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Mohamad ridhwan bin zahri (DF180126) | BFC10502 | ASSIGNMENTS TIMBER

Q1. List four advantages and disadvantages of wood application in construction.

Advantages of wood construction

1. Simplicity of construction.
The wood beams, joists, and studs can be cut to size onsite and, unlike some other
construction materials, no heavy equipment is required.
2. Speed of construction.
While the frame is generally built on site, some elements can be prefabricated allowing
for greater control of details and less time in construction.
3. Sustainability.
Wooden buildings are, unlike concrete and steel ones, made from a renewable resource
and one that is especially abundant in North America: trees.
4. Insulation.
Compared to other materials like glass, concrete, and steel, wood has low-thermal
conductivity—in other words, it retains heat and makes for a more energy efficient home.

Disadvantages of wood construction.

1. Wood rot.
While huge advances have been made in the treatment of wood to extend its life span, it
still remains more subject to rot than concrete. Mold and mildew can also be concerns
with wood construction, though they can also be avoided if attention is paid to moisture
control, properly sealing windows, and taking other preventative measures.
2. Structural limitations.
Wood is an excellent choice for many traditional houses, especially those in a timber
frame style. Some design features found in more contemporary houses, however, like
cantilevered elements or large windows, can be difficult to achieve relying on wood
frame construction. Concrete and steel structures may be more appropriate choices for
some contemporary home designs.
3. Fire risks.
The application of fire retardants and the installation of sprinkler systems can limit the
risk of fire in completed wood-frame buildings, but builders should be aware of the fire
hazards in the early stages of construction, when the wood frame is largely exposed and
4. Building code limitations.
While the International Code Council has become more accepting of wood construction,
in general these buildings still cannot be as tall as others. Recent changes to building
codes have, however, created more alternatives. For example, a 2015 update allows for
construction of wood structures atop concrete podiums, allowing mostly wood
constructions to reach new heights.

Q3. Give detail explanation in timber standard testing



Wood is a natural material, renewable and abundant in Brazil. The called “Amazônia Legal”
is approximately five millions square kilometres long, which corresponds to 59% of the
Brazilian territory. The rain forest covers around 63% of this area. The proper use of the
wood ensures the forest recovery, ensuring a continuous supply [1, 2].

As an engineering material wood is used in roof structures, frames, floors and finishing in
Brazil. Besides that, it is used in the execution phase of buildings in construction sites,
scaffolding, palisade hoarding and formwork. Nevertheless, the industry lacks consolidated
information regarding the quality and performance of Brazilian wood species, which leads to
its irrational use. Despite the advantages of the use of wood as a construction material, in
Brazil it is not widely used. Due to the tradition, reinforced concrete and steel structures are
more used in the constructions of the country. Furthermore, the disregard for timber comes
from the lack of information and the misuse of the material, mostly due to the lack of
emphasis given to its applications in engineering and architecture courses.
Figure 1: Wooden Beam after the Fracture

Figure 2: Load is being applied on wooden bean in 10ton Buckton UTM


1. First of all measure the breath and height of the wooden sample through the measuring

2. Fix the wooden beam sample in 10 ton Buckton UTM.

3. Fix the dial gauges under the beam as shown figure the figure above, according to the
distances shown.

4. Now apply the load gradually on the beam and note down the amount of deflection against
each loading.

5. Note down all the deflection up to failure of specimen and finally find the Modulus of
Elasticity, Modulus of Rupture from their respective formulae.

1. Apply the loads gradually so that we can read the deflection against each reading easily.

2. Remove the gauges before the failure load, otherwise they may get damages.



In manufacturing locomotive wheels, coins, connecting rods etc. the components are
subjected to impact (shock) loads. These loads are applied suddenly. The stress induced in
these components are many times more than the stress produced by gradual loading.
Therefore, impact tests are performed to asses shock absorbing capacity of materials
subjected to suddenly applied loads. These capabilities are expressed as (i) Rupture energy
(ii) Modulus of rupture and (iii) Notch impact strength.

Two types of notch impact tests are commonly-

1. Charpy test

2. Izod test

In Izod test, the specimen is placed as ‘cantilever beam’. The specimens have V-shaped notch
of 45°. U-shaped notch is also common. The notch is located on tension side of specimen
during impact loading. Depth of notch is generally taken as t/5 to t/3 where ‘t’ is thickness of
the specimen.


Its specifications along-with their typical values are as follows:

· Impact capacity = 164 joule

· Least count of capacity (dial) scale = 2 joule

· Weight of striking hammer = 18.7 kg.

· Swing diameter of hammer = 1600 mm.

· Angle of hammer before striking = 90°

· Distance between supports = 40 mm.

· Striking velocity of hammer = 5.6m /sec.

· Specimen size = 75x10x10 mm.

· Type of notch = V-notch

• Angle of notch = 45°

· Depth of notch = 2 mm.

Two types of notch impact tests are commonly-

1. Charpy test
2. Izod test


To study the Impact Testing m/c and Perform Izod impact test.


Impact testing m/c, Izod test specimens of mild steel, Aluminium, Vernier caliper, specimen
setting fixture.

1. Lift the hammer to an appropriate knife edge position and notch the energy stored in the
hammer. For the standard Izod test the energy stored should be 164j.

2. Locate the test specimen on the m/c supports.

3. Release the hammer. The hammer will break the piece and shoot up the other side of the

4. Note the residual energy indicated on the scale by the hammer.

5. Impact strength of the test specimen is the difference of the initial energy stored in hammer
and the residual energy.


· Modulus of rupture = Rupture / Effective volume of specimen

· Notch impact strength = Absorb energy / Effective cross section area


1. The specimen should be prepared in proper dimensions.

2. Take reading more frequently.

3. Make the loose pointer in contact with the fixed pointer after setting the pendulum.

4. Do not stand in front of swinging hammer or releasing hammer.

5. Place the specimen proper position.

Q5. Differentiates the differences between heart, cup and star shake.

Types of shakes in Timber Explanations

Heart Shakes in Timber Heart shakes occur in the center of a
cross-section of timber due to the
shrinkage of the interior part of a tree,
which is approaching toward its
maturity. It divides the tree in cross-
sectional way into two to four pieces.
Star Shake in Timber Star shake cracks start from the bark and
extend toward the sapwood. It is usually
confined up to the plane of sapwood.
These cracks are more extensive on the
extreme ends and get narrower on the
inside ends. Star shake cracks are
typically formed during the growth of
the tree.
Cup Shakes in Timber Cup shakes are caused by the rupture of
tissue in a circular direction. It is a
curved crack, and it separates partly one
annual ring from the other developing
one due to non-uniform growth or due to
excessive bending of a growing tree
during a cyclonic weather. It may prove
to be harmful if it covers only a portion
of the ring.

Q6. State the types of knot in tree and briefly give the causes.

Tight Knots

As a tree grows and increases the circumference of its trunk, the growing trunk begins to
overtake the branches that grow out from it. Knots form around these branches, building up
trunk material as the tree continues to expand. Since the branches are still growing as they are
overtaken by the trunk, the knot that forms is solid and contains living wood throughout. The
wood of the knot is typically tougher than the surrounding wood and may form a bulge
around the branch emerging from its centre.

Loose Knots

If a branch becomes injured or otherwise dies while still attached to the tree, a loose knot
forms as the trunk grows larger. Loose knots are similar to tight knots, but instead of having
living wood in the centre of the knot there is only a dark plug of dead or decaying material.
The material in the centre of the knot is generally loose and can often be removed, leaving an
empty hole in the trunk surrounded by toughened trunk wood.
Q8. As an engineer, give the opinion the application of timber and concrete in construction.

In my opinion, forest is one the most priceless things on earth, especially

construction-grade timber and engineered forest products. Timbers are one of the
most valuable products from trees. Meanwhile, Concrete is a manmade material that
can be sealed, stamped or cut for various decorative or construction purposes whereas
timber is a natural product of nature and needs to be painted, polished or sealed for
longevity. Both of the materials are used for the various construction purposes such as
laying the foundations of the house or for the flooring purposes etc. Concrete can hold
direct contact of water and resist whereas timber can be damaged when it comes in
contact with water. Timber wood for the construction purposes is cut or no need bars
whereas concrete is reinforced with steel rods and bars to be used as a construction
material. Timber suits various types of weather conditions for just any type of
structure. Concrete is used in conjunction with ironwork for strength and has low
tensile strength. Timber can be very flexible and can keep strength when compressed
or bent but concrete is rigid. Timber house reinforced with steel is the best choice of
material for construction purposes in earthquake zones.

Reinforced concrete is much cheaper than timber. It is used for supporting the
structures. Concrete structures and constructions are superior to timber frame. Timber
is much lighter in weight as compared to concrete but concrete has better insulation
properties and has a high thermal storage capacity as compared to timber. Concrete
homes retain heat and radiate. Timber when used for decking may become slippery
whereas concrete is less slippery and would not warp or buckle. Concrete has more
longevity as compared to timber. The common characteristics of concrete are
cracking, misalign and colouring whereas timber surface can blemish, crack and
hairline cracks may sometimes appear. In the nutshell, both concrete and timber has
their own pros and cons. It’s depended on what building that will be build.

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