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—_ ——— D.G.F.P-M.B. DNINSTRAT!: NN TELOR PUBLICE SECTOR 2 9, SECTOR | REGISTRATURA CONTRACT DE INCHIRIERB&¢22401..02 Intre subsemna 1. PROPRIETAR: PENTELEICIUC VALERIU, cetatean roman, identificat prin Pasaport ROU nr.13726324, eliberat la data de 14 Decembrie 2007 de BUCURESTI, avand CNP1700805400024 domiciliat in Ucraina, Regiunea Cemauti 60412, comuna Chahor, str. Primiska 4/9 2. CHIRIAS: AMBASADA DANEMARCEI IN ROMANIA, cu sediul in Bucuresti, Su. Dr, Burghelea nr. 3, sector 2, reprezentata in mod legal prin domnul Ambasador Michael Sternberg a S-A INCHEIAT PREZENTUL CONTRACT DE INCHIRIERE Fu, PENTELEICIUC VALERIG, in calitate de proprietar in baza actului de proprietate nt. 1171 din 29.03.2011 emis de Biroul Notarului Public Andreea Dana Radulescu, declar ca am inchiriat. AMBASADEI DANEMARCEL IN ROMANIA imobilul meu, situat in Bucuresti, Str. Dr. Burghelea nr. 3, sector 2, in suprafata de 1000mp utili. 1. Chiria am stabilit-o la suma de 9.300 (nouamiitreisute) Eur lunar, ce se va plati la pana la sfarsitul fiecarei luni, 2. Cheltuielile pentru intretinerea, administrarea si efectuarea reparatiilor imobilului revin proprictarului sau chiriasului in conformitate cu prevederile stabilite de Legea 114/1996 a locuintei, cu modificarile si completarile ulterioare. 3. Locuinta care face obiectul inchirierii va fi folosita de chirias pentru sediu ambasada. 4, Termenul de inchiriere este de 3 (trei) luni cu incepere de la data de 01.03.2011 pana Ia data de 31.05.2011 Fu, AMBASADEI DANEMARCEL IN ROMANIA prin domnul Ambasador Michael Stemberg, in calitate de chirias, declar ca am luat cu chirie imobilul descris mai sus, pentru care voi plati chiria de 9.300 (nouamiitreisute) Eur lunar, contract care se incheie pe termen de 3 (trei) uni cu incepere de la data de 01.03.2011 pana la data de 31.05.2011, in conditile enumerate mai sus pe care le accept. Incheiat astazi, 01.03.2011, in trei exemplare, PROPRIETAR, CHIRIAS, Din 01.06.2011 Dated 01.06.2011 DANIELA CONTRACT DE INCHIRIERE | LEASE AGREEME! | Partile contractante ‘The contracting parties PENTELEICIUC VALERIU, cetatean ro- man, identificat prin Pasaport_ ROU. nr.13726324, eliberat la data de 14 De- cembrie 2007 de BUCURESTI, avand CNP1700805400024 domiciliat in Ucraina, Regiunea Cernauti 60412, comuna Chahor, str. Primiska 4/9, in calitate de Proprietar al Imobilului situat in Bucuresti, St. Dr. Burghelea nr. 3, sector 2, denumita in con- tinuare in cele ce urmeaza “Proprietarul” sau “Locatorul”; PENTELEICIUC VALERIU, Romanian citi- zen, identified with PASSPORT ROU no.13726324 , issued on the date of 14 De- cember 2007 by BUCURESTI, with PNC 1700805400024 domiciled in Ukraine, Cer- nauti Region 60412, Chahor, 4/9 Primiska Street, as owner of the Immovable Asset lo- cated in Bucharest, 3 Dr. Burghelea Street, Sector 2, hereinafter referred to as “the Owner” or “the Lessor” Pe deo parte, On the one side, si and AMBASADA DANEMARCEIL IN RO- MANIA, cu sediul in Bucuresti, Str. Dr. Burghelea nr. 3, sector 2, reprezentata in mod legal prin domnul Ambasador Michael Stem- berg, in calitate de Chirias denumita in con- tinuare in cele ce urmeaza “Chiriasul”, The EMBASSY OF DENMARK IN RO- MANIA, with its headquarters in Bucharest, 3 Dr. Burghelea Street, Sector 2, duly represented by Mr. Ambassador Michael Stemberg, as the Tenant, hereinafter referred to as “the Lessee”, Pe de alta parte On the other side, Preambul: Avand in vedere urmatoarele: Preamble: ‘Taking into consideration the following: © In baza sentintei_civile ar. 1345/02.11.2007, pronuntata de Tribunalul Bucuresti, Sectia a V-a Civila in dosarul nr. 15328/3/2004 prin care Regia Autonoma Administratia Patrimoniului Protocolului de Stat (« RAAPPS ») a fost obligata la resti- tuirea catre doamna Solomon Gabriela, in calitate de proprietara a Imobilului situat in Bucuresti, Str. Dr. Burghelea nr. 3, sector 2 (« Imobilul »), devenita definitiva si irevocabila, (J) Based on the Civil Law Court Decision no. 1345/02.11.2007, issued by The Bucharest Tri- bunal, V-Th Civil Section, in the file no. 15328/3/2004 by means of which the Admini- stration of the State Heritage and Protocol (RAAPPS") was forced to retum to Mrs. Solomon Gabriela, as owner of the Immovable Asset located in Bucharest, no. 3, Dr. Burghe- lea Street, sector 2 (« the Building »), which became fimal and irrevocable through the Deci- | DANIELA prin Decizia Inaltei Curti de Casatie si Justitie nr. 947/16.02.2010, denumita in continuare in cele ce umeaza « Sentinta civiken; sion of the Highest Court of Justice no. 947/16.02.2010, hereinafter referred to as the « Civil Law court Decision »; (1) Intre RAAPPS, in calitate de Pro- prietar si Chirias s-a incheiat in data de 28.03.2001 Contractul de inchiriere nr. 1.19AA.2002, a carei durata a fost prelungita prin Actele aditionale nr. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 pana la data de 31.12.2010. Incepand cu 31.12.2010 contractul cu RAAPPS a incetat si Chiriasul a ocupat Imobilul in baza legii si in baza contractului de inchirirere intre Solo- mon Gabriela si Ambasada Regala a Dane- marcei cu perioada Ianuarie 2011 si Febra- arie 2011 inregistrat la Sectia Financiara. (1) The ~~ Lease Agreement no. 1.194A.2002 was concluded _ between RAAPPS, as Owner, and the Lessee, on March 28, 2001 whose duration has been extended based on the Addenda no, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 until 31.12.2010. Starting with 31.12.2010 the con- tract with RAAPPS was terminated and the Lessee started using the Immovable based on the law provisions and the lease contract signed between Solomon Gabriela and The Royal Em- bassy of Denmark, which was officially regi tered with the Fiscal Authorities for Jenuary and February 2011. (I) In data de 22.03.2011 executoral judecatorese Fediuc Ghe. Marian a pus Pro- prictarul in posesia Imobilului a) 22.03.2011 the judicial executor Fediuc Ghe. Marian transferred the possession of the Immovable to the Lessor. (ZY) In baza Contractul de vanzare cumparare autentificat sub Nr. 1171 din 29.03.2011 (IV) Based on Sale Purchase Contract, au- thenticated under No. 1171 from 29.03.2011 (V) — Chiriasul este fa data semnarii prezentului Contract in posesia Imobiluluis (V) The Lessee has the possession of the Building at the signing date of the present Agreement; Partile au agreat semnarea prezentului Con- tract denumit in continuare in cele ce urmeaza « Contractul » sau « Contractul de inchiriere » in urmatorii termeni si conditii, The parties have decided to conclude the hereby Agreement, hereinafier refered to as « the Agreement » or « the Lease Agreement », under the following terms and conditions. 1.Obiectul Contractului LObject of the Agreement 1.1 Obiectul prezentului Contract il constituie inchirierea de catre Locator Chiriasului a Imobilului situat in Bucuresti, str Dr.Burghelea, nr. 3, sector 2, ocupat de catre 1.1 The object of this Agreement, concluded between the Lessor and the Lessee is the lease of the Building located in Bucharest, 3 Dr. Burghelea Street, sector 2, occupied by the | DANIELA acesta din urma Ta data semnarii prezentului Contract, individualizat in planurile care con- stituie Anexa nr. 1, parte integranta a prezen- tului Contract. Lessee at the signing date of this Agreement by the Lessee and being individualized in the plans representing the Appendix no. 1, integral part of this Agreement. 1.2 Locatorul este proprietarul Imobilului in temeiul Contractul de vanzare cumparare autentificat sub Nr. 1171. Din data de 29.03.2011 de BNP Andreea Dana Radulescu, tranzactie efectuata. in baza Sentintei civile nr. 1345/02.11.2007, pronun- tata de Tribunalul Bucuresti, Sectia a V-a Civila in dosarul nr, 15328/3/2004, 1.2 The Lessor is the owner of the Building as it is stipulated in the Sale Purchase Contract No. 1171 from 29.03.2011, authenticated by BNP Andreea Dana Radulescu, per the Civil Law court Decision no. 134/02.11.2007, issued by Bucharest Tribunal, V-th Civil Section, in the file no, 15328/3/2004. 2.Durata Contractului 2.Duration of the Agreement 2.1 Prezentul Contract intra in vigoare de Ja data semnarii acestuia pe o perioada de 5 ani cu renegocierea chiriei dupa 2 ani, Rene- gocierea chiriei va avea ca punct de plecare valoarea procentuala a evolutiei chiriilor in spatiile de birou si vile pe piata din Bucuresti si zonele comparabile, in perioada iunie 2011 innie 2013, bazat pe un studiu de piata al unei reputate companii din domeniu imobil- iar, 2.1 This Agreement comes into force start- ing with the date of its signing for a period of 5 ‘years with renegotiation of rent after 2 years Renegotiation of rent will have as @ point of departure the percentage value of rent evolution of office spaces and villas on the Bucharest real-estate market and comparable areas, from June 2011 until June 2013, based on a market survey performed by a reputable real estate re- search company. 2.2 La expirarea acestui termen, Contractul va fi prelungit suecesiv pe perioade de cate 3 ani la solicitarea Chiriasului adresata cu minimum (45) de zile inainte de expirarea duratei contractuale, caz in care chiria va fi renegociata in functie de conditiile concrete ale pietei 2.2 At the expiry date of the Agreement, upon the request of the Lessee, the Agreement will be successively prolonged for periods of 3 years, Such request must be made at least (45) days before the expiry of the Agreement. In such a case, the rent will be renegotiated having in mind the specific market conditions. 3.Chi |. Modalitatile de plata 3.The Rent. ‘leans of payment 3.1 Incepand cu data incheierii prezentului Contract, sumele de bani reprezentand chiria vor fi virate in contul Locatorului numarul: ROS3DAFB108200154052EU01, Leumi Bank , Sucursala Unirii. In situatia schimbarii contului, proprietarul il 3.1 Starting with the date of concluding this Agreement, the amounts representing the rent will be paid in the Lessor’s bank account num- ber: ROS3DAFB108200154052EU01, opened with Leumi Bank, Unirii Branch Should the account number be changed, the DANIELA va notifica pe chirias, acesta urmand sa efec- tueze plata in conturile indicate de catre pro- prietar. Lessor will notify the Lessee, and the latter will forward the payments to the account numbers specified by the owner. 3.2 Chiria lunara in cuantum de 9.300 (nouamiitreisute) EUR se va achita de catre Chirias Locatorului pana la sfarsitul fiecarei Juni pentru luna in curs. Chiria este fixa si va putea fii renegociata in functie de evolutia ictei incepand cu 01.06.2013 3.2 The monthly rent of EUR 9,300 (nine thou- sand three hundred) will be paid by the Lessee to the Lessor by the end of each month for the current month, The rent in fixed and could be renegotiated based on the market evolution, starting with 01.06.2013. 3.3 Chiria se va plati in EUR, in contul Loca- torului mentionat mai sus in vigoare. Plata chiriei intr-una din modalitatile prevazute de prezentul paragraf se considera o plata val- abila efectuata de catre Chirias. 3.3 The rent will be paid in EUR, in the Les- sor's above mentioned bank account. The pay- ‘ment of the rent in one of the means mentioned in this paragraph shall be considered to be a valid payment. 3.4 Neplata la termen a chiriei atrage 0 pe- nalizare de 0,025 % asupra sumei datorate, pentru fiecare zi de intarziere, incepand cu prima zi lucratoare care urmeaza aceleia cand suma a devenit exigibila, 3.4 The penalties for payment delays amount 0,025% of the debt, for each day of delay, start- ing with the first working day following to the day when the amount became due. 4.Obligatiile CI iasului 4.Lessee’s obligations 4.1 Chiriasului ii este interzisa subinchirierea fara consimtamantul scris al Locatorului, in caz contrat acesta are dreptul de reziliere tni- laterala a Contractului. Acordul Locatorului nu va fi retinut in mod nerezonabil 4.1 Any sublease made by the Lessee is forbid- den, unless there is a written consent of the Lessor. Otherwise, the Lessor has the unilateral right to terminate the Contract. Lessor’s consent shall not be unreasonably withheld, 4.2 Chiriasul este obligat sa nu aduca modifi- cari Imobilului, prin acestea neintelegandu-se reparatiile locative, sa schimbe in tot sau parte destinatia acestuia, sa aduca stricaciuni Imobilului, instalatiilor aferente sau altor bunuri. In cazul in care Chiriasul ar dori sa faca Iucrari de modemizare si/sau amenajare in Imobilul inchiriat este obligat sa se con- sulte intai cu Proprietarul si sa obtina de la acesta un acord scris, Proprietarul este in drept sa rezilieze unilateral Contractul in situatia in care Chiriasul nu-si respecta aceasta obligatie si nu readuce Imobilul in 4.2 The Lessee is bound not to bring changes to the Building, except for maintenance repairs The Lessee is also bound not to change the en- tire or a part of the Building’s use, damaging the Building, the related facilities or other as- sets. In case the Lessee would want to perform improvement works to the Building, it must first have the written consent of the Lessor. The Lessor is entitled to unilaterally terminate the ‘Agreement in case the Lessee fails to observe and comply to this obligation and does not bring the Building back to its original state within a maximum of (30) days as of the Les- DANIELA | starea initiala nici intr-un termen de maxi- mum (30) de zile de la solicitarea serisa a Lo- catorulu sor's written request. 4.3 Chiriasul este de acord sa acopere toate pagubele provocate Imobilului din culpa sa. Constatarea pagubelor/stricaciunilor se va. face de catre Locator si Chirias de comun acord. In cazul in care nu se va ajunge la o intelegere cu privire la cuantumul acestora se va apela la instantele judecatoresti compe- tente, Chiriasul este obligat sa respecte normele de protectic impotriva incendiilor, sa ia masuri de evacuare in caz de incendiu sau calamitati 4.3 The Lessee agrees to cover all damages caused to the Building by its fault. The evalua- tion of the damages/breaches shall be jointly made based on mutual consent of both the Les- sor and the Lessee. If they will not reach to consent in this respect, they should address the competent law courts, The Lessee is obliged to comply with the fire prevention code and to take the appropriate evacuation measures in case of a fire or other calamities. 4.4 Chiriasul va aduce Ta cunostinta Locatoru- lui orice atingeri provenite de la un tert 4.4 The Lessee shall inform the Lessor in = spect of any challenges originating from third parties. 5.Obligatiile Locatorului 5.Lessor’s obligations 5.1 Locatorului ii revin obligatiile prevazute de lege in calitatea sa de Locator ~ Proprietar al Imobilului, incluzand fara limitare urma- toarele 5.1 The Lessor has the obligations provided by the law in its capacity of owner of the Building and Lessor, including without limitation the following: (D Sa intretina in bune conditii elementele de rezistenta, instalatiile, constructii exterioare ale Imobilului, inclusiv garajul si dependin- tele, si sa efectueze reparatiile ce se dovedese necesare, fiind incluse, fara limitare: fatade, instalatii electrice, instalatii sanitare, acoperis, gresic, faianta, centrala termica, igrasii, scari intrare, gard si porti access, alei interioare. Luerari care vor fi facute in etape pe par cursul a primilor trei ani de contract . ( To maintain in good conditions the resis- tance items of the Building, the installations the outside parts of the Building, including the ga- rage and dependencies and to perform all the necessary repaits, including but without limita- tion to: fagades, electrical installations, sanitary installations, roof, sandstone, faience, heating system, wall humidity, entry steps, fence and access gates, interior aisles; These repairs will be made successively, during the first three years of contract. (1) Sa plateasca toate impozilele si tax- cle Imobilului si orice alte sume datorate ca- tre autoritati in calitatea sa de Proprietar sifsau decurgand din veniturile aferente chiriei incasate. (1) To pay all Property fees and taxes, and any other amounts owed to the authorities in its capacity as Owner and/or those amounts owed for the collected rent. DANIELA (UD) Sa asigure Chiriasului folosinta ex- clusiva linistita si utila a Imobilului pe toata perioada inchirierii in mod liber si netulburat; (II) To ensure the Lessee’s exclusive and undisturbed use of the Building throughout the lease period; (IV) Sa inregistreze Contractul in Cartea fanciara a Imobilului pentru opozabilitate fata de terti pe cheltuiala proprie. In cazul unei eventuale vanzeri a imobilului Contractul va fi preluat de cumparator, inclusiv cu obligatia Locatorului de a plati daune in caz de rezil iere inainte de termenul contractual din initia- tive Locatorului. QV) To register the Agreement with the Land Book for opposability toward third par- ties, on its own expenses, if a Land Book of the Building is opened. In case the Immovable As- set would be sold, the Agreement shall be car~ ried on by the purchaser, including the Lessor’s obligation to pay damages in case of termina- tion from the Lessor’s initiative before the ex- piry of the contractual term. (VY) Sa inregistreze Contractul la autori- tatile fiscale competente in termenul prevazut de lege si sa ii remita Chiriasului dovada acestei inregistrari intr-un termen de maxi- mum (30) de zile de la semnarea prezentului Contract, in caz contrar va acoperi preju- diciile Locatorului decurgand din imposibili- tatea deducerii chiriei; (V) To register the Agreement with the com- petent fiscal authorities within the legal term and to provide the Lessee with the evidence of such registration within maximum (30) days as of the signing date of this Agreement, other- wise, the Lessor should cover the Lessor’s damages resulting consisting of the impossibil- ity to deduct the rent. (VD) Sa asigure in mod continu pe toata durata de derulare a Contractului utilitatile necesare potrivit scopului si destinatiei pentru care a fost incheiat Contractul; (VD To continuously provide the necessary Utilities so that to observe the purpose that de- termined the conclusion of this Agreement, ‘throughout its entire duration; (VE) In baza prezentului contract, chiri- asul poate incheia contracte separate pentru utilitat. (Vl) Based on this agreement, the Lessee may conclude separate agreements with the utilities providers. (VII) Sa garanteze Chiriasul impotriva tul- buririlor de drept de orice fel (evictiune), din partea sa si/sau a oricdrei terfe persoane, | aceasta incluzdnd si abjinerea de la orice fapt personal care ar putea provoca tulburiris (VII) To ensure the Lessee against any dis- turbances of any kind, (eviction), coming from its part and/or third party, including any per- sonal act or fact that might cause such a distur- bance; Pe tot parcursul derulirii prezentului Contract Locatorul se oblig’ 88 asigure Chiriasului folosinta linistita si utili a Imobilului astfel incat acesta sa fie corespunzatoare destinatici pentru care a fost imchiriat... La expirarea ter- menului contractual chiriasul va preda pro- prietarului locuinta in stare normala de folos- ‘Throughout the performance of this Agreement the Lessor undertakes to ensure Lessee’s peace- ful and useful utilisation of the Building, ac~ cording to its destination for which it has been rented. Upon expiry of the contractual deadline the Lessee shall convey the Building to the Lessor in 2 normal state of utilisation, upon re- DANIELA inta, la eliberarea acesteia. Reparatiile locative care deriva din ex- ploatarea necorespunzatoare sau defectuoase a bunului inchiriat sunt in sarcina chiriasului. linguishing it. ‘The maintenance repairs deriving from the in- adequate use of the rented immovable asset will be covered by the Lessee (IX) Locatorul se obliga sa efectueze repa- ratiile ce nu sufera amanare (incluzand dar fara a se limita la centrala termica defecta, conducte de apa, canalizare sau energie ter- mica, calorifere, accesul in curte si cladire, fatade, instalatii electrice, instalatii sanitare, acoperis, gresie, faianta, igrasii, scari intrare, gard si porti access, alei interioare) in cel mai rapid timp posibil cu maxima urgenta si fara intarzieri nejustificate la solicitarea telefonica si prin e-mail a Locatarului, in perioada con- ‘tractului, Geamurile de tip vechi (clasice, neinlocuite pana la data incheierii prezentului contract) vor fi inlocuite cu geamuri termopan, izolate, in maxim 3 ani de la incheierea contractului. In cazul in care Locatorul nu va efectua repa- ratiile in discutic, Chiriasul este in drept sa le cefectueze acesta pe cheltuiala Locatorului si sale deduca din chiria lunara sau sa considere contractul reziliat, dupa notificarea in scris prealabila a proprietarului, (IX) The Lessor undertakes to carry out urgent repairs (including but without limitation to: the heating system, water and sewer and en- ergy conduits, radiators, access in the yard and the building facades, electrical installations, sanitary installations, roof, sandstone, faience, wall humidity, entry steps, fence and access gates, interior aisles) in the shortest possible time with maximum priority and without unjus- tified delays, upon the request by telephone or e-mail by the Lessee, within the contractual term, The old type windows (classic, not replaced until the closing date of the present Agreement) shall be replaced with insulating windows within a maximum period of 3 years as of the Agreement’s conclusion. If the Lessor fails to perform such repairs, the Lessee is entitled to perform them on the Les- sor’s expenses and to deduct the costs from the monthly rent or to consider the contract termi- nated, after having notified the Owner in writ ing, (X) Locatorul se obliga, de asemenea, si efectueze gi reparatiile locative in cazul in care acestea sunt generate din cauza neexecu- ‘8rii reparatiilor necesare si capitale; (X) The Lessor is obliged to also perform those maintenance repairs caused through by the delayed execution of the necessary capital repairs; (XD) Locatorul este de acord ci la inectarea/rezilierea Contractului, din indifer- ‘ent.ce motiv, Chiriasul va putea sa isi recu- pereze integral eventualele investitii ficute cu aprobarea Locatorului, in legitur’ cu Imo- | bilul si pentru care Locatorul, din indiferent ce motiv, nu a restituit Chiriasului contra- valoarea acestora; Investiile anterioare de 01.01.2011 facute de catte chirias vor fi recuperate de catre acesta: | (XD) The Lessor agrees that, upon cessation / termination of this Agreement, irrespective of the reason, the Lessee is entitled to recover, with the Lessor’s approval, all the investments made with regard to the Building and related to which for whatsoever reason, the Lessor has not reimbursed the Lessee with their corre- sponding value; ‘The investments performed by the Lessee prior to 01.01.2011 shall be recovered by him: air DANIELA aparate de aer conditionat, generator elecisic, sistemele de iluminat, alarma imobil, centrala telefonica, reteaua de internet, sistemele inte- grate de prize electrice si telefonie, conform procesului verbal de inventar detaliat al in- vestitiilor, care va constitui Anexa 2 al aces- tui contract. conditioning machine, electrical generator, | lighting systems, building’s alarm system, tele- phone switchboard, internet network, integrated telephone and electrical socket system, accord- ing to the detailed inventory of the investments, which will represent the 2nd annexe of this Agreement. (XI) Sa inapoieze toate sumele achitate in avans de catre Chirias sau diferenta de suma ramasa dupa achitarea cheltuielilor in cazul incetarii Contractului (XI) To refund the Lessee with all the amounts paid in advance by the Lessee or the difference remained after paying all the ex- penses in case of Agreement’s termination; (XIN) Chiriasul nu este responsabil in eazul unui incendiu sau alte calamitati, Locatorul urmand sa incheie o asigurare care sa acopere orice prejudiciu. (in maxim o luna de la semnarea Contractu- lui va fi prezentata polita de asigurare a imo- bilubui). (XII) The Lessee is not responsible in case of fire or other calamities, whereas the Lessor shall conclude an insurance covering any dam- age thereof. (Within a maximum period of one month as of the conclusion of the Contract, the Lessor shall provide the Lessee with the Buildings’ insur- ance policy) (XIV) Vizitarea Imobilului de catre Locator se va face la data stabilita de comun acord in prezenta unui reprezentant al Chiriasului. (XIV) The visit of the Building by the Lessor shall be made on the date mutually agreed by the Parties, provided that one of the Lessee’s representatives will accompany the Lessor. (XV) Proprictarul isi da acordul prin prezentul Contract pentru instalarea siglei, emblemei sau a altor elemente distinctive ale Chiriasului, daca este cazul (XV) By means of this Agreement, the Les- sor agrees that the Lessee is entitled to install its logo, emblem or other distinctive items, should that be the case. 6.Forta majora 6.Force Majeure | Forta majori exonereazi pirtile de rispun- dere in cazul executirii necorespunzitoare sau cu intérziere @ obligatiilor asumate prin prezental Contract. The force majeure shall release the Parties from the responsibility in case of failure or delays in performance of their contractual obligations. Prin forja majora se injelege un eveniment independent de voinga parfilor, imprevizibil si insurmontabil, aparut dupa incheierea Con- tractului_si care impiedicd partile sa-si_ exe- Force majeure means an event which occurred after the signing of the Agreement beyond the control of the parties, unpredictable and insur- mountable, and which impedes the parties from DANIELA ‘cute obligayiile asumate, performing their obligations. T.Jurisdictia si legea aplicabila 1, isdiction and applicable law Orice litigiu decurgind din sau in legitura cu acest Contract, inclusiv referitor la validi- tatea, interpretarea, executarea ori incetarea prezentului Contract se va solujiona pe cale amiabila; in caz de imposibilitate se va apela la instanjele judecatoresti competente din Bu- curesti, Romania, Any dispute arising from or in connection with this Agreement, including in relation with the validity, interpretation, execution or termina- tion of this Agreement shall be amicably set- ted. In case this should not be possible, the Parties will defer the litigation to the competent Jaw courts from Bucharest, Romania. Legea aplicabila prezentului Contract este legea romana. The applicable law to this Agreement is the Romanian law. 8.Incetarea Contractului 8.Termination of the Agreement 8.1 Contractul poate inceta: 8.1 This Agreement may be terminated: A. In situatia nerespectarii _prevederilor privind plata chiriei, respectiv in cazul in care Chiriasul nu-si executa aceasta obligatie nici intr-un termen de (30) de zile de la solicitarea scrisa a Locatorului A.In case of Lessee’s failure to observe the payment terms of the rent, respectively if the Lessee fails to pay the rent even if it has been notified in this respect by the Lessor and failed to observe such obligation within a term of (30) days as of the Lessor’s written request. B. Daca se aduc modificari sau se schimba destinatia Imobilului fara aeceptul scris Pro- prietarului in conditiile articolului 4.3 de mai sus; B. If changes are brought to the destination of the Building without the written consent of Lessor, as described in the above article 4.3; C. Prin acordul partilor exprimat in scris. C. By written mutual consent of the Parties. DANIELA D. Prin pieirea, degradarea sau deteriorarea Imobilului care ar face imposibila sau ar re- Strange linistita si utila folosinta. Chiriasul poate opta intre a solicita reducerea chiriei sau /2 considera contractul reziliat. D. In case of total or partial degradation or de- struction of the Building, resulting total or par- tial impossibility of normal use, The Lessee can opt between applying for a reduction of the rent or termination of the contract E, Im situatia in care la renegocierea chirici, care va incepe cu doua luni inainte de inter- ‘valul stabilit de doi ani, partile nu convin aspupra cuantumului acesteia, proprietarul este! in drept sa rezilieze unilatiral contractul, cu! conditia notificarii prealabile, de doua sute| saptezeci (270) zile inainte de data la care val avea loc incetarea prezentului Contract. In pe- ioada de notificare valoarea cuantumului chiriei ramane neschimbata (EUR 9300/ luna) La finalizarea perioadei de notificare de doua| sute saptezeci (270) zile, contractul se consid-| era incetat. E. If the parties will not reach an agreement re- garding the price of the rent after the agreed two-year period, negotiation which is to begin two months before this period, the Lessor is enti- tled to unilaterally terminate this Agreement, }with a two hundred and seventy (270) days noti- fication before the termination of the present Agreement. During the notification period the amount of the monthly rent will remain un- changed (EUR 9300/month). After the two hundred and seventy (270) doys notification period has passed, this agreement will be terminated. 8.2 De asemenea, Contractul va inceta si in oricare din urmatoarele situatii: 8.2 Also, the Agreement will terminate in any of the following cases (1) La solicitarea Chiriasului, cu conditia noti- ficarii prealabile, cu cel putin (60) zile inainte de data la care va avea loc inectarea prezentu- lui Contract, in acest caz Chiriasul avand ob- ligatia de a onora obligatiile contractuale doar pe perivada celor 60 zile. Chiriasul este obligat sa isi indeplineasca toate obligatiile contractuale scadente la zi, utilitati si chirie numai pe perioada in care a ocupat spatiul, fara alte obligati; (1) Upon the Lessee’s request with a minimum of (60) days notice prior to the termination date of the present Contract, in such a case the Les- see being obliged to fulfil all its contractual ob- ligations only for the period of 60 days; The Lessee undertakes to fulfil all his matured contractual obligations on time, utilities and rent only for the period during which he has ‘occupied the rented space, without further obli- gations. DANIELA (1) In cazul neindeplinirit si/sau inde- plinirii in mod necorespunzator si/sau cu in- tarziere a obligatiilor asumate de catre Loca- tor, Chiriasul are dreptul de a rezilia prezentul Contract de plin drept, la implinirea unui ter- men de (30) de zile de la notificatea Chiriasu- lui transmisa in acest sens, fara interventia instantei de judecata si fara nicio alta formali- tate prealabila cu plata de daune— interese. (In case of failure and/or improper ful- filment and/or delayed performing of the Les- sor’s obligations, the Lessee has the right to rightfully terminate this Agreement at the com- pletion of a term of (30) days as of the Lessee’s notice sent in this respect, without the interven- tion of the court of law and without eny other prior formality, the Lessor being obliged to pay damages. 9.Notificari 9.Notifications 9.1 in accepjiunea partilor contractante, orice notificare adresati de una dintre acestea celeilalte este valabil indeplinita dacd va fi transmis avand in vedere urmatoarele date de contact: 9.1 According to the contracting Parties, any notification to each other is valid if it is sent by taking into account the following contact de- tails: Pentru Locator: For the Lessor: Adresa:Str. Costache Negri Nr.1-5, sector 5 , cod postal 050552, Bucuresti,Romania. Address: 1-5 Costache Negri Street, Romania, Bucuresti, Code 050552 E-mail: E-mail: valeriu In atentia: Valeriu Penteleiciue In attention of: Valeriu Penteleiciue Pentru Chirias: For the Lessee: Address:Str Dr Burghelea nr 3,Sector 2, Bu- curesti Address:Str Dr Burghelea nr 3,Sector 2, Bucur- esti Fax:021. 3000 817 Fax:021. 3000 817 In atentia: Mr Michael Stemberg In attention of: Mr Michael Sternberg 9.2 In cazul in care notificarea se face pe cale Postal, ea va fi transmis prin scrisoare re- comandata, cu confirmare de primire si se considera primiti de destinatar la data men- [fiona de oficiul postal primitor pe aceasta 9.2 Postal notifications will be sent by regis- tered mail with acknowledgement of receipt and will be considered as being received on the date stated on the confirmation receipt from the DANIELA confirmare, [ receiving post office. 9.3 Daca notificarea se trimite prin fax, ea se considera primita in prime zi lucritoare dupa cea in care a fost expediata, 9.3 Fax notifications shall be considered as re- ceived on the first working day after the deliv- ery, 9.4 Notificdrile verbale nu se iau in consider- are de nici una dintre parti, dacd nu sunt con- firmate prin intermediul uneia dintre modali- tatile prevazute la alineatele precedente. 9.4 Oral notifications are not to be taken into consideration by any of the Parties unless they are confirmed as specified in the previous para- graphs. 10.Dispozitii finale 10.Final provisions 10.1 Prezentul contract se completeaza core- spunzator cu prevederile legale in vigoare. 10.1 This Agreement shall be properly com- pleted with the laws in force. 10.2 Modificarea prezentului Contract se face numai prin act aditional incheiat intre partile contractante, 10.2 The modification of this Agreement shall be made only by addendum concluded between the contracting parties. 10.3 Prezentul Contract, impreuna cu. Anex- ele care fac parte integranta din cuprinsul sau, reprezinta vointa partilor si infatura orice alta intelegere verbala dintre acestea, anterioara sau ulterioara incheierii lui, 10.3 This Agreement, together with its annexes which are part of it, represent the will of the Parties and will remove any other oral agree- ‘ment between them, arising before or after the signing of this Agreement. Prezentul contract a fost incheiat astazi 15.04.2011 in 4 (patru) exemplare, unul pen- tru Locator, doua pentru Chirias si 1 (unul) pentru autoritatile fiscale.competente, ‘This Agreement was signed today 15.04.2011 in 4 (four) original counter parts, of which one for the Lessor, two for the Lessee and one for the fiscal authorities. Pentru PENTELEICIUC VALERIU For PENTELEICIUC VALERIU Hea Go Ges AMBASADA DANEMARCEI IN ROMA- NIA EMBASSY OF DENMARK IN ROMANIA Prin Domnul RA Michael Sternberg : By Mr. Ambassador Michael Sternberg Uae >

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