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Coca-Cola is the most reliable and best-selling beverage in the world.

At the same time, it makes

more efforts to meet the needs of customers more effectively and more widely. Coca-Cola
connects with sensitivity to know human needs and desires.
1. What does Coca-Cola stand for? Is it the same for everyone? Explain.
Coca-Cola stands for the core values of its brand, including happiness and joy, Refreshment,
optimism, and coming together and encouragement. Coca-Cola has made a universal the
connection to the scope of the brand, where people see its logo is not considered Commercial
advertising. The company makes various advertisements for happiness Connects different
countries for marketing and consumers on a global basis.
2. Coca-Cola has successfully marketed to billions of people around the world. Why is it so
Coca-Cola has successfully marketed to millions of people around the world
Because Coca-Cola has created extremely current, it is raising worldwide campaigns
Translates well in different countries, languages and cultures. There is Coca-Cola
Developed global promotion and relevance with local scales. Coca-Cola is made
Ads that incorporate its brand values and different country cultures
A message that Coca-Cola leads people to happiness. Also, Coca-Cola has managed to hit huge
audiences by sponsoring sporting events such as the Olympics, Super Bowl, FIFA World Cup,
etc. This is not the only carbonated beverage in the world to improve loyalty customers and
increase Coca-Cola's impression.

3. Can Pepsi or any other company ever surpass CocaCola? Why or why not? What are Coca-
Cola’s greatest risks?
Coca-Cola has successfully marketed to millions of people around the world Because Coca-Cola
has created extremely current, it is raising worldwide campaigns Translates well in different
countries, languages and cultures. There is Coca-Cola Developed global promotion and
relevance with local scales. Coca-Cola is made Ads that incorporate its brand values and
different country cultures A message that Coca-Cola leads people to happiness. Also, Coca-Cola
has managed to hit huge audiences by sponsoring sporting events such as the Olympics, Super
Bowl, FIFA World Cup, etc. This is not the only carbonated beverage in the world to improve
loyalty customers and increase Coca-Cola's impression.

So, Coca-Cola’s greatest thoughtful risks obligation be control its build inter-bank plans and
achieving the product’s impartial shop - it is so large that the right media and promotion
communication is important, Can quick guidelines.

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