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Dear editor, I saw your advertisement which was published in your newspaper. i got interested in it.

would like to say that it is suitable for me. I would like to say that there is not enough information about
some specifics, I would be grateful if you tell me about these.

Firstly, could you tell me exactly where the south Caucasus summer camp is located? Then, I know that
your course offers a variety of cultural activities, but I would know what kind of activities exactly? And
finally, you wrote that the camp starts in mid june but you did not mention about it exactly, so I would
be grateful if you inform me about it faithfully.

Thank you in advance for your help. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Many people claim that grades encourage students to learn. This issue is arguable and let me examine it
in details.

Firstly, let us take a look at question who is a good student? From my point of view, a good student
does not study for grades. She/he is clever, determined, hardworking, confident, has a goal and does
everything to reach the goal. To say briefly, does his/her best.

The research has found that, that kind of students do not care about grades, because their demanding
from life is more than a grade at school. For instance, if someone wants to become physicist and does
not know history that will not obstacles her/his career.

On the other hand, there are students for whom grades are important. A grade encourages them and
gives motivation. They try to improve their knowledge to get higher mark,

Anyway, do grades encourage students to study? most of the students are encouraged by grades. that’s
why grades are important and teachers had better to write it honestly.

In conclusion. There are students who are super determined and they are not affected by grade but
every normal student need a grade, which define their level of knowledge.

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