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 Access was required to the topmost strake of the methane
V-Deck™ tank (33m high) to undertake maintenance around the full
achieved perimeter (33.5m) of the tank.

what no V-Deck™ Solution

other access  The V-Deck™ was used as a work positioning platform as the
time to install the side containment was not considered
product could useful as the works were being carried out by rope access
do ... technicians.

58m² of
huge time & V-Deck™ Scaffold Saving
1.5kN/m² UDL
cost savings
Shifts 4 installers 8 installers
Install & Dismantle 5 Shifts 15 Shifts
“ Platform Weight
1.3t 115t 98.8%
Velo Tech Systems Limited

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