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Recognizing Israel: Pros and Cons

It was not long ago when Hitler butchered Jews in Germany and aspired to vanish their whole
race. Jews used to wander around the word; but with the support of The United States they
gathered from their diaspora and marked their Jewish flag in Palestinian territory. Since then,
they are gradually annexing Palestinian land bit by bit. Arab states are just spectators and are
providing Palestinians merely lip service for their unending ordeals. Recent developments in
Gulf states have been devastating for Palestinian cause as more and more Arab states are
recognizing Israel and developing formal ties with the latter. United Arab Emirate, Bahrain,
Sudan have so far joined hands with Israel. This trend has created a debate in Pakistan, whether
it should recognize Israel and leave the Palestinian people under the mercy of Israelis or
maintain status quo. There are various pros and cons of recognizing Israel. The ramifications of
recognizing the Jewish state would be directly to the Kashmir struggle of Pakistan. Also, this
move can create upheaval in Pakistan, considering the decades long animus of Pakistani people
with Israel. The fruits of recognizing Israel would be the containment of India and strong
biliteral ties with the United States. Hence, government should make a shrewd and well
calculated foreign policy measure for the better and brighter future of Pakistan.
Starting the debate with ramifications of recognizing Israel. The first blow to Pakistan would be
to its Kashmir cause. Israel is not much different from India both have illegitimately annexed a
Muslim territory and have been inflicting atrocities upon the innocents. By recognizing Israel,
Pakistan would also give the impression to global community that it supports Israel’s
annexation of the West Bank. Inevitability, this move will also legitimize the Indian action of
abrogating the autonomy of Kashmir. Turkey, Iran and Malaysia, which have been a perpetual
diplomatic support for Pakistan over Kashmir issue, may severe its ties with Pakistan. Hence,
recognizing Israel would be a death blow to Kashmir struggle.
Additionally, formal ties with Zionist state can create unrest in
Pakistan. Since the Arab-Israeli war succeeding governments and mainstream media have
forged a rigid narrative of Pakistani people about Israel. It would not be possible to recognize
Israel unless the government of Pakistan miraculously shifts the thought-paradigm of its masses
by a 180 degree. Otherwise, any such move will not be well received by the people of Pakistan.
Widespread protest would erupt, religious factions would set the whole country ablaze. Not
only the religious clerics, but human rights groups would support the protest and can
overthrow the incumbent government. Thus, it may destabilize the already crumbling
governance in Pakistan.
On the offside, recognizing Israel can bring many advantages.
Recognition of Israel would give Pakistan the leverage to pursue the former to balance its
strategic ties with both India and Pakistan. According to Stockholm International Peace
Research (SIPRI), India represented 49% of Israel’s arms export market, becoming the second
most arms purchaser from Israel after China. With the recognition of Israel by Pakistan, Tel Aviv
may either be influenced to halt the Indian purchases or Islamabad-Tel Aviv nexus may be
developed to break the Indian monopoly. Pakistan already fears that Israel-India nexus is
against its regional and wider national interests. Therefore, formal ties with Israel can give more
diplomatic maneuvering to Pakistan.

Politically, Pakistan may score points in its favor, with major Israeli
backer that is the US. During the tenure of President Donald Trump, the US-Pakistan
relationship has witnessed a downward trajectory. It is widely known fact that Israel is US’
protégé. Also, pro-Israeli lobby has a strong influence in the US policy-making sphere.
Recognition of Israel can shift Pakistan’s relationships with US from roller coaster mode to
strong biliteral ties. With the help of Israeli lobby, Pakistan can reap many political benefits
from the United States. Thus, recognition of Israel will open new chapter of US-Pakistan
to cut the long story short, the recognizing of Israel has its pros and cons.
On one hand, it will help Pakistan to contain its traditional Indian threat as well as it will be
helpful for building cordial relations with the US. On the other hand, recognition of Zionist state
will be a retreat from Kashmiri struggle since it will legitimize the Indian actions. The shifting
sands of global politics are calling for a redressal of foreign policy from Pakistan. Policymakers
should look up their cards and devise a suitable policy option for the protection and
preservation of the sovereignty of Pakistan.

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