journal of Reproductive Health, 11 (2), 2020

170 Journal of Reproductive Health, 11 (2), 2020
The Effect of Anemia in Pregnant Women on… (Aditianti and Sri Poedji Hastoety Djaiman)

All study results in 11 articles stated that meaningful. Anemia in pregnant women is
anemia in pregnant women is a risk factor proven statistics cause LBW.
for LBW. A total of seven studies, namely While four studies other not
the Mitao study (2016) 9, shows a significant difference, namely the
Zefru (2016) 19, Nair (2014) 13, Enter the resume study of Bhaskar (2015) 18, Kattula (2014) 20 Adane
(2015) 21, Feresu (2015) 22, Anwar (2019) 24 and (2014) 23 and Fajriana (2018) 25. The results of this
Rajashere (2015) 10 yielded statistically study are detailed in Table 3.
significant or different results

Table 3. Data extraction based on references entered in the analysis

% amount Representative
No. Studies Year OR 95% CI Study design
weight sample sample
1 Mitao M, et al 9 2016 1.70 1.40-2.20 17.91 Retrospective 37,799 Representative
cohort ( data
2 Bhaskar RK, et al 18 2015 1.27 0.59-2.71 2.55 Case control 318 Not
3 Zerfu, et al 19 2016 2.29 1.62-3.24 4.37 Prospective 374 Not
cohort representative
4 Nair M, et al 13 2016 1.26 1.04-1.53 47.47 Retrospective 1,007 Not
cohort representative
5 Kattula D, et al 2014 2.00 0.98-4.06 1.21 Community-based 497 Not
birth cohort representative
6 Masukume G et al 21 2015 1.34 1.01-1.78 19.33 Prospective 5,069 Representative
7 Feresu SA, et al 22 2015 3.51 2,10-5,84 0.82 Cross-sectional 3,110 Representative
(secondary data)
8 Adane, AA, et al 23 2014 1.49 0.79-4.74 0.73 Cross-sectional 481 Not
( hospital-based) representative
9 Anwar R 24 2019 2.48 1.80-3.30 5.09 Cohort 643 Not
10 Fajriana et al 25 2018 2.31 0.62-9.03 0.16 Case control 44 Not
11 Rajashree K, et al 10 2015 4.06 1.50-14.4 0.07 Cross sectional 131 Not
( hospital-based) representative

To see whether the number of samples Of the 11 studies included in the analysis, the
from each study can represent the largest contribution in calculating the combined
population under study, the minimum risk was from the Nair (2016) study. 13 that is
sample size that should be met is 47.47 percent and the smallest contribution
calculated. The sample calculation uses came from the Rajashere study (2015) 10 that is
the sample size formula estimating and 0.07 percent. The biggest risk factor for anemia
odds ratio with specified
relative precision, with in pregnant women to the incidence of LBW in
using by using Badshah research in 2008 3, namelybabies born comes from the study of Rajashere
the proportion of anemic pregnant (2015). 10 with 131 samples of pregnant women.
women who gave birth to LBW by From this study, it was found that the risk of
12.3 percent, while pregnant women who were not anemic gave pregnant women with anemia to give birth to
birth to LBW babies at 8.5 percent and an OR value of 1.5. With a LBW babies was 4.06 times compared to
precision value of 25 percent and pregnant women without anemia. While the
confidence level 95 percent, then the smallest OR value comes from the study of
recommended minimum sample size is 1,028. Nair (2016), 13 that is, the risk of anemia for
In Table 3, it can be seen that a representative pregnant women to have babies with low birth
sample size from each study is compared to weight is 1.26 times compared to pregnant
the number of samples that should be. women who do not have anemia.

Journal of Reproductive Health, 11 (2), 2020 171

The Effect of Anemia in Pregnant Women on… (Aditianti and Sri Poedji Hastoety Djaiman)

This meta-analysis resulted in the magnitude anemia in pregnant women with LBW
of the risk of pregnant women with anemia cases in babies born. 9, 13, 20, 21, 22, 10,
affecting the occurrence of LBW in babies
born by 1.495 times compared to mothers
without anemia (95% CI: 1.36-1.66). This The quality of the data that constructs the combined
means that a mother who suffered from risk factors (combined OR) can be seen from
anemia during her pregnancy had almost 2 chi-squared heterogeneity ( Figure 3), which
times the risk of giving birth to a child with shows the results that the combined OR has a
low birth weight, compared to a mother who heterogeneous distribution (p = 0.017 below p
was not anemic during her pregnancy, with <0.05). This can also be seen from the width confidence
a significant difference in risk (p <0.001). As interval ( 95% CI) of the combined ORs that did
many as seven of the 11 journals studied not cut across the whole
stated that there was a significant confidence interval study (lower limit <1.33
relationship between events and> 1.66).

Heterogeneity chi-squared = 21.61 (df = 10) then p = 0.017
Variance I-squared (variation in OR attributable to heterogeneity) = 53,7%
Test of OR = 0; z = 17.31; p = 0.000

Figure 3. Distribution forest plot the effect of anemia in pregnant women with LBW

Apart from looking at the magnitude of the combined evenly, the value of all the risks is above 1.
effect of the 11 studies, reference bias also needs to be Reference more found in the center axis.
looked at. Figure 4 shows that the results funnel plot Studies with OR values above 1 and
of the 11 studies were not scattered below 0.5 are underrepresented.

172 Journal of Reproductive Health, 11 (2), 2020

The Effect of Anemia in Pregnant Women on… (Aditianti and Sri Poedji Hastoety Djaiman)

Figure 4. Distribution funnel plot the effect of anemia in pregnant women with LBW

DISCUSSION the relationship between anemia in

pregnant women with the incidence of LBW.
Based on the results of the meta-analysis of Anemia in pregnancy can be bad for both
this study, anemia in pregnant women has a the mother and the fetus. Anemia in
significant effect on the incidence of low birth pregnancy will disrupt the flow of oxygen
weight (LBW). According to a 2009 Mutthaya and nutrient supply from mother to fetus. As
study 26 who reviewed articles on the a result, the fetus will experience weight
importance of nutrition during pregnancy and gain problems, causing LBW. 28
LBW, most of the incidence of anemia in
pregnant women is caused by iron (Fe) The study conducted by Jwa at The National
deficiency. Meanwhile, a study conducted by Center for Child Health and Development
Allen in 2001 27 explain the mechanism of Tokyo Japan from January 2010 to December
anemia that affects birth weight can be 2012 observed 3 times the measurement of blood
explained by several circumstances, namely Hb at 16 weeks, 1627 weeks of gestation, and
the lack of iron intake can interfere with the pregnancies of more than 28 weeks, showing the
immune system which in turn can increase the result of an inverse relationship between changes
body's vulnerability to infectious diseases such in blood Hb levels and body weight of babies
as genital infection, urinary tract infection, born. The higher the mother's blood Hb level
malaria, and hepatitis. In addition, iron deficiency during pregnancy, the lower the risk of the
can increase the production of stress hormones mother giving birth to a baby weighing less than
norepinephrine and cortisol. Low blood Hb 2500 grams. From 1,986 pregnant women, 6.6
levels can result fetal hypoxia percent gave birth to LBW babies. Of the 132
which then stimulates the body to produce mothers who gave birth to LBW babies, there
hormones corticotrophine. This hormone were 24.2 percent who experienced a decrease in
can affect the development of the placenta Hb blood, amounting to <-1.9 g / dl; 28.9 percent
by reducing blood flow to the fetus. If this experienced a decrease in blood Hb between -
happens continuously, as a result the fetus 1.9-1.0 gr / dl; and 46.9 percent
will experience growth retardation and the experienced a decrease in blood Hb> -1 g /
mother is at risk of giving birth to LBW. A dl. The study also found that every 1 g / dl
study conducted by Novianti and Aisyah in increase in blood Hb levels increased the
2018 stated that it was baby's weight gain by 57.9 grams. 29

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In 2020 Patel undertook a study Rizki conducted in 2017, showing a

prospective observational cohort in significant relationship between iron
Maharashtra India among 72,750 pregnant supplementation and anemia status of
women, with the result that 90 percent of pregnant women in the 3rd
pregnant women are anemic, underweight or trimester.Pregnant mothers need for iron,
both. Mild anemia experienced by the mother especially during the 2nd and 3rd
increased the risk of LBW by 1.1 times and the trimesters due to an increase in blood
risk was significantly increased in conditions of volume and plasma volume during
moderate and severe anemia, namely 1.3 times. pregnancy. This will cause hemodilution,
Less weightDuring period pregnancy too the amount of iron absorbed from food
contributes to the incidence of LBW by 1.2 and reserves in the body is usually not
times and the risk of LBW is 1.5 times sufficient pregnancy
for the mother's
so that
needs required
greater if the mother is anemic and addition intake substanceiron through
underweight during her pregnancy. 30 Fe tablet supplementation. 34

Apart from KEK in pregnant women, there are other factors

According to a study conducted by Fajriana that influence the occurrence of LBW in this meta-analysis
in Surabaya Indonesia in 2018 25 mother study. Bhaskar Research (2015) 18, Kattula (2014) 20 and Adane
(2014) 23
pregnant with chronic energy deficiency
conditions (KEK) has a 6.6 times greater risk revealed that antenatal visit time (ANC) was
of experiencing LBW. A study conducted by associated with LBW incidence. Antenatal
Aminin in 2014 in Tanjung Pinang Kepulauan screening is important for screening
Riau stated that there was a relationship high-risk mothers, monitoring pregnancy
between KEK in pregnant women and the weight gain, screening for anemia, providing
incidence of anemia. 31 Meanwhile, according nutritional supplements that are essential
to a study conducted by Feresu in 2015 22 for good pregnancy outcomes, and helping
reported that maternal upper arm circumference reduce and / or prevent maternal and
below 28.5 cm was associated with the incidence newborn complications and death.
of LBW. If pregnant women experience KEK, the Increasing the number of ANC visits will
fetus does not get optimal nutritional intake reduce the chances of giving birth to LBW
so that growth and babies. In this study, children born to
impaired fetal development. Mothers with mothers with ANC were less than four times
KEK conditions experience a lack of energy as likely to be 6 times more likely to deliver
for a long time even before the pregnancy LBW babies. Performing ANC routinely can
period. 32 Chronic energy deficiency in detect anemia in pregnant women early to
pregnancy has a close relationship based be followed up with iron and folic acid
on research conducted by Larasati in 2018 supplements as well as good and proper diet
in the city of Makassar. 33 counseling. 20
Unbalanced food consumption and absorption
patterns during pregnancy greatly affect a A study in Ethiopia 19 shows that pregnant
person's nutritional status. If pregnant women women who eat a variety of foods (milk,
do not consume balanced nutrition, both animal source foods, fruits, and vegetables
macronutrients and micronutrients during
rich in vitamin A) have a lower risk of
developing anemia, LBW and preterm birth.
their pregnancy, the pregnant woman is at risk
The incidence of LBW is also related to the
of experiencing nutritional disorders or
condition of pregnant women with
deficiency. chronic energy which can
preeclampsia 9, eclampsia, 22 and hypertension
resulting in anemia. 31
chronicles. 9,18,22,23 Another thing that also
Blood-added tablet supplementation in influences the occurrence of LBW in this
pregnant women is associated with the haveis not couple
meta-analysis wedding 21
incidence of LBW. Mothers who consumed smoking habit, 9 nutritional status (deficiency and
obesity) in pregnant women, 9 maternal HIV status, 9
iron for less than 90 days were almost 3
times more likely to have LBW babies than mother's height, 18 mother's education, 18 residence, 22
mothers who consumed more than 90 malaria, 22 literacy age, 10 distance
days. 18 In line with this, studies were

174 Journal of Reproductive Health, 11 (2), 2020

The Effect of Anemia in Pregnant Women on… (Aditianti and Sri Poedji Hastoety Djaiman)

birth, 10 habit of resting during the day, 10 anemia. Anemia in pregnant women is
and weight gain during pregnancy. 10 mostly caused by iron (Fe) deficiency. Lack of
iron consumption can reduce hemoglobin
In this meta-analysis, there are also studies (Hb) levels in the blood of pregnant women
which reveal that there is no significant so that blood flow to the fetus becomes
relationship between anemia in pregnant obstructed and causes disruption of oxygen
women and the incidence of LBW. The flow and nutrient supply from the mother to
insignificant results of the study were due to the fetus. fetus. Thing this disturb
the fact that most mothers did not have fetal growth and leads to inhibition of fetal
anemia. This study was conducted in 2018 in weight gain. There is an inverse
Surabaya Indonesia using a case-control relationship between changes in maternal
design. 25 Study conducted by Enterume in blood Hb levels during pregnancy and
2015 21 also reported that the incidence of weight gain in babies born. The lower the
anemia in pregnant women did not affect outcome blood Hb level of the pregnant woman,
pregnancy, however the greater the risk of the mother giving
bad pregnancies are more common in birth to a low birth weight baby.
those who are anemic than in those who
are not.
A meta-analysis study on the relationship
between anemia and LBW pregnant women It is necessary to innovate intervention programs in
in children was carried out by Figueiredo. 35 This the management of anemia in pregnant women that
study did not limit the number of years of can be carried out by collaborating across programs
publication but limited the study design to and cross sector in a manner
the cohort and case-control study of 68 continuous, for example with
articles. The results of the study concluded detect anemia in pregnant women as early as
that anemia in pregnant women is a risk possible. Pregnant women who experience
factor for low birth weight in infants (OR: anemia must be monitored by health personnel
1.23; 95% CI: 1.06-1.43). Meanwhile, a and cadres so that the provision of Fe tablets and
meta-analysis study conducted by Rahmati local food ingredients sources of Fe can be given
in 2016 on 30 articles showed that anemia in freely routine During period pregnancy.
pregnant women in the first trimester Massive outreach to young women as
showed a significant relationship with low prospective mothers at schools and posyandu
birth weight (RR: 1.28, 95% CI: 1.10-1.50, p is a mustheld in a manner routine and
<0.01). 36 continuous.

The weakness of this meta-analysis is that the reference

year is limited to the last five years. This is because the
anemial context of pregnant women and the incidence BIBLIOGRAPHY
of LBW requires data from the latest study results to be
relevant to the current situation. In addition, this
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