Seatwork Teaching Biology & Chem

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1.) You’re stranded on a desert island surrounded by sea water, science
teacher is lost at sea but luckily all your science equipment has washed up…
how could you separate a mixture of sand, salt and water to get drinking
 I will use distillation method to separate sand and water by filtering the
mixture. Salt can be separated from a solution through evaporation. The
water can also be recovered as well as the salt if the water vapor is
trapped and cooled to condense, the water vapor back into a liquid.
 The next method probably is to separate the two substances is to
dissolve salt in water, pour the liquid away from the sand, and then
evaporate the water to recover the salt.

2.) How could we separate a mixture of water and alcohol?

 Through the use of fractional distillation method, because alcohol and
water have different boiling points, the Boiling point of water is 100ºC
and boiling point of alcohol is 78ºC. Boiling point of alcohol is less than
that of water. The mixture of alcohol and water is heated and the alcohol
will be to first evaporated because due to its low boiling point. Then the
vapor is allowed to condensed and cooled. The liquid obtained after this
step is collected in a beaker. This liquid is the alcohol. The same
procedure is repeated for water. Both the liquids are now separated.

3.) How will you separate the petroleum products to produce different
kinds of fuel?
 Through Fractional distillation the oil refineries separate crude oil
into different, more useful hydrocarbon products based on their
relative molecular weights in a distillation tower. This is the first step
in the processing of crude oil, and it is considered to be the main
separation process as it performs the initial rough separation of the
different fuels.
Fractional distillation allows a lot of useful products to be made from
crude oil, with many environmental consequences for the use of those
useful products.
4.) How do carpenter or mason separate gravel and sand?
 Sand and gravel can be separated by pouring the mixture into a
colander with holes small enough to trap the gravel but large enough
to let the sand through.

5.) Name two other mixtures and explain how to separate their
 Chromatography is a method for separating dissolved substances
from one another. It is often used when the dissolved substances are
colored, such as inks, food colorings and plant dyes.
 Evaporation removes a liquid from a solution to leave a solid

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