(Characters and Setting) : Setting of The Story Characters in The Story

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NAME: _____________________________________________________ SCORE: ________

March 8, 2021 (MONDAY) 8:00 – 11:30AM



The Setting of the story refers to the geographic location (places or scene) and time
within a narrative.
Characters in the story refer to the persons or animals around which the story

The Setting makes the story vivid and interesting. Usually, the setting is not said directly,
instead, clues are given for the readers to infer. In some stories, however, the setting can change.
Time may not be described directly and can move back and forth. The place where the scene is
happening can be change abruptly.
While Characters in the story refers to the persons, animals, beings, creatures, or things
around which the story revolves. Writers are use characters to perform the action and speak
dialogue, moving the story along a plotline. Characters are also an important element in
There are some traits of the characters in a story are shown in various ways:
1. Through the author’s use of descriptive words about the characters.
2. By the actions of the characters themselves.
3. By the words coming from the other characters or the narrator in the story.

Activity 1: Identify the proper noun in the following sentences. Write your answers on the
blank before the number.
________________________________1. Ryan went to the market.
________________________________2. The latest iPhone were missing.
________________________________3. The group of girls was having fun in SM City
________________________________4. Mrs. Reyes cared for the babies throughout
the day.
________________________________5. He likes to go swimming in Pansol.
________________________________6. Mary Anne got a rash and an allergy.
________________________________7. After a rainy day,Mr. Johnson checked the
electricity box.
________________________________8. There were dolphins and sea lions at Ocean
________________________________9. My classmates are living in Lecheria Hill.
________________________________10. Mimi’s height and talent helped her to win the

Activity 2: Solve each problem and write its corresponding letter. This will form
for words that you will be learning.
Read and understand the story.

The Angel
by Hans Christian Andersen

“Whenever a good child dies, an angel of God comes down from heaven, takes the dead
child in his arms, and flies with him over all the places the child had loved during his life. Then
he gathers a handful flowers, which he carries up to the Almighty that they bloom more brightly
in heaven than they do on earth. And God presses the flowers to His heart, but He kisses the
flower that pleases Him best, and it receives a voice, and is able to join the song of the chorus of
The flower grew beautifully, rose-bush, but some wicked hand had broken the stem. The
dead child said, “That was so pitiful! Let us take it to heaven in God’s garden so that it will grow
there.” The angel took up the rosebush; then he kissed the child, and the little one half opened
eyes. The angel also picked some beautiful flowers, as well as a few humble buttercups and
heart’s-ease. "Now we have more flowers," said the child; the angel only nodded, and he did not
fly upward to heaven.
It was quite still in the middle of night in this great town. They remained still and the
angel came over a small, narrow street. There are dirty plates, pieces of plaster, rags, old hats,
and other things that is not good to see. In all this confusion, the angel pointed to the pieces of a
broken flowerpot. The earth had been kept from falling flowerpot and to a lump of earth which
had fallen out of it. The earth had been kept from falling to pieces by the roots of a withered
field-flower, which had been thrown by the rubbish.
The angel said, “We will take this with us, I will tell you why as we fly.” And
as they flew the angel started to tell a story.
"Down in that narrow alley, in a low cellar, lived a poor sick boy; he had been troubled
from his childhood, and even in his best days he could just manage walk up and down the room
on crutches once or twice, but no more. Some days in summer, the sunbeams would lie on the
floor of the cellar for about half an hour. In this spot the poor sick boy would sit and warming
himself in the sunshine. Then he would say he had been out, they knew nothing of the green
forest in its spring verdure, till a neighbor’s son brought him a green bough from a beech-tree.
This he would place over his head, and fancy that he was in the beech-wood while sun shone,
and birds caroled gayly. One day the neighbor’s boy brought him some field-flowers, and among
them was one to which the root still adhered.
This he carefully planted by a fortunate hand, for it grew, put forth fresh shoots, and
blossomed every year. It became a splendid flower-garden to the sick boy, and his little treasure
upon earth. He watered it, and cherished it, and took care of it. It should have the benefit of every
sunbeam that found its way into the cellar, from the earliest morning ray to the evening sunset.
The flower entwined itself even in his dreams, for him it bloomed, for him it spread its perfume.
And it gladdened his eyes and to the flower he turned when the Lord called him. He has been
one year with God. The flower has stood in the window, withered, and forgotten. Even this
flower, withered and faded as it is, it gave more real joy than the most beautiful flower in the
Queen’s garden,”
"But why do you know this?" he asked. "I knew it, because I ‘am the sick little boy and I
know my own flower very well," said the Angel.
Then the child opened his eyes and investigated the glorious happy face of the angel, and
at the same moment they found themselves in God's Heaven where all is happiness and joy. The
Almighty pressed the child to His chest, and he received white wings, so they can fly together
with the angels, hand in hand. After that, God pressed all the flowers to His heart, but He kissed
the poor withered flower. All were supremely happy, and they all graciously sang, the God
blessed child and the withered field flower that had lain so long in the rubbish heap in the
narrow, dark alley.

Activity 3: Answer the following questions and name the characters in the given story.
Write your answers on the blank before the number.

_____________________ 1. Whenever a good child dies, who comes down from

_____________________ 2. Who sends an angel to takes the dead child?
_____________________ 3. One spring day, who brought some field flowers to the
little boy?
_____________________ 4. In the said story of the angel, who is the poor sick little
boy that had been bedridden since his childhood?
_____________________ 5. Who takes the angel by his arms and flies with him all
over the place?


Write you answer here.

1. ________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________
3. ________________________________________________
4. ________________________________________________
5. ________________________________________________

God Helps Those Who Help Themselves
By Anita A. Bagabaldo
Ching and Lu were brothers. They lived in a four-storey building with many other
One early dawn in August 1968, the brothers were fall asleep in their room. Suddenly,
they were awakened by the strong shaking of the building. Both brothers knew instantly that
there was a strong earthquake. In a second, they found themselves buried under tons of bricks,
cement and wood.
Ching and Lu could hardly move. “Come, Lu,” Ching said. “Let us try to get out.”
“How can I when I can hardly move?” whispered Lu. “Try, dear brother, and pray,” Ching
said. But Lu did not move. On the other hand, Ching tried to get out of the mounds of rocks and
wood. He prayed to God to help. Later he touched the side of a wall. He got a piece of rock and
tried to pound on it with all his might.
“A Miracle!” cried Ching as he heard someone pounding outside the wall. “They heard me
at last! I’ll be saved.”
After long hours of waiting, Ching saw a hole on the wall. Soon he felt strong hands
drawing him out of the wall. Ching was saved. But Lu could not save anymore. Help came too
late for Lu. He died along with hundreds of people who buried in the building by the strong
quake that August dawn. Many people were saved. Like Ching, they believed that God would
not forsake them if they helped themselves. God helped them indeed.

Activity 7: Find and encircle the settings and characters of the story from the

crossword puzzle below. Write your answer in the blank below.

1. ___________________________________ 6. ___________________________________
2. ___________________________________ 7. ___________________________________
3. ___________________________________ 8. ___________________________________
4. ___________________________________ 9. ___________________________________
5. ___________________________________ 10. ___________________________________

Once upon a time, there was a young man from Bucharest who had just finished
university. He was proud of his knowledge and smarts, and so decided to leave the big city and
make his way teaching peasants in the countryside. Immediately, he was met with difficulties.
He found that people didn’t take too kindly to being considered more stupid than he, for he was
twenty-two and most of the people that he meet were much older.
If he was to teach them, he would have proved that he was smarter. Feeling confident of
his powers, he made a wager with a peasant. If the peasant couldn’t answer the educated man’s
question then the peasant would have to hand over three Lei. The educated man chuckled to
himself. “This is going to be easy money.” The entire village gathered to witness the quiz. The
educated man asked the first question, “What is the capital of England?” The peasant answered,
“I don’t know. I will give you three Lei.” “London.” The people gasped; they were impressed.
The educated man pocketed the money and asked a second question, “What moves very fast but
doesn’t look like it is moving at all?” The peasant answered, “I don’t know. I will give you three
Lei.” “The earth.” The educated man pocketed the money and asked a third question, “What
goes up in the day and down at night?” The peasant answered, “I don’t know. I will give you
three Lei.”
The educated man had taken from the peasant a total of nine Lei. Now the peasant was
poor and his wife started to cry. However, at his turn, the peasant also wished to ask the educated
man a question but if he could not answer it, he would have to hand over thousand Lei to the
peasant. The educated man quickly agreed and thought to himself. “This surely a fool!”
“What goes in the morning with two legs, at noon with four legs and in the evening with
six legs?” There was a long silence and everyone was staring at the educated man. He searched
his brain for a long time but to no avail. He did not know the answer and had a choice but to
hand over five thousand Lei, which was everything he had. Afterwards, the educated man was
curious and so asked, “So what goes in the morning with two legs, at noon with four and in the
evening with six?” The peasant answered, “I don’t know. I will give you three Lei.”

Activity 8: Enumerate at least three (3) characters from the given story. (In any order)

1. _____________________________
2. _____________________________
3. _____________________________

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