IAS Topper 2019 Rank 1 Kanishak Kataria Gave Tips For IAS Preparation

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IAS Topper 2019 Rank 1 Kanishak

Kataria gave tips for IAS preparation

Updated on: May 13, 2020
Rachit Kumar Saxena 23.3K Views

IAS topper Kanishak Kataria on" How to prepare for IAS?".

Read below for details.

IAS topper Kanishak Kataria got Rank 1 in the UPSC IAS

exam 2018. Since the IAS result, all the IAS aspirants are
curiously f ollowing the details about the IAS preparation
strategy of the IAS topper. Here we are providing the

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suggestions made by IAS topper Kanishak Kataria f or the
IAS preparation.

Educational Background

Kanishak is an IIT Bombay pass out of 2014 batch and

went to Samsung in South Korea. Af ter his return to
Banglore in 2017, he started the IAS preparation in a
planned manner. It was his second attempt, but he gave
his f irst attempt with no preparation.

See Here: IAS exam pattern

Internal Motivation
As per Kanishak, it is a lengthy process of over one year,
so it requires a sustained motivation to prepare
consistently f or the IAS exam. To sustain the motivation,
one should ask himself or herself , “Why do you want to
an IAS of f icer?” The motivation should be internal, not
external. Be optimistic always.
Focus on preparation and do not distract

The IAS Topper also stressed that the candidates should

not distract with the noise going around and f ocus on the
strategy custom made f or oneself . Custom made
because the strategy is made by keeping in mind the

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strength and the weaknesses of the candidate.

Do not distract with the news coming across that the

number of vacancies is low, the UPSC is doing away with
the optional subjects and the likes. He only suggests
“Control the controllable” and do not bother f or the
f actors which you can’t control.

Read Here: 100 days plan f or IAS prelims

Selecting the Optional Subject

He cautioned the candidates about selecting the optional
subject. He was conf ident to choose mathematics as his
optional subject. He suggests that the candidates to be
thorough with the subject they are opting f or the IAS
exam. The optional subject should be such that it should
not be f elt like a burden.

The candidates should try to read and understand the

easy topics of the optional subject and give it a time of at
least ten days. If they understand and enjoy the topic or
topics only then go f or that optional subject or else
choose another one.

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Study with f ull Concentration (Ef f ective Study)

He told that he studied f or around ten hours every day

with f ull concentration so he can keep and reproduce
whatever he is reading and studying. He also suggested
the same to the candidates preparing f or the IAS exam.
He suggested not to study with half concentration. He
suggested studying ef f ectively and it is the quality that
matters not quantity.
He suggested that half -hearted ef f orts are not f ruitf ul
and will give no result.

Self -Study is the Key

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He told that whether the candidates have joined any
coaching or not, self -study is the key to success in the
IAS exam. Nobody can do magic and make the selection
possible. The candidate should try to improve day by day.
They should divide the time and study into two slots. One
f or the optional subject and other f or the General

Make your Strategy

The IAS Topper Kanishak Kataria apprised that he met
his f riends who were in the IAS preparation and
discussed their strategy. He points out the tactics
valuable f or him and plans his strategy based on his
strengths and weaknesses. He suggested the candidates
should develop their strategy.

He suggested that the candidates should design their

own IAS strategy based on their optional subject,
academic background, strengths and weaknesses. The
candidates should also take responsibility f or the
f ailures.

Time Management in IAS Exam

Time management is the key to this exam. The coaching
can give you only a direction, but nobody can spoon-

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f eed. He said if the candidate is good in time
management, his half of the problems are solved. He said
IAS exam is all about the time management. The
candidates should equally treat general studies and
optional subjects.

If they are comf ortable in the optional subject or general

studies topics, he can change the ratio of ef f ort

Answer Writing
He said that the answer writing practice is essentially
important and the candidates should start doing answer
writing practice af ter the IAS prelims exam. The
candidates can only improve when they start early af ter
the IAS prelims exam.
He suggested that the candidates should f ocus on
answer writing af ter the IAS prelims exam. He said that
the answer writing practice can f etch better marks in the
optional subject.
Preparing Notes
He said that the candidates should prepare the notes
themselves. Be it online or of f line, it does not make a
dif f erence. He said that while preparing notes; we do

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active learning and it cannot be done by reading the
notes of others.
There are no perf ect notes, the notes can be improved
over time. Do not wait to produce the perf ect notes,
instead start preparing the notes f rom day one.
Prepare the topic strongly
He suggested the candidates should prepare the topic in
its entirety and strongly. Strongly means the candidate
should be able to give most answers right if the UPSC
asks questions f rom that topic. It should not be the case
that the candidates prepare the topic well and still unable
to answer the questions. The previous year IAS question
papers help signif icantly in this area.
Integrated Approach
The candidates should prepare the IAS main exam and
put the minimum essential ef f ort in the IAS prelims exam.
He suggested the candidates should not prepare f or the
IAS prelims f irst.

They should not be stuck in the prelims trap. Once the

optional subject is prepared, the candidates can do only
answer writing and prepare General Studies af ter the
prelims exam.

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First, complete the optional subject, an optional subject
can give the edge to the candidates. The optional subject
will help in getting good rank and desired services. But
the optional preparation should be such that you can
score over three hundred and f if ty marks in it.

Revise the optional subject, once in every two months.
He suggests preparing the optional f irst and then go f or
the General Studies side by side. Once the optional
subject is prepared, revise it f ully once in every two
Revision is the key to retain the subject topics and can
be reproduced in the desired f ormat. He said the revision
will keep the topics f resh in mind and will help in relating
with others.
Balanced Approach to the IAS Syllabus
He also mentioned that the UPSC can surprise the
candidates by changing the exam pattern. So the
candidates should take a balanced approach to the IAS
syllabus so that if the pattern changes, they do not get
hit severely.

Test Series

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The test series is very important f or the IAS prelims
exam. He says the IAS prelims are just qualif ying in
nature and there is no point of overthinking f or that. The
candidates should take around f if ty to sixty mock test
bef ore appearing in the IAS prelims exam.
This will boost their conf idence and practice of appearing
in the exam. This will help in time management in the real
Coaching – Necessary or Not
He said that because of the paucity of time; he joined
coaching and was benef itted with that. But he also
suggested that the coaching is not essential and the
candidates can get guidance through the blogs of IAS
toppers and the strategy suggested by them. But he
reiterated that the candidates should prepare their

He said that the candidates can join the test series f or

the prelims or main exam to practice in the exam like
situations, that too are not essential if they can manage
these things at home.
Time for refreshment
He told that he always watch the f ootball and cricket

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matches so he can be ref reshed and get back to the
studies with f ull concentration. He said the time f or
ref reshment is very important to get back with f ull
The candidates can take a break f rom the studies once
they f eel bored or blocked. Such breaks will increase
their ef f iciency.
Booklist for IAS exam
Books are the real ingredients f or the IAS preparation. He
suggested completing the most important books f irst and
do not go f or the prolif eration of the books. He
suggested reading the most common books read by the
IAS toppers and understand them f ully. Only af ter
completing them, the candidates should purchase other

His mantra is "Make the maximum out of the available

resources". He suggested reading the standard books
f irst. He prepared his book list by taking the most
common books given by the previous years’ IAS toppers.
He prepared with those books and prepared his notes.
His books list is as f ollows

Ancient History by R.S. Sharma

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History of Medieval India by Satish Chandra
A brief history of Modern India – Spectrum
World and Post-Independence – Vision Material

NCERT Text Books – 11th and 12th
Certif icate Physical and Human Geography – G C
NCERT Text Book – XIIth
Vision Material
Indian Polity

Lukmaan IAS notes
Vision 365 notes
Lukmaan IAS classroom notes

Reverse Learning f rom Test Series Questions

International Relations

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Vision Mains 365 Material
12th Class NCERT - Macro Economics

Vision IAS classroom notes

Vision Mains 365 Material
Making notes f or each syllabus points
Internal Security

Internal Security by Ashok Kumar IPS

Vision Mains 365 Material
12th NCERT Biology - last 4 chapters about Ecology

Mrunal videos
Vision classroom notes
Vision Mains 365 Material
Disaster Management
ARC summary

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Reverse Learning f rom test series f or various
Ethics Paper
Lexicon f or Ethics
Insights 70-day program f or Ethics Answer Writing
Lukmaan 100 case studies Classroom

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