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IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IOSR-JMCE)

e-ISSN: 2278-1684,p-ISSN: 2320-334X

PP. 22-28

Analysis of Performance of V-CONE meter with experimentally

and CFD
S. L. Patil, S. S. Sarawade
(Department of Mechanical Engineering, M.E.S. College of Engineering, Pune, S.P. Pune University, India)

Abstract: The measurement of fluid flow rate is important in many industrial applications like rocket
propellant, petroleum industry, hydroelectricity station, water meter. Orifice, venturies meter, nozzles, venturi
cones, venturi nozzles, drag plates are traditional flow rate measuring instruments. But, The V-Cone throttle
device has been paid more and more attentions on the measurement of the wet gas flow in recent years. V-Cone
flow meter has varies advantages over conventional flow meter. Finding out V-Cone Meter characteristics for
measuring water flow rate is scope of this dissertation. In this research, beta ratio is considered between 0.55 to
0.85. By using volumetric flow equation, maximum diameter of V-Cone Meter is calculated for 102 mm diameter
of pipe. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is used to simulate the flow in V-Cone Meter. Front angle and
back angle of V-Cone Meter is optimized in ANSYS Fluent. Experimentation is held for different flow rate for
finding flow rate constant (Cd). 0.75 is optimized beta ratio for flow rate between 125 m3/hr to 60 m3/hr.
experimentally flow rate constant is fluctuating between 0.8 to 0.87 for this V-Cone Meter. Experiments are
carried out to validate the CFD predictions. This research is concluded that V-Cone Meter can also use for
measuring water flow rate.
Key words- V-Cone Meter, beta ratio, CFD, water flow rate

Water flow rate is important in industry like municipal water and wastewater, power, co-generation,
mining, pulp-paper industry, industrial manufacturing, food, beverage. The V-Cone Meter provides flow
measurement with an accuracy of up to ±0.05% over a turn down ratio of 30:1 [1]. The pressure difference of
front and back of the cone is used to realize flow speed measurement. V-Cone Meter expands the flow
measurement scope and avoids some limitations of traditional difference flow meter. Velocity depends on the
pressure differential that is forcing the fluid through a pipe. Because the pipe’s cross-sectional area is known
and remains constant, the average velocity is an indication of the flow rate. Other factors that affect liquid flow
rate include the liquid’s viscosity and density, and the friction of the liquid in contact with the pipe.
Measurement of the flow of a fluid, either liquid or gas, is commonly a critical parameter in many processes. In
most operations this can be linked to the basic need of the process, knowing that the right fluid is at the right
place and the right time. Equally, it can be linked to asset management, keeping the fluid in motion or even
simple tank balancing. Some applications, however, require the ability to conduct accurate flow measurements
to such an extent that they influence product quality, health and safety, and ultimately can make the difference
between making a profit and running at a loss. In Recent years many work is done with help of experimentally,
numerically. Szabo, J.L., Winarski, C.P., Hypnar, P.R. [2] has compared the flow rate equations used for the V-
Cone Meter with those defined by accepted standards for use with the square-edged orifice meter. Dr. RJW
Peters, Dr. R. Steven [3], has reviewed V-Cone Meter experimentally by comparing with orifice meter. F Dong,
C Tan, W Li, F S Zhang [4], a series of experiments of oil-water two-phase flows in a 50mm diameter Perspex
horizontal pipe, the flow rates were measured with a V-Cone Meter flow meter with 0.65 diameter ratio.
Weiguang Liu, Ying Xu, Tao Zhang, Fengfeng Qi [5], has compared V-Cone Meters of three different beta edge
types with help of theoretical analysis, numerical simulations and experimental tests. Deng-Hui He, Bo-Feng
Bai [6] demonstrate that the introduction of the Two-phase mass flow coefficient of the V-Cone throttle device
makes a simple and accurate wet gas measurement correlation feasible. V.K. Singh, T. John Tharakan [7], have
studied single- and multi-hole orifice meter over a wide range of Reynolds numbers with help of CFD. The
discharge coefficient of multi-hole orifices is larger than that of single-hole orifice over a wide range of
Reynold’s numbers. It is challenge to find out performance of V-Cone Meter for measuring water flow rate.
Whether V-Cone Meter characteristics change as fluid change, it is also a good research. For developing V-
Cone Meter, Beta ratio and maximum diameter of V-Cone Meter is calculated by mathematical calculation.
After getting fundamental dimension of V-Cone Meter, front and back angle is found by CFD software. Various
combination of angles are analyze by keeping other parameter constant (e.g. beta ratio, flow rate, flow rate
constant etc.). Ansys Fluent is used for numerical analysis. Various iterations are done to optimize angles. It also
6th National Conference RDME 2017, 17th- 18th March 2017. 22 | Page
M.E.S. College of Engineering, Pune. 411001 DOI: 10.9790/1684-17010032228
Analysis of Performance of V-CONE Meter with Experimentally and CFD

helps to reduce experimental cost and time. In this paper, V-Cone meter is designed to measure water flow rate
in 100 NB pipe. Flow rate constant (Cd) is found out by numerical and experimental method.


From Fig. 1 [5], it can be seen that the V-Cone Meter upstream tapping is on the wall of the pipe but
the downstream tapping is not on the wall of the pipe but on the back face of the cone on the pipe center line.
This is a radical departure from the traditional DP meter designs and this design gives some significant
performance improvements which will be discussed in chapter two. The different geometry can cause some
engineers to wonder if the V-Cone Meter operates according to a different principle than the traditional DP
meters but this is not so. The governing flow equation for the V-Cone is identical to that of all other DP meters.
From the users point of view all secondary equipment used is exactly the same as would be chosen for any DP
meter. That is the same manifolds, DP transmitters and Flow Computers are used as are used with other DP
meters(with the flow computer requiring the V-cone equation just as it requires the unique equation for any DP
meter).Therefore use of a V-Cone Meter requires no further understanding than that knowledge required to use
any other DP meter.

Fig. 1. General V-Cone Meter 3D View and Flow Direction

All DP meters work according to the principles of the conservation of mass and energy. Depending on
specific DP meter geometries, some of the parameters are calculated in different ways. In V-Cone Meter, water
is flowing along wall of pipe (peripheral side) and in orifice meter, water is flowing from center part of pipe (As
shown in Fig 2) [4]. Due to the different geometry the V-Cone Meter beta ratio is calculated by equation 1.
Where A is the upstream pipe cross sectional area, d inner diameter of orifice, D is the upstream pipe diameter
and dc is the cone diameter.

Fig. 2. Schematic Diagram of Orifice Plate and C-cone meter for Beta Ratio Calculation

Ad d
Traditinal   (1)

6th National Conference RDME 2017, 17th- 18th March 2017. 23 | Page
M.E.S. College of Engineering, Pune. 411001 DOI: 10.9790/1684-17010032228
Analysis of Performance of V-CONE Meter with Experimentally and CFD

Ad d 
V cone   1  c  (2)
A D

A. Volumetric Flow Calculation

Volumetric flow rate equation (eq.2) [7] is basic equation to calculate beta ratio of V-Cone Meter at flowing
C. fvcone
.D2 1
qv  Nvp x x x P
1  4
Fp . f
Dimensions of pipe from which fluid is flowing change with flowing conditions. Dimensions of pipes are
affected by temperature specially (Eq.4).
Beta ratio is very important element of any flow meter. But equation of beta ratio is different for V-Cone Meter
is different than orifice and venturi meter. [11]
To summarize V-Cone Meter, finding out its characteristic for specific application.
Water as fluid, Pipe diameter = 100 N, Inner diameter of pipe, Di = 102.26 mm, Beta ratio = 0.75, Operating
temperature = 27-35 ᵒC, Density at operating temperature = 996 kg/m3.
From Eq.2, Maximum diameter of V-Cone Meter is 67.6 mm

Table 1. Theoretical Differential Pressure for Different Flow Rate for Cd =0.85
ID D qv Delta P Delta p d (fvcone)
Inner Dia, of pipe @

Max. Dia. Of vcone At

Differential Pressure

Differential Pressure
operating condition
Inner Dia. Of pipe

flowing condition
Volume flow rate

mm mm m3/hr kPa mmWC mm

102.26 102.272 125.49 24.587992 2507.2376 67.6
102.26 102.272 125.33 24.525333 2500.8482 67.6
102.26 102.272 125.31 24.517506 2500.0501 67.6
102.26 102.272 116.03 21.020615 2143.4721 67.6
102.26 102.272 115.33 20.767748 2117.6873 67.6
102.26 102.272 100.09 15.641781 1594.9925 67.6
102.26 102.272 99.76 15.538808 1584.4923 67.6
102.26 102.272 88.73 12.292658 1253.4823 67.6
102.26 102.272 88.66 12.27327 1251.5053 67.6
102.26 102.272 72.74 8.2613577 842.41065 67.6
102.26 102.272 72.55 8.2182560 838.01557 67.6
102.26 102.272 60.12 5.6434252 575.46008 67.6
102.26 102.272 60.1 5.6396711 575.07726 67.6

As shown in Table 1, Differential pressure is directly proportional to flow rate. Practically, differential pressure
is measured in millimeter water column (mmWC) in this experimental set up. So at the time of experimentation
DP value in mmWC are required. Conversion is 1kPa=101.971 mmWC.

6th National Conference RDME 2017, 17th- 18th March 2017. 24 | Page
M.E.S. College of Engineering, Pune. 411001 DOI: 10.9790/1684-17010032228
Analysis of Performance of V-CONE Meter with Experimentally and CFD


From beta ratio equation (1), max. Diameter of V-Cone Meter is 67.6 mm. Solid model of V-Cone
Meter is prepared in CATIA software (As shown in Fig. 3). As shown in Fig. 4, all important dimensions of V-
Cone Meter are displayed. Angle ø1 and Angle ø2 are unknown parameters which are finding out by number of
iterations in CFD.

Fig. 3. CAD Model of V-Cone Meter in CATIA V5

Fig 4. Important Dimensions of V-Cone Meter (all dimensions in mm)

Behavior of water flow is analyzed by Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) in ANSYS FLUENT 14.0.
Pressure based solver and Realizable k–ε (RKE) model is suitable for V-Cone Meter analysis. With Boolean
operation water domain is prepared in ANSYS. All water domain is meshed with TETRA elements (number of
elements 386526). After applying all boundary conditions and initial values, differential pressure (DP) are got
for different flow rate.As mentioned in Table 2, differential pressure is decrease as flow rate is decrease. As
shown in Table 3, angles of V-Cone Meter is make impact on DP. As angle changes, behavior of V-Cone Meter
is also changed. After comparing Numerical DP with theoretical DP, DP of V-Cone Meter with angle 20 ᵒ and
80 ᵒ are more close to theoretical value. So, angle 20 ᵒ and 80 ᵒ are selected for further calculations.

Table 2. DP value for actual flow rate value From CFD software.
Flow Rate Flow Rate Velocity Numerical (CFD) DP
m3/hr kg/s m/s Pascal
125.49 34.72 4.24 20665.56
125.33 34.67 4.24 20452.56
125.31 34.67 4.24 20500.96
116.03 32.10 3.92 17551.80
115.33 31.91 3.90 17368.10
100.09 27.69 3.38 13700.16
99.76 27.60 3.37 13281.59
88.73 24.55 3.00 10552.81
88.66 24.53 3.00 10536.83
72.74 20.12 2.46 7271.60
72.55 20.07 2.45 7249.60
60.12 16.63 2.03 5214.10
60.1 16.63 2.03 5214.30

6th National Conference RDME 2017, 17th- 18th March 2017. 25 | Page
M.E.S. College of Engineering, Pune. 411001 DOI: 10.9790/1684-17010032228
Analysis of Performance of V-CONE Meter with Experimentally and CFD

Table 3. Effect of V-Cone Meter Angle on DP

Flow rate in m3/hr 115 100 90
Angle ø1 Angle ø2 Differential Pressure (DP) in CFD (Pa)
25 75 17205 12708 10317
15 75 8611 6430 5265
26 67.5 15675 12046 9550
20 80 17739 13414 10821
Theoretical Differential Pressure (DP) (Pa) 20650 15613 12647


To find out actual effect of V-Cone Meter on DP, experimental analysis is done under actual conditions.
Components of experimental set up (Fig.5) [16]:
1. Constant Head Tank (20 m3) 8. Control (Butterfly) Valve
2. Butterfly Valve 9. Diverter
3. Pressure Transmitter 10. Weigh Tank (5000kg)
4. Temperature Transmitter 11. Weigh Bridge
5. Conditioning Flow Meter 12. Water Reservoir
6. Flow Meter To Be Calibrated 13. Overflow Return Line
7. DP Transmitter 14. Low Pressure Pump (3 nos.)
Calculation for flow rate after experimentation.
1. Calculation of actual flow rate (Qa)
M *3600
Qa  (5)
 *t
Qa is in m3/hr
M= Mass of water flow through pipe in t sec, Kg
t= time, second

Fig. 5. Water Flow Direction in Testing Setup

2. Calculation of theoretical flow (Qt)

2* P
Qt  A * (6)
(1   4 )* 
A= Area through which water is flowing, m2
3. V-cone flow meter constant (Cd)
Cd  (7)

Table 4. Experimental Differential Pressure (DP) Value

Mass of Water Time DP Actual Flow Theoretical Flow Flow meter Constant
Kg Sec Pascal m3/hr m3/hr
1314 37.901 22905.96 125.31 141.815 0.883
1305 37.66 22923.35 125.24 141.87 0.882
1350 38.99 22907.5 125.19 141.82 0.882
1396 40.207 22888.97 125.49 141.76 0.885
1398 40.181 22901.944 125.23 141.8 0.883

6th National Conference RDME 2017, 17th- 18th March 2017. 26 | Page
M.E.S. College of Engineering, Pune. 411001 DOI: 10.9790/1684-17010032228
Analysis of Performance of V-CONE Meter with Experimentally and CFD
1393 37.293 22929.75 125.33 141.89 0.883
1190 35.726 19531.44 115.33 130.95 0.88
1140 38.856 19577.8 116.03 131.5 0.882
1072.5 39.199 14737.11 99.76 113.75 0.877
1085 42.85 14816.81 100.09 114.05 0.877
1052 38.971 11781.9 88.73 101.70 0.872
956 44.634 11763.37 88.66 101.62 0.872
896 44.373 7994.27 72.55 83.78 0.866
893 42.754 8014.66 72.74 83.88 0.867
860 42.754 7955.33 72.7 83.57 0.869
777 46.722 5773.22 60.1 71.19 0.844
829 49.869 5773.19 60.12 71.19 0.844

From equations 4, 5, 6 and experimental readings, flow rate constant is calculated. As in table 3, there is
difference in actual DP and theoretical DP. Flow meter constant value (Cd) is approximately 0.85 for this V-
Cone Meter.

V-Cone Meter is analyzed by theoretical, numerical (CFD) and experimental methods. Differential
pressure (DP) is determined for different flow rates in three different way (as shown in Table 5). Flow rate is
changed from 130 m3/hr to 60 m3/hr range. After all calculations and testing, theoretical results are considered
as datum. CFD simulation shows lower values than other analysis. Theoretical DP is higher at same flow rate.
(As shown in Fig.6).

Table 5. Comparison of Theoretical, Numerical, Experimental DP

Numerical (CFD) Error

Numerical (CFD) DP

Experimental DP
Theoretical DP

Flow Rate

Flow Rate

m3/hr kg/s Pascal % w.r.t. Theoretical DP
125.49 34.72 24587.99 20665.56 22905.65 15.95 6.84
125.33 34.67 24525.33 20452.56 22923.35 16.61 6.53
125.31 34.67 24517.51 20500.96 22907.51 16.38 6.57
116.03 32.10 21020.62 17551.80 20010.45 16.50 4.81
115.33 31.91 20767.74 17368.10 19531.44 16.37 5.95
100.09 27.69 15641.78 13700.16 14816.83 12.41 5.27
99.76 27.60 15538.80 13281.59 14737.11 14.53 5.16
88.73 24.55 12292.65 10552.81 11763.90 14.15 4.30
88.66 24.53 12273.27 10536.83 11763.37 14.15 4.15
72.74 20.12 8261.35 7271.60 7994.27 11.98 3.23
72.55 20.07 8218.25 7249.60 7955.33 11.79 3.20
60.12 16.63 5643.42 5214.10 5773.22 7.61 -2.30
60.1 16.63 5639.67 5214.30 5773.19 7.54 -2.37

Fig. 6. Flow Rate Vs Differential Pressure (DP)

Theoretical differential pressure, Numerical (CFD) differential pressure and experimental differential pressure
(DP) are close for given flow rate.

6th National Conference RDME 2017, 17th- 18th March 2017. 27 | Page
M.E.S. College of Engineering, Pune. 411001 DOI: 10.9790/1684-17010032228
Analysis of Performance of V-CONE Meter with Experimentally and CFD

Optimized geometry of V-Cone Meter is developed to measure water flow. With help of ANSYS
FLUENT (CFD) optimized cone angles are found. i.e. θ1=20ᵒ and θ2 = 80ᵒ. V-Cone Meter shows considerable
changes in differential pressure (DP) according to change in water flow. Optimized beta ratio of V-Cone Meter
is 0.75 for given requirements (100 NB pipe diameter, 1.44 bar input pressure, 130 m3/hr -90 m3/hr water flow).
V-Cone Meter shows good results for measuring water flow rate. Theoretical differential pressure, Numerical
(CFD) differential pressure and experimental differential pressure (DP) are matching farely well, some error is
due to frictional losses and measuring instruments error. For V-Cone Meter, flow meter constant (Cd) for is
constant. From above conclusions, V-Cone Meter can replace traditional DP flow meter (like orifice meter,
venturi meter etc.) for measuring water flow rate.

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6th National Conference RDME 2017, 17th- 18th March 2017. 28 | Page
M.E.S. College of Engineering, Pune. 411001 DOI: 10.9790/1684-17010032228

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